Publications: Gender-based hate crime


Afshar, H., 'Can I see your hair? Choice, agency and attitudes: The dilemma of faith and feminism for Muslim women who cover' (2008), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 31(2), pp.411-427
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Afzal, N., 'Response to CLR article on Rochdale child sexual exploitation case' (2014), Criminal Law Review, 2, pp.145-146

Aguilera-Carnerero, C. & Tegal, M., 'Multimodal Islamophobia: Gendered stereotypes in memes' (2023), Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research, 16(2), pp. 201–222
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Akande, A. (Ed.), 'Globalization, Human Rights and Populism: Reimagining People, Power and Places' (2023), Cham: Springer
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Albelda, J.S. & Infantes, A.T., 'The Socio-ideological Basis of Misogynistic Hate Speech: A quantitative reading of Valencian men | A base ideológico-social do discurso de ódio misógino: uma leitura quantitativa dos homens valencianos' (2023), Ex Aequo, (48), pp. 107–124
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Aldana-Bobadilla, E., Molina-Villegas, A., Montelongo-Padilla, Y., Lopez-Arevalo, I. & Sordia, O.S., 'A language model for misogyny detection in Latin American Spanish driven by multisource feature extraction and transformers' (2021), Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(21), 10467
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Alrwashdeh, B.H., Al-Nsour, H.A. & Al-Hayek, G.H., 'Human Rights with Focus on Gender, Race, and Religion: A Comparative Study Between Jordanian Legislation and International Human Rights Acts' (2024), Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 16(2), pp. 35–46
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Amaral, I., Poleac, G. & Basílio-Simões, R., 'Technology gap and other tensions in social support and legal procedures: stakeholders’ perceptions of online violence against women during the Covid-19 pandemic' (2022), Profesional de la Informacion, 31(4), e310413
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Amer Hamzah, N. & Dhannoon, D.B.N., 'Detecting Arabic sexual harassment using bidirectional long-short-term memory and a temporal convolutional network' (2023), Egyptian Informatics Journal, 24(2), pp. 365-373
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Angelari, M., 'Hate crime statutes: A promising tool for fighting violence against women' (1994), American University Journal of Gender and the Law, (2), pp.63-105
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Anitha, S. & Lewis, R. (Eds.), 'Gender based violence in university communities: Policy, prevention and educational interventions in Britain' (2018), Bristol: Policy Press

Aniyar, D.C. & Cajas, K., 'The need to identify labeling sexual violence in social networks within the SIJ and Ecuador: Hater attacks as a criminal type of Health Care | La necesidad de identificar la violencia sexual etiquetante en las redes socials dentro del SIJ y Ecuador: Los ataques hater como tipo penal' (2023), Encuentros (Maracaibo), 18, pp. 31–49
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Arango, A., Perez-Martin, J. & Labrada, A., 'HateU at SemEval-2022 Task 5: Multimedia Automatic Misogyny Identification' (2022), SemEval 2022 - 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 581-584
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Arce-García, S. & Menéndez-Menéndez, M.-I., 'Inflaming public debate: a methodology to determine origin and characteristics of hate speech about sexual and gender diversity on Twitter' (2023), Profesional de la Informacion, 32(1), e320106
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Arcila-Calderón, C., Amores, J.J., Sánchez-Holgado, P. & Blanco-Herrero, D., 'Using shallow and deep learning to automatically detect hate motivated by gender and sexual orientation on Twitter in Spanish' (2021), Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 5(10), 63
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ardson-Self, L., 'Woman-Hating: On Misogyny, Sexism, and Hate Speech' (2018), Hypatia 33(2), pp. 256-272
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Armiwulan, H., 'Gender-Based Cyber Violence: A Challenge to Gender Equality in Indonesia' (2021), International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 15(2), pp. 102-111
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Arora, S. & Kumar, K.J. (Eds.), 'Media Narratives and the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Asian Experience' (2023), London: Routledge India
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Asquith, N., 'Responding to heterosexist hate: A gender critique of coalitionist strategies in NSW' (2001), Women Against Violence, 11(43)
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Atreya, A., Menezes, R.G. & Nepal, S., 'The tragic consequence of false honour: Understanding the phenomenon of “honour-killings” and its legal implications in Nepal' (2023), Medico-Legal Journal [online]
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Attanasio, G., Nozza, D., Pastor, E. & Hovy, D., 'Benchmarking Post-Hoc Interpretability Approaches for Transformer-based Misogyny Detection' (2022), NLP-Power 2022 - 1st Workshop on Efficient Benchmarking in NLP, Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 100-112
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Ault, A., 'When it happens to men, it’s “hate” and “a crime”' (1997), Journal of Poverty, 1(1), pp.49-63
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Aytar, E. & Bodor, P., 'Coping strategies among an intersectional group: Muslim women in Hungary' (2021), Intersections East European Journal of Society and Politics, 7(4), pp. 52-69
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Baboolal, A.A., '(Under)cover and Uncovered: Muslim Women’s Resistance to Islamophobic Violence' (2023), Victims and Offenders [online]
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Baguso, G.N., Santiago-Rodriguez, E., Gyamerah, A.O., Wilson, E.C., Chung, C., McFarland, W. & Wesson, P., 'Mental Distress and Use of Stimulants: Analysis of a Longitudinal Cohort of Transgender Women' (2023), LGBT health, 10(3), pp. 228-236
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Balbon, N., '“Why Do People Hate You, Mommy?” Militarized Masculinities and Women in Postwar Kosovar Politics' (2023), Journal of Women, Politics and Policy [online]
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Balderston, S., 'Victimized again? Intersectionality and injustice in disabled women’s lives after hate crime and rape' (2013), Advances in Gender Research, 18, pp.17-51
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Balsam, K.F., 'Traumatic victimization in the lives of lesbian and bisexual women: A contextual approach' (2014), in Hughes, T., Smith, C. & Dan, A. (Eds.) Mental Health Issues for Sexual Minority Women: Redefining Women's Mental Health

Baptista, V.F., 'Femicide, Femicide and Hate on the agenda: The murder of women in Latin America | [Feminicídio, femicídio e ódio na agenda: O assassinato das mulheres na América Latina]' (2021), Brazilian Journal of International Law, 18(3), pp. 309-333
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Barão da Silva, G., Sbaraini Fontes, G. & Marques, F.P.J., 'Risks and Resilience in the Case of Brazilian Female Journalists: How Women Perceive Violence Against Media Professionals and Cope with its Effects' (2022), Journalism Studies [online]
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Barát, E., 'Paradoxes of the Right-Wing Sexual/Gender Politics in Hungary: Right-Wing Populism and the Ban of Gender Studies' (2022), Global Queer Politics, pp. 173-199
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Barcellona, M., 'Incel violence as a new terrorism threat: A brief investigation between Alt-Right and Manosphere dimensions' (2022), Sortuz, 11(2), pp. 170-186
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Barker, K. & Jurasz, O., 'Online misogyny as hate crime: A challenge for legal regulation?' (2018), Routledge
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Barnwal, S.K., Kumar, R. & Pamula, R., 'IIT DHANBAD CODECHAMPS at SemEval-2022 Task 5: MAMI – Multimedia Automatic Misogyny Identification' (2022), SemEval 2022 - 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 733-735
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Battista, D. & Molano, J.C., 'How AI Bots Have Reinforced Gender Bias in Hate Speech | Como os bots de IA reforçaram o viés de género no discurso de ódio' (2023), Ex Aequo, (48), pp. 53–68
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Beasley, C. & Papadelos, P. (Eds.), 'Living Legacies of Social Injustice: Power, Time and Social Change' (2023), London: Routledge
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Bennett, C.R., 'Another type of hate crime: Violence against American Indian women in reservation border towns' (2018), in M.O. Nielsen & K. Jarratt-Snider (Eds.). Crime and social justice in Indian country (pp.21-38). Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona Press

Berg, L. & Carbin, M., 'Troubling solidarity: Anti-racist feminist protest in a digitalized time' (2018), WSQ, 46(3-4), pp. 120-136
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Berger-Correa, B., Ringrose, J., Xie, X. & Cambazoglu, I., 'Mapping affective circuits of a Twitter trolling attack against feminist arts-based pedagogy during the COVID-19 global pandemic' (2022), International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education [online]
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Bertaglia, T., Bartekova, K., Jongma, R., McCarthy, S. & Iamnitchi, A., 'Sexism in Focus: An Annotated Dataset of YouTube Comments for Gender Bias Research' (2023), Proceedings of the 2023 Workshop on Open Challenges in Online Social Networks, OASIS 2023, Held in conjunction with the 34th ACM conference on Hypertext and Social Media, HT 2023, pp. 22–28
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Bjork-James, S. & Barla, J., 'A Climate of Misogyny: Gender, Politics of Ignorance, and Climate Change Denial–An Interview with Katharine Hayhoe' (2022), Australian Feminist Studies [online]
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Bladini, M., 'Silenced Voices: Online Violence Targeting Women as a Threat to Democracy' (2020), Nordic Journal on Law and Society (Special Issue: Exploiting Justice in a Transformative Swedish Society), 3(2), pp. 1-42
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Blanco-Alfonso, I., Rodríguez-Fernández, L. & Arce-García, S., 'Polarization and hate speech with gender bias associated with politics: analysis of interactions on Twitter | [Polarización y discurso de odio con sesgo de género asociado a la política: análisis de las interacciones en Twitter]' (2022), Revista de Comunicacion, 21(2), pp. 33-50
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Blanco-Castilla, E., Fernández-Torres, M.-J. & Cano-Galindo, J., 'Disinformation and hate speech toward female sports journalists' (2022), Profesional de la Informacion, 31(6), e310613
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Bones, P.D.C., 'Perceptions of vulnerability: A target characteristics approach to disability, gender, and victimization' (2012), Deviant Behaviour, 34(9), pp.727-750
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Borges, G. M., Guerreiro, A., & Pina, M. (Eds.), 'Investigating and Combating Gender-Related Victimization' (2024), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Bouzerdan, C. & Whitten-Woodring, J., 'Killings in context: An analysis of the news framing of femicide' (2018), Human Rights Review, 19(2), pp.211–228
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Boyle, K. & Berridge, S. (Eds.), 'The Routledge Companion to Gender, Media and Violence' (2023), London: Routledge
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Brickell, K. & Maddrell, A., 'Geographical frontiers of gendered violence' (2016), Dialogues in Human Geography, 6(2), pp.170-172
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Brown, C., 'Legislating against hate crime in New Zealand: The need to recognise gender-based violence' (2004), Victoria University of Wellington Law Review, 35(3), pp.591-608
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