Publications: Right-wing extremism


Rathje, J., 'Driven by Conspiracies: The Justification of Violence among “Reichsbürger” and Other Conspiracy-Ideological Sovereignists in Contemporary Germany' (2022), Perspectives on Terrorism, 16(6), pp. 49-61
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Ravndal, J.A., Tandberg, C., Sessolo, S., Jupskås, A.R. & Bjørgo, T., 'RTV Trend Report 2023: Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe, 1990 – 2022' (2023), Center for Research on Extremism: The Extreme Right, Hate Crime and Political Violence, University of Oslo
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Rees, J.H., Rees, Y.P.M., Hellmann, J.H. & Zick, A., 'Climate of Hate: Similar Correlates of Far Right Electoral Support and Right-Wing Hate Crimes in Germany' (2019), Frontiers in Psychology, 10(October)
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Rees, Y.P.M., 'Free Press Under Pressure? Experiences and Consequences of Hateful Harassment on Journalists in Germany' (2023), Media and Communication, 11(4), pp. 367–379
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Reitz, C., 'Herbert Marcuse Today: On Ecological Destruction, Neofascism, White Supremacy, Hate Speech, Racist Police Killings, and the Radical Goals of Socialism' (2021), Theory, Culture and Society [online]
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Rękawek, K., 'Foreign Fighters in Ukraine: The Brown–Red Cocktail' (2023), London: Routledge
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Renton, D., 'No Free Speech for Fascists: Exploring ‘No Platform’ in History, Law and Politics' (2021), London: Routledge
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Retta, M., 'A pragmatic and discourse analysis of hate words on social media' (2023), Internet Pragmatics, 6(2), pp. 197–218
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Ribeiro, M.H., Ottoni, R., West, R., Almeida, V.A.F. & Wagner Meira, W.M., 'Auditing Radicalization Pathways on YouTube' (2020), FAT* 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, pp. 131-141
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Richards, I., Smith, C. & Barton, G., 'Holding to account or amplifying extremist hate? A mixed methods analysis of newspaper reporting on far-right crime in Australia' (2024), Critical Studies on Terrorism [online]
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Rieger, D., Kümpel, A.S., Wich, M., Kiening, T. & Groh, G., 'Assessing the Extent and Types of Hate Speech in Fringe Communities: A Case Study of Alt-Right Communities on 8chan, 4chan, and Reddit' (2021), Social Media and Society, 7(4)
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Riquelme, F., Rivera, D. & Serrano, B., 'Analyzing the far-right political action on Twitter: The Chilean constituent process' (2022), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12(1), 161
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Robie, D., 'FRONTLINE New Zealand’s 23-day Parliament siege QAnon and how social media disinformation manufactured an ‘alternate reality’' (2022), Pacific Journalism Review, 28(1-2), pp. 105-113
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Robinson, S. & Hiltz, E., 'Platformed misogyny in Depp v Heard: #justiceforjohnny and networked defamation' (2024), Feminist Media Studies [online]
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Rodriguez Martinez, P., Martinez Joya, L. & Villegas Lirola, F., 'Hate-Speech Countering by Immigrant and Pro-Immigrant Associations in Almeria (Spain)' (2024), Social Sciences, 13(1), 33
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Rodríguez-Serrano, A., García-Catalán, S. & Martín-Núñez, M., 'Audiovisual Narrative Strategies of Disinformation on Youtube of the New European Far Right | [Estrategias Narrativas Audiovisuales de Desinformación en Youtube de la Nueva Extrema Derecha Europea]' (2019), Profesional de la Informacion, 28(3)
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Rothbart, D. & Stebbins, D.M., 'The Proud Boys Raging Righteously at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021: A Hate Group in Action' (2022), Peace and Conflict [online]
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Rovira Kaltwasser, C., Salas-Lewin, R. & Zanotti, L., 'Supporting and rejecting the populist radical right: Evidence from contemporary Chile' (2024), Nations and Nationalism [online]
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Santini, R.M., Salles, D. & Barros, C.E., 'We love to hate George Soros: A cross-platform analysis of the Globalism conspiracy theory campaign in Brazil' (2022), Convergence [online]
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Scheinberg, S., 'Canada: Right-Wing Extremism in the Peaceable Kingdom' (1997), in A. Braun (Ed.) The Extreme Right: Freedom and Security at Risk (pp. 36-54). Abingdon & New York: Routledge
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Scheinberg, S., 'Right-Wing Extremism in the United States' (1997), in A. Braun (Ed.) The Extreme Right: Freedom and Security at Risk (pp. 55-83). Abingdon & New York: Routledge
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Schlegel, L. & Kowert, R. (Eds.), 'Gaming and Extremism: The Radicalization of Digital Playgrounds' (2024), New York: Routledge
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Schuppener, G., 'The Germanic Tribes, the Gods and the German Far Right Today' (2022), London: Routledge
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Sciurba, K., 'Depicting Hate: Picture Books and the Realities of White Supremacist Crime and Violence' (2020), Teachers College Record, 122(8), pp. 117-143
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Scrivens, R., 'Examining Online Indicators of Extremism among Violent and Non-Violent Right-Wing Extremists' (2022), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Scrivens, R., Osuna, A.I., Chermak, S.M., Whitney, M.A. & Frank, R., 'Examining Online Indicators of Extremism in Violent Right-Wing Extremist Forums' (2021), Studies in Conflict and Terrorism [online]
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Scrivens, R., Wojciechowski, T.W., Freilich, J.D., Chermak, S.M. & Frank, R., 'Differentiating Online Posting Behaviors of Violent and Nonviolent Right-Wing Extremists' (2022), Criminal Justice Policy Review [online]
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Sekuler, T., 'Temporalization and the Digital Vigilante: Past Presencing, Un/Doing Futures and “Jewish Revenge” as Affective Justice in Talia Lavin’s Culture Warlords' (2024), Studies in Social Justice, 18(2), pp. 323–343
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Serrano, A.R., Catalán, S.G. & Núñez, M.M., 'Audiovisual production by the contemporary European extreme right: Filmic inheritances and intertexts to spread the hate' (2021), Communication and Society, 34(2), pp. 231-246
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Shodiya-Zeumault, S., DeBlaere, C., Aiello, M., Said, I.A. & Davis, D.E., 'Responses to the Unite the Right Rally: Perceptions, Stress, and the Moderating Role of Interpersonal Proximity' (2021), Race and Social Problems, 13(4), pp. 320-329
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Siapera, E. & Papadopoulou, L., 'The affective and political economy of hate journalism: Toxic masculinity, misogynism and homophobia in Greek extreme right-wing media | Η ΣΥΝΑΙΣΘΗΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΑΣ ΤΟΥ ΜΙΣΟΥΣ: ΤΟΞΙΚΗ ΑΡΡΕΝΩΠΟΤΗΤΑ, ΜΙΣΟΓΥΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΟΜΟΦΟΒΙΑ ΣΤΑ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ ΑΚΡΟΔΕΞΙΑ ΜΜΕ' (2023), Greek Review of Social Research, 161, pp. 73–93
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Sinnar, S., 'Hate Crimes, Terrorism, and the Framing of White Supremacist Violence' (2022), California Law Review, 110(2), pp. 489-565
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Sipka, A., Hannak, A. & Urman, A., 'Comparing the Language of QAnon-Related Content on Parler, Gab, and Twitter' (2022), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 411-421
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Sosinski, M. & Sánchez García, F.J., '“Invasion effect” Populism and ideology in the Spanish political discourse on refugees. The Vox case | [“Efecto invasión” Populismo e ideología en el discurso político español sobre los refugiados. El caso de Vox]' (2022), Discurso y Sociedad, 16(1), pp. 149-172
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Stern, F.L., 'A New Witch-Hunt: LGBTQIA+ State Persecution by Brazil’s Christian Far-Right' (2024), International Journal of Latin American Religions [online]
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Steuer, M., 'Cultural expertise, hate speech, and the far right: the Slovak Mazurek case' (2024), Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis [online]
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Stewart, N.K., Al-Rawi, A., Celestini, C. & Worku, N., 'Hate Influencers’ Mediation of Hate on Telegram: “We Declare War Against the Anti-White System”' (2023), Social Media and Society, 9(2)
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Stockhammer, N. (Ed.), 'Routledge Handbook of Transnational Terrorism' (2023), London: Routledge
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Swist, J., '‘Wolves of the Krypteia’: Lycanthropy and right-wing extremism in metal’s reception of ancient Greece and Rome' (2022), Metal Music Studies, 8(3), pp. 309-325
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Sykes, S. & Hopner, V., 'Tradwives: Right-Wing Social Media Influencers' (2024), Journal of Contemporary Ethnography [online]
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Szendro, B., 'Suicide, Social Capital, and Hate Groups in the United States' (2021), World Affairs [online]
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Tainturier, B., de Dampierre, C. & Cardon, D., 'Measuring the anti-Semitic imprint on YouTube │ Mesurer l’empreinte antisémite sur YouTube' (2023), BMS Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/ Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique, 160(1), pp. 71–98
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Törnberg, A. & Törnberg, P., 'White supremacists anonymous: how digital media emotionally energize far-right movements' (2023), Journal of Information Technology and Politics [online]
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Tremblay, M.-C., 'The Wicked Interplay of Hate Rhetoric, Politics and the Internet: What Can Health Promotion Do to Counter Right-Wing Extremism?' (2020), Health Promotion International, 35(1), pp. 1-4
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Trindade, L.V.P., 'Disability is no laughing matter. A critical discourse analysis of disability mockery on social media in Brazil | Deficiência física não é motivo de piada. Uma análise crítica do discurso sobre a zombaria da deficiência física nas redes sociais no Brasil' (2023), Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies [online]
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Tumber, H. & Waisbord, S. (Eds), 'The Routledge Companion to Media Disinformation and Populism' (2021), London: Routledge
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Tuomola, S. & Wahl-Jorgensen, K., 'Emotion Mobilisation through the Imagery of People in Finnish-Language Right-Wing Alternative Media' (2022), Digital Journalism [online]
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Tworek, H.J.S., 'Fighting Hate with Speech Law: Media and German Visions of Democracy' (2021), Journal of Holocaust Research, 35(2), pp. 106-122
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Uysal, M.S., Hoerst, C., Stathi, S. & Kessler, T., 'Populism Predicts Sympathy for Attacks Against Asylum Seekers Through National Pride and Moral Justification of Political Violence' (2023), Social Psychological and Personality Science [online]
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Valcore, J., Asquith, N.L. & Rodgers, J., '“We’re led by stupid people”: Exploring Trump’s use of denigrating and deprecating speech to promote hatred and violence' (2023), Crime, Law and Social Change [online]
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