Publications: Law and hate crime


Duggan, M., 'A socio-legal analysis of gender-based victimization, misogyny and the hate crime paradigm in England and Wales' (2021), Studies in Law Politics and Society, 85, pp. 101-128
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Duggan, M., 'Heteronormativity and the inverted relationship between sociopolitical and legislative approaches to lesbian, gay and bisexual hate crime' (2017), in A. Haynes, J. Schweppe, & S. Taylor (Eds.), Critical perspectives on hate crime (pp.147-167). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
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Duggan, M., 'Gender and Hate Crime Protections' (2020), in C. Ashford & A. Maine (Eds.), Research Handbook on Gender, Sexuality and the Law (pp. 317-329). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
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Duggan, M., 'Working with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities to shape hate crime policy' (2014), in Chakraborti, N. & Garland, J. (2014) Responding to hate crime: the case for connecting policy and research. Bristol: Policy Press.

Dunbar, E. & Molina, A., 'Opposition to the legitimacy of hate crime laws: The role of argument acceptance, knowledge, individual differences, and peer influence' (2004), Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 4(1), pp.91-113
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Dunn, P., 'Sexuality: Is there a hierarchy of discrimination?' (1996), Probation Journal, 43(2), pp.64-69
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Edge, P.W., 'Extending hate crime to religion' (2003), Journal of Civil Liberties, 8(1), pp.5-27
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Eggers, A. & Hobbs, J., 'Combatting the financing of hate groups' (2022), Journal of Money Laundering Control [online]
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Eisenberg, A., 'A Trauma-Centered Approach to Addressing Hate Crimes' (2022), Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 112(4),2, pp. 729-748
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Elbahtimy, M., 'The Right to Protection from Incitement to Hatred: An Unsettled Right' (2021), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
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Ellis, T. & Hall, N., 'Hate crime' (2010), in Brown, J. & Campbell, E. (eds.) (2010) Cambridge Handbook of Forensic Psychology. Cambridge University Press.

Ellison, G. & Smith, L., 'Hate crime legislation and violence against sex workers in Ireland: Lessons in policy and practice' (2017), in A. Haynes, J. Schweppe, & S. Taylor (Eds.), Critical perspectives on hate crime (pp.179-207). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
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Enarsson, T. & Naarttijarvi, M., 'Is it all part of the game? Victim differentiation and the normative protection of victims of online antagonism under the European Convention on Human Rights (Article)' (2016), International Review of Victimology, 22(2), pp.123-138
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Epstein, E.M.B., Ngaosi, N.C., Khalayleh, N., Garces, L.M. & Pedota, J., 'Beyond Legal Constraints: Understanding Barriers to Humanizing Responses in the Aftermath of Hate Speech at Private Universities' (2024), Education Sciences, 14(2), 175
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Equality and Human Rights Commission, 'Hidden in plain sight: Inquiry into disability-related harassment' (2011)
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Erasmus, N., 'Age discrimination in critical care triage in South Africa: The law and the allocation of scarce health resources in the COVID-19 pandemic' (2020), South African Medical Journal, 110(12), pp. 1172-1175
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Erba, J., 'Effective or symbolic testing the constitutionality of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Hate Crimes Prevention Act' (2014), International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, 14(2), pp.99-116
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Esakov, G.A. & Korobeev, A.I., 'Hate crimes counteraction: American experience' (2014), Criminology Journal of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, 1, pp.144-153
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Estacio, A.M.Y., 'The “newest ‘yellow peril’”: How American legal history shaped the rise in Asian American hate crimes in the covid-19 pandemic' (2023), Denver Law Review, 100(1), pp. 305–323
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European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), 'ECRI Report on Austria (fifth monitoring cycle)' (2015), ECRI Secretariat, Council of Europe
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European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), 'ECRI Report on the Czech Republic (fifth monitoring cycle)' (2015), ECRI Secretariat, Council of Europe
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European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), 'ECRI Report on Estonia (fifth monitoring cycle)' (2015), ECRI Secretariat, Council of Europe
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European Commission against Racism and Intolerance [ECRI], 'Third report on Italy' (2006), Strasbourg: Council of Europe
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European Commission against Racism and Intolerance [ECRI], 'ECRI Report on Germany (fourth monitoring cycle)' (2009), Strasbourg: Council of Europe
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European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), 'Unmasking bias motives in crimes: Selected cases of the European Court of Human Rights' (2018)
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Ezeibe, C., 'Hate Speech and Election Violence in Nigeria' (2020), Journal of Asian and African Studies [online]
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Faculty of Advocates, 'Faculty of Advocates Response to the Independent Review of Hate Crime Legislation in Scotland' (2017)
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Fallada-García-valle, J.R., 'Political use of hate crimes in the context of the independentist procés: Victimization of the State security forces and bodies and criminalization of the Catalan independentist movement | Uso político de los delitos de discurso de odio en el contexto del procés independentista. Victimización de las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado y criminalización del movimiento independentista Catalán' (2024), Onati Socio-Legal Series, 14(2), pp. 474–504
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Fallik, S.W., Gardner, S.E., Remillard, A., Venuto, T., Atkin-Plunk, C.A. & Dobrin, A., 'Defining Hate: A Content Analysis of State Hate Crime Legislation in the United States of America' (2022), Victims and Offenders [online]
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Farr, P., 'Becoming again a war machine: Deleuze and Guattari’s theory of state violence applied to hate crime and domestic violence' (2024), Subjectivity [online]
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Farrand, B., '‘Is This a Hate Speech?’ The Difficulty in Combating Radicalisation in Coded Communications on Social media Platforms' (2023), European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research [online]
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Farrell, A. & Lockwood, S., 'Addressing Hate Crime in the 21st Century: Trends, Threats, and Opportunities for Intervention' (2023), Annual Review of Criminology, 6, pp. 107-130
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Faulkner, E., 'Hate crime in Canada: An overview of issues and data sources' (2001), International Journal of Comparative Criminology, 2(2), pp.239-261

Federman, C., 'Varieties of censorship: Hate speech, pornography, and the First Amendment' (2021), First Amendment Studies [online]
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Feenan, D., 'Religious vilification laws: Quelling fires of hatred?' (2006), Alternative Law Journal, 31(3), pp.153-158
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Fekete, L., 'Anti-Muslim racism and the European Security State' (2004), Race and Class, 46(1), pp.3-29
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Feo, F., 'Legislative reforms to fight discrimination and violence against LGBTQ+: the failure of the Zan Bill in Italy' (2022), European Journal of Politics and Gender, 5(1), pp. 149-151
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Fidgett, P., 'Responding to racial violence' (1993), Probation Journal, 40(2), pp.88-90
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Field, A.-M., 'Counter-hegemonic citizenship: LGBT communities and the politics of hate crimes in Canada' (2007), Citizenship Studies, 11(3), pp.247-262
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Fino, A., 'Defining Hate Speech' (2020), Journal of International Criminal Justice, 18(1), pp. 31-57
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Fino, A., 'A critique of the UN Strategy and Guidance on ‘Hate Speech’: Some Legal Considerations' (2023), Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 41(4), pp. 190–213
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Fischer-Lessiak, G., Sackl-Sharif, S. & Millner, C., 'Online Hate Speech: User Perception and Experience Between Law and Ethics' (2022), 9th European Conference on Social Media, ECSM 2022, pp. 48-56
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Flahvin, A., 'Can legislation prohibiting hate speech be justified in light of free speech principles?' (1995), University of New South Wales Law Journal, 18(2), pp.327-340
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Fondevila, G. & Sandberg, S., 'The “new” crimes of pandemics: observations and insights from Latin America' (2023), Security Journal [online]
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Fox, J., 'Do Religion Clauses in Constitutions Predict Government-Based Discrimination against Religious Minorities?' (2023), Religions, 14(1), 92
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Franklin, K., 'Good intentions: The enforcement of hate crime penalty-enhancement statutes' (2002), American Behavioral Scientist, 46(1), pp.154-172
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Frazao, H.A. & Gatti, A., 'Free speech and sedition in Brazil. National legal perspective and the international law | [Liberta d’espressione e sovversione in Brasile Spunti dal diritto internazionale per la disciplina interna]' (2021), Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo, 23(4), pp. 855-886
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Fuchs, S., 'Rethinking the Atrocities Act: Proving Prejudice and Interpreting Evidence in Rajasthan' (2022), South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, (28)
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Fuchs, S., 'Truth clashes: caste atrocities, false cases, and the limits of hate crime law in North India' (2024), Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute [online]
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Fuchs, S.I., 'Symbiotic Justice: Hate Crimes, Police Humiliation, and Layered Legal Consciousness in Dalit Human Rights' (2024), Social and Legal Studies [online]
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