Publications: Hate speech


Rajapaksha, N., Ahangama, S. & Adikari, S., 'Fine-tuning XLM-R for the Detection of Sinhala Hate Speech Content on Twitter and Youtube' (2023), ICARC 2023 - 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing: Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development, pp. 19–23
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Rajavikram, G. & Nemuragomula, M., 'Deep Learning Based Fusion Strategies for Hate Speech Detection to Combine the Classifiers to Improve Classification Performance' (2023), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2754(1), 020020
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Rajendran, M., Ramaswamy, K., Sekar, R., Kumar, V., Varadharajan, V., Pallaiyah, S. & Govindaraj, J., 'Systematic detection and analysis of hate speech in social networking' (2024), AIP Conference Proceedings, 3042(1), 020042
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Rajput, G., Punn, N.S., Sonbhadra, S.K. & Agarwal, S., 'Hate Speech Detection Using Static BERT Embeddings' (2021), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13147 LNCS, pp. 67-77
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Ralev, R. & Pfeffer, J., 'Hate Speech Classification in Bulgarian' (2022), Proceedings of the International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria, pp. 49-58
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Ramadhan, M.N., Budi, I., Santoso, A.B. & Suryono, R.R., 'Sexual Violence Classification as Hate Speech using Indonesian Tweet' (2022), Proceeding - 2022 International Symposium on Information Technology and Digital Innovation: Technology Innovation During Pandemic, ISITDI 2022, pp. 114-120
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Raman, S., Gupta, V., Nagrath, P. & Santosh, K.C., 'Hate and Aggression Analysis in NLP with Explainable AI' (2022), International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2259036
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Ramana, D.V.S. & Reddy, T.H., 'Detection of Online Hate in Social Media Platforms for Twitter Data: A Prefatory Step' (2022), Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 267, pp. 411-419
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Rameez Mohammed, A. & Madhukumar, S.D., 'Hate Speech Detection in Indian Languages: A Brief Survey' (2023), 2023 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Data, Decision and Systems, ICDDS 2023
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Rameshbhai, B.J. & Rana, K., 'Investigating Hostile Post Detection in Gujarati: A Machine Learning Approach' (2024), International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics, 37(7), pp. 1284–1295
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Ramiandrisoa, F., 'Multi-task Learning for Hate Speech and Aggression Detection' (2022), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3178
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Ramírez Sánchez, J., Campo-Archbold, A., Zapata Rozo, A., Díaz-López, D., Pastor-Galindo, J., Gómez Mármol, F. & Aponte Díaz, J., 'Uncovering Cybercrimes in Social Media through Natural Language Processing' (2021), Complexity, 2021, 7955637
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Ramírez, M.G. & de Travesedo Rojas, R.G., 'Discursive strategy on UFM on YouTube. Construction of a hate speech | [Estrategia discursiva sobre los MENA en YouTube. Construcción de un discurso de odio]' (2022), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, 2022(80), pp. 259-285
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Ramírez-García, A., González-Molina, A., Gutiérrez-Arenas, M.-D.-P. & Moyano-Pacheco, M., 'Interdisciplinarity of scientific production on hate speech and social media: A bibliometric analysis | [Interdisciplinariedad de la producción científica sobre el discurso del odio y las redes sociales: Un análisis bibliométrico]' (2022), Comunicar, 30(72), 113486
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Ramón Solans, F.J. (Ed.), 'Nationalism, Religious Violence, and Hate Speech in Nineteenth-Century Western Europe: Memories of Intolerance' (2024), London: Routledge
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Ramponi, A., Testa, B., Tonelli, S. & Jezek, E., 'Addressing religious hate online: from taxonomy creation to automated detection' (2022), PeerJ Computer Science, 8, e1128
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Ranasinghe, T., Anuradha, I., Premasiri, D., Silva, K., Hettiarachchi, H., Uyangodage, L. & Zampieri, M., 'SOLD: Sinhala offensive language dataset' (2024), Language Resources and Evaluation [online]
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Rani, S., Kaur, J. & Bhambri, P., 'Technology and Gender Violence: Victimization Model, Consequences and Measures' (2024), in D. Mishra, A. Ngoc Le & Z. McDowell (Eds.) Signals and Communication Technology (Part F1803) (pp. 1–19), Cham: Springer
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Ranjan, A., Pintu, Kumar, V. & Singh, M.P., 'Artificial Intelligence-Based Model for Detecting Inappropriate Content on the Fly' (2023), Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 326 SIST, pp. 299-313
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Ranjan, T., Singh, A., Kumari, R., Swain, S., Bandyopadhyay, A. & Parida, A.K., 'Multilingual Code-Mixed Sentiment Analysis in Hate Speech' (2023), Scalable Computing, 24(4), pp. 873–882
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Rao, A.R. & Rao, A., 'ASRtrans at SemEval-2022 Task 5: Transformer-based Models for Meme Classification' (2022), SemEval 2022 - 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 597-604
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Rao, M.C., Yelavarti, K.C. & Kalyan, N.P., 'A Framework for Hate Speech Detection using Different ML Algorithms' (2023), 7th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics, ICOEI 2023 – Proceedings, pp. 960-966
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Rappaport, J., 'Slurs and Toxicity: It’s Not About Meaning' (2020), Grazer Philosophische Studien, 97(1), pp. 177-202
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Rappuoli, L.A., 'A Simple Theory of Overt and Covert Dogwhistles' (2023), Manuscrito, 46(3), e-2022-0048-R2
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Räsänen, P., Hawdon, J., Holkeri, E., Keipi, T., Näsi, M. & Oksanen, A., 'Targets of online hate: Examining determinants of victimization among young Finnish Facebook users' (2016), Violence and Victims, 31(4), pp.708-725
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Rasheed, A.F., Zarkoosh, M., Abbas, S.F. & Sabah Al-Azzawi, S., 'Arabic Offensive Language Classification: Leveraging Transformer, LSTM, and SVM' (2023), Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applied Network Technologies, ICMLANT 2023
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Rashid, M.M.O., 'ToxLex_bn: A curated dataset of Bangla toxic language derived from Facebook comment' (2022), Data in Brief, 43, 108416
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Rashid, K., 'Politicisation of Islam and a Culture of Atrocities against Religious Minorities in Modern-Day Pakistan' (2023), Global Responsibility to Protect [online]
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Rasoulikolamaki, S., Zhdanava, A., Mat Isa, N.A.N., Ahmad, M.N.N. & Kaur, S., 'A meta-discursive analysis of engagement markers in QAnon anti-immigration comments' (2023), Journal of Language and Politics, 22(6), pp. 894–917
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Rathakrishnan, A. & Sathiyanarayanan, R., 'Rumor Detection on Social Media Using Deep Learning Algorithms with Fuzzy Inference System for Healthcare Analytics System Using Covid-19 Dataset' (2023), International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, 2341008
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Rathnayake, H., Sumanapala, J., Rukshani, R. & Ranathunga, S., 'Adapter-based fine-tuning of pre-trained multilingual language models for code-mixed and code-switched text classification' (2022), Knowledge and Information Systems, 64(7), pp. 1937-1966
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Rathnayake, H., Sumanapala, J., Rukshani, R. & Ranathunga, S., 'AdapterFusion-based multi-task learning for code-mixed and code-switched text classification' (2024), Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 127, 107239
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Rathod, R.G., Barve, Y., Saini, J.R. & Rathod, S., 'From Data Pre-processing to Hate Speech Detection: An Interdisciplinary Study on Women-targeted Online Abuse' (2023), 2023 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies, CONIT 2023
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Rathpisey, H. & Adji, T.B., 'Handling Imbalance Issue in Hate Speech Classification using Sampling-based Methods' (2019), Proceeding - 2019 5th International Conference on Science in Information Technology: Embracing Industry 4.0: Towards Innovation in Cyber Physical System, ICSITech 2019, 8987500, pp. 193-198
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Rauniyar, K., Poudel, S., Shiwakoti, S., Thapa, S., Rashid, J., Kim, J., Imran, M. & Naseem, U., 'Multi-Aspect Annotation and Analysis of Nepali Tweets on Anti-Establishment Election Discourse' (2023), IEEE Access, 11
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Raut, R. & Spezzano, F., 'Enhancing hate speech detection with user characteristics' (2023), International Journal of Data Science and Analytics [online]
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Rawat, A., Kumar, S. & Samant, S.S., 'Hate speech detection in social media: Techniques, recent trends, and future challenges' (2024), Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics, 16(2), e1648
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Ray, A. & George, J.F., 'Online hate and its routes to aggression: A research agenda' (2021), Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2020-January, pp. 6379-6389
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Rayani, R.K., Tekula, S., Vattigunta, S.K., Kovi, N.K. & Namitha, K., 'SecureComment: Safeguarding Online Discussions with Intelligent Toxic Comment Filtering' (2024), 2024 IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation, IATMSI 2024
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Razdan, A. & Shridevi, S., 'Hate Speech Detection using ML algorithms' (2021), Proceedings - 2021 1st IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Vision, AIMV 2021
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Rébé, N. (Ed.), 'Regulating Cyber Technologies: Privacy vs Security' (2023), Singapore: World Scientific Publishing
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Rebrina, L.N., 'Hate show: Implementation of hate as a communicative phenomenon' (2022), Vestnik Volgogradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie, 21(1), pp. 151–163
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Reddy, V., 'Perverts and sodomites: Homophobia as hate speech in Africa' (2002), Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 20(3), pp.163-175
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Reddy, B.A.C., Chandra, G.K., Sisodia, D.S. & Anuragi, A., 'Balancing Techniques for Improving Automated Detection of Hate Speech and Offensive Language on Social Media' (2023), 2023 2nd International Conference for Innovation in Technology, INOCON 2023
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Redish, M.H., 'Freedom of thought as freedom of expression: Hate crime sentencing enhancement and first amendment theory' (1992), Criminal Justice Ethics, 11(2), pp.29-42
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Rees, Y.P.M., 'Free Press Under Pressure? Experiences and Consequences of Hateful Harassment on Journalists in Germany' (2023), Media and Communication, 11(4), pp. 367–379
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Regehr, K., 'In(Cel)Doctrination: How Technologically Facilitated Misogyny Moves Violence off Screens and on to Streets' (2020), New Media and Society [online]
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Reguero‐sanz, I., Berdón‐prieto, P. & Herrero‐izquierdo, J., 'Journalism in Democracy: A Discourse Analysis of Twitter Posts on the Ferrerasgate Scandal' (2023), Media and Communication, 11(2), pp. 176-187
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Rehman, A., Shah, M.A., Jabeen, M. & ul Ain, N., 'Twitter Sentiment Analysis Using ML and DL Algorithms' (2023), IET Conference Proceedings, 2023(14), pp. 41–45
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Reich, D., Todoki, A., Dowsley, R., de Cock, M. & Nascimento, A., 'Privacy-Preserving Classification of Personal Text Messages With Secure Multi-Party Computation: An Application to Hate-Speech Detection' (2019), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 32
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