Publications: Law and hate crime


Walker, S., 'Policing hate: The problematic expansion of Louisiana’s hate crime statute to include police officers' (2018), Louisiana Law Review, 78(4), pp.1413-1445
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Walker, J., 'Canadian anti-hate laws and freedom of expression' (2013), Parliament of Canada, Research Publications
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Walklate, S., 'Sexual violence against women: Still a controversial issue for victimology?' (2014), International Review of Victimology, 20(1), pp.71-84
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Wallenberg, J.S., 'The impact of racial slurs and racism on the perceptions and punishment of violent crime' (2008), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23(5), pp.685-701
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Walpurga Koll, M.K., 'Hate crime legislation versus the legacy of Lynch Law in the U.S.: The struggle against a biased popular justice' (2009), Legal Narratives, pp.77-100
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Walters, M.A., 'Sexual orientation discrimination in the European Union: The framework directive and the continuing influence of the European Parliament' (2007), International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, 8(4). pp.263-293
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Walters, M.A., 'Criminalising Hate: Law as Social Justice Liberalism' (2022), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Walters, M.A., 'Conceptualizing ‘hostility’ for hate crime law: Minding ‘the minutiae’ when interpreting section 28(1)(a) of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998' (2014), Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 34(1), pp.47-74
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Walters, M.A., 'Why the Rochdale Gang should have been sentenced as ‘hate crime’ offenders' (2013), Criminal Law Review, 2, pp.131-144
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Walters, M.A., 'The Cronulla Riots: Exposing the problem with Australia’s anti-vilification laws' (2006), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 18(1), pp.165-169
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Walters, M.A., 'Changing the criminal law to combat racially motivated violence' (2007), in Keyzer, P. (ed.) Racism, Religious Intolerance and the Law. Broadway NSW: Halstead Press.

Walters, M.A. & Brown, R. with Wiedlitzka, S., 'Causes and motivations of hate crime' (2016), Equality and Human Rights Commission, Research report 102
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Walters, M.A., Owusu-Bempah, A. & Wiedlitzka, S., 'Hate crime and the “justice gap”: The case for law reform' (2018), Criminal Law Review, 12, pp.961-986

Walters, M.A., Wiedlitzka, S. & Owusu-Bempah, A. with Goodall, K., 'Hate crime and the legal process: Options for law reform' (2017), Project Report, University of Sussex
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Wang, L., 'Recognizing opportunistic bias crimes' (2000), Boston University Law Review, 80(5), pp.1399-1435
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Wang, L.-I., 'Reframing Hate' (2022), Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 112(4), pp. 847-873
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Ward, L.W.M., 'A Critical Race Theory Perspective on Assaultive Speech in U.S. Campus Communities' (2022), Equity and Excellence in Education [online]
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Weiner, A.S., 'Hate crimes, homosexuals, and the constitution' (1994), Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review, 29, pp.387-438
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Weisburd, S.B. & Levin, B., '“On the basis of sex”: Recognizing gender-based bias crimes' (1994), Stanford Law and Policy Review, 5(2), pp.21-43
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Wertheim, P., 'Hate crime and vilification Law: Developments and directions' (2009), Hate Crime and Vilification Law Roundtable, Sydney Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law, University of Sydney, 29 August 2009

Whine, M., 'Combating Antisemitism in Europe' (2014), Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 8(1), pp.81-94
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White, R., 'Ethnic diversity and differential policing in Australia: The good, the bad and the ugly' (2009), Journal of International Migration and Integration, 10(4), pp.359-375
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Wichgers, L., Jacobs, L. & van Spanje, J., 'Trial and Error: Hate Speech Prosecution and Its (Unintended) Effects on Democratic Support' (2020), Acta Politica [online]
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Wickes, R.L., Pickering, S., Mason, G., Maher, J.M. & McCulloch, J., 'From hate to prejudice: Does the new terminology of prejudice motivated crime change perceptions and reporting actions?' (2016), British Journal of Criminology, 56(2), pp.239-255
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Wiedlitzka, S., 'Hate crime legislation' (2016), In Beth M. Huebner (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology, New York: Oxford University Press
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Wigerfelt, A., Wigerfelt, B. & Dahlstrand, K., 'Online hate crime – Social norms and the legal system' (2015), Quaestio Iuris, 8(3), pp.1859-1878
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Wigerfelt, B., Wigerfelt, A. & Kiiskinen, J., 'When colour matters: Policing and hate crime' (2014), Social Inclusion, 2(1), pp.1-11
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Willis-Esqueda, C., 'Race and its place in the United States legal system' (2016), in Willis-Esqueda, C. & Bornstein, B.H. (eds.) (2016) The Witness Stand and Lawrence S. Wrightsman, Jr.. New York: Springer-Verlag.
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Wilson, R.A., 'Propaganda and history in international criminal trials' (2016), Journal of International Criminal Justice [online]
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Wong, K., 'The (re)emergence of hate crime as a policy issue' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 48(1), pp.34-35
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Wonv, K., 'The (re)emergence of hate crime as a policy issue' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 48(1), pp.34-35
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Woods, J.B., 'Reconceptualizing anti-LGBT hate crimes as burdening expression and association: A case for expanding federal hate crime legislation to include gender identity and sexual orientation' (2007), Journal of Hate Studies, 6(1), pp. 81-115
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Workneh, T.W., 'Ethiopia’s Hate Speech Predicament: Seeking Antidotes Beyond a Legislative Response' (2020), African Journalism Studies [online]
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Wright, B., 'Hate crimes: The problems, policies and legislation in the United Kingdom, Europe, America and Australia' (2010), London: Council of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Sector Organisations [CEMVO]

Wright, D.M., 'Sourcing paint smears: A hate crime highlights the utility of the Paint Data Query (PDQ) database' (2012), Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal, 45(2), pp.79-88
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Wu, Y., Smith, B.W. & Sun, I.Y., 'Race/ethnicity and perceptions of police bias: The case of Chinese immigrants' (2013), Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 11(1-2), pp.71-92


Yong, C., 'Does freedom of speech include hate speech?' (2011), Res Publica, 17(4), pp.385-403
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Yoshida, A., 'Beyond Non-bindingness: States’ Implementation of UN Human Rights Treaties Bodies’ Concluding Observations' (2023), Nordic Journal of Human Rights [online]
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Zamorano Llena, C., Stier, J. & Gray, B. (Eds.), 'Crisis and the Culture of Fear and Anxiety in Contemporary Europe' (2023), London: Routledge
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Zanghellini, A., 'Jurisprudential foundations for anti-vilification laws: The relevance of speech act and Foucauldian theory' (2003), Melbourne University Law Review, 27(2), pp.458-487
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Zeller, M.C. & Vaughan, M., 'Proscribing Right-Wing Extremist Organizations in Europe: Variations, Trends, and Prospects' (2023), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Zempi, I. & Smith, J. (Eds.), 'Misogyny as Hate Crime' (2021), London: Routledge
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Zimmermann, A., 'Why the Victorian vilification legislation undermines democratic freedoms' (2005), The Original Law Review, 1(3), pp.52-57
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Zufall, F., Hamacher, M., Kloppenborg, K. & Zesch, T., 'A Legal Approach to Hate Speech – Operationalizing the EU’s Legal Framework against the Expression of Hatred as an NLP Task' (2022), NLLP 2022 - Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2022, Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 53-64
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