Publications: Right-wing extremism


Jovanović, S.M., 'The Dveri Movement through a Discursive Lens: Serbia’s Contemporary Right-Wing Nationalism' (2018), Sudosteuropa, 66(4), pp. 481-502
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Kadiwal, L., 'Critical feminist resistance to the politics of hate in India' (2023), Globalisation, Societies and Education [online]
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Kagedan, I. J., 'Contemporary Right-Wing Extremism in Germany' (1997), in A. Braun (Ed.) The Extreme Right: Freedom and Security at Risk (pp. 107-137). Abingdon & New York: Routledge
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Kahn, M.L., 'The American Influence on German Neo-Nazism: An Entangled History of Hate, 1970s–1990s' (2021), Journal of Holocaust Research, 35(2), pp. 91-105
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Kamali, S., 'Homegrown hate: Why white nationalists and Militant Islamists are waging war against the United States' (2021), Oakland, CA: University of California Press
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Kaplan, B.A., '“Grotesquery to the Surface”: The Leo Frank Case and Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America Revisited in Trump’s Alt-Right America' (2020), Studies in American Jewish Literature, 39(1),751603, pp. 44-72
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Kasimov, A., 'Decentralized hate: sustained connective action in online far-right community' (2023), Social Movement Studies [online]
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Kelley-Romano, S. & Carew, K. L., 'Make America hate again: Donald Trump and the birther conspiracy' (2019), Journal of Hate Studies, 14(1), pp. 33-52
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Kent, J., 'Does urban design drive sympathy for the far right?' (2024), City, Culture and Society, 36, 100553
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Khosravi Ooryad, S., 'Alt-right and authoritarian memetic alliances: global mediations of hate within the rising Farsi manosphere on Iranian social media' (2023), Media, Culture and Society [online]
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Kitts, M., 'Proud boys, nationalism, and religion' (2021), Journal of Religion and Violence, 9(1), pp. 12-32
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Kleinberg, B., van der Vegt, I. & Gill, P., 'The temporal evolution of a far-right forum' (2021), Journal of Computational Social Science, 4(1)
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Knäble, J., Breiling, L. & Rettenberger, M., 'Theory and explanation models of radicalization processes in the context of right-wing extremism | [Theorien und Erklärungsmodelle von Radikalisierungsprozessen im Kontext des Rechtsextremismus]' (2021), Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 15(2), pp. 99-108
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Knupfer, H., Kaskeleviciute, R. & Matthes, J., 'Silent Sympathy: News Attention, Subtle Support for Far-Right Extremism, and Negative Attitudes Toward Muslims' (2023), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Ko, K., Burghardt, K. & Muric, G., 'Enter at Your Own Risk: The Impacts of Joining a Hateful Subreddit' (2021), Proceedings - 2021 IEEE 18th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems, MASS 2021, pp. 657-658
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Kolodziejczyk, D., 'The Landscape of Hate – Olga Tokarczuk in Populist Discourse in Poland' (2022), European Review [online]
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Kondor, K. & Littler, M. (Eds.), 'The Routledge Handbook of Far-Right Extremism in Europe (1st edition)' (2023), London: Routledge
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Kovacs, E.-R., Cotfas, L.-A. & Delcea, C., 'From Unhealthy Online Conversation to Political Violence: The Case of the January 6th Events at the Capitol' (2022), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1653 CCIS, pp. 3-15
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Krieg, Y. & Kliem, S., 'Right-Wing Extremism Among Adolescents in Lower Saxony: Results of Repeated Representative Surveys From 2013, 2015 and 2017 | [Rechtsextremismus Unter Jugendlichen in Niedersachsen: Ergebnisse Repräsentativer Wiederholungsbefragungen Aus Den Jahren 2013, 2015 und 2017]' (2019), Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 102(2), pp. 135-153
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Kriega, Y., 'Is the world run by evil forces? Conspiracy mentality among adolescents in relation to right-wing extremist ideology and discriminatory behavior' (2022), Journal for Deradicalization, 33, pp. 1–39
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Kuljiš, M.B., 'John Rawls and the Freedom of Political Speech Case Trump vs. Twitter | John Rawls i sloboda političkog govora Slučaj Trump vs. Twitter' (2023), Filozofska Istrazivanja, 43(3), pp. 509–528
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Küntzel, M., 'Nazis, Islamic Antisemitism and the Middle East: The 1948 Arab War against Israel and the Aftershocks of World War II' (2023), London: Routledge
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Kusz, K.W., '“Winning Bigly”: Sporting fantasies of white male omnipotence in the rise of Trump and Alt Right white supremacy' (2019), Journal of Hate Studies, 14(1), pp. 113-135
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Kwak, L.J., 'Problematizing Canadian exceptionalism: A study of right-populism, white nationalism and conservative political parties' (2020), Onati Socio-Legal Series, 10(6), pp. 1166-1192
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Kyler, A.M. & Charron-Chénier, R., 'Taking up the tiki torch: Understanding alt-right interest using internet search data' (2022), Social Science Research, 102729 [online]
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Lacalle, C., Jiménez, V.M. & Hernández, D.E., 'The Anti-Feminism of The Spanish Radical-Right on Twitter Around 8m | [EL ANTIFEMINISMO DE LA ULTRADERECHA ESPAÑOLA EN TWITTER EN TORNO AL 8M]' (2023), Prisma Social, 40, pp. 358-376
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Larsen, A.G., 'Boundaries of Legitimate Debate: Right-wing Extremism in Norwegian News Media in the Decade after the July 22, 2011 Attacks' (2021), Perspectives on Terrorism, 15(3), pp. 96-108
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Laryš, M., '“White Jihad” and “White Sharia”: Jihadism as an Instrument of Intra-Extremist Outbidding among Right-Wing Extremists' (2023), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Leander, N.P., Kreienkamp, J., Agostini, M., Stroebe, W., Gordijn, E.H. & Kruglanski, A.W., 'Biased Hate Crime Perceptions Can Reveal Supremacist Sympathies' (2020), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(32), pp. 19072-19079
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Leath, S., Scott, E.D., Rivens, A., Jones, M.K. & Koroma, N., '“We Need to See Action”: An Institutional Case Study of the Summer of Hate and Black Student Resistance' (2022), Journal of Diversity in Higher Education [online]
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Lee, H., 'Relentless villains or fervent netizens?: The alt-right community in Korea, Ilbe' (2021), Internet Histories [online]
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Liang, C.S., 'Far-Right Contagion: The Global Challenge of Transnational Extremist Networks' (2022), in A.J. Masys (Ed.) Handbook of Security Science (pp. 1001-1037), Cham: Springer
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Liguori, J.B. & Spanierman, L.B., 'Walking out on hate: A qualitative investigation of how and why White supremacists quit hate groups' (2022), Journal of Counseling Psychology, 69(4), pp. 389-402
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Lilleker, D. & Pérez‐Escolar, M., 'Demonising Migrants in Contexts of Extremism: Analysis of Hate Speech in UK and Spain' (2023), Politics and Governance, 11(2), pp. 127-137
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Linhares, R.S., Rosa, J.M., Ferreira, C.H.G., Murai, F., Nobre, G. & Almeida, J., 'Uncovering Coordinated Communities on Twitter During the 2020 U.S. Election' (2022), Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2022, pp. 80-87
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Liu, M., Anastasio, N., LeFreniere, H. & Perliger, A., 'Public Health Crisis and Hate Crimes: Deciphering the Proliferation of Anti-Asian Violence in the US before and during COVID-19' (2023), Perspectives on Terrorism, 17(2), pp. 30–59
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Llanera, T., 'The Misogyny Paradox and the Alt-Right' (2023), Hypatia, 10(6)
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Lowe, D., 'Far-Right Extremism: Is it Legitimate Freedom of Expression, Hate Crime, or Terrorism?' (2020), Terrorism and Political Violence, pp. 1-21
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Lowe, D., 'Terrorism, Law and Policy: A Comparative Study (Second Edition)' (2022), London: Routledge
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Lowe, D., 'Hate Crime in Northern Ireland: The Need for Legislation and a Bespoke Version of the Prevent Strategy' (2023), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Luger, J., 'Celebrations, Exaltations and Alpha Lands: Everyday geographies of the far-right' (2022), Political Geography, 96, 102604
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Lundberg, E., 'Different Types, Different Reactions? How Civil Society Organizations Respond to Right-Wing Extremism' (2022), Voluntas [online]
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Lünenborg, M. & Röttger-Rössler, B. (Eds.), 'Affective Formation of Publics: Places, Networks, and Media' (2023), London: Routledge
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Manning, J. & Manning L., 'Walking away from hate: Our journey through extremism' (2021), New Westminster, Canada: Tidewater Press
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Marcks, H. & Pawelz, J., 'From Myths of Victimhood to Fantasies of Violence: How Far-Right Narratives of Imperilment Work' (2020), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Marone, F., 'Right-wing extremism and lone-actor violence in Italy: The case of the 2018 Macerata shooting' (2023), Modern Italy, 28(1), pp. 18-34
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Matas, D., 'The Extreme Right in the United Kingdom and France' (1997), in A. Braun (Ed.) The Extreme Right: Freedom and Security at Risk (pp. 84-106). Abingdon & New York: Routledge
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Matos, B., Lima, R.C., Almeida, J.M., Gonçalves, M.A. & Santos, R.L.T., 'Intellectual dark web, alt-lite and alt-right: Are they really that different? a multi-perspective analysis of the textual content produced by contrarians' (2024), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 14(1), 32
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Mattsson, C., 'Lost in Translation–a Case Study of a Public Debate on Freedom of Expression and a Neo-Nazi Rally' (2019), Social Identities [online]
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Mattsson, C. & Johansson, T., 'Leaving Hate Behind – Neo-Nazis, Significant Others and Disengagement' (2019), Journal for Deradicalization, (18), pp. 185-216
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