Publications: Reporting hate crime


Alamgir, A., '“We are struggling to seek justice”: a study of the criminal justice system and transgender experiences in Pakistan' (2024), International Journal of Transgender Health [online]
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Baker, D.J. & Britton, T., 'Hate Crimes and Black College Student Enrollment' (2024), Education Finance and Policy, 19(2), pp. 187–217
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Balboni, J. M. & McDevitt, J., 'Hate crime reporting: Understanding police officer perceptions, departmental protocol, and the role of the victim: Is there such a thing as a “love” crime?' (2001), Justice Research and Policy, 3(1), pp.1-27
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Bartle, E.E., 'Lesbians and hate crimes' (2000), Journal of Poverty, 4(4), pp.23-43
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Baugut, P., 'Advocating for Minority Inclusion: How German Journalists Conceive and Enact Their Roles When Reporting on Antisemitism' (2021), Journalism Studies [online]
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Bell, J., 'Deciding when hate is a crime: The first amendment, police detectives and the identification of hate crime' (2002), Rutgers Race and the Law Review, 4(1), pp.33-76
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Botcherby, S., Glen, F., Iganski, P., Jochelson, K. & Lagou, S., 'Equality groups’ perceptions and experience of crime: Analysis of the British Crime Survey 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10' (2011), Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission.
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Briones-Robinson, R., Powers, R.A. & Socia, K.M., 'Sexual orientation bias crimes: Examination of reporting, perception of police bias, and differential police response' (2016), Criminal Justice and Behavior, 43(12), pp.1688-1709
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Bunar, N., 'Hate crimes against immigrants in Sweden and community responses' (2007), American Behavioral Scientist, 51(2), pp.166-181
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Burnap, P. & Williams, M.L., 'Us and them: Identifying cyber hate on Twitter across multiple protected characteristics' (2016), EPJ Data Science, 5(1)
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Camden Council, '“Camden: No place for hate”: An executive summary report on hate crime in Camden' (2015)
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Canan, S.N., Denniston-Lee, J. & Jozkowski, K.N., 'Descriptive Data of Transgender and Nonbinary People’s Experiences of Sexual Assault: Context, Perpetrator Characteristics, and Reporting Behaviors' (2023), LGBT Health [online]
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Carr, J., 'Recording and reporting racist hate crime: Police and civil society responses' (2017), in A. Haynes, J. Schweppe, & S. Taylor (Eds.), Critical perspectives on hate crime (pp.369-391). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
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CEJI, 'Facing facts: Mapping report on hate crime monitoring training' (2014)
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Chakraborti, N., 'Crimes against the ‘Other’: Conceptual, operational and empirical challenges for hate studies' (2010), Journal of Hate Studies, 8(1), pp.9-28
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Chakraborti, N., 'Hate crime: Concepts, policy and future directions' (2010), Devon: Willan Publishing

Chakraborti, L. & Stevie-Jade, H., 'Healing the harms: Identifying how best to support hate crime victims' (2016), University of Leicester: The Centre for Hate Studies
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Chaudhari, S., Chaudhari, P., Fegade, P., Kulkarni, A. & Patil, R., 'Hate Speech and Abusive Language Suspect Identification and Report Generation' (2019), International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 8(11), pp. 1609-1611
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Christmann, K. & Wong, K., 'Hate crime victims and hate crime reporting: Some impertinent questions' (2010), in Chakraborti, N. (ed.) (2010) Hate Crime: Concepts, policy, future directions, Devon: Willan Publishing

Clayton, J., Donovan, C. & Macdonald, S.J., 'A critical portrait of hate crime/incident reporting in North East England: The value of statistical data and the politics of recording in an age of austerity' (2016), Geoforum, 75, pp. 64–74
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Close, C.M., Bosqui, T., O'Reilly, D., Donnelly, M. & Kouvonen, A., 'Migrant mental health and representation in routine administrative registers' (2018), International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 14(1), pp.82-95
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Coester, M. & Rossner, D., 'Racism and xenophobia and the prevention of bias crimes in Germany: Results from a nationwide task group' (2007), in Parmentier, S. & Weitekamp, E. (eds.) Crime and Human Rights: Series in Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. JAI Press

Colic-Peisker, V. & Tilbury, F., 'Being Black in Australia: A case study of intergroup relations' (2008), Race and Class, 49(4), pp.38-56
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College of Policing, 'Hate crime operational guide' (2014)
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Collins, J., 'Immigrants as victims of crime and criminal justice discourse in Australia' (2007), International Review of Victimology, 14(1), pp.57-79
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Craig, K.M. & Waldo, C.R., '“So, what’s a hate crime anyway?” Young adults’ perceptions of hate crimes, victims, and perpetrators' (1996), Law and Human Behaviour, 20(2), pp.113-129
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Criminal Justice Degree Hub, 'The alarming patterns of hate crime in America (infographic)' (2015)
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Cronin, S., McDevitt, J., Farrell, A., & Nolan, J.J., 'Bias-crime reporting: Organizational responses to ambiguity, uncertainty, and infrequency in eight police departments' (2007), American Behavioral Scientist, 51(2), pp.213-225,227-231
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CST & Tell MAMA, 'Hate crime: A guide for those affected' (2017), Community Security Trust, Tell MAMA, The Crown Prosecution Service and the Department for Communities and Local Government
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Cuerden, G. & Rogers, C., 'Exploring race hate crime reporting in Wales following Brexit' (2017), Review of European Studies, 9(1), pp.158-164
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Culotta, K. A., 'Why victims hate to report: Factors affecting victim reporting in hate crime cases in Chicago' (2005), Kriminologija & Socijalna Integracija, 13(2), pp.15-27
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Davani, A.M., Yeh, L., Atari, M., Kennedy, B., Portillo-Wightman, G., Gonzalez, E., Delong, N., Bhatia, R., Mirinjian, A., Ren, X. & Dehghani, M., 'Reporting the Unreported: Event Extraction for Analyzing the Local Representation of Hate Crimes' (2019), EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 - 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 5753-5757
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Decker, M.R., Holliday, C.N., Hameeduddin, Z., Shah, R., Miller, J., Dantzler, J. & Goodmark, L., '“You Do Not Think of Me as a Human Being”: Race and Gender Inequities Intersect to Discourage Police Reporting of Violence against Women' (2019), Journal of Urban Health [online]
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Donovan, C., Clayton, J., & Macdonald, S. J., '‘New Directions in Hate Reporting Research: Agency, Heterogeneity and Relationality’' (2019), Sociological Research Online, 24(2), pp. 185–202
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Eastman, K., 'Problems with evidence in hate speech cases' (2007), in Gelber, K. & Stone, A. (eds.) Hate Speech and Freedom of Speech in Australia. The Federation Press.

Equality and Human Rights Commission, 'Hidden in plain sight: Inquiry into disability-related harassment' (2011)
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Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), 'Race rights in the UK – Submission to the UN Committee on the elimination of racial discrimination in advance of the public examination of the UK’s implementation of ICERD' (2016)
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Erentzen, C. & Schuller, R., 'Exploring the dark figure of hate: Experiences with police bias and the under-reporting of hate crime' (2020), Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 62(2), pp. 64-97
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Feddes, A.R. & Jonas, K.J., 'Associations Between Dutch LGBT Hate Crime Experience, Well-Being, Trust in the Police and Future Hate Crime Reporting' (2020), Social Psychology [online]
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Fitch-Bartlett, H.C. & Healy, J., 'Evaluating hate crime third party reporting services: perspectives from voluntary advisors' (2022), Safer Communities, 21(3), pp. 215-225
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Ford, C.L., Amani, B., Harawa, N.T., Akee, R., Gee, G.C., Sarrafzadeh, M., Abotsi-Kowu, C., Fazeli, S., Le, C., Nwankwo, E., Zamanzadeh, D., Ovalle, A. & Ponder, M.L., 'Adequacy of existing surveillance systems to monitor racism, social stigma and covid inequities: A detailed assessment and recommendations' (2021), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(24), 13099
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García Domínguez, I. & Vander Beken, T., 'Aporophobic and Homeless Victimisation—the Case of Ghent' (2023),
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GATE Hertfordshire , 'Recognise, report, resolve – Everyday hatred against GRT communities' (2018), Goldsmiths, University of London
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Gatehouse, C., Wood, M., Briggs, J., Pickles, J. & Lawson, S., 'Troubling vulnerability: Designing with LGBT young people’s ambivalence towards hate crime reporting' (2017), CHI 2018 - 2018 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 21st - 26th April 2018, Montréal, Canada
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George, A., 'Hate crimes against lesbians and gay men in New South Wales: Accumulated knowledge of victimisation via five reports' (2008), (Paper presented at the Law and Society Association Australia and New Zealand (LSAANZ) Conference –‘W(h)ither Human Rights?’, University of Sydney, 10-12 December 2008)

Girardi, R., '‘It’s easy to mistrust police when they keep on killing us’: A queer exploration of police violence and LGBTQ+ victimization' (2021), Journal of Gender Studies [online]
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Goodey, J., 'Racist violence in Europe: Challenges for official data collection' (2007), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30(4), pp.570-589
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Grasso, J.C., Jenness, V. & Vogler, S., 'Understanding the context for police avoidance: the impact of sexual identity, police legitimacy and legal cynicism on willingness to report hate crime' (2023), Current Issues in Criminal Justice [online]
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Hall, N., 'Policing hate crime in London and New York City: Some reflections on the factors influencing effective law enforcement, service provision and public trust and confidence' (2012), International Review of Victimology, 18(1), pp.73-87
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Harlow, C. W., 'Hate crime reported by victims and police' (2005), (NCJ 209911), U.S. Department of Justice
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