Publications: Criminal justice responses to hate crime


Bleich, E., 'Hate crime policy in Western Europe: Responding to racist violence in Britain, Germany, and France' (2007), American Behavioral Scientist, 51(2), pp.149-165
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Boeckmann, J. & Turpin‐Petrosino, C., 'Understanding the harm of hate crime' (2002), Journal of Social Issues, 58(2), pp.207-225
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Bonnet, F. & Caillault, C., 'The invader, the enemy within and they-who-must-not-be-named: How police talk about minorities in Italy, the Netherlands and France' (2015), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 38(7), pp.1185-1201
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Borges, G. M., Guerreiro, A., & Pina, M. (Eds.), 'Investigating and Combating Gender-Related Victimization' (2024), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Bourne, J., 'Does legislating against racial violence work? ' (2002), Race & Class, 44(2), pp.81-85
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Bowling, B., 'Violent racism: Victimization, policing, and social context' (1998), Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Boyd, E.A., Berk, R.A. & Hamner, K.M., '‘Motivated by hatred or prejudice’: Categorization of hate-motivated crimes in two police divisions' (1996), Law and Society Review, 30(4), pp.819-850
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Brax, D. & Munthe, C., 'The philosophical aspects of hate crime and hate crime legislation: Introducing the special section on the philosophy of hate crime' (2015), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(10), pp.1687-1695
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Brennan, F., 'Racially motivated crime: The response of the criminal justice system' (1999), Criminal Law Review, Jan, pp.17-28
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Brennan, F., 'Legislating against internet race hate' (2009), Information & Communications Technology Law, 18(2), pp.123-153
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Brereton, S., 'Living in a different world: Joint review of disability hate crime' (2013), Probation Journal, 60(3), pp.345-346
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Briones-Robinson, R., Powers, R.A. & Socia, K.M., 'Sexual orientation bias crimes: Examination of reporting, perception of police bias, and differential police response' (2016), Criminal Justice and Behavior, 43(12), pp.1688-1709
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Bronitt, S. & Stellios, J., 'Sedition, security and human rights: ‘Unbalanced’ law reform in the ‘war on terror’' (2006), Melbourne University Law Review, 30(3), pp. 923
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Brooks, T.D., 'First Amendment-penalty enhancement for hate crimes: Content regulation, questionable state interests and non-traditional sentencing' (1994), Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 84(4), pp.703-742
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Brown, A. & Sinclair, A., 'The Politics of Hate Speech Laws' (2019), London: Routledge
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Bryan, T., 'Hate crime, policing, and the deployment of racial and cultural diversity' (2020), Onati Socio-Legal Series, 10(6), pp. 1193-1213
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Bryan, T., 'Investigating hate crime: Law enforcement decision making in race based hate crimes' (2022), Canadian Review of Sociology, 59(4), pp. 490-506
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Bull Kovera, M., 'Implications of automatic and controlled processes in stereotyping for hate crime perpetration and litigation Margaret Bull Kovera' (2007), Social Consciousness in Legal Decision Making, pp.227-246
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Bunar, N., 'Hate crimes against immigrants in Sweden and community responses' (2007), American Behavioral Scientist, 51(2), pp.166-181
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Burney, E., 'Using the law on racially aggravated offences' (2003), Criminal Law Review, Jan, pp.28-36

Burney, E. & Rose, G., 'Racist offences – how is the law working?: The implementation of the legislation on racially aggravated offences in the Crime and Disorder Act 1998' (2002), Home Office Research Study 244. London: Home Office
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Campbell, R., 'Beyond hate: Policing sex work, protection and hate crime' (2017), in T. Sanders & M. Laing, Policing the sex industry: Protection, paternalism and politics. New York, NY: Routledge
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Card, C., 'Is penalty enhancement a sound idea?' (2001), Law and Philosophy, 20(2), pp.195-214
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Chakraborti, N., 'Crimes against the ‘Other’: Conceptual, operational and empirical challenges for hate studies' (2010), Journal of Hate Studies, 8(1), pp.9-28
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Chakraborti, N., 'A glass half full? Assessing progress in the policing of hate crime' (2009), Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 3(2), pp.1-8
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Chakraborti, N., 'Re-thinking hate crime: Fresh challenges for policy and practice' (2015), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(10), pp.1738-1754
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Chakraborti, N., 'Hate crime: Concepts, policy and future directions' (2010), Devon: Willan Publishing

Chapman, A., 'Sexuality and workplace oppression' (1995), Melbourne University Law Review, 20(2), pp.311-349
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Chapman, A., 'The messages of subordination contained in anti-discrimination statutes' (1997), in Mason, G. & Tomsen, S. (eds.) Homophobic Violence. Australia: Hawkins Press.

Chapman, A., 'Australian racial hatred law: Some comments on reasonableness and adjudicative method in complaints brought by Indigenous people' (2004), Monash University Law Review, 30(1), pp.27-48
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Chapman, A. & Kelly, K., 'Australian anti-vilification law: A discussion of the public/private divide and the work relations context' (2005), Sydney Law Review, 27(2), pp.203-236
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Chin, G.J., 'Race and the disappointing right to counsel' (2013), Yale Law Journal, 122(8), pp.2236-2259
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Clevenger, S., Kelley, S., & Ratajczak, K. (Eds.), 'Queer Victimology: Understanding the Victim Experience (1st edition)' (2023), New York: Routledge
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Cogan, J.C., 'Hate crime as a crime category worthy of policy attention' (2002), American Behavioral Scientist, 46(1), pp.173-185
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Coker, C.T., 'Hope-fulfilling or effectively chilling? Reconciling the Hate Crimes Prevention Act with the First Amendment' (2011), Vanderbilt Law Review, 64(1)
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College of Policing, 'Hate crime operational guide' (2014)
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Courtois, S., 'Are Hate Speech Laws Useless? An Appraisal of Eric Heinze’s Arguments' (2021), Res Publica [online]
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Coussey, M., 'Legal responses to racially motivated hate crimes' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 48(1), pp.32-33
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Craig, G., 'Invisibilizing ‘race’ in public policy' (2013), Critical Social Policy, 33(4), pp.712-720
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Cramer, R.J., Wakeman, E.E., Chandler, J.F., Mohr, J.J. & Griffin, M.P., 'Hate crimes on trial: Judgments about violent crime against gay men' (2013), Psychiatry Psychology and Law, 20(2), pp.202-215
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Criminal Justice Degree Hub, 'The alarming patterns of hate crime in America (infographic)' (2015)
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Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland, 'Hate crime: An inspection of the criminal justice system’s response to hate crime in Northern Ireland' (2017)
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Criminal Justice Joint Inspection, 'Facing up to offending: Use of restorative justice in the criminal justice system' (2012), London: CJJI
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Cronin, S., McDevitt, J., Farrell, A., & Nolan, J.J., 'Bias-crime reporting: Organizational responses to ambiguity, uncertainty, and infrequency in eight police departments' (2007), American Behavioral Scientist, 51(2), pp.213-225,227-231
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Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), 'Hate crime report: 2014/2015 and 2015/16' (2016)
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Cunneen, C. & de Rome, L., 'The monitoring by police of racist violence in the community' (1995), in Egger, S.J. & Chappell, D. (eds.) Australian Violence: Contemporary Perspectives 2

Cviklova, L., 'Direct and indirect racial discrimination of Roma people in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation' (2015), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 38(12), pp.2140-2155


Davis, E., 'Race hate crime and the criminal justice response' (2020), British Journal of Community Justice, 16(2-3), pp. 92-102
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de Mata, F.B., 'Probative peculiarities of hate speech on the Internet: identification of radical polarization indicators using algorithmic systems | Particularidades probatorias del discurso de odio en Internet: identificación de indicadores de polarización radical mediante sistemas algorítmicos' (2023), Revista de Internet, Derecho y Politica, 2023(39)
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Digranes, E., 'Disabled justice: A qualitative case study on barriers to registration of disability hate crime within the Norwegian criminal justice system' (2016)
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