Publications: Racist hate crime


Sabharwal, M., Becerra, A. & Oh, S., 'From the Chinese Exclusion Act to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Historical Analysis of “Otherness” Experienced by Asian Americans in the United States' (2022), Public Integrity, 24(6), pp. 535-549
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Sabie-Aridi, A.S., Burrell, D.N., Nobles, C., Richardson, K. & Kemp, R.E., 'Challenging and changing discrimination against Asian-American cybersecurity and engineering employees in information technology workplaces' (2022), International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development, 14(1)
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Sabina, C., Perez, G., Cuevas, C.A. & Farrell, A., 'Which Latinos Experience Bias Victimization? An Examination of Acculturation, Immigrant Status, and Socio-economic Status' (2023), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Safi, A.Q., Saeedi, S.S., Agustin, H., Rizal, E. & Sapi, A.M., 'Cultural Differences and Discrimination: Afghan Immigrants’ Experiences in Germany' (2024), Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies [online]
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Said-Hung, E. & Diaz, J. M. (Eds.), 'News Media and Hate Speech Promotion in Mediterranean Countries' (2023), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Sainju, K.D., Zaidi, H., Mishra, N. & Kuffour, A., 'Xenophobic Bullying and COVID-19: An Exploration Using Big Data and Qualitative Analysis' (2022), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(8), 4824
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Sakki, I. & Castrén, L., 'Dehumanization through humour and conspiracies in online hate towards Chinese people during the COVID-19 pandemic' (2022), British Journal of Social Psychology [online]
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Sangalang, C.C., '“I’m sick of being called a hero – I want to get paid like one”: Filipino American frontline workers’ health under conditions of COVID-19 and racial capitalism' (2022), Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 977955
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Santellano, K., Higuera, K. & Arriaga, F., 'Latina Educators in Sociology: Combating Trumpism with Critical Pedagogy' (2021), Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 7(1), pp. 134-140
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Sarikakis, K., Mills, A., Maurer, A. & Khoschsorur, F., 'Far-right nationalism and populism in Europe: Assaults on press freedom' (2017), University of Vienna, Vienna Media Governance and Media Industries Lab
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Sato, M., 'A Digital Turn: Recognizing Asian Gendered Resistance During the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2022), ACME, 21(3), pp. 303-310
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Sausdal, D., 'Police Prejudice or Logics? Analyzing the “Bornholm Murder Case”' (2022), Conflict and Society, 8(1), pp. 1-19
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Schäfer, S., Rebasso, I., Boyer, M.M. & Planitzer, A.M., 'Can We Counteract Hate? Effects of Online Hate Speech and Counter Speech on the Perception of Social Groups' (2023), Communication Research [online]
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Schmid, P.C. & Amodio, D.M., 'Power effects on implicit prejudice and stereotyping: The role of intergroup face processing' (2016), Social Neuroscience, pp.1-14
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Sciurba, K., 'Depicting Hate: Picture Books and the Realities of White Supremacist Crime and Violence' (2020), Teachers College Record, 122(8), pp. 117-143
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Seaton, E.K., Gee, G.C., Neblett, E. & Spanierman, L., 'New directions for racial discrimination research as inspired by the integrative model' (2018), American Psychologist, 73(6), pp.768-780
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Sedláková, R., 'Anti-Chinese sentiment in the Czech public service media during the COVID-19 pandemic' (2021), Lodz Papers in Pragmatics, 17(1), pp. 65-86
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Seepersad, R. & Wortley, S., 'Ethnicity and crime victimisation in Trinidad and Tobago' (2018), in K.J. Joosen & C.A. Bailey (Eds). Caribbean Crime and Criminal Justice. London: Routledge.
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Shah, S., Yuan, X. & Tyler, Z., 'An Analysis of COVID-19 related Twitter Data for Asian Hate Speech Using Machine Learning Algorithms' (2022), 2022 1st International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity, ICAIC 2022
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Shearman, S.M., Morin, A. & Muldrow, A.F., 'Campus Integration and Campus Climate at a Predominantly White Institution in the South' (2022), Howard Journal of Communications [online]
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Sheehan, P., 'Girls like you' (2006), Pan Macmillan Australia.

Shi, L., Zhang, D., Martin, E., Chen, Z., Li, H., Han, X., Wen, M., Chen, L., Li, Y., Li, J., Chen, B, Ramos, A.K., King, K.M., Michaud, T. & Su, D., 'Racial Discrimination, Mental Health and Behavioral Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: a National Survey in the United States' (2022), Journal of General Internal Medicine [online]
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Shimkhada, R. & Ponce, N.A., 'Surveying Hate and Its Effects During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Asian Americans and Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders' (2022), American journal of public health, 112(10), pp. 1446-1453
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Shin, R., Lim, M. & Hsieh, K., 'Engaging Students with Art-Based S-R-C (Sense of Belonging, Resistance, and Coalition Building) Strategies for Anti-Racism' (2023), International Journal of Art and Design Education, 42(1), pp. 172-191
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Shirlow, P., Taylor, L.K., Merrilees, C.E., Goeke-Morey, M.C. & Cummings, E.M., 'Hate crime: Record or perception?' (2013), Space and Polity, 17(2), pp.237-252
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Shodiya-Zeumault, S., DeBlaere, C., Aiello, M., Said, I.A. & Davis, D.E., 'Responses to the Unite the Right Rally: Perceptions, Stress, and the Moderating Role of Interpersonal Proximity' (2021), Race and Social Problems, 13(4), pp. 320-329
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Shrikant, N., Giles, H. & Angus, D., 'Language and Social Psychology Approaches to Race, Racism, and Social Justice: Analyzing the Past and Revealing Ways Forward' (2022), Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 41(1), pp. 4-28
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Siapera, E., 'AI Content Moderation, Racism and (de)Coloniality' (2021), International Journal of Bullying Prevention [online]
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Siapera, E. & Viejo-Otero, P., 'Governing Hate: Facebook and Digital Racism' (2021), Television and New Media, 22(2), pp. 112-130
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Sibbitt, R., 'The perpetrators of racial harassment and racial violence' (1997), Home Office Research Study 176. London: Home Office
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Siegel, A.A., Nikitin, E., Barberá, P., Sterling, J., Pullen, B., Bonneau, R., Nagler, J. & Tucker, J.A., 'Trumping hate on Twitter? Online hate speech in the 2016 U.S. Election campaign and its aftermath' (2021), Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 16(1), pp. 71-104
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Siegel, M., Sherman, R., Li, C. & Knopov, A., 'The Relationship between Racial Residential Segregation and Black-White Disparities in Fatal Police Shootings at the City Level, 2013–2017' (2019), Journal of the National Medical Association [online]
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Silva, C. & Carvalho, P., 'When Can Compliments and Humour Be Considered Hate Speech? A Perspective From Target Groups in Portugal | Quando É que os Elogios e o Humor Podem Ser Considerados Discurso de Ódio? Uma Perspetiva dos Grupos-Alvo em Portugal' (2023), Comunicacao e Sociedade, 43, e023006
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Simpson, E., 'Spinning Hate: Mississippi’s Post-Brown PR Offensive and the Secret Campaign Against ‘Agitators,’ 1956-1960' (2024), American Journalism [online]
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Sims, G.M., Kia-Keating, M., Sanchez, A., Beylin, N., Evans, M. & Tran, M., 'Anti-Asian American Discrimination and COVID-19: Living with Fear' (2022), International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 11(3), pp. 206-213
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Singh, J., 'Desire, patriotism, and Sikh subjectivity' (2017), Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory [online], pp. 1-14
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Singh, J., 'Memory, invisibility, and the Oak Creek Gurdwara massacre: A Sikh American perspective of the ‘post-racial’ US' (2013), Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory, 9(2), pp.215-225
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Singh Gill, S. & Worley, C., 'ʼHow did it go?ʼ Negotiating race, racialisation and identity when teaching issues of race and equality in HE' (2010), Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences, 2(3)
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Sinnar, S., 'Hate Crimes, Terrorism, and the Framing of White Supremacist Violence' (2022), California Law Review, 110(2), pp. 489-565
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Sisely, D., 'Racial discrimination and crime: How VRAS could assist' (1999), in Victims Referral and Assistance Service, Support for Victims of Crime: Responding to the Challenges of Diversity: Different Cultures; Different Needs (1999), 158

Smångs, M., 'Doing violence, making race: Southern lynching and White racial group formation' (2016), American Journal of Sociology, 121(5), pp.1329-1374
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Smith, S. J. , 'Negotiating ethnicity in an uncertain environment' (1984), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 7(3), pp.360-373
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Smith, A., 'Unmasking the state: Racial/gender terror and hate crimes' (2007), Australian Feminist Law Journal, 26(1), pp.47-57
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Snowball, L. & Weatherburn, D., 'Does racial bias in sentencing contribute to Indigenous overrepresentation in prison? ' (2007), Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 40(3), pp.272-290
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Soboleva, E., Krivokhizh, S. & Mavliashina, K., 'Explaining Anti-Asian Xenophobia to Chinese Audience: Coverage of Hate Incidents During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the PRC Press' (2023), China Report [online]
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Socialist Equality Party, 'The class issues behind Australia’s race riots' (2005)
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Solomon, T., 'Problems in drafting legislation against racist activities' (1994), Australian Journal of Human Rights, 1(1), pp.265-298
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Soltis, B.M., '“We Stand in Solidarity With …”: An Analysis of University Public Responses to Anti-Asian Hate' (2024), Journal of Diversity in Higher Education [online]
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Song Richardson, L. & Goff, P.A., 'Implicit racial bias in public defender triage' (2013), Yale Law Journal, 122(8), pp.2626-2649
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Song, J.E., Ngo, N.T., Vigneron, J.G., Lee, A., Sust, S., Martin, A. & Yuen, E.Y., 'CHATogether: a novel digital program to promote Asian American Pacific Islander mental health in response to the COVID-19 pandemic' (2022), Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 16(1), 76
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