Publications: Causes of hate crime


Perry, B., 'In the name of hate: Understanding hate crimes' (2001), New York: Routledge.

Perry, B., 'The sociology of hate: Theoretical approaches' (2009), in B. Perry (Ed.), Hate Crimes (pp.55-76), Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers

Perry, B., 'Counting – and countering – hate crime in Europe' (2010), European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 18(4), pp.349-367
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Perry, B., 'Defending the color line: Racially and ethnically motivated hate crime' (2002), American Behavioral Scientist, 46(1), pp.72-92
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Perry, B. & Alvi, S., '‘We are all vulnerable’: The in terrorem effects of hate crimes' (2012), International Review of Victimology, 18(1), pp.57-71
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Perry, B. & Scrivens, R., 'White Pride Worldwide: Constructing global identities online' (2016), in J. Schweppe & M.A. Walters, The globalization of hate: Internationalizing hate crime? (pp.65-78), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Perry, B. (ed.), 'Hate and bias crime: A reader' (2003), New York: Routledge.

Perry, B., Akca, D., Karakus, F. & Bastug, M., 'Planting Hate Speech to Harvest Hatred: How Does Political Hate Speech Fuel Hate Crimes in Turkey?' (2020), International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 9(2)
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Perry, B., Akca, D., Karakus, F. & Bastug, M.F., 'Planting Hate Speech to Harvest Hatred: How Does Political Hate Speech Fuel Hate Crimes in Turkey?' (2020), International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 9(2)
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Piatkowska, S.J. & Stults, B.J., 'Brexit, Terrorist Attacks, and Hate Crime: A Longitudinal Analysis' (2022), Social Problems, 69(4), pp. 968-996
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Piatkowska, S.J., Messner, S.F., Hövermann, A., 'Black Out-Group Marriages and Hate Crime Rates: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of U.S. Metropolitan Areas' (2019), Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency [online]
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Piazza, J.A., 'Politician Hate Speech and Domestic Terrorism' (2020), International Interactions [online]
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Pieterse, T, Stratford, V. & Nel, J.A., 'Relationship Between Symbolic Violence and Overt Violence in Hate Incidents in South Africa' (2018), African Safety Promotion: A Journal of Injury and Violence Prevention, 16(2), 31-43
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Pinderhughes, H., 'The anatomy of racially motivated violence in New York City: A case study of youth in Southern Brooklyn' (1993), Social Problems, 40(4), pp.478-492
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Plumm, K.M., Potter, S. & Terrance, C.A., 'Perceptions of bias-motivated assault against bisexual individuals' (2015), Journal of Bisexuality, 15(2), pp.248-267
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Plumm, K.M., Terrance, C.A., Henderson, V.R., & Ellingson, H., 'Victim blame in a hate crime motivated by sexual orientation' (2010), Journal of Homosexuality, 57(2), pp.267-286
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Power, C., 'Irish Travellers: Ethnicity, racism and pre-sentence reports' (2003), Probation Journal, 50(3), pp.252-266
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Poynting, S., & Mason, V., 'The resistable rise of Islamophobia: Anti-Muslim racism in the UK and Australia before 11 September 2001' (2007), Journal of Sociology, 43(1), pp.61-86
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Pupcenoks, J., Grillo, M.C. & Ji, Q., 'Haters gonna hate: How symbolic and psychological variables explain attitudes towards immigrants' (2021), International Journal on Minority and Group Rights [online]
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Putra, I.E., Mashuri, A., Nurhamida, Y. & Halperin, E., 'Beliefs about human nature moderate the association between religious fundamentalism and hate: The case of Muslims in Indonesia' (2022), Journal of Applied Social Psychology [online]
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Quent, M. & Schulz, P., 'Rechtsextremismus in lokalen Kontexten: Vier vergleichende Fallstudien' (2015), VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
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Quillian, L., 'Prejudice as a response to perceived group threat: Population composition and anti-immigrant and racial prejudice in Europe' (1995), American Sociological Review, 60(4), pp.586-611
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Quraishi, M., 'Muslims and crime: A comparative study' (2005), Aldershot: Ashgate


Rabrenovic, G., 'Introduction: Responding to hate violence: New challenges and solutions' (2007), American Behavioral Scientist, 51(2), pp.143-148
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Ray, L. & Smith, D., 'Racist violence as hate crime' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 48(1), pp.6-7
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Rees, Y.P.M., Kurtenbach, S., Rees, J.H. & Zick, A., 'Intergroup contact and conflict in a climate of exclusion: An interview study in the ethnically super-homogenous German town of Bautzen' (2022), Journal of Applied Social Psychology [online]
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Reichelmann, A.V. & Costello, M., 'When Patriot Becomes Hate-triot: The Relationship Between American Identity and the Production of Cyberhate' (2021), American Journal of Criminal Justice [online]
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Reidpath, D.D. & Diamond, M.R., 'Models of inter-racial offending: An evaluation' (1998), Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 31(1), pp.27-37
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Riaz, S., 'Does inequality foster xenophobia? Evidence from the German refugee crisis' (2023), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies [online]
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Roberts, C., Innes, M., Williams, M., Tregidga, J. & Gadd, D., 'Understanding who commits hate crime and why they do it' (2013), Welsh Government Social Research
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Roxburgh, A., 'Preachers of hate: The rise of the far right' (2002), London: Gibson Square Books

Roxell, L., 'Hate, threats, and violence. A register study of persons suspected of hate crime' (2011), Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 12(2), pp.198-215
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Ruse, M., 'Why We Hate: Understanding the Roots of Human Conflict' (2023), New York: Oxford University Press
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Ryan, E. & Leeson, T., 'Hate groups and hate crime' (2011), International Review of Law & Economics, 31(4), pp.256-262
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Salmani, R., Mishra, G. & Singh, A.K., 'Acid Attacks in India and the Role of Stakeholders: A Journey From Victim to Survivor' (2023), Vision [online]
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Schilling, C.L., 'The therapized antisemite: The myth of psychology and the evasion of responsibility' (2024), Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter
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Schmitz, M., Muric, G., Hickey, D. & Burghardt, K., 'Do users adopt extremist beliefs from exposure to hate subreddits?' (2024), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 14(1), 22
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Shakespeare, T., 'Blaming the victim: Disability hate crime' (2012), The Lancet: London
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Shirlow, P., Taylor, L.K., Merrilees, C.E., Goeke-Morey, M.C. & Cummings, E.M., 'Hate crime: Record or perception?' (2013), Space and Polity, 17(2), pp.237-252
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Smångs, M., 'Interracial status competition and Southern lynching, 1882-1930' (2016), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39(10), pp.1849-1868
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Spalek, B., 'Communities, identities and crime' (2008), Bristol: The Policy Press.


Šram, Z., 'The development of a 9-item scale to measure anti-immigrant attitude toward the Middle East refugees' (2020), Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 22(2), pp. 26-32
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Stacey, M., 'Distinctive characteristics of sexual orientation bias crimes' (2011), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26(15), pp.3013-3032
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Stechemesser, A., Levermann, A. & Wenz, L., 'Temperature impacts on hate speech online: evidence from 4 billion geolocated tweets from the USA' (2022), The Lancet Planetary Health, 6(9), pp. e714-e725
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Strain, C.B., 'Evil black guns: Hate, instrumentality, and the neutrality of firearms' (2013), Journal of Hate Studies, 11(1), pp. 51-72
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Szendro, B., 'Suicide, Social Capital, and Hate Groups in the United States' (2021), World Affairs [online]
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Taylor, P., Corteen, K., Ogden, C., & Morley, S., '‘Standing’ by: disability hate crime and the police in England' (2012), Criminal Justice Matters, 87(1), pp.46-47
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Tomsen, S., 'Victims, perpetrators and fatal scenarios: A research note on anti-homosexual male homicides' (2002), International Review of Victimology, 9(3), pp.253-271
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Tsesis, A., 'Contextualizing bias crimes: A social and theoretical perspective' (2003), Law & Social Inquiry, 28, pp.315-340
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Tucker, S., 'Hate crime and the city' (2010), Policing and Society, 20(1), pp.140-141
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