Publications: Terrorism and hate crime


Abbas, T. & Awan, I., 'Limits of UK Counterterrorism Policy and its implications for Islamophobia and Far Right extremism' (2015), International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 4(3), pp.16-29
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Abdel-Fattah, R., 'Islamophobia and Australian Muslim political consciousness in the war on terror' (2017), Journal of Intercultural Studies, 38(4), pp.397-411
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Abondo Ndo, W.S., 'Digital Shifts and Ethno-Political Dynamics: Examining Event and Actor Designation in the Cameroon Boko Haram Terrorism Conflict through Print and Online Platforms' (2024), Journalism and Media, 5(1), pp. 359–381
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Alapont, J.L., 'The exaltation of terrorism and the humiliation of its victims: limits and grounds of its punishment in a democratic State of law | [El enaltecimiento del terrorismo y la humillación de sus víctimas: límites y fundamentos de su punición en un Estado democrático de Derecho]' (2022), Revista Electronica de Ciencia Penal y Criminologia, 24, pp. 1-46
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Amro, F. & Purohit, H., 'User Identity Modeling to Characterize Communication Patterns of Domestic Extremists Behavior on Social Media' (2023), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14161 LNCS, pp. 219–230
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Aßmann, A., 'Bildung and radical violence: Essay on political radicalization processes as a field of Philosophy of Education | [Bildung und radikale Gewalt: Essay über politische Radikalisierungsprozesse als bildungstheoretisches Themenfeld]' (2020), Zeitschrift fur Praktische Philosophie, 7(2), pp. 67-90
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Backes, U. & Lindenberger, T. (Eds.), 'Civil Democracy Protection: Success Conditions of Non-Governmental Organisations in Comparison' (2023), London: Routledge
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Badurdeen, F.A., 'International and local NGOs addressing violent and hateful extremism in Kenya' (2023), Conflict, Security and Development [online]
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Barcellona, M., 'Incel violence as a new terrorism threat: A brief investigation between Alt-Right and Manosphere dimensions' (2022), Sortuz, 11(2), pp. 170-186
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Basit, A., 'State Fragility and the Challenge of Violent Extremism in Pakistan' (2023), in M.S. Mostofa (Ed.) Dynamics of Violent Extremism in South Asia: Nexus between State Fragility and Extremism (pp. 191-225), Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan
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Benier, K., 'Global terrorism events and ensuing hate incidents' (2016), in J. Schweppe & M.A. Walters, The globalization of hate: Internationalizing hate crime? (pp.79-95), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Bjørgo, T. & Aasland Ravndal, J., 'Extreme-Right Violence and Terrorism: Concepts, Patterns, and Response' (2019), ICCT Policy Brief, September 2019
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Bjørgo, T., Jupskås, A.R., Thomassen, G. & Strype, J., 'Patterns and Consequences of Threats Towards Politicians: Results from Surveys of National and Local Politicians in Norway' (2022), Perspectives on Terrorism, 16(6), pp. 100-119
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Bloodsworth-Lugo, M.K. & Lugo-Lugo, C.R., 'The medicalisation of threats, immigration as contagion, and White supremacy in an age of terror' (2022), Critical Studies on Terrorism [online]
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Borell, K., 'When is the time to hate? A research review on the impact of dramatic events on Islamophobia and Islamophobic hate crimes in Europe' (2015), Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, pp.1-13
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Braddock, K., 'Vaccinating Against Hate: Using Attitudinal Inoculation to Confer Resistance to Persuasion by Extremist Propaganda' (2019), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Britt, B.C., 'Sex Sells Terrorism: How Sexual Appeals in Fringe Online Communities Contribute to Self-Radicalization' (2023), Social Science Computer Review [online]
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Bruneau, E., Kteily, N. & Falk, E., 'Interventions highlighting hypocrisy reduce collective blame of Muslims for individual acts of violence and assuage anti-Muslim hostility' (2018), Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44(3), pp.430-448
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Buckingham, L. & Alali, N., 'Extreme Parallels: A Corpus-Driven Analysis of ISIS and Far-Right Discourse' (2019), Kotuitui [online]
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Byers, B.D., & Jones, J.A., 'The impact of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 on anti-Islamic hate crime' (2007), Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 5(1), pp.43-56
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Byman, D., 'Spreading Hate: The Global Rise of White Supremacist Terrorism' (2022), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Cancio Meliá, M., 'Spanish writing on the wall? Glorification of terrorism under Spanish law' (2022), in C. Walker, M. Llobet Anglí & M. Cancio Meliá (Eds.) Precursor Crimes of Terrorism: The Criminalisation of Terrorism Risk in Comparative Perspective (pp. 127-142), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
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Chan, E., 'Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence, Hate Speech, and Terrorism: A Risk Assessment on the Rise of the Incel Rebellion in Canada' (2022), Violence Against Women [online]
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Cherribi, S., 'Marocanization of Dutch Islamophobia and radicalization of Dutch Moroccans' (2019), in J. Esposito & D. Iner (Eds). Islamophobia and Radicalization (pp.55-69). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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Chetty, N. & Alathur, S., 'Hate speech review in the context of online social networks' (2018), Aggression and Violent Behavior, 40, pp.108-118
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Coche, E., 'Privatised Enforcement and the Right to Freedom of Expression in a World Confronted With Terrorism Propaganda Online' (2018), Internet Policy Review, 7(4)
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Cohen-Almagor, R., 'Cyberterrorism' (2018), in B. Warf (Ed.), SAGE Encyclopedia of the Internet (pp. 169-171). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Inc.
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Cohen-Almagor, R., 'The End of Self-Regulation: On the Role of Internet Intermediaries in Countering Terror' (2021), in J. Goldstone et al (eds.), The Post ISIS-era: Regional and Global Implications (pp. 215-238), The Netherlands: IOS Press
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Cohen-Almagor, R., 'Just, Reasonable Multiculturalism' (2021), New York & Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
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Cohen-Almagor, R., 'Google and Corporate Social Responsibility: YouTube in the Service of Terrorism' (2022), Perspectives on Terrorism, 16(5), pp. 46-61
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Cohen-Almagor, R., 'The role of internet intermediaries in tackling terrorism online' (2017), Fordham Law Review, 86, pp.425-453
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Cohen-Almagor, R., 'Jihad online: How do terrorists use the internet?' (2016), in Francisco Campos Freire, Xosé Rúas Araújo, Valentín Alejandro Martínez Fernández, and Xosé López García (eds.), Media and Metamedia Management, pp.55-66
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Criss, S., Nguyen, T.T., Michaels, E.K., Gee, G.C., Kiang, M.V., Nguyen, Q.C., Norton, S., Titherington, E., Nguyen, L., Yardi, I., Kim, M., Thai, N., Shepherd, A. & Kennedy, C.J., 'Solidarity and strife after the Atlanta spa shootings: A mixed methods study characterizing Twitter discussions by qualitative analysis and machine learning' (2023), Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 952069
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Czaja, M.P., Kraus, C.K., Phyo, S., Olivieri, P., Mederos, D.R., Puente, I., Mohammed, S., Berkeley, R.P., Slattery, D., Gildea, T.H., Hardman, C., Palmer, B., Whitmill, M.L., Aluyen, U., Pinnow, J.M., Young, A., Eastin, C.D., Kester, N.M., Works, K.R., Pfeffer, A.N., Keller, A.W., Tobias, A., Li, B., Yorkgitis, B., Saadat, S. & Langdorf, M.I., 'Nonfatal Injuries Sustained in Mass Shootings in the US, 2012-2019: Injury Diagnosis Matrix, Incident Context, and Public Health Considerations' (2023), Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 24(3), pp. 552–565
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Czymara, C.S., Dochow-Sondershaus, S., Drouhot, L.G., Simsek, M. & Spörlein, C., 'Catalyst of hate? Ethnic insulting on YouTube in the aftermath of terror attacks in France, Germany and the United Kingdom 2014–2017' (2022), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies [online]
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da Silva, R., Ventura, J.P., de Carvalho, C.M. & Barbosa, M.R., '“From street soldiers to political soldiers”: assessing how extreme right violence has been criminalised in Portugal' (2022), Critical Studies on Terrorism [online]
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De Cauwer, H., Granholm, F., Khorram-Manesh, A., Barten, D.G, Tin, D., Mortelmans, L.J., Somville, F. & Ciottone, G.R., 'An Epidemiological Analysis of Terrorist Attacks in the Nordic and Baltic Countries from 1970 through 2020' (2023), Prehospital and Disaster Medicine [online]
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Deole, S.S., 'Justice delayed is assimilation denied: Right-wing terror and immigrants’ assimilation in Germany' (2019), Labour Economics [online]
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Devyatkin, D., Smirnov, I., Solovyev, F., Suvorova, M. & Chepovskiy, A., 'Extremist Text Detection in Social Web' (2019), Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2019 - Proceedings of the International Conferences on ICT, Society and Human Beings 2019, Connected Smart Cities 2019 and Web Based Communities and Social Media 2019, pp. 344-350
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Díaz López, J.A., 'Terrorism as a hate crime?' (2022), in C. Walker, M. Llobet Anglí & M. Cancio Meliá (Eds.) Precursor Crimes of Terrorism: The Criminalisation of Terrorism Risk in Comparative Perspective (pp. 143-155), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
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Droogan, J. & Peattie, S., 'Islamophobia in Al-Qa’ida’s and IS’ English-language magazines' (2019), in J. Esposito & D. Iner (Eds). Islamophobia and Radicalization (pp.139-158). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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Duckworth, C.L., 'The role of schools in preventing violent extremism: from policing to pedagogy' (2024), Journal of Peace Education [online]
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Dugan, L. & Fisher, D., 'Far-Right and Jihadi Terrorism Within the United States: From September 11th to January 6th' (2023), Annual Review of Criminology, 6, pp. 131-153
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Emmerson, R., 'The New Zealand mosque massacre: The heartache, turmoil and absolute dread of Port Arthur' (2019), Pacific Journalism Review, 25(1-2), pp. 13-17
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Erlandsson, Å & Meloy, J.R. , 'The Swedish school attack in Trollhättan' (2018), Journal of Forensic Sciences, 63(6), pp.1917-1927
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Esposito, J.L., 'Islamophobia and radicalization: Roots, impact and implications' (2019), in J. Esposito & D. Iner (Eds). Islamophobia and Radicalization (pp.15-33). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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Esposito, J.L. & Iner, D., 'Islamophobia and radicalization' (2019), Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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Fakuade, D., 'Far-Right Movements in the COVID-19 Era' (2023), in E. Akıllı, B. Güneş & A. Gökbel (Eds.) Diplomacy, Society and the COVID-19 Challenge (pp. 29–38), London: Routledge
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Farman, D. & Nussio, E., 'Views on Islam in times of terrorism' (2018), CSS Analyses in Security Policy, 226, pp.1-4
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Ferreira, J., 'Problems of contemporary society: How terrorism shaped today’s Britain' (2021), E-Revista de Estudos Interculturais, 1(9)
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