Publications: Law and hate crime


Suvidutt, M.S. & Tomer, A., 'Violence, Hate Speech, and Hostility Against the Healthcare Professionals in India: A Contemporary Legal Review' (2022), Journal of Forensic Medicine Science and Law, 31(1), pp. 90-95
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Suvidutt, M.S. & Tomer, A., 'Religious Hate Speech Vs Peaceful Co-Existence: A Socio-Legal Review' (2022), Journal of Dharma, 47(4), pp. 473-492
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Swannie, B., 'Speaking back: Does counter speech provide adequate redress for racial vilification?' (2021), Adelaide Law Review, 42(1), pp. 39-72
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Sweeney, P., 'Could the destruction of a beloved robot be considered a hate crime? An exploration of the legal and social significance of robot love' (2023), AI and Society [online]
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Swiffen, A., 'New resistance to hate crime legislation and the concept of law' (2018), Law, Culture and the Humanities, 14(1), pp.121-139
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Szontagh, V., 'The chances of restorative justice in hate crime cases' (2022), Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies [online]
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Takach, R., 'Gay and lesbian inequality: The anti-vilification measures' (1994), Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal, 4, 30

Taplin, P., Holland, C. & Billing, L., 'The sovereign citizen superconspiracy: Contemporary issues in native title anthropology' (2023), Australian Journal of Anthropology [online]
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Tasmania Law Reform Institute, 'Racial vilification and racially motivated offences' (2010), Issues Paper No 16 (June 2010)
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Tasmania Law Reform Institute, 'Racial vilification and racially motivated offences' (2011), Final Report No. 14 (April 2011)
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Taylor, R.S., 'Hate speech, the priority of liberty, and the temptations of nonideal theory' (2012), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 15(3), pp.353-368
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Taylor, P., Corteen, K., Ogden, C., & Morley, S., '‘Standing’ by: disability hate crime and the police in England' (2012), Criminal Justice Matters, 87(1), pp.46-47
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Teruel Lozano, G.M., 'The Crime of Historical Denialism as a Limit to the Freedom of Expression: A European Glance' (2021), in L. Corredoira, I.B. Mallén & R.C. Presuel (Eds.) The Handbook of Communication Rights, Law, and Ethics: Seeking Universality, Equality, Freedom and Dignity (pp. 195-204), Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley
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Teruel Lozano, G.M., 'The Spanish Constitutional Court’s case law on speech crimes that punish extreme speeches: Comment on Judgment n. 35/2020, February 25 and beyond' (2021), Teoria y Realidad Constitucional, (47), pp. 411-436
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The Scottish Government, 'Report of the independent advisory group on hate crime, prejudice and community cohesion' (2016), One Scotland
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The Scottish Government, 'One Scotland: Hate has no home here' (2018), Edinburgh
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Thelen, C., 'Hate Speech as Protected Conduct: Reworking the Approach to Offensive Speech Under the NLRA' (2019), Iowa Law Review, 104(2), pp. 985-1015
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Tiby, E., 'Constructions of homophobic hate crimes: Definitions, decisions, data' (2007), Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 8(2), pp.114-137
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Timmermann, W.K., 'Inciting speech in the former Yugoslavia: The Šešelj Trial Chamber Judgment' (2017), Journal of International Criminal Justice, 15(1), p.133-155
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Tjon Soei Len, L.K.L. & De Ruijter, A., 'Conceptualising the tortuous harms of sexist and racist hate speech' (2023), European Law Open, 2(1), pp. 8–29
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Tomsen, S., 'Hatred, murder and male honour: Gay homicides and the “homosexual panic defence”' (1994), Criminology Australia, 6(2), 2

Tomsen, S. & Kirchengast, T., 'The Scott Johnson Case: Prosecuting anti-homosexual violence in New South Wales' (2023), Alternative Law Journal [online]
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Topidi, K., 'Accountability in the globalised digital age: Online content moderation and hate speech in the European Union' (2021), in P. Mikuli & G. Kuca (Eds.) Accountability and the Law: Rights, Authority and Transparency of Public Power (pp. 9-27), London: Routledge
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Tranter, K. & Marusek, S., 'Cars and hate: Legal semiotics of automobility and combustion masculinity' (2023), in A. Wagner & S. Marusek (Eds.) Research Handbook on Legal Semiotics (pp. 376–393), Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing
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Tsedendemberel, O., 'Shamed citizens: Exilic lived experiences of queer Mongolians' (2022), Intersections East European Journal of Society and Politics, 8(4), pp. 58-73
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Tsesis, A., 'Contextualizing bias crimes: A social and theoretical perspective' (2003), Law & Social Inquiry, 28, pp.315-340
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Tsosie, R., 'Constitutional Law and Epistemic Injustice: Hate Speech, Stereotyping, and Recognition Harm' (2022), in P. Giladi & N. McMillan (Eds.) Epistemic Injustice and the Philosophy of Recognition (pp. 256-278), New York: Routledge
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Tucker, S., 'Hate crime and the city' (2010), Policing and Society, 20(1), pp.140-141
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Turgut, H., 'Governing through Hate: Discourse Strategies Used by the AKP Elites on Twitter to Justify the Decision to Withdraw from the Istanbul Convention | [Upravljanje mržnjom: strategije diskursa koje elitni članovi političke stranke AKPkoriste na Twitteru kako bi opravdali povlačenje iz Istanbulske konvencije]' (2022), Medijska Istrazivanja, 28(2), pp. 9-40
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Twomey, A., 'Laws against incitement to racial hatred in the United Kingdom' (1994), Australian Journal of Human Rights, 1(1), pp.235-248
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Tworek, H.J.S., 'Fighting Hate with Speech Law: Media and German Visions of Democracy' (2021), Journal of Holocaust Research, 35(2), pp. 106-122
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Uhrich, C.L., 'Hate crime legislation: A policy analysis' (1999), Houston Law Review, 36(4), pp.1467-1529
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Ukah, A., 'Apocalyptic homophobia: Freedom of religious expression, hate speech, and the Pentecostal discourse on same-sex relations in Africa' (2021), Journal of Law and Religion, 36(1), pp. 72-91
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Ullmann, S. & Tomalin, M. (Eds.), 'Counterspeech: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Countering Dangerous Speech' (2023), London: Routledge
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Uršič, E.D. & Jurak, A.P., 'Media Literacy, active citizenship and sustainable democracy: a case study of Slovenia' (2023), Politics in Central Europe, 19(s1), pp. 393–407
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Uszkiewicz, E., 'Anomalies in the application of law related to hate crimes' (2022), Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies [online]
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Valcore, J.L. & Dodge, M., 'How hate crime legislation shapes gay and lesbian target groups: An analysis of social construction, law, and policy' (2016), Criminal Justice Policy Review [online],
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Valiente Martínez, F., 'Redressing the harm caused by hate speech | [El resarcimiento de los daños causados por el discurso del odio]' (2022), Isegoria, (67), e08
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Vallini, A., 'Criminalizing Hate Speech to Avert Collective Violence? Working Hypotheses About the Offence of “Racist Propaganda” | [Criminalizzare L’Hate Speech per Scongiurare la Collective Violence? Ipotesi di Lavoro Intorno al Reato di “Propaganda Razzista”]' (2020), Studi sulla Questione Criminale, 15(1), pp. 33-64
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Van Coller, H., 'Freedom of expression: Blasphemy and the prohibition against religious hate speech | [Vryheid van uitdrukking: Godslastering en die verbod op godsdienstige haatspraak]' (2021), Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 61(1), pp. 87-106
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Van Hout, M.C., Kaima, R., Mhango, V. & Mariniello, T., 'Moving beyond the politization of same-sex sexuality and leveraging right to health to counter inter-personal sexual violence and HIV in Malawi’s prisons' (2022), Forensic Science International: Mind and Law, 3, 100103
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Vantin, S., 'The prism of equality. From legal feminist critiques to the Digital Era' (2021), Women's Studies International Forum, 86, 102469
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Vasilenko, E., 'Online hate speech in Belarus: Highlighting the topical issues' (2021), Zeitschrift fur Slawistik, 66(4), pp. 558-577
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Vera Santos, R.E., 'Hate crime and racial discrimination in Ecuador: The case of Michael Arce in ESMIL' (2021), International Journal of Discrimination and the Law [online]
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Victor, C., 'Anti-hate policy: All talk, no action' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 48(1), pp.36-37
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Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission [VEOHRC], 'Submission to the review of identity-motivated hate crime' (2010), Victorian Department of Justice

Vilar-Lluch, S., 'Understanding and appraising ‘hate speech’' (2023), Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 11(2), pp. 279–306
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Vilím, L., 'Social Media – Hate Speech – Hate Crime' (2021), Connections, 20(2), pp. 57-73
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Vrielink, J., '‘Islamophobia’ and the law: Belgian hate speech legislation and the wilful destruction of the Koran' (2014), International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, 14(1), pp.54-65
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Walach, V., Divišová, V., Kalibová, K. & Kupka, P., 'Life cycle of a hate crime – Country report for Czech Republic' (2017), Prague: In IUSTITIA, o.p.s.
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