Publications: Politics of hate crime


Taylor, S., 'Reflecting as a pracademic in policy land: Using research and practice to advance social justice in the hate crime policy domain' (2024), in K. McGarry, C. Bradley & G. Kirwan (Eds.) Rights and Social Justice in Research: Advancing Methodologies for Social Change (pp. 264–282), Bristol, UK: Policy Press
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Terrón-Caro, T., Cárdenas-Rodríguez, R. & Ortega-De-mora, F., 'Discourse, Immigration and the Spanish Press: Critical Analysis of the Discourse on the Ceuta and Melilla Border Incident' (2022), Societies, 12(2), 56
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Tesler, M., 'Islamophobia in the 2016 Election' (2018), The Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics, 3(1), pp.153-155
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Thorpe Jr., L., DeKeseredy, A. & Nolan, J.J., 'Hate crime as cultural violence' (2018), in W. DeKeseredy, C. Rennison & A. Hall-Sanchez (Eds.). The Routledge International Handbook of Violence Studies (Chapter 16). London: Routledge
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Thorup, M., 'Democratic hatreds: The making of “the hating enemy” in liberal democracy' (2018), in T. Brudholm & B. Schepelern Johansen (Eds), Hate, politics, law: Critical perspectives on combating hate (Chapter 10). New York, NY: Oxford University Press

Titley, G., Nikunen, K. & Pantti, M., 'Shifting Formations, Formative Infrastructures: Nationalisms and Racisms in Media Circulation' (2021), Television and New Media, 22(2), pp. 103-111
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Topidi, K., 'Accountability in the globalised digital age: Online content moderation and hate speech in the European Union' (2021), in P. Mikuli & G. Kuca (Eds.) Accountability and the Law: Rights, Authority and Transparency of Public Power (pp. 9-27), London: Routledge
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Toraman, C., Şahinuç, F. & Yilmaz, E.H., 'BlackLivesMatter 2020: An Analysis of Deleted and Suspended Users in Twitter' (2022), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 290-295
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Törnberg, A. & Törnberg, P., 'White supremacists anonymous: how digital media emotionally energize far-right movements' (2023), Journal of Information Technology and Politics [online]
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Trauthig, I.K., '‘This is the fate of Libyan women:’ contempt, ridicule, and indifference of Seham Sergiwa' (2024), Conflict, Security and Development, 24(2), pp. 149–173
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Treece, D., 'The Challenges for Anti-racists in Bolsonaro’s Brazil' (2021), Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 27(2), pp. 213-233
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Tremblay, M.-C., 'The Wicked Interplay of Hate Rhetoric, Politics and the Internet: What Can Health Promotion Do to Counter Right-Wing Extremism?' (2020), Health Promotion International, 35(1), pp. 1-4
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Trigoso, M., 'Parody against hate speech: On how political hate speech can be fought by turning the world upside down' (2023), Internet Pragmatics, 6(2), pp. 259–284
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Trindade, L.V.P., 'Disability is no laughing matter. A critical discourse analysis of disability mockery on social media in Brazil | Deficiência física não é motivo de piada. Uma análise crítica do discurso sobre a zombaria da deficiência física nas redes sociais no Brasil' (2023), Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies [online]
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Tsosie, R., 'Constitutional Law and Epistemic Injustice: Hate Speech, Stereotyping, and Recognition Harm' (2022), in P. Giladi & N. McMillan (Eds.) Epistemic Injustice and the Philosophy of Recognition (pp. 256-278), New York: Routledge
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Tucker, J.A., 'Computational Social Science for Policy and Quality of Democracy: Public Opinion, Hate Speech, Misinformation, and Foreign Influence Campaigns' (2023), in E. Bertoni, M. Fontana, L. Gabrielli, S. Signorelli & M. Vespe (Eds.) Handbook of Computational Social Science for Policy (pp. 381-403), Cham: Springer
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Tudor, A., 'Ascriptions of migration: Racism, migratism and Brexit' (2022), European Journal of Cultural Studies [online]
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Tumber, H. & Waisbord, S. (Eds), 'The Routledge Companion to Media Disinformation and Populism' (2021), London: Routledge
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Tunney, E., 'Misogyny and marginalization in criminal justice systems: Women’s experiences in two post-conflict societies' (2014), Journal of Hate Studies, 12(1), pp. 153-176
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Tuomola, S. & Wahl-Jorgensen, K., 'Emotion Mobilisation through the Imagery of People in Finnish-Language Right-Wing Alternative Media' (2022), Digital Journalism [online]
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Turgut, H., 'Governing through Hate: Discourse Strategies Used by the AKP Elites on Twitter to Justify the Decision to Withdraw from the Istanbul Convention | [Upravljanje mržnjom: strategije diskursa koje elitni članovi političke stranke AKPkoriste na Twitteru kako bi opravdali povlačenje iz Istanbulske konvencije]' (2022), Medijska Istrazivanja, 28(2), pp. 9-40
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Tworek, H.J.S., 'Fighting Hate with Speech Law: Media and German Visions of Democracy' (2021), Journal of Holocaust Research, 35(2), pp. 106-122
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Tyson, J., Giannasi, P. & Hall, N., 'Johnny come lately?: The international and domestic policy context of disability hate crime' (2014), in Shah, R. & Giannasi, P. (eds.), Disability Hate Crime. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.


Unlu, A. & Kotonen, T., 'Online polarization and identity politics: An analysis of Facebook discourse on Muslim and LGBTQ+ communities in Finland' (2024), Scandinavian Political Studies [online]
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Uršič, E.D. & Jurak, A.P., 'Media Literacy, active citizenship and sustainable democracy: a case study of Slovenia' (2023), Politics in Central Europe, 19(s1), pp. 393–407
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Uyheng, J. & Carley, K.M., 'Online hate in the Philippines: the role of narratives and networks' (2023), International Review of Law, Computers and Technology [online]
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Uysal, M.S., Hoerst, C., Stathi, S. & Kessler, T., 'Populism Predicts Sympathy for Attacks Against Asylum Seekers Through National Pride and Moral Justification of Political Violence' (2023), Social Psychological and Personality Science [online]
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Valcore, J., Asquith, N.L. & Rodgers, J., '“We’re led by stupid people”: Exploring Trump’s use of denigrating and deprecating speech to promote hatred and violence' (2023), Crime, Law and Social Change [online]
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Valcore, J., Rodgers, J. & Asquith, N.L., '“We Will Build a Great Wall”: Domination, Criminalization, and Expatriation in Trump Campaign and Rally Speeches' (2020), International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 9(4), pp. 1-16
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Valencia-García, L.D. (Ed), 'Far-Right Revisionism and the End of History: Alt/Histories' (2020), New York: Routledge
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Valk, F., de Jonge, L. & Nanninga, P., 'The Regional Face of Extremism: A Case Study of the Northern Netherlands' (2023), Journal for Deradicalization, (35), pp. 76–106
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van der Puil, R., Spahn, A. & Royakkers, L., 'Which Democratic Way to Go? Using Democracy Theories in Social Media Design' (2023), International Journal of Technoethics, 14(1)
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Van Dyke, N., Soule, S.A. & Widom, R., 'The politics of hate: Explaining variation in the incidence of anti-gay hate crime' (2001), Research in Political Sociology, The Politics of Social Inequality, 9, pp.33-56
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Van Hout, M.C., Kaima, R., Mhango, V. & Mariniello, T., 'Moving beyond the politization of same-sex sexuality and leveraging right to health to counter inter-personal sexual violence and HIV in Malawi’s prisons' (2022), Forensic Science International: Mind and Law, 3, 100103
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Van Schenck, R., 'Deplatforming “the people”: media populism, racial capitalism, and the regulation of online reactionary networks' (2023), Media, Culture and Society [online]
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van Spanje, J. & Azrout, R., 'The plight of the discredited: Electoral effects of stigmatizing and prosecuting an anti-immigration politician' (2021), Acta Politica [online]
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Vasilenko, E., 'Online hate speech in Belarus: Highlighting the topical issues' (2021), Zeitschrift fur Slawistik, 66(4), pp. 558-577
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Vasist, P.N., Chatterjee, D. & Krishnan, S., 'The Polarizing Impact of Political Disinformation and Hate Speech: A Cross-country Configural Narrative' (2023), Information Systems Frontiers [online]
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Vergani, M., Martinez Arranz, A., Scrivens, R. & Orellana, L., 'Hate Speech in a Telegram Conspiracy Channel During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2022), Social Media and Society, 8(4)
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Verhoeven, E., Dhoest, A. & Paulussen, S., '‘No room for hate in our country’: Constructing the LGBTI-friendly nation in news discourses after the murder of a gay man in Belgium' (2022), International Journal of Cultural Studies [online]
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Versteegen, P.L., 'We love, they hate: Emotions in affective polarization and how partisans may use them' (2024), Political Psychology [online]
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Vidra, Z. & Félix, A., 'Measures against right-wing extremism in an illiberal populist country: The case of Hungary' (2023), Politics in Central Europe, 19(2), pp. 325–351
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Viswanath, R., 'Hate Crimes against Minorities in India' (2021), Journal of International Criminal Justice, 19(3), pp. 611-642
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Völker, T., 'How terrorist attacks distort public debates: a comparative study of right-wing and Islamist extremism' (2023), Journal of European Public Policy [online]
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Volkovskii, D. & Bodrunova, S., 'Incivility Balanced? Civil vs. Uncivil Speech in Online Political Discussions as Dependent on Political Parallelism' (2023), Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, 494 LNICST, pp. 65-80
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Vollhardt, J., Coutin, M., Staub, E., Weiss, G. & Deflander, J., 'Deconstructing hate speech in the DRC: A psychological media sensitization campaign' (2006), Journal of Hate Studies, 5(1), pp. 15-35
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Wade, M., Baker, S.A. & Walsh, M.J., 'Crowdfunding platforms as conduits for ideological struggle and extremism: On the need for greater regulation and digital constitutionalism' (2023), Policy and Internet [online]
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Walter, A.T., 'Slovakia the Politics of Hate: Islamophobia and Christianity in the 2016 Parliamentary Elections' (2018), Religiski-Filozofiski Raksti, 24, pp. 39-59
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Walters, M.A., 'Criminalising Hate: Law as Social Justice Liberalism' (2022), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Walther, S. & McCoy, A., 'US Extremism on Telegram: Fueling Disinformation, Conspiracy Theories, and Accelerationism' (2021), Perspectives on Terrorism, 15(2), pp. 100-124
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