Publications: Cyber hate (online hate crime)


Morales, A.G., 'Hate Speech and Binary Exclusions in Europe: A Digital and Communicative Approach' (2022), Age of Human Rights Journal, 18, pp. 199-220
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Morbidoni, C. & Sarra, A., 'Can LLMs assist humans in assessing online misogyny? Experiments with GPT-3.5' (2023), Proceedings of GENerative, Explainable and Reasonable Artificial Learning Workshop 2023, pp. 31–43
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Morgan, M. & Kulkarni, A., 'Platform-agnostic Model to Detect Sinophobia on Social Media' (2023), ACMSE 2023 - Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Southeast Conference, pp. 149–153
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Moriña, A.J.M., Pásaro, J.R., Vázquez, J.M. & Álvarez, V.P., 'I2C-UHU at IberLEF-2023 HOMO-MEX task: Ensembling Transformers Models to Identify and Classify Hate Messages Towards the Community LGBTQ+' (2023), Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2023) co-located with the Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2023)
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Mossie, Z., 'Social Media Dark Side Content Detection Using Transfer Learning Emphasis on Hate and Conflict' (2020), The Web Conference 2020 - Companion of the World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2020, pp. 259-263
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Mossie, Z. & Wang, J.-H., 'Vulnerable Community Identification Using Hate Speech Detection on Social Media' (2019), Information Processing and Management [online]
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Mostafa, A., Mohamed, O. & Ashraf, A., 'GOF at Arabic Hate Speech 2022: Breaking The Loss Function Convention For Data-Imbalanced Arabic Offensive Text Detection' (2022), 5th Workshop Open-Source Arabic Corpora and Processing Tools with Shared Tasks on Qur'an QA and Fine-Grained Hate Speech Detection, OSACT 2022 - Proceedings at Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2022, pp. 167-175
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Mostafazadeh Davani, A., Kiela, D., Lambert, M., Vidgen, B., Prabhakaran, V. & Waseem, Z. (Eds.), 'Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (WOAH 2021)' (2021), Association for Computational Linguistics - 5th Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (6 August 2021, Bangkok, Thailand)
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Motwakel, A., Al-Onazi, B.B., Alzahrani, J.S., Alazwari, S., Othman, M., Zamani, A.S., Yaseen, I. & Abdelmageed, A.A., 'Improved Ant Lion Optimizer with Deep Learning Driven Arabic Hate Speech Detection' (2023), Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 46(3), pp. 3321-3338
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Mou, G. & Lee, K., 'An Effective, Robust and Fairness-aware Hate Speech Detection Framework' (2021), Proceedings - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2021, pp. 687-697
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Moy, T.X., Raheem, M. & Logeswaran, R., 'Hate Speech Detection in English and Non-English Languages: A Review of Techniques and Challenges' (2021), Webology, 18(Special Issue), pp. 929-938
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Mozafari, M., Farahbakhsh, R. & Crespi, N., 'Cross-Lingual Few-Shot Hate Speech and Offensive Language Detection using Meta Learning' (2022), IEEE Access [online]
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Mozafari, M., Farahbakhsh, R. & Crespi, N., 'Hate Speech Detection and Racial Bias Mitigation in Social Media Based on BERT Model' (2020), PLOS One, 15(8), pp. e0237861
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Mozafari, M., Farahbakhsh, R. & Crespi, N., 'A BERT-Based Transfer Learning Approach for Hate Speech Detection in Online Social Media' (2020), Studies in Computational Intelligence, 881 SCI, pp. 928-940
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Mróz, J. & Kaleta, K., 'Internet Addiction as a Moderator of the Relationship between Cyberhate Severity and Decisional Forgiveness' (2022), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(10), 5844
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Muaad, A.Y., Hanumanthappa, J.J.D., Prakash, S.P.S., Al-Sarem, M., Ghabban, F., Bibal Benifa, J.V. & Chola, C., 'Arabic Hate Speech Detection Using Different Machine Learning Approach' (2023), Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 179, pp. 429–438
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Mubarak, H., Abdaljalil, S., Nassar, A. & Alam, F., 'Detecting and identifying the reasons for deleted tweets before they are posted' (2023), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 6, 1219767
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Mubarak, H., Hassan, S. & Chowdhury, S.A., 'Emojis as anchors to detect Arabic offensive language and hate speech' (2023), Natural Language Engineering [online]
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Mubarak, H., Rashed, A., Darwish, K., Samih, Y. & Abdelali, A., 'Arabic Offensive Language on Twitter: Analysis and Experiments' (2021), WANLP 2021 - 6th Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop, Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 126-135
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Muhammad, I.Z., Nasrun, M. & Setianingsih, C., 'Hate Speech Detection Using Global Vector and Deep Belief Network Algorithm' (2020), 2020 1st International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Practices, IBDAP 2020, 9245467
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Muinao, A.B. & Ratnamala, V., 'YouTube discourse of the Oting massacre in Nagaland: investigating affiliations, sentiments and Naga identity negotiation in YouTube comments' (2023), Media, War and Conflict [online]
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Mukherjee, S. & Das, S., 'Application of Transformer-Based Language Models to Detect Hate Speech in Social Media' (2023), Journal of Computational and Cognitive Engineering, 2(4), pp. 278–286
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Mulki, H. & Ghanem, B., 'ArMI at FIRE 2021: Overview of the First Shared Task on Arabic Misogyny Identification' (2021), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3159, pp. 820-830
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Mulki, H., Alabdullah, S., Halil, A., Al-Ali, N., Kyriakidou, M. & Stavinoha, L., 'Online Toxicity Against Syrians in Turkish Twitter: Analysis and Implications' (2024), International Journal of Communication, 18, pp. 191–218
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Mullah, N.S. & Zainon, W.M.N.W., 'Advances in Machine Learning Algorithms for Hate Speech Detection in Social Media: A Review' (2021), IEEE Access, 9, 9455353, pp. 88364-88376
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Mullah, N.S. & Zainon, W.M.N.W., 'Advances in Machine Learning Algorithms for Hate Speech Detection in Social Media: A Review' (2021), IEEE Access [online]
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Mullah, N.S. & Zainon, W.M.N.W., 'Improving detection accuracy of politically motivated cyber-hate using heterogeneous stacked ensemble (HSE) approach' (2022), Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing [online]
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Müller, K. & Schwarz, C., 'Making America hate again? Twitter and hate crime under Trump' (2018), SSRN
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Müller, K. & Schwarz, C., 'From Hashtag to Hate Crime: Twitter and Antiminority Sentiment' (2023), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 15(3), pp. 270–312
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Mullick, S.S., Bhambhani, M.P., Sinha, S., Mathur, A., Gupta, S. & Shah, J., 'Content Moderation for Evolving Policies using Binary Question Answering' (2023), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 5, pp. 561–573
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Munasinghe, S. & Thayasivam, U, 'A Deep Learning Ensemble Hate Speech Detection Approach for Sinhala Tweets' (2022), MERCon 2022 - Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference, Proceedings
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Mundra, S. & Mittal, N., 'FA-Net: fused attention-based network for Hindi English code-mixed offensive text classification' (2022), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12(1), 100
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Mundra, S. & Mittal, N., 'CMHE-AN: Code mixed hybrid embedding based attention network for aggression identification in Hindi English code-mixed text' (2022), Multimedia Tools and Applications [online]
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Munir, M.S., Parveen, K., Farooq, U., Shaalan, K., Abualkishik, A.Z. & Mohammed, A.S., 'Use of Different Machine Learning Algorithms for Hate Speech Detection' (2022), International Conference on Cyber Resilience, ICCR 2022
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Munn, L., 'Sustainable Hate: How Gab Built a Durable “Platform for the People”' (2022), Canadian Journal of Communication, 47(1), pp. 219-240
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Munn, L., 'Red Pilled – The Allure of Digital Hate' (2023), Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press
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Munn, L., 'Surface and Sublevel Hate' (2023), Big Data and Society, 10(1)
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Murauskienė, D., Jurka, R. & Zajančkauskienė, J., 'The instigation of hatred: Questions of legal evaluation and procedural issues' (2020), Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 8(2), pp. 896-913
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Murphy, A., 'Political rhetoric and hate speech in the case of Shamima Begum' (2021), Religions, 12(10), 834
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Musa, M., Usama, M. & Uppal, M., 'Extremism on Social Media: Lynching of Priyantha Kumara Diyawadana' (2022), Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2022, pp. 508-509
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Musyoka, I., Wandeto, J. & Kituku, B., 'Multimodal Cyberbullying Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques: A Review' (2023), 2023 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Development for Africa, ICT4DA 2023, pp. 187–192
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Mutanga, R.T., Naicker, N. & Olugbara, O.O., 'Detecting Hate Speech on Twitter Network using Ensemble Machine Learning' (2022), International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 13(3), pp. 331-339
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Mutanga, R.T., Naicker, N. & Olugbara, O.O., 'Hate Speech Detection in Twitter Using Transformer Methods' (2020), International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 11(9), pp. 614-620
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Muti, A. & Mancini, E., 'Enriching Hate-Tuned Transformer-Based Embeddings with Emotions for the Categorization of Sexism' (2023), Working Notes of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2023), pp. 1012-1023
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Muti, A., Fernicola, F. & Barrón-Cedeño, A., 'UniBoe’s at SemEval-2023 Task 10: Model-Agnostic Strategies for the Improvement of Hate-Tuned and Generative Models in the Classification of Sexist Posts' (2023), 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, SemEval 2023 - Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 1138–1147
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Muzakir, A., Adi, K. & Kusumaningrum, R., 'Advancements in Semantic Expansion Techniques for Short Text Classification and Hate Speech Detection' (2023), Ingenierie des Systemes d'Information, 28(3), pp. 545–556
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Muzakir, A., Adi, K. & Kusumaningrum, R., 'Classification of Hate Speech Language Detection on Social Media: Preliminary Study for Improvement' (2023), Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 147, pp. 146-156
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Muzakir, A., Adi, K. & Kusumaningrum, R., 'Short Text Classification Based on Hybrid Semantic Expansion and Bidirectional GRU (BiGRU) Based Method to Improve Hate Speech Detection' (2023), Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, 37(6), pp. 1471–1481
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Nabi, R.L. & Myrick, J.G. (Eds.), 'Emotions in the digital world: Exploring affective experience and expression in online interactions' (2023), New York: Oxford University Press
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Naderer, B., Wendt, R., Bachl, M. & Rieger, D., 'Understanding the role of participatory-moral abilities, motivation, and behavior in European adolescents’ responses to online hate' (2023), New Media and Society [online]
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