Publications: 1993


Bowling, B., 'Racial harassment and the process of victimisation: Conceptual and methodological implications for the Local Crime Survey' (1993), British Journal of Criminology, 33(2), pp.231-250
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Cunneen, C. & de Rome, L., 'Monitoring hate crime: Report on a pilot project in New South Wales' (1993), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 5, pp.160-172
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Fidgett, P., 'Responding to racial violence' (1993), Probation Journal, 40(2), pp.88-90
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Grannis, E. J. , 'Words and fighting freestyle: The constitutionality of penalty enhancement for bias crimes' (1993), Columbia Law Review, 93(1), pp.178-230
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Holdaway, S., 'The registration of Black and Asian officers from the police service' (1993), London: Home Office

Hunt, N., 'The dark side of Adelaide: Sex, fear, perversion and a serial killer' (1993), in Brown, M. (ed.) Australian Crime: Chilling Tales of Our Time. New Holland Publishers Pty, Limited


Jacobs, J. B., 'Should hate be a crime' (1993), Public Interest, (113), pp.3-14


Kelly, R.J., Maghan, J. & Tennant, W., 'Hate crimes: Victimizing the stigmatized' (1993), in R.J. Kelley (Ed.), Bias crime: American law enforcement and legal responses (pp.24-44), Chicago: Office of International Criminal Justice, University of Illinois
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Lacey, I., 'Free speech and the right to freedom from racial vilification' (1993), Civil Liberty, 151, 5

Landa, D.E., and New South Wales Office of the Ombudsman, 'Public interest in releasing the Ombudsman’s report on the allegations of police bias against Asian students: Report to the Honourable T A Griffiths MP, Minister for Police and Emergency Services' (1993)

Levin, J. & McDevitt, J., 'Police response' (1993), Hate Crimes, pp.159-178
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Mason, G., 'Violence against lesbians and gay men' (1993), Australian Institute of Criminology: Violence Prevention Today No 2.
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New South Wales Law Reform Commission, 'The scope of the Anti-Discrimination Act' (1993), Review of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) (1993) 83

Nicholson, D., 'The Commonwealth racial vilification legislation' (1993), Civil Liberty, 151, 4


O'Callaghan, P., 'Dealing with difference' (1993), Policing Issues and Practice Journal, 1(1), 22


Pinderhughes, H., 'The anatomy of racially motivated violence in New York City: A case study of youth in Southern Brooklyn' (1993), Social Problems, 40(4), pp.478-492
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Rothschild, E., 'Recognizing another face of hate crimes: Rape as a gender-bias crime' (1993), Maryland Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues, 4, pp.231-286


Scheelbeek, B., 'Migrant women and the law: Barriers to access and equity' (1993), Women and the Law: Proceedings of a Conference Held 24-26 September 1991, 75
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Tomsen, S., 'The political contradictions of policing and countering anti-gay violence in New South Wales: Contemporary comment' (1993), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 5(2), pp. 209-215
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Ward, N., 'Doing what they are told: Violence against lesbians and gay men' (1993), in Begg, C. (ed), Chaos or Reason: Community Safety in the Twenty-First Century: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Biennial Conference of the Australian Crime Prevention Council, Legislative Council Chamber, Parliament House, Queensland, September 21-2 (1993) (2nd ed, 1993)

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