Publications: 1990


Allen, D. & Gibson, J., 'The issue of racial vilification' (1990), Law Institute Journal, 64(8), 709


Beck, E.M. & Tolnay, S.E., 'The killing fields of the deep South: The market for cotton and the lynching of Blacks, 1882-1930' (1990), American Sociological Review, 55(4), pp.526-539
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Beck, P. et al., 'Operation Jackhammer' (1990), Canberra Times

Berk, R.A., 'Thinking about hate-motivated crimes' (1990), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 5(3), pp.334-349
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Bunch, C., 'Women’s rights as human rights: Toward a re-vision of human rights' (1990), Human Rights Quarterly, 12, pp.486-498


Committee to Advise the Attorney-General on Racial Vilification, 'Racial vilification in Victoria' (1990)

Cox, G. & Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (NSW), 'The Streetwatch Report: A study into violence against lesbians and gay men' (1990)

Cunneen, C., 'A study of Aboriginal juveniles and police violence: Report commissioned by the National Inquiry into Racist Violence' (1990)

Cunneen, C. & Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC), 'Aboriginal-police relations in Redfern: With special reference to the ‘Police Raid’ of 8 February 1990' (1990)


Herek, G. M., 'The context of anti-gay violence: Notes on cultural and psychological heterosexism' (1990), Journal of Interpersonal violence, 5(3), pp.316-333
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Holton, R.J., 'Public disorder in Australia between 1985 and 1989, with particular reference to immigration and multiculturalism' (1990), unpublished report to the Office for Multicultural Affairs, Centre for Multicultural Studies, Flinders University of South Australia


Iredale, R., Nugent, S. & Wilkie, M., 'Racist violence' (1990), Queensland Police Union Journal 37


Jackson-Nakano, A. & Moss, I., 'No reason to be complacent on racist violence' (1990), Migration, 81, 7


Kateri Hernandez, T., 'Bias crimes: Unconscious racism in the prosecution of “racially motivated violence”' (1990), The Yale Law Journal, 99(4), pp.845-864
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Morris, G., 'Without fanfare, community groups strive to achieve racial harmony' (1990), Migration, 81, 15

Murji, K. & Cutler, D., 'From a force into a service? The police, racial attacks, and equal opportunities' (1990), Critical Social Policy, 10(29), pp.92-99
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National Committee on Violence, 'Risk of violence in Australia' (1990), Violence: Directions for Australia 33


Olzak, S., 'The political context of competition: Lynching and urban racial violence' (1990), Social Forces, 69(2), pp.395-421
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Rothblum, E.D., Brand, P.A., Miller, C.T. & Oetjen, H.A., 'The relationship between obesity, employment discrimination, and employment-related victimization' (1990), Journal of Vocational Behavior, 37, pp.251-266
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Seeman, J., 'Racial vilification legislation and anti-semitism in NSW: The likely impact of the amendment' (1990), Sydney Law Review, 12(2/3), 597


Wallace, J., 'Law reform: Information, defamation, regulation, vilification' (1990), Legal Service Bulletin, 15(1), 220

Wotherspoon, G., '“This nest of perverts”: Policing male homosexuality in Cold War Australia' (1990)

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