Publications: Law and hate crime


Jenness, V., 'The hate crime canon and beyond: A critical assessment' (2001), Law and Critique, 12(3), pp.279-308
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Jenness, V., 'The emergence, content, and institutionalization of hate crime law: How a diverse policy community produced a modern legal fact' (2007), Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 3, pp.141-160
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Jenness, V., 'Engendering hate crime policy: Gender, the “Dilemma of Difference,” and the creation of legal subjects' (2003), Journal of Hate Studies, 2(1), pp. 73-97
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Jenness, V., 'Managing differences and making legislation: Social movements and the racialization, sexualization, and gendering of federal hate crime law in the U.S., 1985-1998' (1999), Social Problems, 46(4), pp.548-571
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Jenness, V., 'Engendering hate crime law' (2013), Sex Roles, 68(5-6), pp.390-393
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Jenness, V. & Broad, K. , 'Promoters of hate crime legislation' (2017), in D. Loseke (Ed.), Social Problems: Constructionist Readings (Chapter 6). Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge
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Jenness, V. & Grattet, R., 'Making hate a crime: From social movement to law enforcement' (2001), New York: Russell Sage.

Jenness, V. & Grattet, R., 'The criminalization of hate: A comparison of structural and polity influences on the passage of “bias-crime” legislation in the United States' (1996), Sociological Perspectives, 39(1), pp.129-154
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Jeremy, A., 'Religious offences' (2003), Ecclesiastical Law Journal, 7(33), pp.127-142
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Jeremy, A., 'Practical implications for the enactment of the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006' (2007), Ecclesiastical Law Journal, 9(2), pp.187-201
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Jessup, B., 'Five years on: A critical evaluation of the Racial Hatred Act 1995' (2001), Deakin Law Review, 6(1), pp.91-111
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Johnson, H., 'Experiences of crime in two selected migrant communities' (2005), Trends and Issues in Criminal Justice, 302, pp.1-6
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Johnson, B.G., Thomas, R.J. & Kelling, K., 'Boundaries of Hate: Ethical Implications of the Discursive Construction of Hate Speech in U.S. Opinion Journalism' (2020), Journal of Media Ethics: Exploring Questions of Media Morality [online]
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Johnson, S.D. & Byers, B.D., 'Attitudes toward hate crime laws' (2003), Journal of Criminal Justice, 31(3), pp.227-235
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Johnston, P., '“More than ordinary men gone wrong”: Can the law know the gay subject?' (1996), Melbourne University Law Review, 20(4), pp.1152-1191
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Jones, B.C., 'The online/offline cognitive divide: Implications for law' (2016), SCRIPTed, 13(1), pp.83-94
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Jones, J., 'Holocaust denial: “Clear and present” racial vilification' (1994), Australian Journal of Human Rights, 1(1), pp.169-184
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Jones, J.L., 'The hate crimes debate in Utah' (2003), Hinckley Journal of Politics, 4, pp.49-56
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Jones, C., 'Hate crime by the sea: Operation Columbus' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 48(1), pp.22-23
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Jones, T., 'United States of hate: mapping backlash Bills against LGBTIQ+ youth' (2023), Sex Education [online]
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Juras, A. & Novák, J., 'Hate Crimes from the Perspective of Restorative Justice' (2023), Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, 11(2)
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Jureidini, R., 'Origins and initial outcomes of the Racial Hatred Act 1995' (1995), People and Place, 5(1), pp.30-43
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Kahl, E., Koenig, A. & Smith, R., 'Student reactions to public safety reports of hate crimes' (2013), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 28(13), pp.2713-2730
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Kamaludin, A. & Iskandar, 'Islamic Fanatism and Terrorism Cases in Indonesia the Perspective of Islamic Criminal Law' (2022), El-Mashlahah, 12(2), pp. 153–163
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Kamenska, A., 'Life cycle of a hate crime – Country report for Latvia' (2017), Rīgā: Latvian Centre for Human Rights
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Kane, K., 'Fostering a victim centred approach to hate crime in Scotland' (2017), Victim Support Scotland
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Kapelańska-Pręgowska, J. & Pucelj, M., 'Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech: Human Rights Standards and Their Application in Poland and Slovenia' (2023), Laws, 12(4), 64
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Kaplan, M.B., 'Hate crime and the privatization of political responsibility: Protecting queer citizens in the United States?' (2008), Liverpool Law Review, 29(1), pp.37-50
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Kasakowskij, T., Fürst, J., Fischer, J. & Fietkiewicz, K.J., 'Network Enforcement as Denunciation Endorsement? A Critical Study on Legal Enforcement in Social Media' (2020), Telematics and Informatics, 46
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Katila, A., 'Unearthing Ambiguities: Post-Genocide Justice in Raoul Peck’s Sometimes in April and the ICTR case Nahimana et al.' (2021), International Journal of Transitional Justice, 15(2), pp. 332-350
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Kato, D., 'Constitutionalizing anarchy: Liberalism, lynching, and the law' (2012), Journal of Hate Studies, 10(1), pp. 143-172
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Katsuba, S., 'The Decade of Violence: A Comprehensive Analysis of Hate Crimes Against LGBTQ in Russia in the Era of the “Gay Propaganda Law”' (2023),
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Kaur, J. & Singh, B., 'Emergence, Reasons and Prevention of Mob Lynching of Religious Minorities in India' (2022), Manchester Journal of Transnational Islamic Law and Practice, 18(1), pp. 269-283
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Kayali, L. & Walters, M.A., 'Responding to Hate Incidents on University Campuses: Benefits and Barriers to Establishing a Restorative Justice Programme' (2020), Contemporary Justice Review: Issues in Criminal, Social, and Restorative Justice [online]
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Kearl, M.K., '“Is gay the new Black?”: An intersectional perspective on social movement rhetoric in California’s Proposition 8 debate' (2015), Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies, 12(1), pp.63-82
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Kemper, B., 'AI and Stochastic Terrorism – Should it be done?' (2022), Proceedings - 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops, ISSREW 2022, pp. 347-356
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Key Sun, 'The legal definition of hate crime and the hate offender’s distorted cognitions' (2006), Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 27(6), pp.597-604
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Keyzer, P., 'Racism, religious intolerance and the law' (2007), Broadway NSW: Halstead Press.

Khanna, V., 'A Tale of Targeted Violence in Hashimpura: The Delhi High Court on Recognition, Relations and Responses' (2020), Jindal Global Law Review (Special Issue) [online]
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Kielinger, V., & Paterson, S., 'Policing hate crime in London' (2007), American Behavioral Scientist, 51(2), pp.196-204
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Killion, V.L., 'Terrorism, violent extremism, and the internet: Free speech considerations' (2023), in P. Terrell (Ed.) Free Speech: Threats, Limits and Challenges (pp. 99-155), Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers
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Kim-Wachutka, J.J., 'Zainichi Korean Women and Intersectional Visibility: Private Talk, Public Speech, Political Act—Seeking Justice in Japan' (2023), Seoul Journal of Korean Studies, 36(1), pp. 167–201
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King, R.H., 'The Brown decades' (2004), Patterns of Prejudice, 38(4), pp.333-353
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King, R.D., 'The context of minority group threat: Race, institutions, and complying with hate crime law' (2007), Law & Society Review, 41(1), pp.189-224
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King, R.D. & Kutateladze, B.L., 'A higher bar: Institutional impediments to hate crime prosecution' (2023), Law and Society Review, 57(4), pp. 489–507
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Kirkup, K., 'The origins of gender identity and gender expression in Anglo-American legal discourse' (2018), University of Toronto Law Journal, 68(1), pp.80-117
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Kirs, E., 'Hate crimes and international institutions: A literature review' (2022), Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies [online]
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Klein, L. & Johnson, B.G., 'A Test of Free Speech: Applying the Ethics of Care to Coverage of Snyder V. Phelps' (2022), Journal of Media Ethics: Exploring Questions of Media Morality [online]
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Klumpp, T. & Mialon, M., 'On hatred' (2013), American Law and Economics Review, 15(1), pp.39-72
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Knoll, D., 'Anti-vilification laws: Some recent developments in the United States and their implications for proposed legislation in the Commonwealth of Australia' (1994), Australian Journal of Human Rights, 1(1), pp.211-234
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