Publications: Criminal justice responses to hate crime


Ringnalda, A. & Kool, R., 'The prosecution of bias crime in the Netherlands and the problem of net-widening: Fundamental limits to criminal liability' (2012), Crime Law and Social Change, 58(1), pp.53-74
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Robertson, S., 'Exception to excess: Tactical use of the law by outgroups in bias crime legislation' (2012), Law & Social Inquiry, 37(2), pp.456-475
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Rodriguez, S.M., 'Queer abolitionist alternatives to criminalising hate violence' (2021), in M.J. Coyle & D. Scott (Eds), The Routledge International Handbook of Penal Abolition, London: Routledge
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Rose, S., 'Developing solvability strategies for anti-Semitic and Islamophobic crime; An exploratory analysis' (2017), Selwyn College, Master's Thesis

Rosga, A.J., 'Deadly words: State power and the entanglement of speech and violence in hate crime' (2001), Law and Critique, 12(3), pp.223-252
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Ross, C.T., 'A multi-level Bayesian analysis of racial bias in police shootings at the county-level in the United States, 2011-2014' (2015), PLoS ONE, 10(11), Article number e0141854
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Roulstone, A., Thomas, P. & Balderston, S., 'Between hate and vulnerability: Unpacking the British criminal justice system’s construction of disablist hate crime' (2011), Disability & Society, 26(3), pp.351-364
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Rowe, M., 'Policing, race and racism' (2004), Cullompton: Willan


Sánchez, D.S., 'Artistic Freedom and Hate Speech in the Light of the Valtònyc Case (Libertad DE Expresión Artística Y Discurso Del Odio a La Luz Del Caso Valtònyc)' (2019), Sistema, 255, pp. 101-121
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Sanders, T., Scoular, J. & Campbell, R., 'Sex Work, Hate Crime and the Criminal law' (2022), Journal of Criminal Law, 86(2), pp. 109-125
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Sausdal, D., 'Police Prejudice or Logics? Analyzing the “Bornholm Murder Case”' (2022), Conflict and Society, 8(1), pp. 1-19
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Schweppe, J., Haynes, A. & Walters, M.A., 'Life cycle of a hate crime – Comparative report' (2018), Dublin: Irish Council for Civil Liberties
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Shahani, N., 'The queer politics of prison abolition: Revisiting the case of Latisha King' (2022), in J.L. Casero (Ed.) Gender Utopias for a Post-Apocalyptic World (pp. 63-80), Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers
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Shirlow, P., Taylor, L.K., Merrilees, C.E., Goeke-Morey, M.C. & Cummings, E.M., 'Hate crime: Record or perception?' (2013), Space and Polity, 17(2), pp.237-252
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Silva, N., 'Breaking down barriers: NSW police beating anti-gay violence' (1996), New South Wales Police News, 76(9), 33

Simmons, K.C., 'Subverting symbolism: The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act and cooperative federalism' (2012), American Criminal Law Review, 49(4)
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Simons, K. W. , 'On equality, bias crimes and just deserts' (2000), The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1973-), 91(1), pp.237-268
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Sin, C.H., Sheikh, S. & Khanna, M., 'Police readiness for tackling hate crime against people with learning disabilities – Areas for improvement and examples of good practice' (2012), Safer Communities, 11(3), pp.145-153
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Smith, A., 'Moving against hate crime' (2014), The Criminal Law Review, 7, pp.475-476

Snowball, L. & Weatherburn, D., 'Does racial bias in sentencing contribute to Indigenous overrepresentation in prison? ' (2007), Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 40(3), pp.272-290
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Solhjell, R., 'How acts become hate crime: The police’s documenting of criminal cases' (2023), International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 72, 100574
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Solhjell, R. & Klatran, H.K., 'The Politics of Policing Hate: Boundary Work, Social Inequalities, and Legitimacy' (2023), Social and Legal Studies [online]
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Solomon, T., 'Problems in drafting legislation against racist activities' (1994), Australian Journal of Human Rights, 1(1), pp.265-298
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Sosa, L., 'Now You See Me? The Visibility of Trans and Travesti Experiences in Criminal Procedures' (2020), Politics and Governance, 8(3), pp. 266-277
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Spalek, B., 'Communities, identities and crime' (2008), Bristol: The Policy Press.

Spencer, K.B., Charbonneau, A.K. & Glaser, J., 'Implicit bias and policing' (2015), Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 10(1), pp.50-63
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Spieldenner, A.R. & Glenn, C.L., 'Scripting hate crimes: Victim, space and perpetrator defining hate' (2014), Continuum, 28(1), pp.123-135
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Spohn, C., 'Race, crime, and punishment in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries' (2015), Crime and Justice, 44(1), pp.49-97
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Stanislas, P., 'Policing violent homophobia in the Caribbean and the British Caribbean diaspora: Postcolonial discourses and the limits of postmodernity' (2014), Interventions, 16(1), pp.135-156
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Stanko, E.A., 'Re-conceptualising the policing of hatred: Confessions and worrying dilemmas of a consultant' (2001), Law and Critique, 12(3), pp.309-329
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Stanton-Ife, J., 'Criminalising conduct with special reference to potential offences of stirring up hatred against disabled or transgender persons' (2013), London: Law Commission.
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Steen, S. & Cohen, M.A., 'Assessing the public’s demand for hate crime penalties' (2004), Justice Quarterly, 21(1), pp.91-124
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Stefanou-Haag, E., 'Antiracism: From legislation to education' (1994), Australian Journal of Human Rights, 1(1), pp.185-197
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Storry, K., 'The implications of the Macpherson Report into the death of Stephen Lawrence' (2000), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 12(1), pp.106-113
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Stotzer, R.L., 'Violence against transgender people: A review of United States data' (2009), Aggression and Violent Behavior, 14(3), pp.170-179
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Strobl, R., Klemm, J. & Wurtz, S., 'Preventing hate crimes: Experiences from two East-German towns' (2005), British Journal of Criminology, 45(5), pp.634-646
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Strobl, S., Phillips, N., Banutai, E. & Reynolds, D., 'Film-making and police-minority relations: Slovenian police and Roma in Shanghai Gypsy' (2015), International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 4(4), pp.22-39
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Sweeney, M.M., Chenane, J.L. & Perliger, A., 'The role of demographic diversification of the police force in curbing hate crimes: Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses' (2021), Police Practice and Research [online]
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Takach, R., 'Gay and lesbian inequality: The anti-vilification measures' (1994), Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal, 4, 30

Taylor, P., Corteen, K., Ogden, C., & Morley, S., '‘Standing’ by: disability hate crime and the police in England' (2012), Criminal Justice Matters, 87(1), pp.46-47
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Teruel Lozano, G.M., 'The Spanish Constitutional Court’s case law on speech crimes that punish extreme speeches: Comment on Judgment n. 35/2020, February 25 and beyond' (2021), Teoria y Realidad Constitucional, (47), pp. 411-436
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The Association of Chief Police Officers and Crown Prosecution Service, 'Joint disability hate crime data review' (2014)
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Thompson, S., 'Hate crimes against gays and lesbians: The New South Wales police response' (1997), in Mason, G. & Tomsen, S. (eds.) Homophobic Violence. Australia: Hawkins Press.

Tiby, E., 'Constructions of Homophobic hate crimes: Definitions, decisions, data' (2007), Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 8(2), pp.114-137
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Tiby, E., 'Constructions of homophobic hate crimes: Definitions, decisions, data' (2007), Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 8(2), pp.114-137
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Tomsen, S., 'Hatred, murder and male honour: Gay homicides and the “homosexual panic defence”' (1994), Criminology Australia, 6(2), 2

Tomsen, S. & Kirchengast, T., 'Victimhood, Truth and Criminal Justice Failure in Relation to Anti-Homosexual Violence and Killings in New South Wales' (2019), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 31(2), pp. 181-193
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Tomsen, S. & Kirchengast, T., 'The Scott Johnson Case: Prosecuting anti-homosexual violence in New South Wales' (2023), Alternative Law Journal [online]
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Trickett, L. & Hamilton, P., 'The policing of hate crime in Nottinghamshire' (2014)
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Tsesis, A., 'Contextualizing bias crimes: A social and theoretical perspective' (2003), Law & Social Inquiry, 28, pp.315-340
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