Publications: Right-wing extremism


Maurer, M., 'Conspirituality and meme culture: transgressive dynamics in right-wing esoteric social media discourse' (2024), Religion [online]
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Mayagoitia-Soria, A., González-Aguilar, J.M., Gómez-García, S. & Paz-Rebollo, M.A., '“Drop a Bomb on Them… and Problem Solved!” An Analysis of Poverty Discourse on TikTok' (2024), International Journal of Communication, 18, pp. 1135–1156
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McAdams, A.J. & Castrillon, A. (Eds.), 'Contemporary Far-Right Thinkers and the Future of Liberal Democracy' (2021), London: Routledge
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McCann, C.J.J., 'The Prevent Strategy and Right-Wing Extremism: A Case Study of the English Defence League' (2019), London: Routledge
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McCauley, T., 'Race war or culture war: The diversity in right-wing extremism' (2021), Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways toward Terrorism and Genocide, 14(2), pp. 192-208
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McIlroy-Young, R., Anderson, A., 'From “Welcome New Gabbers” to the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting: The Evolution of Gab' (2019), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web and Social Media, ICWSM 2019, pp. 651-654
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Mckercher, A., 'The Edmund Burke Society and Right-Wing Extremism in Late Twentieth-Century Canada' (2022), Canadian Historical Review, 103(1), pp. 75-99
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McNeil-Willson, R. & Triandafyllidou, A. (Eds.), 'Routledge Handbook of Violent Extremism and Resilience' (2023), London: Routledge
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McSwiney, J., Vaughan, M., Heft, A. & Hoffmann, M., 'Sharing the hate? Memes and transnationality in the far right’s digital visual culture' (2021), Information Communication and Society [online]
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Meier, J., Bögelein, N. & Neubacher, F., 'A biographical perspective on processes of radicalisation | [Eine biografische Perspektive auf Radikalisierungsverläufe]' (2021), Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie [online]
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Meier-Vieracker, S., 'Racist discourse in a German far-right blog: A corpus-driven approach using word embeddings' (2023), Discourse and Society [online]
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Melo-Pfeifer, S. & Gertz, H.D., 'Transforming Disinformation on Minorities Into a Pedagogical Resource: Towards a Critical Intercultural News Literacy' (2022), Media and Communication, 10(4), pp. 338-346
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Mercer, J. & McGlashan, M. (Eds.), 'Toxic Masculinity: Men, Meaning, and Digital Media' (2023), London: Routledge
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Message, K., 'Museums and the Citizenship of Hate The Michael Volkerling Memorial Lecture 2021' (2022), Museum Worlds, 10(1), pp. 1-13
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Minkenberg, M., 'From Parties to Movements: Studying the Radical Right with Sidney Tarrow' (2022), Partecipazione e Conflitto, 15(3), pp. 993-997
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Mirrlees, T., 'GAFAM and hate content moderation: Deplatforming and deleting the alt-right' (2021), in M. Deflem & D.M.D. Silva (Eds), Media and Law: Between Free Speech and Censorship (Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance, Vol. 26) (pp. 81-97), Bingley: Emerald Publishing Ltd.
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Mirrlees, T., 'Tweeting #RemoveKebab: A Critical Study of the Far Right’s Islamophobic Hate Hashtag on Twitter' (2021), Canadian Journal of Communication, 46(4), pp. 853-874
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Mizruchi, M.S. & Gălan, R., 'The Trump Phenomenon and Right-wing Extremism: Is Donald Trump a Populist?' (2023), in M. Feldmann & G. Morgan (Eds.) Business and Populism: The Odd Couple (pp. 39-58), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Monahan, M.J., 'Racism and “self-love”: The case of white nationalism' (2021), Critical Philosophy of Race, 9(1), pp. 1-15
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Mondon, A. & Winter, A., 'Reactionary Democracy: How Racism and the Populist Far Right Became Mainstream' (2020), London: Verso
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Mulholland, T., Murphy, K., Hardy, K. & Porter, L., 'Understanding right wing extremism in Australia: testing an integrated unfairness grievance and outgroup threat framework' (2023), Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism [online]
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Munden, H.P., 'Extremist group exits: what autobiographies by male right-wing formers reveal about identity transformation' (2023), Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression [online]
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Munn, L., 'Sustainable Hate: How Gab Built a Durable “Platform for the People”' (2022), Canadian Journal of Communication, 47(1), pp. 219-240
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Munn, L., 'Red Pilled – The Allure of Digital Hate' (2023), Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press
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Nizaruddin, F., 'The Kabir Project: Using Transmedia Work to Disrupt Right-Wing Narratives of Othering' (2023), in J. Dalby & M. Freeman (Eds.) Transmedia Selves: Identity and Persona Creation in the Age of Mobile and Multiplatform Media (pp. 179–190), London: Routledge
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O'Brien, M., 'The coming of the storm: moral panics, social media and regulation in the QAnon era' (2022), Information and Communications Technology Law [online]
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Olmos-Alcaraz, A., 'Islamophobia and Twitter: The Political Discourse of the Extreme Right in Spain and Its Impact on the Public' (2023), Religions, 14(4), 506
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O’Reilly, S., 'The resurgent right: the secret of Japan’s twenty-first century cinematic success' (2023), Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema [online]
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Page, S., '‘People Get Killed Cause of There [Their] Skin. It Cannot Be Stopped’: A Midlands Case Study Considering Experiences of Racism Amongst Pupils in UK Secondary Schools and the Community' (2020), British Journal of Community Justice, 16(1), pp. 64-81
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Panageotou, S.A., 'The authoritarian personality in white middle-class suburbia: A planetary sociology of Trumpism and me' (2023), in H.F. Dahms (Ed.) Planetary Sociology (Current Perspectives in Social Theory, Vol. 40) (pp. 63-89), Bingley: Emerald Publishing
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Parker, L. (Ed.), 'Education in the Age of Misinformation: Philosophical and Pedagogical Explorations' (2023), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Pérez, M.J.M. & Almela, Á., 'The representation of migrants in Spanish judicial decisions: using corpus data to refute hate speech' (2022), Corpora, 17(2), pp. 167-196
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Perreault, G. & Meltzer, K., 'Metajournalistic Discourse and Reporting Policies on White Nationalism' (2022), Journal of Communication Inquiry [online]
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Perry, B., '“Button-Down Terror”: The Metamorphosis of the Hate Movement' (2020), in K.J. Strand & G.L. Weiss (Eds.) Experiencing Social Research: A Reader (pp. 281-302). New York: Routledge
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Perry, B. & Blazak, R., 'Places for races: The white supremacist movement imagines U.S. geography' (2010), Journal of Hate Studies, 8(1), pp. 29-51
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Perry, B., Mirrlees, T. & Scrivens, R., 'The dangers of porous borders' (2019), Journal of Hate Studies, 14(1), pp. 53-75
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Peters, C. & Allan, S., 'Weaponizing Memes: The Journalistic Mediation of Visual Politicization' (2021), Digital Journalism [online]
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Pettersson, K. & Sakki, I., '‘You truly are the worst kind of racist!’: Argumentation and polarization in online discussions around gender and radical-right populism' (2022), British Journal of Social Psychology [online]
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Piazza, J. & Van Doren, N., 'It’s About Hate: Approval of Donald Trump, Racism, Xenophobia and Support for Political Violence' (2022), American Politics Research [online]
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Pichel-Vázquez, A. & Enguix Grau, B., 'Framing Gender through Affects: Antifeminism and Love in the Spanish Far Right (Vox)' (2022), South European Society and Politics [online]
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Pickard, H., Efthyvoulou, G. & Bove, V., 'What’s left after right-wing extremism? The effects on political orientation' (2022), European Journal of Political Research [online]
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Pilkington, H., 'Why Should We Care What Extremists Think? The Contribution of Emic Perspectives to Understanding the “right-wing extremist” Mind-Set' (2021), Journal of Contemporary Ethnography [online]
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Pratten, E., 'The Manosphere: Incel as Transmedial Construction' (2023), in J. Dalby & M. Freeman (Eds.) Transmedia Selves: Identity and Persona Creation in the Age of Mobile and Multiplatform Media (pp. 147-160), London: Routledge
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Puchalska, J.K., 'Crime denied: The Japanese right wing and its vision of the Second World War' (2021), in K. Rak, M. Lipa & O. Barbasiewicz (Eds.) Historical and Collective Memory in the Middle and Far East (pp. 71-86), Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang Publishing
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Purdue, S., 'Useful Victims: Symbolic Rage and Racist Violence on the Global Extreme-Right' (2021), Journal for Deradicalization, (27), pp. 34-70
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Purdue, A., 'Race, Gender and Violence on the Transatlantic Extreme Right, 1969–2009: Intersectional Hate' (2022), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Rajan, B. & Venkatraman, S., 'Insta-hate: An exploration of islamophobia and right-wing nationalism on Instagram amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in India' (2021), Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research, 14(1), pp. 71-91
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Ramírez, M.G. & de Travesedo Rojas, R.G., 'Discursive strategy on UFM on YouTube. Construction of a hate speech | [Estrategia discursiva sobre los MENA en YouTube. Construcción de un discurso de odio]' (2022), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, 2022(80), pp. 259-285
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Ramswell, P.Q., 'The Rise of Domestic Terrorism and Decline of American Democracy: How Brexit and the Trump Presidency Influenced Populist Empowerment and the Intersection of Rights. Division, Derision, Decisions' (2021), Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers
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Rasoulikolamaki, S., Zhdanava, A., Mat Isa, N.A.N., Ahmad, M.N.N. & Kaur, S., 'A meta-discursive analysis of engagement markers in QAnon anti-immigration comments' (2023), Journal of Language and Politics, 22(6), pp. 894–917
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