Publications: Law and hate crime


Goodey, J., 'Racist violence in Europe: Challenges for official data collection' (2007), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30(4), pp.570-589
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Goosey, S., 'Ageism as a Hate Crime: The Case for Extending Aggravated Offences to Protect Age Groups' (2021), Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 41(3), pp. 612-637
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Gordon Benito, I., 'Online hate and the contentious case of stirring up hatred offences' (2023), Oñati Socio-Legal Series [online]
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Gordon Benito, I., 'Hate crimes and cyberhate. Reviewing the possibilities of criminal speech filtering through Articles 22.4 and 510 of the Spanish Criminal Code [Delitos de odio y ciberodio. Una revisión acerca de las posibilidades de filtrado penal del discurso a través de los arts. 22.4 y 510.3 CP]' (2023), Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch
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Gordon Benito, I., 'Online hate and the contentious case of stirring up hatred offences' (2023), Onati Socio-Legal Series, 13(5), pp. 1734–1755
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Gorenc, N., 'Hate speech or free speech: an ethical dilemma?' (2022), International Review of Sociology [online]
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Gorostiza, J.-M.L., 'Incitement to Hatred (Article 510 Spanish Criminal Code): Quo Vadis | [EL DELITO DE INCITACIÓN AL ODIO (ARTÍCULO 510 CP): QUO VADIS]' (2021), Azafea, 23, pp. 57-81
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Górska, E. & Juzaszek, A., 'The “Other” in Court: Islam and Muslims in Polish Judicial Opinions Published Online' (2023), International Journal for the Semiotics of Law [online]
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Granström, G. & Aström, K., 'Lifecycle of a hate crime – Country report for Sweden' (2017), Umeå University
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Grattet, R., 'The urban ecology of bias crime: A study of disorganized and defended neighborhoods' (2009), Social Problems, 56(1), pp.132-150
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Grattet, R. & Jenness, V., 'Transforming symbolic law into organizational action: Hate crime policy and law enforcement practice' (2008), Social Forces, 87(1), pp.501-527
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Grattet, R. & Jenness, V., 'Examining the boundaries of hate crime law: Disabilities and the “dilemma of difference”' (2001), The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1973-), 91(3), pp.653-598
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Grattet, R., Jenness, V. & Curry, T.R., 'The homogenization and differentiation of hate crime law in the United States, 1978 to 1995: Innovation and diffusion in the criminalization of bigotry' (1998), American Sociological Review, 63(2), pp.286-307
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Greenberg, S.J., 'The Massachusetts Hate Crime Reporting Act of 1990: Great expectations yet unfulfilled?' (1996), New England Law Review, 31, pp.103-158
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Greenwald, A.G. & Newkirk, T., 'Roles for Implicit Bias Science in Antidiscrimination Law' (2024), Daedalus, 153(1), pp. 174–192
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Griffin, R., 'New school speech regulation as a regulatory strategy against hate speech on social media: The case of Germany’s NetzDG' (2022), Telecommunications Policy, 46(9), 102411
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Griffith, G., 'Sedition, incitement and vilification: Issues in the current debate, Briefing Paper No. 1/06' (2006), NSW Parliamentary Library Research Service.
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Grimes, J.N., 'Hate, conflict, and public space: Stand your ground laws and potential immunity for hate crimes' (2019), Journal of Hate Studies, 15(1), pp. 83-104
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Guillén-Nieto, V., Pais, A.D. & Stein, D. (Eds.), 'From Fear to Hate: Legal-Linguistic Perspectives on Migration' (2023), Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton
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Guirao, R.A., 'Protection of Religious Feelings and Hate Speech | [PROTECCIÓN DE SENTIMIENTOS RELIGIOSOSY DISCURSO DE ODIO]' (2021), Azafea, 23, pp. 107-134
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Gunn, K., 'Crimes Act Amendment (Incitement to Violence) Bill 2005' (2005), Parliament of Australia: Department of Parliamentary Services.
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Gunthel, N., 'Gendering hatred – Adding ‘gender’ to the hate crime equation?' (2023), Women, Gender and Research, (2), pp. 27–42
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Habrat, D., 'Protection of human dignity as a basis for penalization of hate speech against people with disabilities in polish criminal law | [Ochrona godności człowieka jako podstawa penalizacji mowy nienawiści wobec osób z niepełnosprawnosciami w polskim prawie karnym]' (2021), Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, 30(4), pp. 259-279
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Hagerlid, M. & Granström, G., 'Hate Crime Investigation and Sentencing in Sweden: What Have We Learned in the Past 20 Years?' (2023), European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research [online]
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Haggerty, B.P., 'Hate crimes: A view from Laramie, Wyoming’s first bias crime law, the fight against discriminatory crime, & a new cooperative federalism' (2001), Howard Law Journal, 45(1), pp.1-76
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Haggerty, B.P., 'Hate crime law & social contention: A comparison of non-governmental knowledge practices in Canada & the United States' (2008), Ph.D. Dissertation, University of British Columbia
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Haider-Markel, D.P., 'Regulating hate: State and local influences on hate crime law enforcement' (2002), State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 2(2), pp.126-160
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Haider-Markel, D.P., 'The politics of social regulatory policy: State and federal hate crime policy and implementation effort' (1998), Political Research Quarterly, 51(1), pp.69-88
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Halder, D. & Bhati, D., 'Culture, ethnicity, and hate crimes: A comparative analysis of preventive laws between India and the USA' (2021), in M. Pittaro (Ed.) Global Perspectives on Reforming the Criminal Justice System (pp. 236-245), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Hall, N., 'Hate crime' (2013), New York: Routledge

Hall, N., 'Hate crime' (2008), in Newburn, T. & Neyroud, P. (eds.), Dictionary of Policing. Willan Publishing.

Hall, N., 'Hate crime (2nd Edition)' (2013), Cullompton, UK: Willan Publishing

Hall, N. & Croall, H., 'Hate crime' (2005), Willan Publishing.

Hamm, M.S., 'No sense makes sense: The paradox of prosecuting bias-motivated cult crime' (1994), American Journal of Criminal Justice, 19(1), pp.145-160
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Hamman, P. & Frank, C., 'The EU’s racial equality directive and the evolution of discourse in the field of the fight against discrimination. A comparison between France, the UK and Spain' (2015), Sociological Research Online, 20(2), pp.
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Hans, G.S., 'Changing Counterspeech' (2021), Cleveland State Law Review, 69(4), pp. 749-783
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Haq, T. & Isa, N.A.N.M., 'Discourse, Law and Digital Communication: Unraveling the Hate Speech in Basuki Tjahaja Purnama’s Case of Religious Blasphemy' (2023), Journal of Indonesian Islam, 17(2), pp. 376–402
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Hardy, S.-J., Chakraborti, N. & Cuko, I., 'More Than a Tick-Box? The Role of Training in Improving Police Responses to Hate Crime' (2020), British Journal of Community Justice, 16(1), pp. 4-20
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Harel, A. & Parchomovsky, G., 'On hate and equality' (1999), The Yale Law Journal, 109(3), pp.507-539
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Harff, G. & Duque, M.S., 'Hate speech in German and Brazilian contexts | [Discurso de ódio nos contextos alemão e brasileiro]' (2021), A e C - Revista de Direito Administrativo e Constitucional, 21(84), pp. 199-225
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Harris, B., 'Race vilification laws: A comparative perspective' (1999), Canberra Law Review, 6(1-2), pp.257-300
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Harrison, J., 'Truth, civility and religious battlegrounds: The contest between religious vilification laws and freedom of expression' (2006), Auckland University Law Review, 12, pp.71-96
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Harvard Law Review, 'Penalty enhancement does not punish free speech or thoughts' (1996), in B. Leone & P. A. Winters (Eds.), Hate crimes (pp. 121-129), San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press

Harvey, S., Mitchell, M., Keeble, J., McNaughton Nicholls, C. & Rahim, N., 'Barriers faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in accessing domestic abuse, stalking and harassment and sexual violence services' (2014), National Centre for Social Research on behalf of the Welsh Government. Ref number 48/2014
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Hassett-Walker, C., 'Does Brandenburg v. Ohio still hold in the social media era? Racist (and other) online hate speech and the First Amendment' (2022), Cogent Social Sciences, 8(1), 2038848
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Hatano, A., 'Can Strategic Human Rights Litigation Complement Social Movements? A Case Study of the Movement Against Racism and Hate Speech in Japan' (2019), University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review, 14(2), 228-274
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Hatano, A., 'Regulating Online Hate Speech through the Prism of Human Rights Law: The Potential of Localised Content Moderation' (2023), Australian Year Book of International Law, 41(1), pp. 127–156
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Haynes, A. & Schweppe, J., 'Life cycle of a hate crime – Country report for Ireland' (2017), Dublin: Irish Council for Civil Liberties
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Haynes, A. & Schweppe, J., 'Internationalizing hate crime and the problem of the intractable state: The case for Ireland' (2016), in J. Schweppe & M.A. Walters, The globalization of hate: Internationalizing hate crime? (pp.157-173), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Haynes, A., Schweppe, J., & Taylor, S., 'Critical perspectives on hate crime: Contributions from the island of Ireland' (2017), London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
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