Publications: Racist hate crime


Wee, S.-J., Meacham & S., Kim, J., 'Being (Asian) American children: children’s exploration of racial/cultural identity and racism' (2023), Race Ethnicity and Education [online]
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Weigel, M., 'Hating Theory: “Cultural Marxism,” “CRT,” and the Power of Media Affects' (2023), International Journal of Communication, 17, pp. 6504–6524
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Weissinger, S. E., Mack, D.A. & Watson, E. (Eds.), 'Violence Against Black Bodies: An Intersectional Analysis of How Black Lives Continue to Matter' (2017), New York: Routledge
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Wemmers, J.-A., Lafontaine, L. & Viau, L., 'Canada' (2008), in J. Winterdyk & G. Antonopoulos (Eds.), Racist victimization: International reflections and perspectives (pp.43-66). Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Wenger, M.R. & Lantz, B., 'Generalized Hate: Bias Victimization against Non-Asian Racial/Ethnic Minorities during the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2021), Victims and Offenders [online]
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Werbner, P., 'Folk devils and racist imaginaries in a global prism: Islamophobia and anti-Semitism in the twenty-first century' (2012), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(3), pp.450-467
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Wertheim, P., 'Hate crime and vilification Law: Developments and directions' (2009), Hate Crime and Vilification Law Roundtable, Sydney Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law, University of Sydney, 29 August 2009

Wheeler, B., Jung, S., Barioni, M.C.N., Purohit, M., Hall, D.L. & Silva, Y.N., '#WashTheHate: Understanding the Prevalence of Anti-Asian Prejudice on Twitter During the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2022), Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2022, pp. 484-491
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Wheeler, B., Jung, S., Hall, D.L., Purohit, M. & Silva, Y., 'An Analysis of Temporal Trends in Anti-Asian Hate and Counter-Hate on Twitter During the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2023), Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 26(7), pp. 535–545
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Whine, M., 'Combating Antisemitism in Europe' (2014), Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 8(1), pp.81-94
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White, R., 'Ethnic diversity and differential policing in Australia: The good, the bad and the ugly' (2009), Journal of International Migration and Integration, 10(4), pp.359-375
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White, R., 'Immigration, nationalism and anti-Asian racism' (1997), in Cunneen, C., Fraser, D. & Tomsen, S. (eds.) Faces of Hate: Hate Crime in Australia. Sydney: Hawkins Press.

White, R. & Habibis, D., 'Ethnicity and crime' (2005), in White, R. & Habibis, D. (eds.) Crime and Society. Oxford University Press Australia and New Zealand.

White, R., & Perrone, S., 'Racism, ethnicity and hate crime' (2001), Communal/Plural, 9(2), pp.161-181
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White, R.S., 'Antisemitism: A psychoanalytic theory' (2023), International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies [online]
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Whitfield, C., Liu, Y. & Anwar, M., 'Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Determinants of Health Issues of Marginalized Black and Asian Communities: A Social Media Analysis Empowered by Natural Language Processing' (2024), Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities [online]
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Wigerfelt, B., Wigerfelt, A. & Kiiskinen, J., 'When colour matters: Policing and hate crime' (2014), Social Inclusion, 2(1), pp.1-11
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Williams, C., 'Racial vilification: The great debate' (1995), Civil Liberty, 161, 4

Williams, D.R. & Mohammed, S.A., 'Discrimination and racial disparities in health: Evidence and needed research' (2009), Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 32(1), pp.20-47
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Williams, M.L. & Burnap, P., 'Cyberhate on social media in the aftermath of Woolwich: A case study in computational criminology and big data' (2016), British Journal of Criminology, 56(2), pp.211-238
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Williams, M.L., Sutherland, A., Roy-Chowdhury, V., Loke, T., Cullen, A., Sloan, L., Burnap, P. & Giannasi, P., 'The Effect of the Brexit Vote on the Variation in Race and Religious Hate Crimes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland' (2023), British Journal of Criminology, 63(4), pp. 1003–1023
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Willis-Esqueda, C., 'Race and its place in the United States legal system' (2016), in Willis-Esqueda, C. & Bornstein, B.H. (eds.) (2016) The Witness Stand and Lawrence S. Wrightsman, Jr.. New York: Springer-Verlag.
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Wilson, J.Z., 'Racist and political extremist graffiti in Australian prisons, 1970s to 1990s' (2008), The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 47(1), pp.52-66
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Winterdyk, J. & Antonopoulos, G., 'Racist victimization: International reflections and perspectives' (2008), Burlington, VT: Ashgate
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Witkowski, J., 'Changes of Offender Profiles Over Time – Right Wing Racist Violent Crime in North Rhine-Westphalia Between 2012 and 2016 | [Tatverdächtigenprofile im Wandel – Rechte, rassistische Gewaltkriminalität in Nordrhein-Westfalen zwischen 2012 und 2016]' (2022), Kriminologie, 4(2), pp. 149-178
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Witte, R., 'Racist violence and the state: A comparative analysis of Britain, France and the Netherlands' (1996), Longman.

Wolfgang, J.D., 'When Fringe Hate Goes Mainstream: How White Nationalist Discourse Manifests in Online News Commenting' (2021), Journal of Communication Inquiry [online]
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Wolfsdorf, A. & Ballou, D., 'Racially Motivated: Navigating Conversations Around Race in Predominantly White Classrooms' (2023), Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education [online]
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Wong, K.W.K., 'Exploring Racial Microaggressions Toward Chinese Immigrant Women in Greater Boston During Covid' (2023), Social Inclusion, 11(2), pp. 16-26
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Wong, V., 'Nothing Personal: An Anti-Asian Hate Crime' (2022), Qualitative Inquiry [online]
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Wong-Padoongpatt, G., Barrita, A. & King, A., 'Everyday Racism Increase for Asians in the U.S. During the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2022), Asian American Journal of Psychology [online]
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Wonv, K., 'The (re)emergence of hate crime as a policy issue' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 48(1), pp.34-35
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Woo, B., Pitner, R. & Wilson, B., 'White College Students’ Racial Prejudice and Perceptions of Racial Hate Crime' (2021), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Wood, M., Hales, J., Purdon, S., Sejersen, T. & Hayllar, O., 'A test for racial discrimination practice in British cities' (2010), National Centre for Social Research on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions. Research Report No 607
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Wortley, S. & Owusu-bempah, A., 'Unequal before the law: Immigrant and racial minority perceptions of the Canadian criminal justice system' (2009), Journal of International Migration and Integration, 10(4), pp.447-473
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Wu, Y., 'Race/ethnicity and perceptions of the police: A comparison of White, Black, Asian and Hispanic Americans' (2014), Policing and Society, 24(2), pp.135-157
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Wu, D.J., Syropoulos, S., Rivera-Rodriguez, A. & Dasgupta, N., 'From model minority to yellow peril: How threat perceptions and disgust predict anti-Asian prejudice during COVID-19' (2023), Social and Personality Psychology Compass [online]
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Wu, L. & Nguyen, N., 'From Yellow Peril to Model Minority and Back to Yellow Peril' (2022), AERA Open, 8
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Wu, Q. & Semaan, B., 'How Do You Quantify How Racist Something Is?: Color-Blind Moderation in Decentralized Governance' (2023), Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CSCW2), 3610030
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Wu, Y., Smith, B.W. & Sun, I.Y., 'Race/ethnicity and perceptions of police bias: The case of Chinese immigrants' (2013), Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 11(1-2), pp.71-92


Xie, C., Liu, P. & Cheng, Y., 'Praxis, hashtag activism, and social justice: a content analysis of #StopAsianHate narratives' (2023), Asian Journal of Communication [online]
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Xu, J., Sun, G., Cao, W., Fan, W., Yao, Z. & Li, H., 'Stigma, Discrimination, and Hate Crimes in Chinese-Speaking World amid Covid-19 Pandemic' (2021), Asian Journal of Criminology [online]
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Yeager, M.G., 'Immigrants and criminality: A cross-national review' (1997), Criminal Justice Abstracts, 29(1), 143

Yellow Horse, A.J., 'Anti-Asian racism, xenophobia and Asian American health during COVID-19' (2021), in D. Lupton & K. Willis (Eds), The COVID-19 Crisis: Social Perspectives (pp. 195-206), London: Routledge
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Yin, Z., Fan, L., Yu, H. & Gilliland, A.J., 'Using a Three-step Social Media Similarity (TSMS) Mapping Method to Analyze Controversial Speech Relating to COVID-19 in Twitter Collections' (2020), Proceedings - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2020, 9377930, pp. 1949-1953
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Yoshimizu, A., 'Student-centered, “embodied inter-referencing” as antiracist and anticolonial pedagogy' (2022), Asia Pacific Education Review [online]
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Young, D.M., Levinson, J.D. & Sinnett, S., 'Innocent until primed: Mock Jurors’ racially biased response to the presumption of innocence' (2014), PLoS ONE, 9(3)
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Yousuf, S. & Calafell, B., 'The Imperative for Examining Anti-Muslim Racism in Rhetorical Studies' (2018), Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 15(4), pp. 312–318
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Yu, P., 'Cycles of violence: Racist hate crime in Northern Ireland' (2017), in A. Haynes, J. Schweppe, & S. Taylor (Eds.), Critical perspectives on hate crime (pp.311-323). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
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Yu, J., '“I Don’t Think It Can Solve Any Problems”: Chinese International Students’ Perceptions of Racial Justice Movements During COVID-19' (2022), Journal of Diversity in Higher Education [online]
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