Publications: Racist hate crime


Castellanos, M., Wettstein, A., Bilz, L. & Wachs, S., 'Racist Hate Speech at School and its Association with Bystanders’ Active Defending – The Protective Role of Immigrant Background' (2023), International Journal of Developmental Sciences, 17(1-3), pp. 31–41
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Castro, R.F., 'Busting the Bandito Boyz: Militarism, masculinity, and the hunting of undocumented persons in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands' (2007), Journal of Hate Studies, 6(1), pp. 7-30
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Celik, S., 'Experiences of internet users regarding cyberhate' (2019), Information Technology and People [online]
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Chae, A., '#StopAsianHate: A Content Analysis of Public Library Statements Released in Response to Anti-Asian Hate' (2022), Public Library Quarterly [online]
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Chahal, K. & Julienne, L., 'We can’t all be white!: Racist victimisation in the UK' (1999), York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Chakraborti, N., 'Beyond ‘passive Apartheid’? Developing policy and research agendas on rural racism' (2010), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(3), pp.501-517
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Chakraborti, N., '‘Race’ in the United Kingdom' (2007), in Rowe, M. (ed.) (2007) Policing Beyond Macpherson: Issues in Policing, Race and Society. Cullompton: Willan Publishing.

Chakraborti, N., 'Hate crime: Concepts, policy and future directions' (2010), Devon: Willan Publishing

Chakraborti, N. & Garland, J., 'An ‘invisible’ problem? Uncovering the nature of racist victimisation in rural Suffolk' (2003), International Review of Victimology, 10(1), pp.1-17
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Chakraborti, N. & Garland, J., 'England’s green and pleasant land? Examining racist prejudice in a rural context' (2004), Patterns of Prejudice, 38(4), pp.383-398
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Chakraborti, N. & Garland, J., 'Getting a sense of perspective: Assessing minority ethnic communities’ views towards crime and criminal justice' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 49(Autumn), pp.12-13

Chakraborti, N., & Garland, J., 'Hate crime: Impact, causes and responses' (2009), UK: SAGE Publications

Chakraborti, N., Garland, J. & Keetley, K., 'Responding to racist incidents in Wellingborough and East Northamptonshire: An assessment of agency practice and victim satisfaction' (2003), Leicester: PRCI

Chan, J., Ghose, A. & Seamans, R. , 'The internet and racial hate crime: Offline spillovers from online access' (2016), MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems, 40(2), pp.381-403
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Chan, K.K., 'Drivers of Race Crime and the Impact of Bridging Gaps: A Dynamic Empirical Analysis' (2022), Race and Social Problems [online]
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Chana, S., 'Working towards a better understanding of Islamophobia' (2020), British Journal of Community Justice, 16(2-3), pp. 72-91
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Chapman, A., 'Australian racial hatred law: Some comments on reasonableness and adjudicative method in complaints brought by Indigenous people' (2004), Monash University Law Review, 30(1), pp.27-48
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Charan, A. & Verma, J.K., 'Characterizing Social Media Contents for Regulating Hate Crimes and Cyber Racism against Marginalized and Dalits in India' (2020), 2020 International Conference on Computational Performance Evaluation, ComPE 2020, 9200049, pp. 864-871
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Chatterji, D., 'Far-right Illiberalism on the Rise in the United States and Europe' (2022), Economic and Political Weekly, 57(13), pp. 64-69
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Chaudhry, I. and Gruzd, A. , 'Expressing and Challenging Racist Discourse on Facebook: How Social Media Weaken the “Spiral of Silence” Theory' (2019), Policy & Internet [online]
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Chavez, L.J., Ornelas, I.J., Lyles, C.R. & Williams, E.C., 'Racial/ethnic workplace discrimination: Association with tobacco and alcohol use' (2015), American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 48(1), pp.42-49
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Chávez-García, M., 'The Architects of Hate: Garrett Hardin and Cordelia S. May’s Fight for Immigration Restriction and Eugenics in the Name of the Environment' (2023), Journal of American Ethnic History, 43(1), pp. 88–117
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Chen, F., 'Performing race and remaking identity: Chinese visual artists in New York during the COVID-19 pandemic' (2022), Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, 9(1-2), pp. 201-225
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Chen, S., Luo, Y., Dong, K.R., Yau, Y., Hires, B., Liang, S. & Tang, A.M., 'HEAR US: a qualitative study of racial discrimination in Boston’s Chinatown and empowering change from within the community' (2023), Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1212141
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Chen, Z.F., Sun, R. & Tao, W., 'Channeling engagement into action: the role of empowerment in Asian Americans’ social media use in combating anti-Asian discrimination' (2024), Asian Journal of Communication [online]
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Cheng, B. & Ma, J., 'The other pandemic: COVID-19 as a catalyst for hate against Asian health care workers' (2022), British Columbia Medical Journal, 64(4), pp. 182-184
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Cheng, C., 'Thoughts on Studying Anti-Asian Pacific Islander Desai American+ Hate Since COVID-19' (2024), American Behavioral Scientist [online]
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Cheng, J., Tsoh, J.Y., Guan, A., Luu, M., Nguyen, I.V., Tan, R., Thao, C., Yu, E., Lor, D., Pham, M., Choi, J., Kim, M., Stewart, S.L. & Burke, N.J., 'Engaging Asian American Communities During the COVID-19 Era Tainted With Anti-Asian Hate and Distrust' (2022), American Journal of Public Health, 112(S9), pp. S864-S868
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Cheng, W., Ickes, W. & Kenworthy, J., 'The phenomenon of hate crimes in the United States' (2013), Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43(4), pp.761-794
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Chiang, P.P., 'Anti-Asian racism, responses, and the impact on Asian Americans’ lives: A social-ecological perspective' (2021), in J.M. Ryan (Ed.) COVID-19 Volume II: Social Consequences and Cultural Adaptations (pp. 215-229), London: Routledge
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Chin, G.J., 'Race and the disappointing right to counsel' (2013), Yale Law Journal, 122(8), pp.2236-2259
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Chin, J., 'Antimatters: The curious case of Confederate monuments' (2023), Boston University Law Review, 103(1), pp. 311–383
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Choi, S., '“People Look at Me Like I Am the Virus”: Fear, Stigma, and Discrimination During the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2020), Qualitative Social Work [online]
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Choi, S., Burd, K.A. & Choi, A., 'Looking Hateworthy: An Investigation of the Relationship Between Chinese Phenotypicality and COVID-19-Related Prejudice and Discrimination' (2023), Race and Justice, 13(1), pp. 105-129
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Choi, S., Hong, S., Gatanaga, O.S., Yum, A.J., Lim, S., Neighbors, C.J. & Yi, S.S., 'Substance use and treatment disparities among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders: A systematic review' (2024), Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 256, 111088
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Chon, M.-G., 'The role of social media in empowering activism: testing the integrative model of activism to anti-Asian hate crimes' (2023), Asian Journal of Communication [online]
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Chon, M.-G. & Harrell, J.R., 'Building bridges for anti-racism activism: Testing situational theory of problem solving and problem chain recognition effect' (2024), Public Relations Review, 50(1), 102425
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Chongatera, G., 'Hate-crime victimization and fear of hate crime among racially visible people in Canada: The role of income as a mediating factor' (2013), Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 11(1), pp.44-64
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Chun, W.H.K., Hong, G.K. & Nakamura, L., '“Understanding” Asians: Anti-Asian Racism, Sentimentality, Sentiment Analysis, and Digital Surveillance' (2024), Critical Inquiry, 50(3), pp. 425–451
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Chung, G.Y., '“This is what we wanted to learn”: Anti-racist and anti-colonial education with 1st gen Korean American seniors in a time of Asian hate and racialized dread' (2023), Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies [online]
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Cisneros, J.D. & Nakayama, T.K., 'New media, old racisms: Twitter, Miss America, and cultural logics of race' (2015), Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 8(2), pp.108-127
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Clark, J.W., Cramer, R.J., Percosky, A., Rufino, K.A., Miller, R.S. & Johnson, S.M., 'Juror perceptions of African American- and Arabic-named victims' (2013), Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 20(5), pp.781-794
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Clarke, I. & Moody, S., 'Perceptions of racist crime and victimisation in Scotland' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 48(1), pp.14-15
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Cleland, J. & Cashmore, E., 'Football fans’ views of racism in British football' (2016), International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 51(1), pp.27-43
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Coester, M., 'Commentary: Right-wing extremism and bias crime in Germany' (2010), Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 8(1), pp.49-69
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Cohen-Almagor, R., 'Racism and Hate Speech – a Critique of Scanlon’s Contractual Theory' (2019), First Amendment Studies [online]
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Cohen-Almagor, R., '‘Racism and Hate Speech – A Critique of Scanlon’s Contractual Theory’' (2019), First Amendment Studies [online]
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Cole, M., 'A Plethora of ‘suitable enemies’: British racism at the dawn of the twenty-first century' (2009), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32(9), pp.1671-1685
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Colic-Peisker, V. & Tilbury, F., 'Being Black in Australia: A case study of intergroup relations' (2008), Race and Class, 49(4), pp.38-56
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Collard, M., 'Hate in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic: dehumanisation as a side effect; re-humanisation as a remedy' (2023), Crime, Law and Social Change [online]
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