Publications: Cyber hate (online hate crime)


Liu, L., Xu, D., Zhao, P., Zeng, D.D., Hu, P.J.-H., Zhang, Q., Luo, Y. & Cao, Z., 'A cross-lingual transfer learning method for online COVID-19-related hate speech detection' (2023), Expert Systems with Applications, 234, 121031
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Liu, T., Xu, M. & Chen, X., 'Social media, gendered anxiety and disease-related misinformation: discourses in contemporary China’s online anti-African sentiments' (2021), Asian Journal of Communication, 31(6), pp. 485-501
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Liu, Z., Luo, C. & Lu, J., 'Hate speech in the Internet context: Unpacking the roles of Internet penetration, online legal regulation, and online opinion polarization from a transnational perspective' (2023), Information Development [online]
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Liyanage, O. & Jayakumar, K., 'Hate Speech Detection in Sinhala-English Code-Mixed Language' (2021), 21st International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions, ICter 2021 – Proceedings, pp. 225-230
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Ljubešić, N., Mozetič, I. & Novak, P.K., 'Quantifying the impact of context on the quality of manual hate speech annotation' (2023), Natural Language Engineering, 29(6), pp. 1481–1494
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Lo Cricchio, M.G., Stefanelli, F., Menesini, E. & Nocentini, A., 'Adolescents’ Ethnic Hate Speech Exposure and Ethnic Bullying Perpetration: The Moderating Role of Tolerance Towards Diversity and Gender' (2023), Cyberpsychology, 17(5), 4
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Lobo, P.R., 'Bias in Hate Speech and Toxicity Detection' (2022), AIES 2022 - Proceedings of the 2022 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, pp. 910
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Locatelli, D. & Locatelli, L., 'LCTs at HODI: Homotransphobic Speech Detection on Italian Tweets' (2023), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3473
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Locatelli, D., Damo, G. & Nozza, D., 'A Cross-Lingual Study of Homotransphobia on Twitter' (2023), Cross-Cultural Considerations in NLP at EACL, C3NLP 2023 - Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 16–24
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Lohitha, B., Mogana, V. & Amarnath, J.J., 'A Comparison of Different Models for the Detection of Hate Speech' (2022), 2022 1st International Conference on Computational Science and Technology, ICCST 2022 – Proceedings, pp. 492-496
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Lopes-Silva, L.R., Botelho-Francisco, R.E., da Conceição Moreira, P.S. & Guimarães, A.J., '“Thou Shalt Not Take the Lord’s Name in Vain”: A Methodological Proposal to Identify Religious Hate Content on Digital Social Networks' (2022), International Journal of Communication, 16, 22
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Lopes-Silva, L.R., Botelho-Francisco, R.E., Da Conceição Moreira, P.S. & Guimarães, A.J.R., '“Thou Shalt Not Take the Lord’s Name in Vain”: A Methodological Proposal to Identify Religious Hate Content on Digital Social Networks' (2022), International Journal of Communication, 16, pp. 2198–2219
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Lopez Valle, V.C.L., Antik, A. & Cavalcante De Lima, E.M.C., 'Facing fake news and hate speech: a new regulatory model for social media | O enfrentamento da desinformação e do discurso de ódio: um novo modelo regulatório para as redes sociais' (2023), Revista Eurolatinoamericana de Derecho Administrativo, 10(1), e239
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Lopez, R.M. & Calvo, S.M., 'Network communication and hate speech in the Spanish context | [COMUNICACIÓN EN REDES Y DISCURSOS DE ODIO EN EL CONTEXTO ESPAÑOL]' (2022), VISUAL Review. International Visual Culture Review / Revista Internacional de Cultura, 9(Monographic)
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López, R.M. & López, C.A., 'Social networks, monitoring equipment, and mobile apps to combat hate speech and hate crimes in Europe | [Redes, equipos de monitoreo y aplicaciones móvil para combatir los discursos y delitos de odio en Europa]' (2022), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, 2022(80), pp. 347-353
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Lopez-Sanchez, M. & Müller, A., 'On simulating the propagation and countermeasures of hate speech in social networks' (2021), Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(24), 12003
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Losada-Díaz, J.-C., Zamora-Medina, R. & Martínez-Martínez, H., 'Hate speech on Instagram during 2019 General Election in Spain | [El discurso del odio en Instagram durante las Elecciones Generales 2019 en España]' (2021), Revista Mediterranea de Comunicacion, 12(2), pp. 195-208
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Lu, J., Lin, H., Zhang, X., Li, Z., Zhang, T., Zong, L., Ma, F. & Xu, B., 'Hate Speech Detection via Dual Contrastive Learning' (2023), IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing [online]
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Luarasi, I., 'Quantifying Sexism and Hate Speech: A Comprehensive Analysis of Albanian Online Media' (2023), Journal of Educational and Social Research, 13(6), pp. 119–130
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Luckianto, M., Addison, R., Vincent, V., Muliono, Y. & Prasetyo, S.Y., 'Audio-based Indonesia Toxic Language Classification using Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory' (2023), 2023 5th International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, ICORIS 2023
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Lumbantoruan, R., Siregar, R.U., Manik, I., Tambunan, N. & Simanjuntak, H., 'Analysis Comparison of FastText and Word2vec for Detecting Offensive Language' (2022), ICOSNIKOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference of Computer Science and Information Technology: Boundary Free: Preparing Indonesia for Metaverse Society
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Lumsden, K. & Morgan, H.M., 'Cyber-trolling as symbolic violence: Deconstructing gendered abuse online' (2018), In N. Lombard (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of gender and violence (pp.121-132). London: Routledge

Lünenborg, M. & Röttger-Rössler, B. (Eds.), 'Affective Formation of Publics: Places, Networks, and Media' (2023), London: Routledge
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Lupu, Y., Sear, R., Velásquez, N., Leahy, R., Restrepo, N.J., Goldberg, B. & Johnson, N.F., 'Offline events and online hate' (2023), PLoS ONE, 18(1 January), e0278511
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Luttrell, R., Xiao, L. & Glass, J. (Eds.), 'Democracy in the Disinformation Age: Influence and Activism in American Politics' (2021), New York: Routledge
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Luu, S.T., Nguyen, H.P., Van Nguyen, K. & Luu-Thuy Nguyen, N., 'Comparison Between Traditional Machine Learning Models and Neural Network Models for Vietnamese Hate Speech Detection' (2020), Proceedings - 2020 RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies, RIVF 2020, 9140745
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Luu, S.T., Nguyen, K.V. & Nguyen, N.L.-T., 'A Large-Scale Dataset for Hate Speech Detection on Vietnamese Social Media Texts' (2021), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12798 LNAI, pp. 415-426
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Luu, S.T., Van Nguyen, K. & Nguyen, N.L.-T., 'An approach of data augmentation to improve the performance of BERTology models for Vietnamese hate speech detection' (2023), Multimedia Tools and Applications [online]
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Lyu, H., Fan, Y., Xiong, Z., Komisarchik, M. & Luo, J., 'Understanding Public Opinion Toward the #StopAsianHate Movement and the Relation With Racially Motivated Hate Crimes in the US' (2021), IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems [online]
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Ma, J.P.K. & Chow, S.S.M., 'SMART Credentials in the Multi-queue of Slackness (or Secure Management of Anonymous Reputation Traits without Global Halting)' (2023), Proceedings - 8th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy, Euro S and P 2023, pp. 896–912
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Maaß, S., Wortelker, J. & Rott, A., 'Evaluating the regulation of social media: An empirical study of the German NetzDG and Facebook' (2024), Telecommunications Policy, 102719
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Määttä, S. & Vernet, S., 'Reacting to homophobia in a French online discussion: The fuzzy boundaries between heteronormativity and homophobia' (2023), Discourse and Society [online]
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Määttä, S., Suomalainen, K. & Tuomarla, U., 'Constructing Anti-Immigration Ideology and Group Identity in an Online Conversation Thread on the Suomi24 Discussion Board | [Maahanmuuttovastaisen Ideologian ja Ryhmäidentiteetin Rakentuminen Suomi24-Keskustelussa]' (2020), Virittaja, 124(2), pp. 190-216
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Määttä, S.K., 'Linguistic and discursive properties of hate speech and speech facilitating the expression of hatred Evidence from Finnish and French online discussion boards' (2023), Internet Pragmatics, 6(2), pp. 156–172
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Macagno, F., 'Argumentation profiles and the manipulation of common ground. The arguments of populist leaders on Twitter' (2022), Journal of Pragmatics, 191, pp. 67-82
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Macedo, S., 'Lost in the marketplace of ideas: Towards a new constitution for free speech after Trump and Twitter?' (2022), Philosophy and Social Criticism, 48(4), pp. 496-514
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MacHado, C.C.V. & Aguiar, T.H., 'Emerging Regulations on Content Moderation and Misinformation Policies of Online Media Platforms: Accommodating the Duty of Care into Intermediary Liability Models' (2023), Business and Human Rights Journal [online]
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MacHova, K. & Tomcik, T., 'Comparison of Deep Learning and Ensemble Learning in Classification of Toxic Comments' (2023), ICETA 2023 - 21st Year of International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications, Proceedings, pp. 353–358
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Machova, K., Srba, I., Sarnovský, M., Paralič, J., Kresnakova, V.M., Hrckova, A., Kompan, M., Simko, M., Blaho, R., Chuda, D., Bielikova, M. & Navrat, P., 'Addressing False Information and Abusive Language in Digital Space Using Intelligent Approaches' (2021), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1281, pp. 3-32
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MacHova, K., Suchanic, D. & Maslej-Kresnakova, V., 'Recognition of Hate or Offensive Tweets in the Online Communities' (2020), ICETA 2020 - 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications, Proceedings, 9379227, pp. 418-423
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Maci, S.M., Demata, M., McGlashan, M. & Seargeant, P. (Eds.), 'The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation' (2023), London: Routledge
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Macias, C., Soto, M., Alcántara, T. & Calvo, H., 'Impact of Text Preprocessing and Feature Selection on Hate Speech Detection in Online Messages Towards the LGBTQ+ Community in Mexico' (2023), Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2023) co-located with the Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2023)
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MacLachlan, H., 'Music and Incitement to Violence: Anti-Muslim Hate Music in Burma/Myanmar' (2022), Ethnomusicology, 66(3), pp. 410-442
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MacRayo, G., Casino, W., Dalangin, J., Gabriel Gahoy, J., Christian Reyes, A., Vitto, C., Abisado, M., Lor Huyo-A, S. & Avelino Sampedro, G., 'Please Be Nice: A Deep Learning Based Approach to Content Moderation of Internet Memes' (2023), 2023 International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication, ICEIC 2023
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Madeddu, M., Frenda, S., Lai, M., Patti, V. & Basile, V., 'DisaggregHate It Corpus: A Disaggregated Italian Dataset of Hate Speech' (2023), Proceedings of the 9th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2023)
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Madhu, H., Satapara, S., Modha, S., Mandl, T. & Majumder, P., 'Detecting offensive speech in conversational code-mixed dialogue on social media: A contextual dataset and benchmark experiments' (2023), Expert Systems with Applications, 215, 119342
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Madhusankar, D., Karthikeyan, A. & Bharathi, B., 'Multi-Label Emotion Classification in Urdu' (2022), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3395, pp. 231-237
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Madran, H.A.D., 'The darker side of the virtual environment: Online discrimination' (2021), in E.E. Başar (Ed.) Paradigm Shifts within the Communication World (pp. 63-79), Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers
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Madukwe, K.J. & Gao, X., 'The Thin Line Between Hate and Profanity' (2019), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11919 LNAI, pp. 344-356
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Madukwe, K.J., Gao, X. & Xue, B., 'What Emotion Is Hate? Incorporating Emotion Information into the Hate Speech Detection Task' (2021), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13032 LNAI, pp. 273-286
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