Publications: Transphobic hate crime


Ng, R., Chow, T.Y.J. & Yang, W., 'News media coverage of LGBT identities over 10 years in a 400-million-word corpus' (2024), PLoS ONE, 19(4 April), e0300385
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Nilsson, F., Al-Azzawi, S.S. & Kovács, G., 'Leveraging Sentiment Data for the Detection of Homophobic/Transphobic Content in a Multi-Task, Multi-Lingual Setting Using Transformers' (2022), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3395, pp. 196-207
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Ninalga, D., 'Cordyceps@LT-EDI: Patching Language-Specific Homophobia/Transphobia Classifiers with a Multilingual Understanding' (2023), LTEDI 2023 - 3rd Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - Proceedings, pp. 185–191
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Obst, M., 'Not in the mood for gender and feminism. Exploring affect and expertise through Spanish anti-gender movements' (2024), Women's Studies International Forum, 104, 102892
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Parra, C.R., Trujillo, L.S., Balanza, M.T.V. & Peña, J.J.D., 'Identities and exposure to online violence. Approach to a thematic classification of hate messages | Identidades y exposición a las violencias online. Aproximación a una clasificación temática de los mensajes de odio' (2023), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, 2023(81), pp. 538–553
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Paterson, J.L., Walters, M.A. & Hall, L., 'Ingroup Empathy, Help, and Blame After Anti-LGBT+ Hate Crime' (2023), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Prado Puglia, J. & Linhares Garcia, E., 'Heterosexism and transphobia present in the school' (2016), Journal of Education & Social Policy, 3(1), pp.97-105
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Pranith, P., Samhita, V., Sarath, D. & Thenmozhi, D., 'Homophobia and Transphobia Detection of Youtube Comments in Code-Mixed Dravidian Languages using Deep learning' (2022), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3395, pp. 117-123
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Rani, S., Kaur, J. & Bhambri, P., 'Technology and Gender Violence: Victimization Model, Consequences and Measures' (2024), in D. Mishra, A. Ngoc Le & Z. McDowell (Eds.) Signals and Communication Technology (Part F1803) (pp. 1–19), Cham: Springer
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Rashid, M., 'Queering Bangladeshi Blogging Networks: Legal Rights, Religious Fundamentalism, and the Politics of Blog Publics in Bangladeshi LGBTQ+ Activism' (2023), QED, 10(2), pp. 93–117
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Reisner, S.L., Hughto, J.M.W., Dunham, E.E., Heflin, K.J., Begenyi, J.B.G., Coffey-Esquivel, J. & Cahill, S., 'Legal protections in public accommodations settings: A critical public health issue for transgender and gender-nonconforming people' (2015), Milbank Quarterly, 93(3), pp.484-515
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Richardson-Self, L., 'Cis-Hetero-Misogyny Online' (2019), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice [online]
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Right Side - Human Rights Defender NGO, 'Hate crimes and other hate motivated incidents against trans people in Armenia 2016-2017 report' (2018)
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Rogers, M., 'Breaking down barriers: Exploring the potential for social care practice with trans survivors of domestic abuse' (2016), Health and Social Care in the Community, 24(1), pp.68-76
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Rucco, D., Toffoli, G., Anzani, A. & Prunas, A., 'A Networked Model of Ecological Systems Theory to Discuss Concerns in Italian Bisexual+ and Transgender People After the Block of the “Zan Bill” by Senate' (2023), Sexuality Research and Social Policy [online]
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Ruiz-Azcona, L., Pellico-López, A., Manjón-Rodríguez, J.B., Sánchez Movellán, M., Ajo Bolado, P., García-Vázquez, J., Hernández-Aguado, I., Cayón-De Las Cuevas, J. & Paz-Zulueta, M., 'Evolution of Legislation and Crimes Based on Sexual Identity or Orientation in Spain: A Retrospective Observational Study (2011–2021)' (2022), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(2), 859
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Rushton, A. & Scarlett, J., 'The blame game: disaster, queerness and prejudice' (2023), Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal [online]
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Sánchez-Sánchez, A.M., Ruiz-Muñoz, D. & Sánchez-Sánchez, F.J., 'Mapping Homophobia and Transphobia on Social Media' (2023), Sexuality Research and Social Policy [online]
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Sánchez‐Holgado, P., Arcila‐Calderón, C. & Gomes‐Barbosa, M., 'Hate Speech and Polarization Around the “Trans Law” in Spain' (2023), Politics and Governance, 11(2), pp. 187-197
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Sauvé, J.-S., 'Prohibiting discrimination against trans∗ people: Improving the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms by adding “gender identity” and “gender expression” to the list of defined discriminations' (2015), Enfances, Familles, Generations, 23, pp.108-126

Schäfer, S., Rebasso, I., Boyer, M.M. & Planitzer, A.M., 'Can We Counteract Hate? Effects of Online Hate Speech and Counter Speech on the Perception of Social Groups' (2023), Communication Research [online]
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Shwetha, S., Sivakumar, S., Priyadharshini, T., Thenmozhi, D., Bharathi, B. & Krithika, S., 'Tercet@LT-EDI: Homophobia/Transphobia Detection in social media comment' (2023), LTEDI 2023 - 3rd Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, associated with the 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2023 - Proceedings, pp. 266–271
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Sibanyoni, E.K., Mkhize, S. & Amali, S.E., 'LGBTQIA+ victimization: A theoretical discourse' (2023), Sexuality, Gender and Policy [online]
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Silva, J.M., Ornat, M.J., Cabral, V. & Machado, D.L.C., '“When a Trans Is Killed, Another Thousand Rise!”: Transnecropolitics and Resistance in Brazil' (2022), in Rethinking Transgender Identities: Reflections from Around the Globe (pp. 198-209), London: Routledge
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Simmons, H.M., 'Trans liberation under neoliberal governmentality: An argument against rights-based activism' (2023), Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 32(2), pp. 221–228
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Singh, A., Dandona, A. & Sharma, V., 'Societal Refutation and Hate Crimes: Thematic Analysis of Exoticization and Victimization Experiences Among Young Trans People in India' (2022), Youth Voice Journal, 12
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Singh, A., Dandona, A., Sharma, V. & Zaidi, S.Z.H., 'Minority Stress in Emotion Suppression and Mental Distress Among Sexual and Gender Minorities: A Systematic Review' (2022), Annals of Neurosciences [online]
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Smith, D.E., 'Homophobic and transphobic violence against youth: The Jamaican context' (2017), International Journal of Adolescence and Youth [online], pp.1-9
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Spizzirri, G., Eufrásio, R.Á., Abdo, C.H.N. & Lima, M.C.P., 'Proportion of ALGBT adult Brazilians, sociodemographic characteristics, and self-reported violence' (2022), Scientific Reports, 12(1), 11176
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Stanton-Ife, J., 'Criminalising conduct with special reference to potential offences of stirring up hatred against disabled or transgender persons' (2013), London: Law Commission.
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Stotzer, R.L., 'Violence against transgender people: A review of United States data' (2009), Aggression and Violent Behavior, 14(3), pp.170-179
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Strand, C. & Svensson, J., 'Foreign Norm Entrepreneurs’ Misinformation and Disinformation Narratives on LGBT+ Rights in Europe | [Borba protiv kampanja dezinformiranja i pogrešnog informiranja koje provode norm enterpreneurs, a usmjerene su na LGBTI+ zajednicu u Europi]' (2022), Medijska Istrazivanja, 28(2), pp. 109-132
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Taylor, J.K., Lewis, D.C. & Haider-Markel, D.P., 'The Remarkable Rise of Transgender Rights' (2018), U. of Michigan Press
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Thomas, S.P., 'Hate crime, medical care and mental health care for transgender individuals' (2016), Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 37(4), pp.209-210
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Tomsen, S., 'Was Lombroso a queer? Criminology, criminal justice and the heterosexual imaginary' (1997), in Mason, G. & Tomsen, S. (eds.) Homophobic Violence. Australia: Hawkins Press.

Tsedendemberel, O., 'Shamed citizens: Exilic lived experiences of queer Mongolians' (2022), Intersections East European Journal of Society and Politics, 8(4), pp. 58-73
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Turner, L., Whittle, S. & Combs, R., 'Transphobic hate crime in the European Union' (2009), ILGA-Europe and Press for Change.
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Unlu, A. & Kotonen, T., 'Online polarization and identity politics: An analysis of Facebook discourse on Muslim and LGBTQ+ communities in Finland' (2024), Scandinavian Political Studies [online]
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Vaidhegi, D., Priya, M., Rajalakshmi, S., Angel Deborah, S. & Mirnalinee, T.T., 'SSNTech2@LT-EDI-RANLP-2023: Homophobia/Transphobia Detection in Social Media Comments Using Linear Classification Techniques' (2023), LTEDI 2023 - 3rd Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, associated with the 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2023 - Proceedings, pp. 166–171
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Vázquez, C.V. & Escudero, C.M., 'The social representation of the Trans collective in current advertising: the Pantene case | [LA REPRESENTACIÓN SOCIAL DEL COLECTIVO TRANS EN LA PUBLICIDAD ACTUAL: CASO PANTENE]' (2022), VISUAL Review. International Visual Culture Review / Revista Internacional de Cultura, 9(Monographic)
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Viehl, C., Ginicola, M.M., Ellis, A. & Charette, R.J., 'Understanding and Responding to Affectional and Transgender Prejudice and Victimization' (2022), in L.L. Levers (Ed.) Trauma Counseling: Theories and Interventions for Managing Trauma, Stress, Crisis, and Disaster: Second Edition (pp. 376-393), New York: Springer Publishing
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Walker, A., 'Transphobic discourse and moral panic convergence: A content analysis of my hate mail' (2023), Criminology [online]
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Wilhelm, C. & Schulz-Tomančok, A., 'Predicting user engagement with anti-gender, homophobic and sexist social media posts–a choice-based conjoint study in Hungary and Germany' (2023), Information Communication and Society [online]
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Winter, S., 'Lost in transition: Transpeople, transprejudice and pathology in Asia' (2009), The International Journal of Human Rights, 13(2-3), pp.365-390
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Woods, J.B., 'Reconceptualizing anti-LGBT hate crimes as burdening expression and association: A case for expanding federal hate crime legislation to include gender identity and sexual orientation' (2007), Journal of Hate Studies, 6(1), pp. 81-115
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Worthen, M.G.F., 'Hetero-cis–normativity and the gendering of transphobia' (2016), International Journal of Transgenderism, 17(1), pp.31-57
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Zapata-Jiménez, M.A., 'Ismophobia: A Reflection on Hate Today. Challenges in Latin America | Ismofobia: una reflexión sobre el odio en la actualidad. Desafíos en América Latina' (2024), Revista Guillermo de Ockham, 22(1), pp. 171–186
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