Publications: Law and hate crime


Saufi, N.N.M., Kamaruddin, S. & Upadhyay, N.K., 'Policing Cyber Hate: A Comparative Analysis Between Malaysia and India' (2022), Indian Journal of Law and Justice, 13(2), pp. 29-49
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Sauvé, J.-S., 'Prohibiting discrimination against trans∗ people: Improving the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms by adding “gender identity” and “gender expression” to the list of defined discriminations' (2015), Enfances, Familles, Generations, 23, pp.108-126

Savelsberg, J. & King, R., 'Institutionalizing collective memories of hate: Law and law enforcement in Germany and the United States' (2005), American Journal of Sociology, 111(2), pp.579-616
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Schilling, C.L., 'The therapized antisemite: The myth of psychology and the evasion of responsibility' (2024), Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter
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Schlag, G., 'European Union’s Regulating of Social Media: A Discourse Analysis of the Digital Services Act' (2023), Politics and Governance, 11(3), pp. 168–177
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Schotanus, M.S. (Ed.), 'Gender Violence, the Law, and Society: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from India, Japan and South Africa' (2022), Bingley: Emerald Publishing
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Schulz, W., 'Regulating Intermediaries to Protect Personality Rights Online—The Case of the German NetzDG' (2022), Ius Gentium, 96, pp. 289-307
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Schweppe, J. & Walters, M.A. (Eds.), 'The globalization of hate: Internationalizing hate crime?' (2016), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Schweppe, J., Haynes, A. & Walters, M.A., 'Life cycle of a hate crime – Comparative report' (2018), Dublin: Irish Council for Civil Liberties
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Sękowska-Kozłowska, K., Baranowska, G. & Gliszczyńska-Grabias, A., 'Sexist Hate Speech and the International Human Rights Law: Towards Legal Recognition of the Phenomenon by the United Nations and the Council of Europe' (2022), International Journal for the Semiotics of Law [online]
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Senators of the College of Justice, 'Response by the Senators of the College of Justice to the Consultation Paper on Hate Crime Legislation in Scotland' (2017), Judiciary of Scotland
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Serna, F.J.A., 'The legal protection of religious sentiments on the Internet. Freedom of speech vs hate speech | [LA PROTECCIÓN JURÍDICA DE LOS SENTIMIENTOS RELIGIOSOS EN INTERNET LA LIBERTAD DE EXPRESIÓN FRENTE AL DISCURSO DEL ODIO]' (2023), VISUAL Review. International Visual Culture Review / Revista Internacional de Cultura, 10
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Setyaningrum, W., Vaizi, K.N., Damarina, R., Oktasari, S., Akbar, S.A. & Febriyanto, A., 'E-hights: Hate speech detection system to guarantee freedom of expression' (2023), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2706, 020233
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Shahani, N., 'The queer politics of prison abolition: Revisiting the case of Latisha King' (2022), in J.L. Casero (Ed.) Gender Utopias for a Post-Apocalyptic World (pp. 63-80), Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers
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Shakespeare, T., 'Blaming the victim: Disability hate crime' (2012), The Lancet: London
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Sharma, A., 'Afrazul’s Murder: Law and Love Jihad' (2020), Jindal Global Law Review (Special Issue) [online]
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Shively, M., 'Study of literature and legislation on hate crime in America' (2005), (210300), Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice/NCJRS
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Shuhufi, M., Fatmawati, Qadaruddin, M., Basyir, J., Yunus, M.M. & Nur, N.M., 'Islamic Law and Social Media: Analyzing the Fatwa of Indonesian Ulama Council Regarding Interaction on Digital Platforms' (2022), Samarah, 6(2), pp. 823-843
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Silva, C., 'Fighting Against Hate Speech: A Case for Harnessing Interactive Digital Counter-Narratives' (2023), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14383 LNCS, pp. 159–174
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Simm, G., 'Queering CEDAW? Sexual orientation, gender identity and expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) in international human rights law' (2021), Griffith Law Review [online]
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Simmons, K.C., 'Subverting symbolism: The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act and cooperative federalism' (2012), American Criminal Law Review, 49(4)
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Simpson, E., 'Spinning Hate: Mississippi’s Post-Brown PR Offensive and the Secret Campaign Against ‘Agitators,’ 1956-1960' (2024), American Journalism [online]
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Sinnar, S., 'Hate Crimes, Terrorism, and the Framing of White Supremacist Violence' (2022), California Law Review, 110(2), pp. 489-565
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Siyuan, C., 'Regulating online hate speech: the Singapore experiment' (2023), International Review of Law, Computers and Technology [online]
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Sjöholm, M., 'International Human Rights Law and Protection Against Gender-Based Harm on the Internet' (2022), Cham: Springer
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Slagle, M., 'An ethical exploration of free expression and the problem of hate speech' (2009), Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 24(4), pp.238-250
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Sloan, L.M, King, L. & Sheppard, S., 'Hate crimes motivated by sexual orientation' (1998), Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Sciences, 8(3), pp.25-39
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Smith, A., 'Moving against hate crime' (2014), The Criminal Law Review, 7, pp.475-476

Smith, C.R., 'Circumventing The “True Threat” And “Viewpoint” Protection Tests to Deal with Persistent Campus Hate Speech' (2020), First Amendment Studies [online]
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Smith, R. & Perry, M., 'Fake News and the Pandemic in Southeast Asia' (2022), Australian Journal of Asian Law, 22(2), pp. 131-154
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Smith, R.B. & Smith, N.N., 'A tale of two pandemics: Fake news and COVID-19' (2022), Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 43(3), pp. 677-682
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Snowball, L. & Weatherburn, D., 'Does racial bias in sentencing contribute to Indigenous overrepresentation in prison? ' (2007), Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 40(3), pp.272-290
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Solhjell, R. & Klatran, H.K., 'The Politics of Policing Hate: Boundary Work, Social Inequalities, and Legitimacy' (2023), Social and Legal Studies [online]
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Solomon, T., 'Problems in drafting legislation against racist activities' (1994), Australian Journal of Human Rights, 1(1), pp.265-298
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Song Richardson, L. & Goff, P.A., 'Implicit racial bias in public defender triage' (2013), Yale Law Journal, 122(8), pp.2626-2649
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Sosa, L., 'Now You See Me? The Visibility of Trans and Travesti Experiences in Criminal Procedures' (2020), Politics and Governance, 8(3), pp. 266-277
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Sottiaux, S., 'Conflicting Conceptions of Hate Speech in the ECtHR’s Case Law' (2022), German Law Journal, 23(9), pp. 1193-1211
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Soule, S.A. & Earl, J., 'The enactment of state-level hate crime law in the United States: Intrastate and interstate factors' (2001), Sociological Perspectives, 44(3), pp.281-305
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Spieldenner, A.R. & Glenn, C.L., 'Scripting hate crimes: Victim, space and perpetrator defining hate' (2014), Continuum, 28(1), pp.123-135
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Šramel, B. & Horváth, P., 'Internet as the communication medium of the 21st century: Do we need a special legal regulation of freedom of expression on the internet?' (2021), Lawyer Quarterly, 11(1), pp. 141-157
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Stajnko, J., Siter, D. & Tomažič, L.M., 'Discrimination, freedom of expression and two concepts of liberty: Assessing European legislation criminalizing hate speech' (2024), Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 64(2), pp. 288–307
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Stefanou-Haag, E., 'Antiracism: From legislation to education' (1994), Australian Journal of Human Rights, 1(1), pp.185-197
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Steuer, M., 'Cultural expertise, hate speech, and the far right: the Slovak Mazurek case' (2024), Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis [online]
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Stone, A., 'How to think about the problem of hate speech: Understanding a comparative debate' (2007), in Gelber, K. & Stone, A. (eds.) Hate Speech and Freedom of Speech in Australia. The Federation Press.

Stone, A. & Schauer, F. (Eds.), 'The Oxford Handbook of Freedom of Speech' (2021), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Storry, K., 'The implications of the Macpherson Report into the death of Stephen Lawrence' (2000), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 12(1), pp.106-113
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Strand, C. & Svensson, J., 'Foreign Norm Entrepreneurs’ Misinformation and Disinformation Narratives on LGBT+ Rights in Europe | [Borba protiv kampanja dezinformiranja i pogrešnog informiranja koje provode norm enterpreneurs, a usmjerene su na LGBTI+ zajednicu u Europi]' (2022), Medijska Istrazivanja, 28(2), pp. 109-132
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Stremlau, N. & Gagliardone, I., 'Socio-Legal Approaches to Online Hate Speech' (2019), in N. Creutzfeldt, M. Mason & K. McConnachie (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Socio-Legal Theory and Methods. London: Routledge
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Sullaway, M., 'Psychological perspectives on hate crime laws' (2004), Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 10(3), pp.250-292
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Suvidutt, M.S. & Tomer, A., 'Hate Speech Against Disabled Persons in India: An Analysis of Legal Provisions and Judicial Interpretations' (2022), Journal of Forensic Medicine Science and Law, 31(2), pp. 71-76
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