Publications: Cyber hate (online hate crime)


Gupta, G., Kadian, K., Jain, R., Dwivedi, V. & Sharma, A., 'Real-time Hate Speech Detection in Live Streaming Platforms using Quantum Machine Learning' (2023), Proceedings of 2023 26th Conference of the Oriental COCOSDA International Committee for the Co-Ordination and Standardization of Speech Databases and Assessment Techniques, O-COCOSDA 2023
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Gupta, R., Desai, S., Goel, M., Bandhkavi, A., Chakraborty, T. & Akhtar, M.S., 'Counterspeeches up my sleeve! Intent Distribution Learning and Persistent Fusion for Intent-Conditioned Counterspeech Generation' (2023), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 1, pp. 5792–5809
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Gupta, S., Goel, M. & Rathee, N., 'Machine Learning Approach to Classify Toxic Comments on Social Media Platforms' (2022), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 287, pp. 439-449
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Gupta, S., Lakra, S. & Kaur, M., 'Study on BERT Model for Hate Speech Detection' (2020), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2020, 9297560
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Gupta, S., Nagar, S., Nanavati, A.A., Dey, K., Barbhuiya, F.A. & Mukherjea, S., 'Consumption of hate speech on Twitter: A topical approach to capture networks of hateful users' (2021), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2838, pp. 25-34
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Gupta, S., Priyadarshi, P. & Gupta, M., 'Hateful Comment Detection and Hate Target-Type Prediction for Video Comments' (2023), International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings, pp. 3923–3927
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Gupta, V., Ponsam, J.G. & Vangavarapu, C., 'Racial Slur detection using Natural Language Processes' (2023), Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Discovery in Concurrent Engineering, ICECONF 2023
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Gurgun, S., Arden-Close, E., Phalp, K. & Ali, R., 'Online silence: Why do people not challenge others when posting misinformation?' (2022), Internet Research [online]
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Guruge, M., Ahangama, S. & Amarasinghe, D., 'Analyze Hate Contents on Sinhala Tweets using an Ensemble Method' (2022), ICARC 2022 - 2nd International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing: Towards a Digitally Empowered Society, pp. 183-187
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Haanshuus, B.P., 'Overcoming Hate: Jewish Minority Voices’ Strategies for Participating in the News Media' (2023), Journalism Practice [online]
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Haapoja, J., Laaksonen, S.-M. & Lampinen, A., 'Gaming Algorithmic Hate-Speech Detection: Stakes, Parties, and Moves' (2020), Social Media and Society, 6(2)
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Hadi, N., Mawardi, V.C. & Hendryli, J., 'Discord Bot Design for Hate Speech Sensor Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) Method' (2023), ICCoSITE 2023 - International Conference on Computer Science, Information Technology and Engineering: Digital Transformation Strategy in Facing the VUCA and TUNA Era, pp. 17–22
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Hadj Ameur, M.S. & Aliane, H., 'AraCOVID19-MFH: Arabic COVID-19 Multi-label Fake News & Hate Speech Detection Dataset' (2021), Procedia CIRP, 189, pp. 232-241
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Hadžić, S., Šilić, A. & Grmuša, T., 'Building a Language Corpus of Hate Speech in the Croatian Media Space of Social Networks | [Izgradnja jezičnog korpusa govora mržnje na hrvatskom medijskom prostoru društvenih reža]' (2022), Medijska Istrazivanja, 28(2), pp. 63-85
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Hadzifejzovic, H., Morell, C., Scholberg, T., Perry, B., Jama, A., Obrien, D., McCalpin, K., McKenzie, A., Uribe-Quevedo, A., Hogue, A., Ripley, J. & Sposato, R., 'Development of a Safe Gaming and Anti-Hate Serious Game' (2023), 2023 IEEE Gaming, Entertainment, and Media Conference, GEM 2023
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Hagen, L., Falling, M., Lisnichenko, O., Elmadany, A.A., Costakis, J. & Keller, T.E., 'Emoji Use in Twitter White Nationalism Communication' (2019), Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW, pp. 201-205
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Hagen, S. & de Zeeuw, D., 'Based and confused: Tracing the political connotations of a memetic phrase across the web' (2023), Big Data and Society, 10(1)
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Haider, F., Dipty, I., Rahman, F., Assaduzzaman, M. & Sohel, A., 'Social Media Hate Speech Detection Using Machine Learning Approach' (2023), IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 673, pp. 218–229
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Haimson, O.L., Delmonaco, D., Nie, P. & Wegner, A., 'Disproportionate Removals and Differing Content Moderation Experiences for Conservative, Transgender, and Black Social Media Users: Marginalization and Moderation Gray Areas' (2021), Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW2), 466
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Hakimov, S., Cheema, G.S. & Ewerth, R., 'TIB-VA at SemEval-2022 Task 5: A Multimodal Architecture for the Detection and Classification of Misogynous Memes' (2022), SemEval 2022 - 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 756-760
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Hakoköngäs, E., Halmesvaara, O. & Sakki, I., 'Persuasion Through Bitter Humor: Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Rhetoric in Internet Memes of Two Far-Right Groups in Finland' (2020), Social Media and Society, 6(2)
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Halevy, M., Harris, C., Bruckman, A., Yang, D. & Howard, A., 'Mitigating Racial Biases in Toxic Language Detection with an Equity-Based Ensemble Framework' (2021), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 3483299
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Halim, S.M.D., Irtiza, S., Hu, Y., Khan, L. & Thuraisingham, B., 'WokeGPT: Improving Counterspeech Generation Against Online Hate Speech by Intelligently Augmenting Datasets Using a Novel Metric' (2023), Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2023
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Hall, J.J., 'Moderating hate on the Internet in Japan: The anonymous campaign against Japanese right-wing hate speech' (2023), in V. Frangville, T. Kellner & F. Ponjaert (Eds.) National Identity and Millennials in Northeast Asia: Power and Contestations in the Digital Age (pp. 148–165), London: Routledge
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Halpin, M., Richard, N., Preston, K., Gosse, M. & Maguire, F., 'Men who hate women: The misogyny of involuntarily celibate men' (2023), New Media and Society [online]
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Hamad, N., Jarrar, M., Khalilia, M. & Nashif, N., 'Offensive Hebrew Corpus and Detection using BERT' (2023), Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA
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Hameleers, M., van der Meer, T. & Vliegenthart, R., 'Civilized truths, hateful lies? Incivility and hate speech in false information–evidence from fact-checked statements in the US' (2021), Information Communication and Society [online]
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Hamza, M.A., Alshahrani, H.J., Tarmissi, K., Yafoz, A., Aziz, A.S.S., Mahzari, M., Zamani, A.S. & Yaseen, I., 'Improved Attentive Recurrent Network for Applied Linguistics-Based Offensive Speech Detection' (2023), Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 47(2), pp. 1691–1707
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Hamzah, S., Mohd, M. & Zakaria, L.Q., 'Detection of Online Hate Comments Based on Feature Embedding and Deep Learning' (2023), 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences: Discovering Technological Advancement in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, AiDAS 2023 - Proceedings, pp. 239–244
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Han, C., Seering, J., Kumar, D., Hancock, J.T. & Durumeric, Z., 'Hate Raids on Twitch: Echoes of the Past, New Modalities, and Implications for Platform Governance' (2023), Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CSCW1), 133
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Han, L. & Tang, H., 'Designing of Prompts for Hate Speech Recognition with In-Context Learning' (2022), Proceedings - 2022 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, CSCI 2022, pp. 319–320
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Hana, K.M., Adiwijaya, Al Faraby, S. & Bramantoro, A., 'Multi-Label Classification of Indonesian Hate Speech on Twitter Using Support Vector Machine' (2020), 2020 International Conference on Data Science and Its Applications, ICoDSA 2020, 9212992
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Handelman, M., 'Artificial antisemitism: Critical theory in the age of datafication' (2022), Critical Inquiry, 48(2), pp. 286-312
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Hangartner, D., Gennaro, G., Alasiri, S., Bahrich, N., Bornhoft, A., Boucher, J., Demirci, B.B., Derksen, L., Hall, A., Jochum, M., Munoz, M.M., Richter, M., Vogel, F., Wittwer, S., Wüthrich, F., Gilardi, F. & Donnay, K., 'Empathy-based counterspeech can reduce racist hate speech in a social media field experiment' (2021), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(50), e2116310118
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Hangya, V. & Fraser, A., 'LMU at HaSpeeDe3: Multi-Dataset Training for Cross-Domain Hate Speech Detection' (2023), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3473
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Haq, T. & Isa, N.A.N.M., 'Discourse, Law and Digital Communication: Unraveling the Hate Speech in Basuki Tjahaja Purnama’s Case of Religious Blasphemy' (2023), Journal of Indonesian Islam, 17(2), pp. 376–402
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Haque, M.M., Yousuf, M., Alam, A.S., Saha, P., Ahmed, S.I. & Hassan, N., 'Combating Misinformation in Bangladesh: Roles and Responsibilities as Perceived by Journalists, Fact-checkers, and Users' (2020), Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 4(CSCW2), 130
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Haque, N., Alam, M.B., Towfiq, A.A. & Hossain, M., 'Bangla Toxic Comment Classification and Severity Measure Using Deep Learning' (2022), International Conference on Recent Progresses in Science, Engineering and Technology, ICRPSET 2022
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Haralabopoulos, G. & Anagnostopoulos, I., 'A Custom State LSTM Cell for Text Classification Tasks' (2022), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1600 CCIS, pp. 489-504
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Harby, A.A. & Zulkernine, F., 'A Comparative Analysis of Graph Neural Networks for Fake News Detection' (2023), Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2023, pp. 1215–1222
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Hardaker, C. & McGlashan, M., '“Real men don’t hate women”: Twitter rape threats and group identity' (2015), Journal of Pragmatics, 91, pp.80-93
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Hardmeier, C., Basta, C., Costa-jussà, M.R., Stanovsky, G. & Gonen, H. (Eds.), 'Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing (GeBNLP)' (2022), 4th Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing (GeBNLP) (July 2022 in Seattle, WA)
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Hardy, J., 'Thematic analysis of in-group and out-group debates in an online right-wing extremist community' (2023), Research and Politics, 10(1)
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Harindranath, R., 'Malign images, malevolent networks: Social media, extremist violence and public anxieties' (2017), in E. Martellozzo & E.A. Jane (Eds.), Cybercrime and its victims (Chapter 8). Oxon, New York: Routledge
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Harish, D., Manimaran, M., Jayashakthi, V.P. & Alamelu, M., 'Automatic Detection of Cyberbullying on Social Media Using Machine Learning' (2023), 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation, ICAECA 2023
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Harriman, N., Shortland, N., Su, M., Cote, T., Testa, M.A. & Savoia, E., 'Youth Exposure to Hate in the Online Space: An Exploratory Analysis' (2020), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(22),8531, pp. 1-14
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Harris, B. & Vitis, L., 'Digital intrusions: Technology, spatiality and violence against women' (2020), Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 4(3), pp. 325-341
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Harris, C., Halevy, M., Howard, A., Bruckman, A. & Yang, D., 'Exploring the Role of Grammar and Word Choice in Bias Toward African American English (AAE) in Hate Speech Classification' (2022), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 789-798
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Harris, C., Rowbotham, J. & Stevenson, K., 'Truth, law and hate in the virtual marketplace of ideas: perspectives on the regulation of Internet content' (2009), Information & Communications Technology Law, 18(2), pp.155-184
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Hasan, A., Sharma, T., Khan, A. & Hasan Ali Al-Abyadh, M., 'Analysing Hate Speech against Migrants and Women through Tweets Using Ensembled Deep Learning Mode' (2022), Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022, 8153791
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