Publications: Hate crime models


Jung, C.W., 'Role of Informal Social Control in Predicting Racist Hate Speech on Online Platforms: Collective Efficacy and the Theory of Planned Behavior' (2023), Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 26(7), pp. 507–518
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Juras, A. & Novák, J., 'Hate Crimes from the Perspective of Restorative Justice' (2023), Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, 11(2)
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Kaakinen, M., Oksanen, A., Gadarian, S.K., Solheim, Ø.B., Herreros, F., Winsvold, M.S., Enjolras, B. & Steen-Johnsen, K., 'Online Hate and Zeitgeist of Fear: A Five-Country Longitudinal Analysis of Hate Exposure and Fear of Terrorism After the Paris Terrorist Attacks in 2015' (2021), Political Psychology [online]
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Kabasakal Badamchi, D., 'Dimensions of Free Speech: An Exploration of a New Theoretical Framework' (2021), Cham: Springer
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Kansok-Dusche, J., Wettstein, A., Castellanos, M., Schwab, C., Subramaniam, A., Wachs, S. & Bilz, L., 'Associations between Social Competence, Perceived Parents’ Prosocial Educational Goals and Adolescents’ Hate Speech Perpetration in School' (2023), Victims and Offenders [online]
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Kara, S. & Merali, A., 'Is “Vicarious Retribution Model” Sufficient to Analyse Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes?' (2020), Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 40(4), pp. 671-693
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Karam, A., 'Genocide prevention, religion, and development' (2022), in J. Mitchell, S.R. Millar, F. Po & M. Percy (Eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Religion and Peace, 1st Edition (pp. 530-540), Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell
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Kasimov, A., 'Decentralized hate: sustained connective action in online far-right community' (2023), Social Movement Studies [online]
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Katsafanas, P. (Ed.), 'Fanaticism and the History of Philosophy' (2023), London: Routledge
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Katsuba, S., 'Premeditated, Organized and Impactful: Dating Violence as a Method of Committing Hate Crimes Against LGBTQ People in Russia' (2023), Journal of Family Violence [online]
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Kaul, V., 'Freedom of speech in liberal and non-liberal traditions' (2022), Philosophy and Social Criticism [online]
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Kaur-Gill, S. & Dutta, M.J. (Eds.), 'Migrants and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Communication, Inequality, and Transformation' (2023), Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan
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Kawamura, S. & Iwabuchi, K., 'Making neo-nationalist subject in Japan: The intersection of nationalism, jingoism, and populism in the digital age' (2022), Communication and the Public [online]
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Kehn, A., Kaniuka, A.R., Benson, K., Sorby, M.L., Stornelli, L. & Cramer, R.J., 'Assessing attitudes about hate: Further validation of the hate crime beliefs scale' (2022), Current Psychology [online]
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Kehn, A., Sorby, M.L., Nobles, M.R., Gamblin, B.W. & Cramer, R.J., 'Typologies of hate-motivated behavior: A latent class analysis' (2024), International Review of Victimology [online]
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Kennedy, B., Golazizian, P., Trager, J., Atari, M., Hoover, J., Davani, A.M. & Dehghani, M., 'The (moral) language of hate' (2023), PNAS Nexus, 2(7), pgad210
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Kent, J., 'Does urban design drive sympathy for the far right?' (2024), City, Culture and Society, 36, 100553
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Keum, B.T., Li, X. & Wong, M.J., 'Hate as a system: Examining hate crimes and hate groups as state level moderators on the impact of online and offline racism on mental health' (2022), International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 91, pp. 44-55
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Keum, B.T., Wong, M.J. & Sanders, I., 'Racial Hate at the Intersection of Online and Offline Worlds: The Joint Impact of Online and Offline Racism on the Mental Health of Racially Minoritized Individuals' (2023), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Khadraoui-Fortune, S., 'Solitude, monument prothétique' (2023), Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 27(3), pp. 417–425
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Kim, B., Cooks, E. & Kim, S.-K., 'Exploring incivility and moral foundations toward Asians in English-speaking tweets in hate crime-reporting cities during the COVID-19 pandemic' (2021), Internet Research [online]
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Kim, B., Wang, Y., Lee, J. & Kim, Y., 'Unfriending effects: Testing contrasting indirect-effects relationships between exposure to hate speech on political talk via social media unfriending' (2022), Computers in Human Behavior, 137, 107414
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Kim, D.G., 'The Politicization of COVID-19 and Anti-Asian Racism in the United States: An Experimental Approach' (2023), Journal of Experimental Political Science [online]
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Kim, I., Burgess, D. & Chatters, S.S., 'Perceived School Fairness and Willingness to Report Bias-Based Bullying Among Youth During COVID-19 Pandemic' (2022), Journal of School Health [online]
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Kim, M. & Grabe, M.E., 'Empathy With Muslim Victims of Discrimination: Can Personalization and Emotionalization in News Reporting Pave the Way?' (2023), Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly [online]
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Kim, T. & Ogawa, Y., 'The impact of politicians’ behaviors on hate speech spread: hate speech adoption threshold on twitter in Japan' (2024), Journal of Computational Social Science [online]
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Kim, Y., Hwang, H. & Kim, Y., 'The “Us vs. Them” Mentality: The Role of Affective Polarization in Deepening the Partisan Divide in Media Bias Perception' (2023), Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly [online]
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Kindermann, D., 'Against ‘Hate Speech' (2023), Journal of Applied Philosophy [online]
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King, R.D., 'Hate crimes: Perspectives on offending and the law' (2009), Handbook on Crime and Deviance: Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research, pp.525-549
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King, R.D. & Kutateladze, B.L., 'A higher bar: Institutional impediments to hate crime prosecution' (2023), Law and Society Review, 57(4), pp. 489–507
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Kiper, J., 'Religious Hate Propaganda: Dangerous Accusations and the Meaning of Religious Persecution in Light of the Cognitive Science of Religion' (2023), Religions, 14(2), 185
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Kirk, R. & Schill, D., 'Sophisticated Hate Stratagems: Unpacking the Era of Distrust' (2021), American Behavioral Scientist [online]
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Kirkpatrick, J., 'The Fantasy of Exit: Campaign Use and Abuse of Exit in the UK’s 2016 Brexit Debate' (2022), New Political Science [online]
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Klatran, H.K., 'Queer citizens and the perils of the neoliberal city: Racialized narratives of homophobic hate crime in Oslo, Norway' (2021), Sexualities [online]
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Klein, A., 'Social Networks and the Challenge of Hate Disguised as Fear and Politics' (2021), Journal for Deradicalization, (26), pp. 1-33
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Knäble, J., Breiling, L. & Rettenberger, M., 'Theory and explanation models of radicalization processes in the context of right-wing extremism | [Theorien und Erklärungsmodelle von Radikalisierungsprozessen im Kontext des Rechtsextremismus]' (2021), Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 15(2), pp. 99-108
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Knupfer, H., Kaskeleviciute, R. & Matthes, J., 'Silent Sympathy: News Attention, Subtle Support for Far-Right Extremism, and Negative Attitudes Toward Muslims' (2023), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Kohl, U., 'Platform regulation of hate speech–a transatlantic speech compromise?' (2022), Journal of Media Law [online]
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Konikoff, D., 'Gatekeepers of toxicity: Reconceptualizing Twitter’s abuse and hate speech policies' (2021), Policy and Internet [online]
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Korn, J.U., 'Intersectional Misogyny and Racism Against Asian Women' (2022), in J. Cubbage (Ed.) Critical Race Media Literacy: Themes and Strategies for Media Education (pp. 73-81), London: Routledge
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Kriega, Y., 'Is the world run by evil forces? Conspiracy mentality among adolescents in relation to right-wing extremist ideology and discriminatory behavior' (2022), Journal for Deradicalization, 33, pp. 1–39
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Kuljiš, M.B., 'John Rawls and the Freedom of Political Speech Case Trump vs. Twitter | John Rawls i sloboda političkog govora Slučaj Trump vs. Twitter' (2023), Filozofska Istrazivanja, 43(3), pp. 509–528
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Kurien, P. & Purkayastha, B., 'Why Don’t South Asians in the U.S. Count As “Asian”?: Global and Local Factors Shaping Anti-South Asian Racism in the United States' (2024), Sociological Inquiry [online]
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Kushneruk, S.L., 'Xenophobia as Factor of Ideological World-Modeling in Digital Communication | Ксенофобия как фактор идеологического миромоделирования в цифровой коммуникации' (2023), Journal of Siberian Federal University - Humanities and Social Sciences, 2023, 16(6), pp. 871–883
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Kutateladze, B.L., 'Hate Crime Victimization and Reporting Within Miami’s Queer Latine Immigrant Population' (2022), Law and Human Behavior [online]
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Kyrollos, D.G. & Green, J.R., 'MetaHate: A Meta-Model for Hate Speech Detection' (2021), Proceedings - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2021, pp. 2496-2502
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Lacalle, C., Gómez-Morales, B. & Vicent-Ibáñez, M., 'Misogyny and the construction of toxic masculinity in the Spanish Manosphere (' (2023), Profesional de la Informacion, 32(2), e320215
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Lai, A., 'In Defense of Free Speech in Universities: A Study of Three Jurisdictions' (2023), Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press
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Landry, A.P., Ihm, E. & Schooler, J.W., 'Hated but still human: Metadehumanization leads to greater hostility than metaprejudice' (2021), Group Processes and Intergroup Relations [online]
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Lanning, R., 'Irrationalism: The Foundation of Hate Propaganda' (2012), Journal of Hate Studies, 10(1), pp. 49-71
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