Publications: Racist hate crime


Abe, K., 'Afro-Asian Antagonism and the Long Korean War' (2023), American Literature, 95(4), pp. 701–728
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Abel, R.L., 'How Autocrats Abuse Power: Resistance to Trump and Trumpism' (2024), London: Routledge
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Abu-Ras, W. & Abu-Bader, S.H., 'The impact of the September 11, 2001, attacks on the well-being of Arab Americans in New York City' (2008), Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 3(2), pp.217-239

Adams, K.K.J., 'A Spoonful of Sugar Makes the Hate Speech Go Down: Sugar-Coating in White Nationalist Recruitment Speech' (2023), Topoi [online]
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Adejumo-Ayibiowu, O.D., 'The ultimate other versus the inferior other: an Afrocentric analysis of ethnic-stereotyping and Afrophobia' (2023), African Identities [online]
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Afshar, H., 'Can I see your hair? Choice, agency and attitudes: The dilemma of faith and feminism for Muslim women who cover' (2008), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 31(2), pp.411-427
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Aggarwal, P., Szkody, E., Kapoulea, E., Daniel, K., Bootes, K., Boland, J., Washburn, J. & Peterman, A., 'International students’ experiences in graduate programs during COVID-19 and recent sociopolitical climate in the USA' (2023), Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education [online]
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Agudelo, F.I. & Olbrych, N., 'It’s Not How You Say It, It’s What You Say: Ambient Digital Racism and Racial Narratives on Twitter' (2022), Social Media and Society, 8(3)
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Ahmed, S., 'The organisation of hate' (2001), Law and Critique, 12(3), pp.345-365
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Ahmed, Z., Vidgen, B. & Hale, S.A., 'Tackling racial bias in automated online hate detection: Towards fair and accurate detection of hateful users with geometric deep learning' (2022), EPJ Data Science, 11(1), 8
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Akande, A. (Ed.), 'Globalization, Human Rights and Populism: Reimagining People, Power and Places' (2023), Cham: Springer
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Akiba, D., 'Reopening America’s Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Protecting Asian Students from Stigma and Discrimination' (2020), Frontiers in Sociology, 5, 588936
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Akiba, D., Lopez, A.S.V. & Hirano, M., 'The nature of anti-Asian American xenophobia during the coronavirus pandemic: A preliminary exploration into envy as a key motivator of hate' (2021), Behavioral Sciences, 11(11), 158
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Akintande, O.J., 'Algorithmic Bias: When stigmatization becomes a perception: The stigmatized become endangered' (2023), AIES 2023 - Proceedings of the 2023 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, pp. 966–971
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Akram, M.H., Shahzad, K. & Bashir, M., 'ISE-Hate: A benchmark corpus for inter-faith, sectarian, and ethnic hatred detection on social media in Urdu' (2023), Information Processing and Management, 60(3), 103270
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Al-Rawi, A., 'Telegramming Hate: Far-Right Themes on Dark Social Media' (2021), Canadian Journal of Communication, 46(4), pp. 821-851
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Alatawi, H.S., Alhothali, A.M. & Moria, K.M., 'Detecting White Supremacist Hate Speech Using Domain Specific Word Embedding with Deep Learning and BERT' (2021), IEEE Access, 9, 9497095, pp. 106363-106374
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Albrecht, H.-J., 'Germany' (2008), in J. Winterdyk & G. Antonopoulos (Eds.), Racist victimization: International reflections and perspectives (pp.113-138). Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Alcaraz, A.O., 'Political discourse on migration on Twitter during the Ceuta «migration crisis» (2021): From political correctness to hate speech | El discurso político sobre las migraciones en Twitter durante la «crisis migratoria» de Ceuta (2021): De la corrección política al discurso del odio' (2023), Cultura, Lenguaje y Representacion, 31, pp. 13–30
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Allinson, R.E., 'Unmasking color racism' (2021), Dialogue and Universalism, 31(1), pp. 41-68
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Almeida, P., Pereira, J. & Candido, D., 'Online hate speech on social media in Portugal: extremism or structural racism?' (2024), Social Identities [online]
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Almuger, T., 'Racial fault lines: The historical origin of white supremacy in California' (1994), Berkley: University of California Press

Alotaibi, A. & Abul Hasanat, M.H., 'Racism Detection in Twitter Using Deep Learning and Text Mining Techniques for the Arabic Language' (2020), Proceedings - 2020 1st International Conference of Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies, SMART-TECH 2020, 9283815, pp. 161-164
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Alrwashdeh, B.H., Al-Nsour, H.A. & Al-Hayek, G.H., 'Human Rights with Focus on Gender, Race, and Religion: A Comparative Study Between Jordanian Legislation and International Human Rights Acts' (2024), Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 16(2), pp. 35–46
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Alvarez-Benjumea & A., Winter, F., 'The Breakdown of Antiracist Norms: A Natural Experiment on Hate Speech After Terrorist Attacks' (2020), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(37), pp. 22800-22804
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Ambikaipaker, M., 'Liberal exceptions: Violent racism and routine anti-racist failure in Britain' (2015), Ethnic and Racial Studies, pp.1-16
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Amer, M.M. & Bagasra, A., 'Psychological research with Muslim Americans in the age of Islamophobia: Trends, challenges and recommendations' (2013), American Psychologist, 68(3), pp.134-144
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Amrute, S., 'Immigrant Sensibilities in Tech Worlds: Sensing Hate, Capturing Dissensus' (2020), Cultural Anthropology, 35(3), pp. 374-403
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Anderson, D.M., Crost, B. & Rees, D.I., 'Do Economic Downturns Fuel Racial Animus?' (2020), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 175, pp. 9-18
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Ang, D., 'The Birth of a Nation: Media and Racial Hate' (2023), American Economic Review, 113(6), pp. 1424–1460
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Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW, 'Race for the headlines: Racism and media discourse' (2001), Sydney

Antonopoulos, G.A., 'Ethnic and racial minorities and the police: A review of the literature' (2003), Police Journal, 76(3), pp.222-246
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Archakis, A. & Tsakona, V. (Eds.), 'Exploring the Ambivalence of Liquid Racism: In between antiracist and racist discourse' (2024), Pragmatics & Beyond Series, 341, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company
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Arcila-Calderón, C., Amores, J.J., Sánchez-Holgado, P., Vrysis, L., Vryzas, N. & Oller Alonso, M., 'How to Detect Online Hate towards Migrants and Refugees? Developing and Evaluating a Classifier of Racist and Xenophobic Hate Speech Using Shallow and Deep Learning' (2022), Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(20), 13094
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Ariel, B., Tobby-Alimi, I., Cohen, I., Ben Ezra, M., Cohen, Y. & Sosinski, G., 'Ethnic and racial employment discrimination in low-wage and high-wage markets: Randomized controlled trials using correspondence tests in Israel' (2015), Law and Ethics of Human Rights, 9(1), pp.113-139
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Arnold, R., 'Systematic racist violence in Russia between ‘hate crime’ and ‘ethnic conflict’' (2015), Theoretical Criminology, 19(2), pp.239-256
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Arora, S. & Kumar, K.J. (Eds.), 'Media Narratives and the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Asian Experience' (2023), London: Routledge India
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Ashe, S., Virdee, S. & Brown, L., 'Striking back against racist violence in the East End of London, 1968-1970' (2016), Race & Class, 58(1), pp. 34-54
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Ashwell, C. & Reilly, P., 'Resisting (everyday) racism on social media: Analysing responses to the 2018 Mary Beard Twitterstorm' (2023), in S. Poulakidakos, A. Veneti, & M. Rovisco (Eds.), Social Movements and Everyday Acts of Resistance: Solidarity in a Changing World (pp. 156–173), London: Routledge
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Asquith, N., 'Race riots on the beach: A case for criminalising hate speech?' (2008), Paper presented at the British Criminology Conference, Huddersfield.
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Asselin, C., 'Fighting Racism through Teacher Union Democratization Activist Educators in Social Justice Caucuses in New York City and Philadelphia' (2022), Critical Education, 13(3), pp. 44-62
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Atak, K., 'Racist Victimization, Legal Estrangement and Resentful Reliance on the Police in Sweden' (2021), Social and Legal Studies [online]
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Atak, K., '‘Inappropriate but Not Crime?’ Policing Racial Hatred in Sweden' (2017), Nordic Journal of Criminology [online]
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Atkinson, H., Bardgett, S., Budd, A., Finn, M., Kissane, C., Qureshi, S., Saha, J., Siblon, J. & Sivasundaram, S., 'Race, ethnicity & equality in UK history: A report and resource for change' (2018), London: University College London, The Royal Historical Society
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Auten, T. & Matta, J., 'Retweeting Twitter Hate Speech After Musk Acquisition' (2024), Studies in Computational Intelligence, 1144 SCI, pp. 265–276
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Awan, I. & Rahman, M., 'Portrayal of Muslims following the murders of Lee Rigby in Woolwich and Mohammed Saleem in Birmingham: A content analysis of UK newspapers' (2016), Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, pp.1-16
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Baas, M., 'Curry bashing: Racism, violence and alien space invaders' (2009), Economic & Political Weekly, 44(34), pp.37-42
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Babacan, H., Pyke, J., Bhathal, A., Gil, G.K., Grossman, M. & Bertone, S., 'The community safety of international students in Melbourne: A scoping study' (2010), Institute for Community, Ethnicity and Policy Alternatives (ICEPA), Victoria University.
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Bacchus, E.C., D'Angelo, A.B. & Grov, C., 'Experiences of police-related stress among a U.S. national cohort of gay and bisexual men' (2023), American Journal of Community Psychology [online]
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Baffour, T.D., Cowell Mercier, M., Rutledge, L., Mowdood, A. & McFarland, M., 'A scoping review protocol of anti-racism programs and practices in higher education: Implications for developing interventions to advance equity' (2023), International Journal of Educational Research Open, 5, 100279
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