Publications: G

Gabai, S., 'LGBTQI Digital Media Activism and Counter-Hate Speech in Italy' (2022), London: Routledge
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Gabatz, C., 'The rhetorical contours, appeals to ignorance, resentments, messianisms and conspiracies in Bolsonarist disruptive governance │ Os contornos retóricos, apelos à ignorância, ressentimentos, messianismos e conspirações na governança disruptiva Bolsonarista' (2023), Projeto Historia, 76, pp. 174–195
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Gabrovšek, G., Peer, P., Emeršič, Ž. & Batagelj, B., 'Authorship Attribution on Short Texts in the Slovenian Language' (2023), Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 13(19), 10965
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Gadd, D., 'Racial aggravation or aggravating racism: Overcoming the disjunction between legal and subjective realities' (2010), in Chakraborti, N. (ed.) (2010) Hate Crime: Concepts, policy, future directions, Devon: Willan Publishing

Gadd, D., 'Aggravating racism and elusive motivation' (2009), British Journal of Criminology, 49(6), pp.755-771
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Gadd, D. & Dixon, B., 'Losing the race: Thinking psychosocially about racially motivated crime' (2018), Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge

Gadd, D., Dixon, B. & Jefferson, T. , 'Why do they do it? Racial harassment in North Staffordshire' (2005), Keele: Centre for Criminological Research, Keele University.

Gadotti, C.M. & Valente, V.L.C., 'Brazil: Hate and intolerance in times of pandemic in a mixed-race country' (2021), Journal of Analytical Psychology, 66(3), pp. 719-728
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Gagliardi, S., Valverde-Cano, A. & Rice, O., 'Barriers to the investigation of gender-based hate crimes in the United Kingdom and Ireland: An empirical study' (2022), UCD Sutherland School of Law, University of Nottingham Rights Lab & Universitas 21 (March 2022 policy report)
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Gagliardi, S., Valverde-Cano, A. & Rice, O., 'Identifying and understanding barriers to investigation of gender-based hate crimes: Perspectives from law enforcement in Ireland and the United Kingdom' (2022), Criminology and Criminal Justice [online]
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Gaikwad, M., Ahirrao, S., Kotecha, K. & Abraham, A., 'Multi-ideology Multi-class Extremism Classification using Deep Learning Techniques' (2022), IEEE Access [online]
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Gaïni, S.M., 'Universities and other institutions – not hate speech laws – are a threat to freedom of political speech' (2022), Etikk i Praksis, 16(1), pp. 5-19
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Gajo, P., Bernardini, S., Ferraresi, A. & Barrón-Cedeño, A., 'Hate Speech Detection in an Italian Incel Forum Using Bilingual Data for Pre-Training and Fine-Tuning' (2023), Proceedings of the 9th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2023)
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Gala, J., Gandhi, D., Mehta, J. & Talat, Z., 'A Federated Approach for Hate Speech Detection' (2023), EACL 2023 - 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 3240-3251
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Galam, S., 'Unanimity, Coexistence, and Rigidity: Three Sides of Polarization' (2023), Entropy, 25(4), 622
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Galarza, M.S. & Aguerri, J.C., 'Does ChatGPT-4 dream of offensive tweets? An approximation to the potential contributions of generative models in detecting illicit speeches | ¿Sueña ChatGPT-4 con tweets ofensivos? Una aproximación a las contribuciones potenciales de los modelos generativos en la detección de discurso ilícitos' (2023), Revista de Internet, Derecho y Politica, 2023(39)
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Gale, L.R., Carrington Heath, W. & Ressler, R.W., 'An economic analysis of hate crime' (2002), Eastern Economic Journal, 28(2), pp.203-216
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Galinari, M.M., 'Identifying “Hate Speech”: A Rhetorical Discourse Approach | [Identificando os “Discursos de Ódio”: Um Olhar Retórico-Discursivo]' (2020), Revista de Estudos da Linguagem, 28(4), pp. 1697-1746
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Galindo-Domínguez, H., García-Magariño, S. & Iglesias, D.L., 'Political speech in social networks about the immigrant minority group: Analysis of narratives and educational implications | Discurso político en redes sociales sobre el colectivo minoritario inmigrante: análisis de las narrativas e implicaciones educativas' (2023), OBETS, 18(1), pp. 97–114
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Gallagher, M. & Vega Montiel, A. (Eds.), 'The Handbook of Gender, Communication, and Women’s Human Rights' (2023), Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell
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Gallardo, J.N., Gloria, E.D.G., Landicho, N.R.P. & Sueno, H.T., 'Detection of Hate Speech Using Improved Deep Learning Techniques' (2023), 2023 10th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering, ICITACEE 2023, pp. 184–189
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Gallardo-Nieto, E.M., Espinosa-Spínola, M., Ríos-González, O. & García-Yeste, C., 'Transphobic violence in educational centers: Risk factors and consequences in the victims’ wellbeing and health' (2021), Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(4), 1638, pp. 1-15
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Gallardo-Nieto, E.M., Gómez, A., Gairal-Casadó, R. & del Mar Ramis-Salas, M., 'Sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression-based violence in Catalan universities: Qualitative findings from university students and staff' (2021), Archives of Public Health, 79(1)
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Galli, F., Loreggia, A. & Sartor, G., 'The Regulation of Content Moderation' (2023), in D. Moura Vicente, S. de Vasconcelos Casimiro, C. Chen, (Eds.) The Legal Challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Law, Governance and Technology Series, volume 57) (pp. 63–87), Cham: Springer
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Galop, 'The low down: Black lesbians, gay men and bisexual people talk about their experiences and needs' (2001)
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Galop, 'Telling it like it is: Lesbian, gay and bisexual youth speak out on homophobic violence' (1998)
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Galpin, C. & Vernon, P., 'Post-truth politics as discursive violence: Online abuse, the public sphere and the figure of ‘the expert’' (2023), British Journal of Politics and International Relations [online]
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Galyashina, E.I. & Nikishin, V.D., 'The concept of hate speech as a threat to the information security of internet communication | [Язык вражды как угроза информационной безопасности интернет-коммуникации]' (2021), Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta. Pravo, 12(3), pp. 555-573
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Gamage, K., Welgama, V. & Weerasinghe, R., 'Improving Sinhala Hate Speech Detection Using Deep Learning' (2022), 22nd International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions, ICTer 2022, pp. 45-50
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Gamal, D., Alfonse, M., Jiménez-Zafra, S.M. & Aref, M., '‘Intelligent Multi-Lingual Cyber-Hate Detection in Online Social Networks: Taxonomy, Approaches, Datasets, and Open Challenges' (2023), Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 7(2), 58
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Gamarra, Y., 'Innovations of the mandate of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights | [INNOVATIONS DU MANDAT DE L’AGENCE DES DROITS FONDAMENTAUX DE L’UNION EUROPÉENNE]' (2022), Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, 2022(73), pp. 749-791
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Gambino, G. & Pirrone, R., 'CHILab @ HaSpeeDe 2: Enhancing hate speech detection with part-of-speech tagging' (2020), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2765
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Gamblin, B.W., Kehn, A., Vanderzanden, K., Ruthig, J.C., Jones, K.M. & Long, B.L., 'A comparison of juror decision making in race-based and sexual orientation-based hate crime cases' (2018), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Gambrell, K., Martin, A. & Mungaray, K. R., 'Following the 2016 Presidential Election: Positive and Negative Mood Affect and the Impetus Towards Activism' (2019), Journal of Hate Studies, 14(1), pp. 153-172
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Gámez-Guadix, M., Wachs, S. & Wright, M., '“Haters Back Off!” Psychometric Properties of the Coping With Cyberhate Questionnaire and Relationship With Well-Being in Spanish Adolescents | [Propiedades Psicométricas del Cuestionario de Afrontamiento del Ciberodio y su Relación con el Bienestar en Adolescentes Españoles]' (2020), Psicothema, 32(4), pp. 567-574
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Gammon, T. & Phan, A.N.Q., 'Too black to be The Little Mermaid? Backlash against Disney’s 2023 The Little Mermaid–continuity of racism, white skin preference and hate content in Vietnam' (2024), Feminist Media Studies [online]
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Gamuzza, A., Leonora, A.M., Mavica, G. & Scieri, A., 'Empowering the Relationship Between Teachers, Students, and Families to Build Resilience Against Racism, Hate Speech and (Cyber-) Bullying: a Case in Italy' (2023), Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 15(3), pp. 73–96
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Gan, L., Williams, R.C. & Wiseman, T., 'A simple model of optimal hate crime legislation' (2011), Economic Inquiry, 49(3)
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Gandhi, A., Ahir, P., Adhvaryu, K., Shah, P., Lohiya, R., Cambria, E., Poria, S. & Hussain, A., 'Hate speech detection: A comprehensive review of recent works' (2024), Expert Systems [online]
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Gandhi, H., Bachwani, R. & Nanade, A., 'Detecting Toxic Comments Using FastText, CNN, and LSTM Models' (2023), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1848 CCIS, pp. 241–252
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Ganesh, B., 'Content moderation: Social media and countering online radicalisation' (2023), in J. Busher, L. Malkki & S. Marsden (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook on Radicalisation and Countering Radicalisation (1st Edition) (pp. 498–513), London: Routledge
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Ganfure, G.O., 'Comparative analysis of deep learning based Afaan Oromo hate speech detection' (2022), Journal of Big Data, 9(1), 76
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Gangurde, A., Mankar, P., Chaudhari, D. & Pawar, A., 'A Systematic Bibliometric Analysis of Hate Speech Detection on Social Media Sites' (2022), Journal of Scientometric Research, 11(1), pp. 100-111
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Ganie, A.G. & Dadvandipour, S., 'Identification of online harassment using ensemble fine-tuned pre-trained Bert' (2022), Pollack Periodica, 17(3), pp. 13-18
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Gao, X. & Qi, M., 'Pre-processing of Social Media Remarks for Forensics' (2023), ICNC-FSKD 2023 - 2023 19th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery
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Garbe, L., Selvik, L.-M. & Lemaire, P., 'How African countries respond to fake news and hate speech' (2021), Information Communication and Society [online]
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Garces, L.M., Ambriz, E., Johnson, B.D. & Bradley, D., 'Hate Speech on Campus: How Student Leaders of Color Respond' (2022), Review of Higher Education, 45(3), pp. 275-306
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Garces, L.M., Johnson, B.D., Ambriz, E. & Bradley, D., 'Repressive Legalism: How Postsecondary Administrators’ Responses to On-Campus Hate Speech Undermine a Focus on Inclusion' (2021), American Educational Research Journal [online]
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García Domínguez, I. & Vander Beken, T., 'Aporophobic and Homeless Victimisation—the Case of Ghent' (2023),
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Garcia, A.C., Martinez, M.V., Deagustini, C.A.D. & Simari, G.I., 'A Multi-Agent System for Addressing Cybersecurity Issues in Social Networks' (2023), Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2023) co-located with the Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2023)
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