Publications: Racist hate crime


Gelber, K. & McNamara, L., 'Evidencing the harms of hate speech' (2015), Social Identities, pp.1-18
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Geldenhuys, J. & Kelly-Louw, M., 'Hate Speech and Racist Slurs in the South African Context: Where to Start?' (2020), Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 23, pp. 1-46
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Gibson, R., 'Does the perception of discrimination impact Asian American boundaries? An analysis of group threat and closure ideology' (2021), Ethnic and Racial Studies [online]
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Godinet, M.T. & Stotzer, R., 'Juvenile perpetrators of race/ethnicity-based bias crimes' (2017), Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 15(1), pp.21-35
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Goel, S., Rao, J.M. & Shroff, R., 'Precinct or prejudice? Understanding racial disparities in New York city’s stop-and-frisk policy' (2016), Annals of Applied Statistics, 10(1), pp.365-394
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Goldberg, D.T., 'Racial Europeanization' (2006), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 29(2), pp.331-364
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González-Baquero, W., Amores, J.J. & Arcila-Calderón, C., 'From Belief to Hate. An Analysis of the Beliefs That Support the Hate Speech Towards Migrants and Refugees Spread on Twitter from the Theory of Reasoned Action' (2022), Tripodos, (53)
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Goodall, K., 'Incitement to religious hatred: All talk and no substance?' (2007), Modern Law Review, 70(1), pp.89-113
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Goodall, K., 'Conceptualising ‘racism’ in criminal law' (2013), Legal Studies, 33(2), pp.214-238
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Goodey, J., 'Racist violence in Europe: Challenges for official data collection' (2007), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30(4), pp.570-589
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Gordon, S.L., 'Interweaving xenophobia and racism in South Africa: the impact of racial discrimination on anti-immigrant hate violence among people of colour' (2022), South African Journal of Psychology [online]
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Gostkova, D., Kostyuk, M. & Kunts, E., 'Legal Problems of Using ‘Extremist Motives’ in Crimes Against Life and Health' (2018), Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics 9(3), pp.949-955
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Gould, E.D. & Klor, E.F., 'The long-run effect of 9/11: Terrorism, backlash, and the assimilation of Muslim immigrants in the West' (2015), Economic Journal
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Gover, A.R., Harper, S.B. & Langton, L., 'Anti-Asian Hate Crime During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring the Reproduction of Inequality' (2020), American Journal of Criminal Justice [online]
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Grange, K., 'What’s the future for planning in a time of democratic retreat, white supremacy and silence' (2023), European Planning Studies [online]
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Gray, A., 'Racial vilification and freedom of speech in Australia and elsewhere' (2012), Common Law World Review, 41(2), pp.167-195
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Gray, C. & Hansen, K., 'Did Covid-19 Lead to an Increase in Hate Crimes Toward Chinese People in London?' (2021), Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice [online]
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Greason, D., 'Australia’s racist far-right' (1997), in Cunneen, C., Fraser, D. & Tomsen, S. (eds.) Faces of Hate: Hate Crime in Australia. Sydney: Hawkins Press.

Greason, D., '“Look mum, no shirt”: Media representations of young Nazis' (1997), in Bessant, J. & Hill, R. (eds.) Youth, Crime and the Media: Media Representation of and Reaction to Young People in relation to Law and Order. ACYS Publishing.

Green, D.P. & Rich, A., 'White supremacist activity and crossburnings in North Carolina' (1998), Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 14(3), pp.263-282
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Green, D.P., Strolovitch, D.Z. & Wong, J.S., 'Defended neighbourhoods, integration, and racially motivated crime' (1998), American Journal of Sociology, 104(2), pp.372-403
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Greif, G.L., 'Long-term interracial and interethnic marriages: What can be learned about how spouses deal with negativity from others' (2023), Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work [online]
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Grewal, I., 'Racial sovereignty and ‘shooter’ violence: Oak Creek massacre, normative citizenship and the state' (2013), Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory, 9(2), pp.187-197
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Grillo, R., '‘Saltdean can’t cope’: Protests against asylum-seekers in an English seaside suburb' (2005), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 28(2), pp.235-260
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Grosholz, J.M. & Pieri, Z.P., '“A Skinhead at Heart with a Hate-Filled Mind”: Understanding the Themes Present in the White Power Music Scene' (2020), Studies in Conflict and Terrorism [online]
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Gui, J., Kono, S., He, Y. & Noels, K.A., 'Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction in Leisure and Academics of Chinese International Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2023), Leisure Sciences [online]
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Gunadi, C., 'The Legacy of Slavery on Hate Crime in the United States' (2019), Research in Economics [online]
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Guntarik, O. & Grieve-Williams, V. (Eds.), 'From Sit-Ins to #revolutions: Media and the Changing Nature of Protests' (2024), New York: Bloomsbury
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Gupta, V., Ponsam, J.G. & Vangavarapu, C., 'Racial Slur detection using Natural Language Processes' (2023), Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Discovery in Concurrent Engineering, ICECONF 2023
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Haeny, A.M., Holmes, S.C., Woerner, J., Hicks, T.A., Ahuja, M., Overstreet, C., Amstadter, A. & Sartor, C.E., 'The Associations of Racial Discrimination and Neighborhood Disadvantage With World Assumptions Among Black, Latine, and Asian Young Adults' (2022), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Hage, G., 'Evil white nationalists 1: The function of the hand in the execution of nationalist practices' (1998), in White Nation: Fantasies of White Supremacy in a Multicultural Society. Pluto Press

Hagerlid, H., 'Discursive Constructions of Race and Gender in Racial Hate Crime Targeting Women in Sweden' (2022), NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research [online]
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Haimson, O.L., Delmonaco, D., Nie, P. & Wegner, A., 'Disproportionate Removals and Differing Content Moderation Experiences for Conservative, Transgender, and Black Social Media Users: Marginalization and Moderation Gray Areas' (2021), Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW2), 466
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Hall, N., 'Pro-active anti-racism' (2006), Police Professional, 49, pp.21-24

Hall, E., Clayton, J. & Donovan, C. (Eds.), 'Landscapes of Hate: Tracing Spaces, Relations and Responses' (2022), Bristol: Bristol University Press
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Hall, N., Grieve, J. & Savage, S. (eds.), 'Policing and the legacy of Lawrence' (2009), Willan Publishing.

Halpin, M., Richard, N., Preston, K., Gosse, M. & Maguire, F., 'Men who hate women: The misogyny of involuntarily celibate men' (2023), New Media and Society [online]
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Hamby, S., 'On the use of race and ethnicity as variables in violence research' (2015), Psychology of Violence, 5(1), pp.1-7
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Hamman, P. & Frank, C., 'The EU’s racial equality directive and the evolution of discourse in the field of the fight against discrimination. A comparison between France, the UK and Spain' (2015), Sociological Research Online, 20(2), pp.
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Han, C., Seering, J., Kumar, D., Hancock, J.T. & Durumeric, Z., 'Hate Raids on Twitch: Echoes of the Past, New Modalities, and Implications for Platform Governance' (2023), Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CSCW1), 133
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Han, W., 'Hate crime in a traditionally homogeneous society: Factors associated with fear of hate crime against racial/ethnic minorities in South Korea' (2024), International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 76, 100651
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Hanes, E. & Machin, S., 'Hate crime in the wake of terror attacks: Evidence from 7/7 and 9/11' (2014), Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 30(3), pp.247-267
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Hansen, K.L., 'Ethnic discrimination and health: The relationship between experienced ethnic discrimination and multiple health domains in Norway’s rural Sami population' (2015), International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 74, Article Number 25125
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Hardy, J., 'Thematic analysis of in-group and out-group debates in an online right-wing extremist community' (2023), Research and Politics, 10(1)
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Haynes, A., Schweppe, J., & Taylor, S., 'Critical perspectives on hate crime: Contributions from the island of Ireland' (2017), London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
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He, B., Ziems, C., Soni, S., Ramakrishnan, N., Yang, D. & Kumar, S., 'Racism is a virus: Anti-Asian hate and counterspeech in social media during the COVID-19' (2021), Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2021, pp. 90-94
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He, L., Zhou, W., He, M., Nie, X. & He, J., 'Openness and COVID-19 induced xenophobia: The roles of trade and migration in sustainable development' (2021), PLoS ONE, 16(4 April), e0249579
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Heath, R.L. & Waymer, D., 'Standing their ground: Southern white hegemonic defense of place through camouflaged narrative continuity' (2022), Public Relations Review, 102209 [online]
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Heikkilä, N., 'Race in the cultural politics of the civil rights-era Ku Klux Klan' (2020), in A. Helo & M. Saikku (Eds.) An Unfamiliar America: Essays in American Studies (pp. 178-192), London & New York: Routledge
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Heinz, A., 'The roots of America’s anti-Asian violence' (2021), Current History, 120(827), pp. 246-249
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