Publications: Law and hate crime


Lunny, A.M., 'Debating Hate Crime: Language, Legislatures, and the Law in Canada' (2017), Vancouver: UBC Press
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Lunny, A.M., '‘Look, a Faggot!’: The Scopic Economies of Cruising, Queer Bashing and Law' (2013), Social & Legal Studies, 22(2), pp. 231-245
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Lyons, C.J., 'Individual perceptions and the social construction of hate crimes: A factorial survey' (2008), The Social Science Journal, 45(1), pp.107-131
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Maaß, S., Wortelker, J. & Rott, A., 'Evaluating the regulation of social media: An empirical study of the German NetzDG and Facebook' (2024), Telecommunications Policy, 102719
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Macfarlane, E. (Ed.), 'Dilemmas of free expression' (2021), Toronto: University of Toronto Press
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Mačkić, J., 'Proving discriminatory violence at the European Court of Human Rights' (2018), Dordrecht, Netherlands: Brill
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Mačkić, J., 'The European Court of Human Rights and discriminatory violence complaints' (2016), in J. Schweppe & M.A. Walters, The globalization of hate: Internationalizing hate crime? (pp.233-246), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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MacLachlan, H., 'Music and Incitement to Violence: Anti-Muslim Hate Music in Burma/Myanmar' (2022), Ethnomusicology, 66(3), pp. 410-442
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MacNamara, B.S., 'New York’s Hate Crimes Act of 2000: Problematic and redundant legislation aimed at subjective motivation (commentary)' (2002), Albany Law Review, 66(2), pp.519-546
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Mahmood, K., 'Countering Violent Extremism through Narrative Building in Pakistan' (2022), Islamic Studies, 61(1), pp. 63-84
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Mahoney, K.E., 'Hate vilification legislation and freedom of expression: Where is the balance?' (1994), Australian Journal of Human Rights, 1(1), 353 (Paper presented at the Racism and Anti-Semitism in Contemporary Australia Conference, Melbourne, 11-12 June 1994)
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Makouar, N., Devine, L. & Parker, S., 'Legislating to Control Online Hate Speech: A Corpus-Assisted Semantic Analysis of French Parliamentary Debates' (2023), International Journal for the Semiotics of Law [online]
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Maksimova, E. & Stanojoska, A., 'The Impact of the EU Principle of Solidarity and the Rule of Law on Criminal Aspects of the Migrant Crisis in the Republic of North Macedonia' (2023), in T. Russo, A. Oriolo & G. Dalia (Eds.) European Union and Its Neighbours in a Globalized World (pp. 113–127), Cham: Springer
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Malik, M., '‘Racist crime’: Racially aggravated offences in the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 Part II' (1999), Modern Law Review, 62(3), pp.409-424
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Mallett, R.K., Huntsinger, J.R. & Swim, J.K., 'The role of system-justification motivation, group status and system threat in directing support for hate crimes legislation' (2011), Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47(2), pp.384-390
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Manrique, M.L., 'Heinous crimes and the normative value of disgust. A critic to Dan Kahan view | Delitos odiosos y el valor normativo de la repugnancia. Una crítica a Dan Kahan' (2023), Revista de Derecho, 36(2), pp. 205–223
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Marais, M.E., 'A duty perspective on the hate speech prohibition in the Equality Act' (2021), Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 24
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Marais, M.E. & Pretorius, J.L., 'The Constitutionality of the Prohibition of Hate Speech in Terms of Section 10(1) of the Equality Act: A Reply to Botha and Govindjee' (2019), Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 22, pp. 1-37
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Marr, D., 'How can we square freedom with anti-vilification laws?' (1998), HIV/AIDS Legal Link, 9(4), 10
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Martín Guardado, S., 'Disinformation, hate and polarization in the digital environment: segregation of the public sphere and effects on democracy | DESINFORMACIÓN, ODIO Y POLARIZACIÓN EN EL ENTORNO DIGITAL: SEGREGACIÓN DE LA ESFERA PÚBLICA Y EFECTOS SOBRE LA DEMOCRACIA' (2023), Revista de Estudios en Derecho a la Informacion, 2023(15), pp. 3–30
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Martins, A.C.L., 'Hate Speech in Social Networks and Recognition of the Other: The M. Case | [Discurso de Ódio em Redes Sociais e Reconhecimento do Outro: O Caso M.]' (2019), Revista Direito GV, 15(1)
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Mas Grau, J., Langarita, J.A., Montserrat, C. & Viggiani, G., 'Exploring alternatives to the hate crimes model. Perceptions of civil society organizations regarding the application of restorative justice for bias-motivated crimes' (2024), Contemporary Justice Review: Issues in Criminal, Social, and Restorative Justice [online]
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Mason, G., 'Blue Lives Matter and Hate Crime Law' (2020), Race and Justice [online]
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Mason, G., 'Prejudice and paedophilia in hate crime laws: Dunn v R' (2009), Alternative Law Journal, 34(4), pp.253-256
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Mason, G., '2009 J.V. Barry Memorial Lecture: The penal politics of hatred' (2009), Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 42(3), pp.275-286
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Mason, G., 'R v. Gouros: Interpreting motivation under Victoria’s new hate crime laws' (2010), Criminal Law Journal, 34(5), pp.323-327
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Mason, G., 'Victim attributes in hate crime law: Difference and the politics of justice' (2014), British Journal of Criminology, 54(2), pp.161-179
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Mason, G., 'Legislating against hate' (2014), in Hall, N., Corb, A., Giannasi, P. & Grieve, J. (2014) The Routledge International Handbook on Hate Crime. London: Routledge

Mason, G., 'Penalty enhancement laws: A model for regulating hate crime in Australia?' (2021), University of Western Australia Law Review, 48(2), pp. 470-494
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Mason-Bish, H., 'Future challenges for hate crime policy: Lessons from the past' (2010), in Chakraborti, N. (ed.) (2010) Hate Crime: Concepts, policy, future directions, Devon: Willan Publishing

Mason-Bish, H., 'We need to talk about women: Examining the place of gender in hate crime policy' (2014), in Chakraborti, N. & Garland, J. (2014) Responding to hate crime: the case for connecting policy and research. Bristol: Policy Press.

Mathis, S., 'Motive, action, and confusions in the debate over hate crime legislation' (2018), Criminal Justice Ethics [online], pp.1-20
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Mayers, L., 'Globalised imaginaries of love and hate: Immutability, violence, and LGBT Human Rights' (2018), Feminist Legal Studies [online]
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Mayor of London: Office for Policing and Crime, 'A hate crime reduction strategy for London, 2014-2017' (2014), Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime: Hate Crime Reduction Strategy.
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McCann, W.S &, Pimley, N., 'Eliminating Extremism: A Legal Analysis of Hate Crime and Terrorism Laws in the United States' (2019), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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McDevitt, J. & Iwama, J.A., 'Challenges in measuring and understanding hate crime' (2016), in T.S. Bynum & B.M. Huebner (Eds.), The handbook of measurement issues in criminology and criminal justice, pp.131-159
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McDevitt, J., Levin, J. & Bennett, S., 'Hate crime offenders: An expanded typology' (2002), Journal of Social Issues, 58(2), pp.303-317
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McGarry, A., 'The dilemma of the European Union’s Roma policy' (2012), Critical Social Policy, 32(1), pp.126-136
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McGhee, D., 'Joined-up government, “community safety” and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender “active citizens”' (2003), Critical Social Policy, 23(3), pp.345-374
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McGuire, K. & Salter, M., 'Islam and religious hate crime: Exploring the role of religion and crime' (2022), in P. Birch, C. Murray & A. McInnes (Eds.) Crime, Criminal Justice and Religion: A Critical Appraisal (pp. 179-192), London: Routledge
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McHangama, J. & Alkiviadou, N., 'Hate speech and the European court of human rights: Whatever happened to the right to offend, shock or disturb?' (2021), Human Rights Law Review, 21(4), pp. 1008-1042
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McLaughlin, E., 'Cause for concern: The policing of hate crime' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 48(1), pp.38-39
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McMahon, B.T., West, S.L., Lewis, A.N., Armstrong, A.J. & Conway, J.P., 'Hate crimes and disability in America' (2004), Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 47(2), pp.66-75
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McManus, J., 'Systems not words? Some organisational response to hate crimes' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 48(1), pp.44-45
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McNamara, L., 'History, memory and judgment: Holocaust denial, the history wars and law’s problems with the past' (2004), Sydney Law Review, 26(3), pp.353-394
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McNamara, L., 'Salvation and the state: Religious vilification law and religious speech' (2007), in Gelber, K. & Stone, A. (eds.) Hate Speech and Freedom of Speech in Australia. The Federation Press.

McNamara, L., 'Anti-vilification Laws: Protecting whom from what?' (1994), Socio-Legal Bulletin, 13, 28

McNamara, L., 'Criminalising racial hatred: Learning from the Canadian experience' (1994), Australian Journal of Human Rights, 1(1), pp.198-210
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McNamara, L., 'Regulating racism: Racial vilification laws in Australia' (2002), Sydney Institute of Criminology, University of Sydney Faculty of Law.

McNamara, L., 'Setting the precedent for Australian racial vilification laws: Human rights complaint-based regulation in New South Wales' (2002), in Regulating Racism: Racial Vilification Laws in Australia. Sydney Institute of Criminology, University of Sydney Faculty of Law.

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