Publications: Law and hate crime


Baider, F., 'Covert Hate Speech, Conspiracy Theory and Anti-semitism: Linguistic Analysis Versus Legal Judgement' (2022), International Journal for the Semiotics of Law [online]
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Bajpai, G.S., Pal, G., Singh, T. & Tambe, A., 'Hate Crime in India: Understanding Nuanced Discrimination Against North-Eastern Population' (2023), Cham: Springer
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Bajraktari, H., 'Human rights and good governance to identify hate crimes on social networks' (2023), Corporate Law and Governance Review, 5(1), pp. 151-157
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Bakalis, C., 'Legislating against hatred: The Law Commission’s report on hate crime' (2015), The Criminal Law Review, 3, pp.192-207
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Bakalis, C., 'The victims of hate crime and the principles of the criminal law' (2017), Legal Studies [online], p.1-21
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Bakalis, C., 'Rethinking cyberhate laws' (2017), Information and Communications Technology Law [online], pp. 1-25
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Bakalis, C., 'Regulating hate crime in the digital age' (2016), in J. Schweppe & M.A. Walters, The globalization of hate: Internationalizing hate crime? (pp.263-276), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Bakalis, C. & Lloyd, C., 'Dangerous speech and images: Regulating the internet' (2018), Information & Communications Technology Law, 27(1), pp.1-3
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Bakken, T., 'Liberty and equality through freedom of expression: The human rights questions behind ‘hate crime’ laws' (2000), The International Journal of Human Rights, 4(2), pp.1-12
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Bales, W.D. & Piquero, A.R., 'Racial/ethnic differentials in sentencing to incarceration' (2012), Justice Quarterly, 29(5), pp.742-773
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Ballesteros, P.T., 'The hate speech of article 510.1.a) of the Spanish criminal code: Ideology as a trojan horse within suspect circunmstances of discrimination | [El discurso de odio del art. 510.1.a) del Código Penal español: La ideología como un Caballo de Troya entre las circunstancias sospechosas de discriminación]' (2021), Politica Criminal, 16(31), pp. 284-320
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Bankov, K., 'Cyberbullying and Hate Speech in the Debate Around the Ratification of the Istanbul Convention in Bulgaria: A Semiotic Analysis of the Communication Dynamics' (2020), Social Semiotics, 30(3), pp. 344-364
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Baptista, V.F., 'Femicide, Femicide and Hate on the agenda: The murder of women in Latin America | [Feminicídio, femicídio e ódio na agenda: O assassinato das mulheres na América Latina]' (2021), Brazilian Journal of International Law, 18(3), pp. 309-333
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Baradaran, S., 'Race, prediction, and discretion' (2013), George Washington Law Review, 81(1), pp.157-222
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Bárd, P., 'Prerequisites for the effective fight against hate crimes' (2022), Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies [online]
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Barker, K. & Jurasz, O., 'Online misogyny as hate crime: A challenge for legal regulation?' (2018), Routledge
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Baron, M., 'Hate crime legislation reconsidered' (2016), Metaphilosophy, 47(4-5), pp.504-523
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Barton Hronešová, J. & Hasić, J., 'The 2021 Memory Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina–Reconciliation or Polarization?' (2023), Journal of Genocide Research [online]
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Basu, S. & Sen, S., 'Silenced voices: unravelling India’s dissent crisis through historical and contemporary analysis of free speech and suppression' (2023), Information and Communications Technology Law [online]
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Bawono, B.T. & Glaser, H., 'The Urgency of Restorative Justice Regulation on Hate Speech' (2023), Bestuur, 11(2), pp. 364–383
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Bayer, J., 'High-impact hate speech by persons of authority: A lower threshold needed?' (2022), Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies [online]
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Beale, S. S., 'Federalizing hate crimes: Symbolic politics, expressive law, or tool for criminal enforcement?' (2000), Boston University Law Review, 80(5), pp.1227-1281
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Beasley, C. & Papadelos, P. (Eds.), 'Living Legacies of Social Injustice: Power, Time and Social Change' (2023), London: Routledge
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Bechtold, E., 'Scotland’s New Hate Crime Act Imperils Freedom of Expression' (2022), Edinburgh Law Review, 26(2), pp. 250-257
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Becker, P.J., 'The creation of Ohio’s ethnic intimidation law: Triggering events, media campaigns, and interest group activity' (1999), American Journal of Criminal Justice, 23(2), pp.247-265
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Bell, J., 'Lack of punishment Doesn’t fit the crime: America’s tepid response to bias-motivated crime' (2021), Studies in Law Politics and Society, 85, pp. 29-48
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Bell, J., 'Policing hatred: Police bias units and the construction of hate crime' (1997), Michigan Journal of Race & Law, 2, pp.421-460
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Bell, J, 'Policing hatred: Law enforcement, civil rights, and hate crime' (2002), New York: New York University Press

Bell, J., 'Pick the Lowest Hanging Fruit: Hate Crime Law and the Acknowledgment of Racial Violence' (2022), Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 112(4), pp. 691-728
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Bello, B.G., 'Tackling online hate speech from a European perspective: Potentials and challenges of inter-legality' (2023), Onati Socio-Legal Series, 13(4), pp. 1376–1411
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Benito, I.G., 'Public order offences: how feasible is their applicability to online hate?' (2024), Oñati Socio-Legal Series [online]
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Benito, I.G., 'Online harassment and cyberstalking. A case study' (2023), Sortuz, 13(2), pp. 242–257
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Benzirgan, B., 'The problematization of hate crime legislation in Turkey: The re-emergence of legitimate victims' (2016), in J. Schweppe & M.A. Walters, The globalization of hate: Internationalizing hate crime? (pp.142-156), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Berard, T. J., 'Hate crimes and their criminalization' (2010), in M. Peyrot & S. L. Burns (Eds.), New Approaches to Social Problems Treatment (Research in Social Problems and Public Policy) (Vol. 17, pp. 15-40), Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Bhat, M.M.A., 'Fighting impunity in hate crime — history, ethics, and the law: An interview with Harsh Mander' (2020), Jindal Global Law Review, 11(1), pp. 157-179
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Bhat, M.M.A., 'Hate Crimes in India' (2020), Jindal Global Law Review (Special Issue) [online]
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Bhat, M.M.A., Bajaj, V. & Kumar, S.A., 'The Crime Vanishes: Mob Lynching, Hate Crime, and Police Discretion in India' (2020), Jindal Global Law Review (Special Issue) [online]
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Bhattacharyya, R. (Ed.), 'Genocides and Xenophobia in South Asia and Beyond: A Transdisciplinary Perspective on Known, Lesser-known and Unknown Crime of Crimes' (2023), London: Routledge India
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Bilius, M., Navickienė, A. & Velička, V., 'Hate Crimes: Evaluation of Lithuanian Courts’ Decisions in the Light of the Practice of the European Court of Human Rights' (2021), Baltic Journal of Law and Politics, 14(1), pp. 22-47
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Bills, M.A. & Vaughn, M.S., 'A Contemporary Review of Hate Crime Legislation in the United States' (2022), Criminal Justice Policy Review [online]
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Bladini, M., 'Silenced Voices: Online Violence Targeting Women as a Threat to Democracy' (2020), Nordic Journal on Law and Society (Special Issue: Exploiting Justice in a Transformative Swedish Society), 3(2), pp. 1-42
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Blazak, R., 'Isn’t every crime a hate crime?: The case for hate crime laws' (2011), Sociology Compass, 5(4), pp.244-255
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Bleich, E., 'The rise of hate speech and hate crime laws in liberal democracies' (2011), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37(6), pp.917-934
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Bleich, E., 'Hate crime policy in Western Europe: Responding to racist violence in Britain, Germany, and France' (2007), American Behavioral Scientist, 51(2), pp.149-165
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Bleich, E. & Hart, R.K., 'Quantifying hate: The evolution of German approaches to measuring ‘hate crime’' (2008), German Politics, 17(1), pp.63-80
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Bleich, E. & Lambert, F., 'Why are racist associations free in some states and banned in others? Evidence from 10 liberal democracies' (2013), West European Politics, 36(1), pp.122-149
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Blosnich, J.R., Marsiglio, M.C., Gao, S., Gordon, A.J., Shipherd, J.C., Kauth, M., Brown, G.R. & Fine, M.J., 'Mental health of transgender veterans in US States with and without discrimination and hate crime legal protection' (2016), American Journal of Public Health, 106(3), pp.534-540
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Bohannan, C., 'On the 50th anniversary of Tinker v. Des Moines: Toward a positive view of free speech on college campuses' (2020), Iowa Law Review, 105(5), pp. 2233-2271
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Bostock, J., 'Getting away with murder' (2001), OpenMind, 112, pp.22-23

Botcherby, S., Glen, F., Iganski, P., Jochelson, K. & Lagou, S., 'Equality groups’ perceptions and experience of crime: Analysis of the British Crime Survey 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10' (2011), Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission.
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