Publications: Law and hate crime


Pribanic-Smith, E.J. & Schroeder, J., 'Breaking the White Circle: How the Press and Courts Quieted a Chicago Hate Group, 1949–1952' (2021), American Journalism, 38(4), pp. 416-449
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Provazník, J., '“True” verbal hate crimes| [Pravé verbální trestné činy z nenávisti]' (2021), Casopis pro Pravni Vedu a Praxi, 28(4), pp. 657-694
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Purpose, 'Online Hate Speech in Australia: The Role of News Media and Pathways for Change (Part Two: Curbing Dehumanising Hate Speech Online)' (2023), New York, London, São Paulo, New Delhi, Sydney, Nairobi: Purpose
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Purser, E., 'The criminalisation of hate crimes in a democratic society: Attempting to achieve equality' (2017), North East Law Review, 5(1), pp.29-33
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Putri, D.K., 'Hate speech and the harm in Indonesian judicial decisions' (2023), Cogent Social Sciences, 9(2), 2274430
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Raj, S., 'Once more with feeling: Queer activist legal scholarship and jurisprudence' (2018), International Journal of Human Rights [online]
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Rajadhyakasha, M., 'Genocide on the airwaves: An analysis of the international law concerning radio jamming' (2006), Journal of Hate Studies, 5(1), pp. 99-118
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Rankin, S.K., 'Invidious deliberation: The problem of congressional bias in federal hate crime legislation' (2014), Rutgers Law Review, 66(3), pp.563-627
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Rashid, K., 'Politicisation of Islam and a Culture of Atrocities against Religious Minorities in Modern-Day Pakistan' (2023), Global Responsibility to Protect [online]
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Rashid, M., 'Queering Bangladeshi Blogging Networks: Legal Rights, Religious Fundamentalism, and the Politics of Blog Publics in Bangladeshi LGBTQ+ Activism' (2023), QED, 10(2), pp. 93–117
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Ray, L. & Smith, D., 'Racist offenders and the politics of ‘hate crime’' (2001), Law and Critique, 12(3), pp.203-221
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Rayburn, N.R., Earleywine, M. & Davison, G.C., 'Base rates of hate crime victimization among college students' (2003), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18(10), pp.1209-1221
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Read, T., 'Update' (2016), The Police Journal, 89(4), pp.340-345
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Rébé, N. (Ed.), 'Regulating Cyber Technologies: Privacy vs Security' (2023), Singapore: World Scientific Publishing
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Reisner, S.L., Hughto, J.M.W., Dunham, E.E., Heflin, K.J., Begenyi, J.B.G., Coffey-Esquivel, J. & Cahill, S., 'Legal protections in public accommodations settings: A critical public health issue for transgender and gender-nonconforming people' (2015), Milbank Quarterly, 93(3), pp.484-515
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Rekker, R. & Van Spanje, J., 'Hate Speech Prosecution of Politicians and its Effect on Support for the Legal System and Democracy' (2020), British Journal of Political Science [online]
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Renton, D., 'No Free Speech for Fascists: Exploring ‘No Platform’ in History, Law and Politics' (2021), London: Routledge
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Ress, G., 'The Accountability of Social Network Account Holders – A Tightening of the Requirements by the ECtHR through its Sanchez v. France Judgment? | [Die Verantwortlichkeit der Inhaber von Konten bei sozialen Netzwerken – eine Verschärfung der Anforderungen durch den EGMR durch sein Urteil Sanchez gegen Frankreich?]' (2022), Zeitschrift fur Europarechtliche Studien, 25(1), pp. 75-88
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Ricca, M., 'The ‘Spaghettification’ of Performativity Across Cultural Boundaries: The Trans-culturality/Trans-Spatiality of Digital Communication As an Event Horizon for Speech Acts' (2022), International Journal for the Semiotics of Law [online]
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Rich, G.J., Kuriansky, J., Gielen, U.P. & Kaplin, D. (Eds.), 'Psychosocial Experiences and Adjustment of Migrants: Coming to the USA' (2023), Cambridge, MA: Academic Press
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Riekkinen, J., 'Targeting Targeted Harassment: Problems with Criminalization and Platform Liability' (2022), Jusletter IT, (June), pp. 383-392
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Rimmer, M., 'The black label: Trade mark dilution, culture jamming and the no logo movement' (2008), SCRIPT-ed, 5(1), pp.70-136
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Rinner, S., 'Slurs and Freedom of Speech' (2022), Journal of Applied Philosophy [online]
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Risso Ferrand, M., 'Freedom Speech and Combat to Hate Speech | [La Libertad de Expresión y el Combate al Discurso del Odio]' (2020), Estudios Constitucionales, 18(1), pp. 51-89
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Roberts, J.M., 'Judith Butler, the Bakhtin Circle and Free Speech: State Hegemony, Race and Grievability in R.A.V. v. St Paul' (2022), Law and Critique [online]
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Robertson, S., 'Exception to excess: Tactical use of the law by outgroups in bias crime legislation' (2012), Law & Social Inquiry, 37(2), pp.456-475
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Rodriguez, S.M., 'Queer abolitionist alternatives to criminalising hate violence' (2021), in M.J. Coyle & D. Scott (Eds), The Routledge International Handbook of Penal Abolition, London: Routledge
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Rojszczak, M., 'Online content filtering in EU law – A coherent framework or jigsaw puzzle?' (2022), Computer Law and Security Review, 47, 105739
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Rosenthal, P., 'The criminality of racial harassment' (1989), Canadian Human Rights Yearbook, pp.113-166
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Rosga, A.J., 'Deadly words: State power and the entanglement of speech and violence in hate crime' (2001), Law and Critique, 12(3), pp.223-252
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Ross, C.T., 'A multi-level Bayesian analysis of racial bias in police shootings at the county-level in the United States, 2011-2014' (2015), PLoS ONE, 10(11), Article number e0141854
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Roth, L., 'Provocation and self-defence in intimate partner and homophobic homicides' (2007), Briefing Paper No. 3/07, NSW Parliamentary Library Research Service.
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Roulstone, A., Thomas, P. & Balderston, S., 'Between hate and vulnerability: Unpacking the British criminal justice system’s construction of disablist hate crime' (2011), Disability & Society, 26(3), pp.351-364
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Roxburgh, A., 'Preachers of hate: The rise of the far right' (2002), London: Gibson Square Books

Rucco, D., Anzani, A., Scandurra, C., Pennasilico, A. & Prunas, A., 'Structural Stigma and Bisexual + People: Effects of the Rejection of the Zan Bill in Italy on Minority Stress and Mental Health' (2022), Journal of Bisexuality [online]
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Rucco, D., Toffoli, G., Anzani, A. & Prunas, A., 'A Networked Model of Ecological Systems Theory to Discuss Concerns in Italian Bisexual+ and Transgender People After the Block of the “Zan Bill” by Senate' (2023), Sexuality Research and Social Policy [online]
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Ruiz-Azcona, L., Pellico-López, A., Manjón-Rodríguez, J.B., Sánchez Movellán, M., Ajo Bolado, P., García-Vázquez, J., Hernández-Aguado, I., Cayón-De Las Cuevas, J. & Paz-Zulueta, M., 'Evolution of Legislation and Crimes Based on Sexual Identity or Orientation in Spain: A Retrospective Observational Study (2011–2021)' (2022), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(2), 859
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Russell, E.K., 'Punishment in a ‘tolerant society’: Interrogating hate crime law reform discourse' (2018), Griffith Law Review [online], pp.1-19
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Ryan, E. & Leeson, T., 'Hate groups and hate crime' (2011), International Review of Law & Economics, 31(4), pp.256-262
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Sabharwal, M., Becerra, A. & Oh, S., 'From the Chinese Exclusion Act to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Historical Analysis of “Otherness” Experienced by Asian Americans in the United States' (2022), Public Integrity, 24(6), pp. 535-549
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Safran, E.G., 'A time to kill hate: A case for a hate crime law in South Carolina' (2018), South Carolina Law Review, 69, pp.887-916
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Šajmovic, P., 'Direct Application of “Guillotine Provision” of Articlc 17 of tlie Europcan Convention in Cases of Hate Speech and its Pitfalls | [Priama aplikácia “gilolínového ustanovenia” clánku 17 Európskeho dohovoru o ochrane ludských práv a základných slobôd pri nenávistných prejavoch a jej úskalia]' (2022), Casopis pro Pravni Vedu a Praxi, 30(2), pp. 305-349
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Sánchez, D.S., 'Artistic Freedom and Hate Speech in the Light of the Valtònyc Case (Libertad DE Expresión Artística Y Discurso Del Odio a La Luz Del Caso Valtònyc)' (2019), Sistema, 255, pp. 101-121
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Sánchez‐Holgado, P., Arcila‐Calderón, C. & Gomes‐Barbosa, M., 'Hate Speech and Polarization Around the “Trans Law” in Spain' (2023), Politics and Governance, 11(2), pp. 187-197
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Sanders, T., Scoular, J. & Campbell, R., 'Sex Work, Hate Crime and the Criminal law' (2022), Journal of Criminal Law, 86(2), pp. 109-125
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Sanjurjo, V.A., 'Can hateful religious speech for reasons of gender, orientation and sexual identity be considered a hate crime? | [¿Es el discurso religioso odioso por razones de género, orientación e identidad sexual un discurso de odio?]' (2021), Revista de Derecho Politico, (112), pp. 175-214
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Sardo, A., 'Hate Speech: A Pragmatic Assessment of the European Court of Human Rights’ Jurisprudence' (2022), European Convention on Human Rights Law Review, 4(1), pp. 58-99
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Satyanarayana, K., 'Caste violence: Free speech or atrocity?' (2019), in P.K. Malreddy, A.S. Purakayastha & B. Heidemann (Eds.) Violence in South Asia: Contemporary Perspectives (pp. 37-51), London & New York: Routledge
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Saucier, D.A., Brown, T.L., Mitchell, R.C. & Cawman, A.J., 'Effects of victims’ characteristics on attitudes toward hate crimes' (2006), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21(7), pp.890-909
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Saud, J. & Mozin, N., 'Hate speech law and its analysis on technological information manipulation' (2022), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2573, 040003-1
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