Publications: Cyber hate (online hate crime)


Bakalis, C. & Lloyd, C., 'Dangerous speech and images: Regulating the internet' (2018), Information & Communications Technology Law, 27(1), pp.1-3
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Balabantaray, S.R., 'Coronavirus Pandemic and Construction of False Narratives: Politics of Health (Hate) and Religious Hatred/ Hate Crimes in India | [Pandemia de coronavirus y construcción de narrativas falsas: políticas de salud (odio) y odio religioso/crímenes de odio en la India]' (2022), Sociologia y Tecnociencia, 12(2), pp. 307-322
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Baladrón-Pazos, A.J., Correyero-Ruiz, B. & Manchado-Pérez, B., 'Spanish Political Communication and Hate Speech on Twitter During the Russian Invasion of Ukraine' (2023), Politics and Governance, 11(2), pp. 160-174
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Balaji, M.J. & Chinmaya, H.S., 'A Study on Sentimental Analysis, Homophobia-Transphobia Detection for Dravidian Languages' (2022), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3395, pp. 138-146
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Balouchzahi, F., Shashirekha, H.L., Sidorov, G. & Gelbukh, A., 'A comparative study of syllables and character level N-grams for Dravidian multi-script and code-mixed offensive language identification' (2022), Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 43(6), pp. 6995-7005
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Banka, N., Narang, S., Gupta, M., Sharma, A. & Upadhyay, D., 'Multilingual Obnoxious Message Classification using Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers (BERT)' (2023), 2023 International Conference on Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering and their Applications, IC2E3 2023
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Barbaro, F. & Skumanich, A., 'On the importance to study fringe social networks and their impending use of GenAI to promote mal-info: Gab as a case study' (2023), Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Adverse Impacts and Collateral Effects of Artificial Intelligence Technologies (AiOfAi 2023), pp. 22–26
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Barbosa, L.M., 'Meta’s Oversight Board: First Empirical Insights' (2023), Graz Law Working Paper No. 09-2023
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Barcellona, M., 'Incel violence as a new terrorism threat: A brief investigation between Alt-Right and Manosphere dimensions' (2022), Sortuz, 11(2), pp. 170-186
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Barker, K., 'The AVMSD as a harmonized approach to moderating hate speech?' (2021), Journal of Digital Media and Policy, 12(3), pp. 387-405
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Barker, K. & Jurasz, O., 'The ‘Politics’ of Responsible Social Media Use in Universities: Cautionary Tales for Student Experience?' (2023), in L. Siliquini-Cinelli & T. Giddens (Eds.) Biopolitics and Structure in Legal Education (pp. 223–238), London: Routledge
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Barker, K. & Jurasz, O., 'Online misogyny as hate crime: A challenge for legal regulation?' (2018), Routledge
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Barkhashree & Dhaliwal, P., 'Impounding behavioural connotations for hate speech analysis – a view towards criminal investigation using machine learning' (2023), International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) [online]
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Barkhashree & Dhaliwal, P., 'Comprehensive Exploration of Machine Learning based models in Digital Forensics – A plunge into Hate Speech Detection' (2021), Proceedings - 2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICAC3N 2021, pp. 1933-1938
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Barnett, B.A., 'League of the South’s internet rhetoric: Neo-Confederate community-building online' (2016), Journal of Hate Studies, 13(1), pp. 151-173
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Barnett, B.A., 'The Trump Effect: The 2016 presidential campaign and the racist right’s internet rhetoric' (2019), Journal of Hate Studies, 14(1), pp. 77-96
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Barnidge, M., Kim, B., Sherrill, L.A., Luknar, Ž. & Zhang, J., 'Perceived Exposure to and Avoidance of Hate Speech in Various Communication Settings' (2019), Telematics and Informatics, 44, 101263
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Barnwal, S.K., Kumar, R. & Pamula, R., 'IIT DHANBAD CODECHAMPS at SemEval-2022 Task 5: MAMI – Multimedia Automatic Misogyny Identification' (2022), SemEval 2022 - 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 733-735
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Barrett, L., Kingan, R., Ortan, A. & Seshadri, M., 'A Lightweight yet Robust Approach to Textual Anomaly Detection' (2022), Proceedings - International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING, 29(12), pp. 62–67
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Barth, N., Wagner, E., Raab, P. & Wiegärtner, B., 'Contextures of hate: Towards a systems theory of hate communication on social media platforms' (2023), Communication Review [online]
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Bartlett, J. & Krasodomski-Jones, A., 'Counter-speech examining content that challenges extremism online' (2015), DEMOS
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Baruah, N., Gogoi, A., Phukan, R. & Goutom, P.J., 'Hate Speech Detection for a low level language (Assamese)' (2023), 2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies, ICCCNT 2023
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Bashar, M.A., Nayak, R., Luong, K. & Balasubramaniam, T., 'Progressive domain adaptation for detecting hate speech on social media with small training set and its application to COVID-19 concerned posts' (2021), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 11(1), 69
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Basu, S. & Sen, S., 'Silenced voices: unravelling India’s dissent crisis through historical and contemporary analysis of free speech and suppression' (2023), Information and Communications Technology Law [online]
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Batani, J., Mbunge, E., Muchemwa, B., Gaobotse, G., Gurajena, C., Fashoto, S., Kavu, T. & Dandajena, K., 'A Review of Deep Learning Models for Detecting Cyberbullying on Social Media Networks' (2022), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 503 LNNS, pp. 528-550
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Batarfi, H.A., Alsaedi, O.A., Wali, A.M. & Jamal, A.T., 'Impact of Data Augmentation on Hate Speech Detection' (2023), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1876 CCIS, pp. 187–199
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Battista, D. & Molano, J.C., 'How AI Bots Have Reinforced Gender Bias in Hate Speech | Como os bots de IA reforçaram o viés de género no discurso de ódio' (2023), Ex Aequo, (48), pp. 53–68
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Battistelli, D., 'Building a Formal Model for Hate Detection in French Corpora' (2020), Procedia Computer Science, 176, pp. 2358-2365
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Baun, P.S. & Nielbo, K., 'Right-wing Mnemonics' (2022), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3290, pp. 152-161

Bawono, B.T. & Glaser, H., 'The Urgency of Restorative Justice Regulation on Hate Speech' (2023), Bestuur, 11(2), pp. 364–383
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Baydogan, C. & Alatas, B., 'Metaheuristic Ant Lion and Moth Flame Optimization-Based Novel Approach for Automatic Detection of Hate Speech in Online Social Networks' (2021), IEEE Access, 9, 9505636, pp. 110047-110062
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Baydogan, C. & Alatas, B., 'Deep-Cov19-Hate: A Textual-Based Novel Approach for Automatic Detection of Hate Speech in Online Social Networks throughout COVID-19 with Shallow and Deep Learning Models' (2022), Tehnicki Vjesnik, 29(1), pp. 149-156
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Bayrak, Ş., Karaca, A., Toson, F., Kocabey, A. & Arslanoǧlu, F.B., 'Detection of Hate Speech in Turkish Social Media Posts with BERT-Base Model | BERT-Base Modeli ile Türkçe Sosyal Medya Paylaşimlarinda Nefret Söylemi Tespiti' (2023), 31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023
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Beall, S., Makri, S. & McKay, D., 'Stronger Than Yesterday: Investigating Peoples’ Experiences of View Strengthening on Social Media' (2023), Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 60(1), pp. 41–52
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Beck, J., Eckman, S., Chew, R. & Kreuter, F., 'Improving Labeling Through Social Science Insights: Results and Research Agenda' (2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13518 LNCS, pp. 245-261
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Becker, M.J., Ascone, L. & Troschke, H., 'Antisemitic comments on Facebook pages of leading British, French, and German media outlets' (2022), Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(1), 339
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Beddiar, D.R., Jahan, M.S. & Oussalah, M., 'Data expansion using back translation and paraphrasing for hate speech detection' (2021), Online Social Networks and Media, 24, 100153
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Bedrosova, M., Machackova, H., Šerek, J., Smahel, D. & Blaya, C., 'The relation between the cyberhate and cyberbullying experiences of adolescents in the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia' (2022), Computers in Human Behavior, 126, 107013
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Behzadidoost, R., Mahan, F. & Izadkhah, H., 'Granular computing-based deep learning for text classification' (2024), Information Sciences, 652, 119746
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Bel-Enguix, G., Gómez-Adorno, H., Sierra, G., Vásquez, J., Andersen, S.T. & Ojeda-Trueba, S., 'Overview of HOMO-MEX at Iberlef 2023: Hate speech detection in Online Messages directed Towards the MEXican Spanish speaking LGBTQ+ population | Resumen de HOMO-MEX en Iberlef 2023: Detección de discuros de odio en mensajes online dirigidos hacia la población LGBTQ+ hablante de español Mexicano' (2023), Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, (71), pp. 361–370
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Belal, M., Ullah, G. & Khan, A.A., 'Islamophobic Tweet Detection using Transfer Learning' (2022), Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Connected Systems and Intelligence, CSI 2022
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Belal, T.A., Shahariar, G.M. & Kabir, M.H., 'Interpretable Multi Labeled Bengali Toxic Comments Classification using Deep Learning' (2023), 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering, ECCE 2023
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Bello, B.G., 'Tackling online hate speech from a European perspective: Potentials and challenges of inter-legality' (2023), Onati Socio-Legal Series, 13(4), pp. 1376–1411
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Benítez-Andrades, J.A., González-Jiménez, Á., López-Brea, Á., Aveleira-Mata, J., Alija-Pérez, J.-M. & García-Ordás, M.T., 'Detecting racism and xenophobia using deep learning models on Twitter data: CNN, LSTM and BERT' (2022), PeerJ Computer Science, 8, e906
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Benitez-Andrades, J.A., González-Jiménez, Á., López-Brea, Á., Benavides, C., Aveleira-Mata, J., Alija-Pérez, J.-M. & García-Ordás, M.T., 'BERT Model-Based Approach for Detecting Racism and Xenophobia on Twitter Data' (2022), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1537 CCIS, pp. 148-158
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Benito, I.G., 'Public order offences: how feasible is their applicability to online hate?' (2024), Oñati Socio-Legal Series [online]
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Benito, I.G., 'Online harassment and cyberstalking. A case study' (2023), Sortuz, 13(2), pp. 242–257
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Bennett Gayle, D.M. & Yuan, X., 'Empowered or Left Behind: Use of Technology During COVID-19' (2023), Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press
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Bensalem, I., Rosso, P. & Zitouni, H., 'Toxic language detection: A systematic review of Arabic datasets' (2024), Expert Systems [online]
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Bensoltane, R. & Zaki, T., 'Fine-grained hate speech detection in Arabic using transformer-based models' (2024), International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 14(3), pp. 2927–2936
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