Publications: Right-wing extremism


Calderón, C.A., de la Vega, G. & Herrero, D.B., 'Topic Modeling and Characterization of Hate Speech Against Immigrants on Twitter Around the Emergence of a Far-Right Party in Spain' (2020), Social Sciences, 9(11),188, pp. 1-19
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Cameron-Gardos, P., 'The brotherhood of hate: Hyper-masculinity, same-sex desire and far-right identity in Brotherhood' (2022), DiGeSt - Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies, 9(2), pp. 41–53
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Canfield-Davis, K., Gardiner, M. E., & Joki, R. A., 'Social justice leadership in action: The case of Tony Stewar' (2009), Journal of Hate Studies, 7(1), pp. 77-98
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Capitaine, B. & Helly, D., 'Hate through a Canadian conservative movement worldview. The Christian heritage party on the internet | [El odio al otro a través de la visión del mundo de un movimiento conservador canadiense. El Christian heritage party en internet]' (2021), Politica y Sociedad, 58(2), e74509
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Catlin, J., 'Wounds of democracy: Adorno’s aspects of the new right-wing extremism and the German antisemitism debate' (2021), Radical Philosophy, 2021(2.10), pp. 11-20
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Chan, K.M. & Stephenson, L.B., 'Using MI-LASSO to study populist radical right voting in times of pandemic' (2024), Research and Politics, 11(1)
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Chatterji, D., 'Far-right Illiberalism on the Rise in the United States and Europe' (2022), Economic and Political Weekly, 57(13), pp. 64-69
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Collins, J., 'Mobilising Extremism in Times of Change: Analysing the UK’s Far-Right Online Content During the Pandemic' (2023), European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research [online]
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Cowls, J. & Ma, C., 'The Internet’s Town Square? A Critical Discourse Analysis of Parler’s “Past Imaginary”' (2023), Social Media and Society, 9(2)
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da Silva, R., Ventura, J.P., de Carvalho, C.M. & Barbosa, M.R., '“From street soldiers to political soldiers”: assessing how extreme right violence has been criminalised in Portugal' (2022), Critical Studies on Terrorism [online]
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Dalgaard-Nielsen, A. & Ilum, J., 'Promoting disengagement from violent extremism in Scandinavia: What, who, how?' (2020), in S.J. Hansen & S. Lid (Eds) Routledge Handbook of Deradicalisation and Disengagement (pp. 242-255), London: Routledge
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Dancygier, R., 'Hate crime supporters are found across age, gender, and income groups and are susceptible to violent political appeals' (2023), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(7), e2212757120
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Darius, P. & Stephany, F., 'How the Far-Right Polarises Twitter: ‘Hashjacking’ as a Disinformation Strategy in Times of COVID-19' (2022), Studies in Computational Intelligence, 1016, pp. 100-111
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Davis, M., 'After Christchurch: Alt-right Discourse and Ideology in Australia and the Platformisation of Extremism' (2022), Journal of Intercultural Studies [online]
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Davis, P. & Branscomb, R., 'Reactive Memories of 1776' (2023), Communication and Democracy [online]
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De Borja Navarro, F. & Yeh, A., 'The Dangerous Discourse of “Us” vs. “Them:” Spain’s VOX Discursive Practices' (2022), Journal of Nationalism Memory and Language Politics, 16(2), pp. 211-233
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De Cauwer, H., Granholm, F., Khorram-Manesh, A., Barten, D.G, Tin, D., Mortelmans, L.J., Somville, F. & Ciottone, G.R., 'An Epidemiological Analysis of Terrorist Attacks in the Nordic and Baltic Countries from 1970 through 2020' (2023), Prehospital and Disaster Medicine [online]
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de Keulenaar, E., Tuters, M., Osborne-Carey, C., Jurg, D. & Kisjes, I., 'A free market in extreme speech: Scientific racism and bloodsports on YouTube' (2022), Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 37(4), pp. 949-971
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de Lint, W. & Praino, R., 'Does Martialization Contribute to Australia’s Right-Wing Extremism? Implications of an Analysis of the General Social Survey' (2022), Studies in Conflict and Terrorism [online]
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Decker, O., West, D., Kiess, J. & Brähler, E. (Eds.), 'The Dynamics of Right-Wing Extremism within German Society: Escape into Authoritarianism' (2022), London: Routledge
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Demaske, C., 'Trump’s hateful rhetoric and First Amendment failures: Re-envisioning incitement, true threats, and hate speech' (2022), Communication and Democracy, 56(2), pp. 91-116
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Demirsu, I., 'Identitarian movements in the touristic city: The marketing of hate in Verona' (2023), International Journal of Urban and Regional Research [online]
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Dentice, D., '“So much for Darwin” – An analysis of Stormfront discussions on race' (2019), Journal of Hate Studies, 15(1), pp. 133-156
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Dentice, D., & Bugg, D., 'Fighting for the right to be white: A case study in white racial identity' (2014), Journal of Hate Studies, 12(1), pp. 101-128
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Di Nubila, K., Ballesteros-herencia, C.A., Etura, D. & Martín-jiménez, V., 'Technopopulism and Politainment in Brazil: Bolsonaro Government’s Weekly YouTube Broadcasts' (2023), Media and Communication, 11(2), pp. 137-147
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Diab, A., Jagdagdorj, B.-E., Ng, L.H.X., Lin, Y.-R. & Yoder, M.M., 'Online to Offline Crossover of White Supremacist Propaganda' (2023), ACM Web Conference 2023 - Companion of the World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2023, pp. 1308-1316
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Díez-Gutiérrez, E.-J., Verdeja, M., Sarrión-Andaluz, J., Buendía, L. & Macías-Tovar, J., 'Political hate speech of the far right on Twitter in Latin America | [Discurso político de odio de la ultraderecha desde Twitter en Iberoamérica]' (2022), Comunicar, 30(72), 113478
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Dosser, M., 'When Puppies start to hate: the revanchist nostalgia of the Hugo Awards’ PuppyGate controversy' (2023), Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies [online]
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Doval, G.P. & Souroujon, G. (Eds.), 'Global Resurgence of the Right: Conceptual and Regional Perspectives' (2021), London: Routledge
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Dragomir, S. & Hosu, I., 'The narratives of hate used by Romanian parties labelled as far-right. A comparative narrative analysis' (2023), Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 22(64), pp. 34-54
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Dugan, L. & Fisher, D., 'Far-Right and Jihadi Terrorism Within the United States: From September 11th to January 6th' (2023), Annual Review of Criminology, 6, pp. 131-153
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Døving, C.A. & Emberland, T., 'Bringing the enemy closer to home: ‘conspiracy talk’ and the Norwegian far right' (2021), Patterns of Prejudice, 55(4), pp. 375-390
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Ebata, M., 'Right-Wing Extremism: In Search of a Definition' (1997), in A. Braun (Ed.) The Extreme Right: Freedom and Security at Risk (pp. 12-35). Abingdon & New York: Routledge
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Ebata, M., 'The Internationalization of the Extreme Right' (1997), in A. Braun (Ed.) The Extreme Right: Freedom and Security at Risk (pp. 220-249). Abingdon & New York: Routledge
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Edwards, E.L., 'Digital Islamophobia: Tracking a far-right crisis' (2023), Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter
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Eggers, A. & Hobbs, J., 'Combatting the financing of hate groups' (2022), Journal of Money Laundering Control [online]
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El Barachi, M., Mathew, S.S., Oroumchian, F., Ajala, I., Lutfi, S. & Yasin, R., 'Leveraging Natural Language Processing to Analyse the Temporal Behavior of Extremists on Social Media' (2022), Journal of Communications Software and Systems, 18(2), pp. 195-207
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Ellinas, A. & Lamprianou, I., 'Societal Responses to Right-Wing Extremism: Antifascist Mobilisation against Golden Dawn in Greece' (2022), South European Society and Politics [online]
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Enli, G., 'Populism as “Truth”: How Mediated Authenticity Strengthens the Populist Message' (2024), International Journal of Press/Politics [online]
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Eppinga, J., 'Shining the spotlight on injustice: An interview with Morris Dees' (2006), Journal of Hate Studies, 5(1), pp. 119-123
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Evans, J.V., Steinberg, S., Clement, D.Y. & Carron, D., 'Settler Colonialism, Illiberal Memory, and German-Canadian Hate Networks in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries' (2023), Central European History [online]
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Fahim, M., Gokhale, S.S. & Gokhale, S.S., 'Detecting Offensive Content on Twitter during Proud Boys Riots' (2021), Proceedings - 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2021, pp. 1582-1587
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Fair, G., Wesslen, R., 'Shouting Into the Void: A Database of the Alternative Social Media Platform Gab' (2019), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web and Social Media, ICWSM 2019, pp. 608-610
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Fakuade, D., 'Far-Right Movements in the COVID-19 Era' (2023), in E. Akıllı, B. Güneş & A. Gökbel (Eds.) Diplomacy, Society and the COVID-19 Challenge (pp. 29–38), London: Routledge
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Farris, E.M. & Holman, M.R., 'Sheriffs, right-wing extremism, and the limits of U.S. federalism during a crisis' (2023), Social Science Quarterly [online]
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Farris, E.M. & Holman, M.R., 'Local Gun Safety Enforcement, Sheriffs, and Right-Wing Political Extremism' (2023), Urban Affairs Review [online]
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Feinberg, A., 'The Trump Effect: How 2016 Campaign Rallies Explain Spikes in Hate' (2022), PS - Political Science and Politics [online]
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Ferber, A.L. & Cazenave, N.A., 'Silencing and Distracting: The Enduring Strategies of White Supremacy in Academia' (2023), in N.P. Shultz (ED.) Revising the Curriculum and Co-Curriculum to Engage Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (pp. 137-150), New York: Routledge
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Ferreira, R.R. & Alcantara, J., 'The Hate Office? Bolsonaro’s Discourse and COVID-19 Online Disinformation' (2023), International Journal of Communication, 17, pp. 6424–6446
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Fischer, J.M.K. & Farren, D., 'Narratives of Masculine Victimhood and Right-Wing Extremist Attitudes among Young People: Validation and Application of a Scale to Measure Masculist Feelings of Threat | [Männliche Opfernarrative und rechtsextreme Einstellungen bei jungen Menschen: Validierung und Anwendung eines Instrumentes zur Erfassung maskulistischer Bedrohungsgefühle]' (2023), Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform [online]
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