Publications: Right-wing extremism


Abel, R.L., 'How Autocrats Abuse Power: Resistance to Trump and Trumpism' (2024), London: Routledge
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Adams, K.K.J., 'A Spoonful of Sugar Makes the Hate Speech Go Down: Sugar-Coating in White Nationalist Recruitment Speech' (2023), Topoi [online]
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Aho, J., 'Maelstrom: Christian dominionism and far-right insurgence' (2023), New York: Routledge
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Akande, A. (Ed.), 'Globalization, Human Rights and Populism: Reimagining People, Power and Places' (2023), Cham: Springer
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Åkerlund, M., 'Influence Without Metrics: Analyzing the Impact of Far-Right Users in an Online Discussion Forum' (2021), Social Media and Society, 7(2)
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Al-Rawi, A., 'Telegramming Hate: Far-Right Themes on Dark Social Media' (2021), Canadian Journal of Communication, 46(4), pp. 821-851
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Albelda, J.S. & Infantes, A.T., 'The Socio-ideological Basis of Misogynistic Hate Speech: A quantitative reading of Valencian men | A base ideológico-social do discurso de ódio misógino: uma leitura quantitativa dos homens valencianos' (2023), Ex Aequo, (48), pp. 107–124
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Anna, Yu.K., Sergey, A.K., Aleksei, O.S. & Alexander, D.V., 'An Online Scan of Extreme-Right Radicalization in Social Networks (The Case of the Russian Social Network VKontakte) | [Онлайн-сканирование ультраправой радикализации в социальных сетях (на примере российской социальной сети «ВКонтакте»)]' (2022), Journal of Siberian Federal University - Humanities and Social Sciences, 15(12), pp. 1738-1750
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Ansaldi, W., 'Proposed research agenda on the Latin American right-wing | [Propuesta para una agenda de investigación sobre las derechas latinoamericanas]' (2022), Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals, (132), pp. 123-144
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Antón, R.R. & Baptista, C., 'Journalists as Targets of Hate Speech from Iberian Radical Right on Twitter | [Los periodistas como objetivo de los discursos de odio de la derecha radical ibérica en Twitter]' (2022), IC Revista Cientifica de Informacion y Comunicacion, 19, pp. 619-646
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Ashe, S.D., Busher, J., Macklin, G. & Winter, A. (Eds.), 'Researching the Far Right: Theory, Method and Practice (1st Edition)' (2020), Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge Press
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Askanius, T., 'On Frogs, Monkeys, and Execution Memes: Exploring the Humor-Hate Nexus at the Intersection of Neo-Nazi and Alt-Right Movements in Sweden' (2021), Television and New Media, 22(2), pp. 147-165
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Atari, M., Davani, A.M., Kogon, D., Kennedy, B., Ani Saxena, N., Anderson, I. & Dehghani, M., 'Morally Homogeneous Networks and Radicalism' (2021), Social Psychological and Personality Science [online]
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Auten, T. & Matta, J., 'Retweeting Twitter Hate Speech After Musk Acquisition' (2024), Studies in Computational Intelligence, 1144 SCI, pp. 265–276
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Aydin, Z., Fuess, A., Sunier, T. & Vázquez, A.G., 'The web of hate: Fragmentation of media authority and its link to right-wing populism and cyber Islamophobia' (2021), Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 37(3), pp. 231-243
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Backes, U. & Lindenberger, T. (Eds.), 'Civil Democracy Protection: Success Conditions of Non-Governmental Organisations in Comparison' (2023), London: Routledge
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Bai, H. & Federico, C.M., 'White and minority demographic shifts, intergroup threat, and right-wing extremism' (2021), Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 94, 104114
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Baishya, A.K., 'Violent spectating: Hindutva music and audio-visualizations of hate and terror in Digital India' (2022), Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies [online]
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Banks, I., 'Nazis, we still hate those guys!' (2022), Journal of Conflict Archaeology, 17(3), pp. 147-154
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Barát, E., 'Paradoxes of the Right-Wing Sexual/Gender Politics in Hungary: Right-Wing Populism and the Ban of Gender Studies' (2022), Global Queer Politics, pp. 173-199
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Barbaro, F. & Skumanich, A., 'On the importance to study fringe social networks and their impending use of GenAI to promote mal-info: Gab as a case study' (2023), Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Adverse Impacts and Collateral Effects of Artificial Intelligence Technologies (AiOfAi 2023), pp. 22–26
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Barcellona, M., 'Incel violence as a new terrorism threat: A brief investigation between Alt-Right and Manosphere dimensions' (2022), Sortuz, 11(2), pp. 170-186
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Barnett, B.A., 'The Trump Effect: The 2016 presidential campaign and the racist right’s internet rhetoric' (2019), Journal of Hate Studies, 14(1), pp. 77-96
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Barrett-Fox, R., 'Book Reviews: Arthur Goldwag’s ‘The New Hate: A History of Fear and Loathing on the Populist Right’ & Thomas R. Pegram’s ‘One Hundred Percent American: The Rebirth and Decline of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s’' (2012), Journal of Hate Studies, 10(1), pp. 221-229
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Battersby, J. & Ball, R., 'Christchurch in the Context of New Zealand Terrorism and Right Wing Extremism' (2019), Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism [online]
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Baun, P.S. & Nielbo, K., 'Right-wing Mnemonics' (2022), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3290, pp. 152-161

Belgioioso, M., Dworschak, C. & Gleditsch, K.S., 'Local deprivation predicts right-wing hate crime in England' (2023), PLoS ONE, 18(9 September), e0289423
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Benton, B., Peterka-Benton, D., 'Hating in Plain Sight: The Hatejacking of Brands by Extremist Groups' (2019), Public Relations Inquiry [online]
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Berdón Prieto, P., Martín Jiménez, V., Herrero Izquierdo, J. & Reguero Sanz, I., 'Hate Speech on Twitter: Vox in the Catalan Parliamentary Elections' (2023), Journalism Practice [online]
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Bjork-James, S. & Barla, J., 'A Climate of Misogyny: Gender, Politics of Ignorance, and Climate Change Denial–An Interview with Katharine Hayhoe' (2022), Australian Feminist Studies [online]
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Bjørgo, T. & Aasland Ravndal, J., 'Extreme-Right Violence and Terrorism: Concepts, Patterns, and Response' (2019), ICCT Policy Brief, September 2019
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Black, J., Fletcher, T., Doidge, M., Kearns, C., Kilvington, D., Liston, K., Lynn, T., Rosati, P. & Sinclair, G., '“Let the tournament for the woke begin!”: Euro 2020 and the reproduction of Cultural Marxist conspiracies in online criticisms of the “take the knee” protest' (2023), Ethnic and Racial Studies [online]
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Blazak, R., 'Revisiting the White Boys From Portland to Ukraine: Anomie and Right-Wing Extremism' (2022), American Behavioral Scientist [online]
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Blee, K., 'Positioning hate' (2004), Journal of Hate Studies, 3(1), pp. 95-105
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Bloodsworth-Lugo, M.K. & Lugo-Lugo, C.R., 'The medicalisation of threats, immigration as contagion, and White supremacy in an age of terror' (2022), Critical Studies on Terrorism [online]
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Bodden, N., Holec, H.A., Hoß, B., Ziegele, M. & Wilms, L.K., 'Gone for Good? The Effects of Deplatforming on the Online Communication of the Extreme Right Using the Example of the Identitarian Movement | Vom Netz genommen Die Auswirkungen von Deplatforming auf die Online-Kommunikation der extremen Rechten auf Telegram am Beispiel der Identitären Bewegung' (2023), Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 71(3-4), pp. 266–284
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Bodroghkozy, A., 'Making #Charlottesville: Media from Civil Rights to Unite the Right' (2023), Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press
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Bolaños, R.M., '“Shadow army” and military terrorism in 21st century Germany. The 2017 Der Tag X conspiracy1 | [“Ejército en la sombra” y terrorismo militar en la Alemania del siglo XXI. La conspiración de Der Tag X de 2017]' (2023), Araucaria, 25(52), pp. 13-40
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Bovet, A. & Grindrod, P., 'Organization and evolution of the UK far-right network on Telegram' (2022), Applied Network Science, 7(1), 76
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Braddock, K., Hughes, B., Goldberg, B. & Miller-Idriss, C., 'Engagement in subversive online activity predicts susceptibility to persuasion by far-right extremist propaganda' (2022), New Media and Society [online]
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Braun, A., 'Hungary: From “Goulash Communism” to Pluralistic Democracy' (1997), in A. Braun (Ed.) The Extreme Right: Freedom and Security at Risk (pp. 201-219). Abingdon & New York: Routledge
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Braun, A., 'Poland: The Vanguard of Change' (1997), in A. Braun (Ed.) The Extreme Right: Freedom and Security at Risk (pp. 185-200). Abingdon & New York: Routledge
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Braun, A., 'Russia: The Land Inbetween' (1997), in A. Braun (Ed.) The Extreme Right: Freedom and Security at Risk (pp. 161-184). Abingdon & New York: Routledge
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Braun, A., 'The Incomplete Revolutions: The Rise of Extremism in East-Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union' (1997), in A. Braun (Ed.) The Extreme Right: Freedom and Security at Risk (pp. 138-160). Abingdon & New York: Routledge
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Braune, J., 'Void and idol: A critical theory analysis of the neo-fascist “Alt-Right”' (2019), Journal of Hate Studies, 15(1), pp. 11-37
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Breazu, P., 'Entitlement Racism on YouTube: White injury—the licence to Humiliate Roma migrants in the UK' (2023), Discourse, Context and Media, 55, 100718
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Brightman, S., Lenning, E., Lurie, K.J. & DeJong, C., 'Anti-Transgender Ideology, Laws, and Homicide: An Analysis of the Trifecta of Violence' (2023), Homicide Studies [online]
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Buckingham, L. & Alali, N., 'Extreme Parallels: A Corpus-Driven Analysis of ISIS and Far-Right Discourse' (2019), Kotuitui [online]
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Burnham, S.L.F., Arbeit, M.R. & Hilliard, L.J., 'The Subtle Spread of Hateful Memes: Examining Engagement Intentions Among Parents of Adolescents' (2022), Social Media and Society, 8(2)
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Caiani, M., Carlotti, B. & Padoan, E., 'Online Hate Speech and the Radical Right in Times of Pandemic: The Italian and English Cases' (2021), Javnost [online]
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