Publications: Terrorism and hate crime


Meliá, M.C., 'Terrorist Speech, Hate Speech and the Crime of Glorification/Humiliation (Art. 578 of the Penal Code): Is it a Risk or an Imposition of a Particular Previous Vision? | [DISCURSO TERRORISTA, DISCURSO DE ODIO Y EL DELITO DE ENALTECIMIENTO/HUMILLACIÓN (ART. 578 DEL CÓDIGO PENAL): ¿RIESGO O IMPOSICIÓN DE UNA DETERMINADA VISIÓN DEL PASADO?]' (2021), Azafea, 23, pp. 135-164
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Mills, C.E., Freilich, J.D. & Chermak, S.M., 'Extreme hatred: Revisiting the hate crime and terrorism relationship to determine whether they are “close cousins” or “distant relatives”' (2017), Crime and Delinquency, 63(10), pp.1191-1223
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Mills, C.E., Joshua D. F., Chermak, S.M., Holt, T.J. & LaFree, G., 'Social Learning and Social Control in the Off- and Online Pathways to Hate Crime and Terrorist Violence' (2019), Studies in Conflict & Terrorism [online]
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Mutawali, M., 'Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘a as the Foundation of Islamic Moderation: Theo-Philosophical Insight against Extreme Religious Ideology' (2023), Ulumuna, 27(1), pp. 341–366
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Nabi, R.L. & Myrick, J.G. (Eds.), 'Emotions in the digital world: Exploring affective experience and expression in online interactions' (2023), New York: Oxford University Press
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Nebhan, K., 'Men on a mission: Engaging with Islamophobia and radicalization in Australia 1863–1957' (2019), in J. Esposito & D. Iner (Eds). Islamophobia and Radicalization (pp.225-244). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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Nelson, M.S., Wooditch, A., Martin, F.A., Hummer, D. & Gabbidon, H.L., 'Hate crimes in post-9/11 Pennsylvania: Case characteristics and police response revisited' (2016), Race and Justice, 6(4), pp.303-324
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Nugent, W.R., Abrams, T.E. & Joseph, A.A., 'The Relationship between Violent Political Rhetoric and Mass Shootings' (2021), Journal of Social Service Research [online]
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Pashentsev, E. (Ed.), 'The Palgrave Handbook of Malicious Use of AI and Psychological Security' (2023), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Peterson, J., Densley, J., Spaulding, J. & Higgins, S., 'How Mass Public Shooters Use Social Media: Exploring Themes and Future Directions' (2023), Social Media and Society, 9(1)
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Piasecki, A., 'Labeling and framing: Understanding responses to terrorism and the far-right' (2018), Political Science Undergraduate Review, 3(1), pp.68-76
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Piatkowska, S.J. & Stults, B.J., 'Brexit, Terrorist Attacks, and Hate Crime: A Longitudinal Analysis' (2022), Social Problems, 69(4), pp. 968-996
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Piatkowska, S.J. & Whittington, W., 'COVID-19 as a trigger for racially motivated and extremist violent crime: a temporal analysis of hate crimes in Slovakia amidst a global pandemic' (2023), Crime, Law and Social Change [online]
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Piazza, J.A., 'Politician Hate Speech and Domestic Terrorism' (2020), International Interactions [online]
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Poole, E., Giraud, E.H., Richardson, J.E. & de Quincey, E., 'Expedient, Affective, and Sustained Solidarities? Mediated Contestations of Islamophobia in the Case of Brexit, the Christchurch Terror Attack, and the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2023), Social Media and Society, 9(3)
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Poynting, S., '“Bin Laden in the suburbs”: Attacks on Arab and Muslim Australians before and after 11 September' (2002), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 14(1), pp.43-64
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Poynting, S. & Mason, V., '“Tolerance, freedom, justice and peace?” Britain, Australia and anti-Muslim racism since 11 September 2001' (2006), Journal of Intercultural Studies, 27(4), pp.365-391
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Poynting, S. & Noble, G., 'Living with racism: The experience and reporting by Arab and Muslim Australians of discrimination, abuse and violence since 11 September 2001' (2004), Report to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC). Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney.
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Poynting, S., & Mason, V., 'The resistable rise of Islamophobia: Anti-Muslim racism in the UK and Australia before 11 September 2001' (2007), Journal of Sociology, 43(1), pp.61-86
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Poynting, S., & Perry, B., 'Climates of hate: Media and state inspired victimisation of Muslims in Canada and Australia since 9/11' (2007), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 19(2), pp.151-171
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Pratten, E., 'The Manosphere: Incel as Transmedial Construction' (2023), in J. Dalby & M. Freeman (Eds.) Transmedia Selves: Identity and Persona Creation in the Age of Mobile and Multiplatform Media (pp. 147-160), London: Routledge
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Ramirez, J., Campo-Archbold, A., Zapata, A., Diaz-Lopez, D., Pastor-Galindo, J., Gomez Marmol, F. & Aponte, J., 'On the power of social networks to analyze threatening trends' (2022), IEEE Internet Computing [online]
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Ramswell, P.Q., 'The Rise of Domestic Terrorism and Decline of American Democracy: How Brexit and the Trump Presidency Influenced Populist Empowerment and the Intersection of Rights. Division, Derision, Decisions' (2021), Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers
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Rathje, J., 'Driven by Conspiracies: The Justification of Violence among “Reichsbürger” and Other Conspiracy-Ideological Sovereignists in Contemporary Germany' (2022), Perspectives on Terrorism, 16(6), pp. 49-61
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Ravndal, J.A., Tandberg, C., Sessolo, S., Jupskås, A.R. & Bjørgo, T., 'RTV Trend Report 2023: Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe, 1990 – 2022' (2023), Center for Research on Extremism: The Extreme Right, Hate Crime and Political Violence, University of Oslo
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Rękawek, K., 'Foreign Fighters in Ukraine: The Brown–Red Cocktail' (2023), London: Routledge
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Richardson, J.E., Giraud, E.H., Poole, E. & de Quincey, E., '‘Hypocrite!’ Affective and argumentative engagement on Twitter, following the Christchurch terrorist attack' (2024), Media, Culture and Society [online]
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Rodrigo Jusué, I., 'Counter-terrorism training “at your kitchen table”: the promotion of “CT citizens” and the securitisation of everyday life in the UK' (2021), Critical Studies on Terrorism [online]
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Romero, L.A. & Zarrugh, A., 'Islamophobia and the making of Latinos/as into terrorist threats' (2017), Ethnic and Racial Studies [online], pp.1-20
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Sabic-El-Rayess, A., Joshi, V. & Hruschka, T., 'Building resilience to hate in classrooms: Innovation in practice and pedagogy to prevent extremism and violence in U.S. schools' (2024), Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community [online]
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Sadique, K., Tangen, J. & Perowne, A., 'The importance of narrative in responding to hate incidents following ‘trigger’ events' (2018), Tell MAMA
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Sayer, D., 'Hundreds and hundreds' (2023), Anthropology and Humanism [online]
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Schirch, L., 'Ritual in an Age of Terror: From Taliban to Trump' (2022), in J. Gordon-Lennox (Ed.) Coping Rituals in Fearful Times: An Unexplored Resource for Healing Trauma (pp. 163-174), Cham: Springer
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Schlegel, L. & Kowert, R. (Eds.), 'Gaming and Extremism: The Radicalization of Digital Playgrounds' (2024), New York: Routledge
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Senarath, Y., Purohit, H. & Akerkar, R., 'Violence-Inducing Behavior Prevention in Social-Cyber Space' (2024), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1810 CCIS, pp. 151–159
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Shanaah, S., Yogeeswaran, K., Greaves, L., Bulbulia, J.A., Osborne, D., Afzali, M.U. & Sibley, C.G., 'Hate Begets Warmth? The Impact of an Anti-Muslim Terrorist Attack on Public Attitudes toward Muslims' (2021), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Simpson, R. & Holdaway, L., 'Between rhetoric and reality: reclaiming the space for locally led peacebuilding that responds to conflict dynamics in violent and hateful extremism programming' (2023), Conflict, Security and Development, 23(5), pp. 385–400
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Sinnar, S., 'Hate Crimes, Terrorism, and the Framing of White Supremacist Violence' (2022), California Law Review, 110(2), pp. 489-565
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Sonrexa, J., Kelly, L.M., Barton, G. & Ware, A., 'Perspectives on violent extremism from development–humanitarian NGO staff in Southeast Asia' (2022), Third World Quarterly [online]
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Stockhammer, N. (Ed.), 'Routledge Handbook of Transnational Terrorism' (2023), London: Routledge
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Swahn, M. H., Mahendra, R. R., Paulozzi, L. J., Winston, R. L., Shelley, G. A., Taliano, J., Frazier, L. & Saul, J. R., 'Violent attacks on Middle Easterners in the United States during the month following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks' (2003), Injury Prevention, 9(2), pp.187-189
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Theodosiadou, O., Pantelidou, K., Bastas, N., Chatzakou D., Tsikrika T., Vrochidis, S. & Kompatsiaris, I., 'Change point detection in terrorism-related online content using deep learning derived indicators' (2021), Information (Switzerland), 12(7), 274
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Tranter, K. & Marusek, S., 'Cars and hate: Legal semiotics of automobility and combustion masculinity' (2023), in A. Wagner & S. Marusek (Eds.) Research Handbook on Legal Semiotics (pp. 376–393), Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing
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Trujillo-Fernández, F.R., Gallardo-Camacho, J. & Alonso, A.J., 'Masking violent content with religious symbology in jihadist videos: a case study of the terrorist organization Jabhat al Nusrah on YouTube | Enmascaramiento de contenidos violentos con simbología religiosa en vídeos yihadistas: estudio del mensaje de la organización terrorista Jabhat al Nusrah en YouTube' (2024), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, 30(1), pp. 247–262
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Unlu, A. & Yilmaz, K., 'Online Terrorism Studies: Analysis of the Literature' (2022), Studies in Conflict and Terrorism [online]
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Valcore, J.L. & Buckler, K., 'An Act of Terror and an Act of Hate: National Elite and Populace Newspaper Framing of Pulse Nightclub Shooting' (2020), Criminal Justice Studies [online]
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Valeri, R.M. & Borgeson, K. (Eds.), 'Terrorism in America' (2018), New York, NY: Routledge
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Valk, F., de Jonge, L. & Nanninga, P., 'The Regional Face of Extremism: A Case Study of the Northern Netherlands' (2023), Journal for Deradicalization, (35), pp. 76–106
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Völker, T., 'How terrorist attacks distort public debates: a comparative study of right-wing and Islamist extremism' (2023), Journal of European Public Policy [online]
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Wahlström, M., 'Constructing “violence-affirming extremism”: a Swedish social problem trajectory' (2022), Critical Studies on Terrorism [online]
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