Publications: Hate speech


Bello, B.G., 'Tackling online hate speech from a European perspective: Potentials and challenges of inter-legality' (2023), Onati Socio-Legal Series, 13(4), pp. 1376–1411
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Benítez-Andrades, J.A., González-Jiménez, Á., López-Brea, Á., Aveleira-Mata, J., Alija-Pérez, J.-M. & García-Ordás, M.T., 'Detecting racism and xenophobia using deep learning models on Twitter data: CNN, LSTM and BERT' (2022), PeerJ Computer Science, 8, e906
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Benitez-Andrades, J.A., González-Jiménez, Á., López-Brea, Á., Benavides, C., Aveleira-Mata, J., Alija-Pérez, J.-M. & García-Ordás, M.T., 'BERT Model-Based Approach for Detecting Racism and Xenophobia on Twitter Data' (2022), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1537 CCIS, pp. 148-158
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Benito, I.G., 'Public order offences: how feasible is their applicability to online hate?' (2024), Oñati Socio-Legal Series [online]
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Benito, I.G., 'Online harassment and cyberstalking. A case study' (2023), Sortuz, 13(2), pp. 242–257
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Benlahcene, B., 'Islamophobia from a Hate Speech: Its Religious and Cultural Roots' (2022), Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 17(1), pp. 167-181
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Bennett Gayle, D.M. & Yuan, X., 'Empowered or Left Behind: Use of Technology During COVID-19' (2023), Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press
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Bensalem, I., Rosso, P. & Zitouni, H., 'Toxic language detection: A systematic review of Arabic datasets' (2024), Expert Systems [online]
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Bensoltane, R. & Zaki, T., 'Fine-grained hate speech detection in Arabic using transformer-based models' (2024), International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 14(3), pp. 2927–2936
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Berdón Prieto, P., Martín Jiménez, V., Herrero Izquierdo, J. & Reguero Sanz, I., 'Hate Speech on Twitter: Vox in the Catalan Parliamentary Elections' (2023), Journalism Practice [online]
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Berdón-Prieto, P., Herrero-Izquierdo, J. & Reguero-Sanz, I., 'Political polarization and politainment: Methodology for analyzing crypto hate speech on TikTok | Polarización política y politainment: metodología de análisis del criptodiscurso de odio en TikTok' (2023), Profesional de la Informacion, 32(6), e320601
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Berg, J., Fagerholm, A. & Strandberg, K., 'Quality User-Generated Content? A Case Study of the Quality of Online News Comments on the Site of Finnish Public Service Broadcaster Yle' (2024), Journalism Practice [online]
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Berger-Correa, B., Ringrose, J., Xie, X. & Cambazoglu, I., 'Mapping affective circuits of a Twitter trolling attack against feminist arts-based pedagogy during the COVID-19 global pandemic' (2022), International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education [online]
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Bernal, V., 'Crazy, stupid, lying, traitors: Eritrean politics and extreme speech online' (2023), Anthropological Quarterly, 96(4), pp. 651–682
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Bertaglia, T., Bartekova, K., Jongma, R., McCarthy, S. & Iamnitchi, A., 'Sexism in Focus: An Annotated Dataset of YouTube Comments for Gender Bias Research' (2023), Proceedings of the 2023 Workshop on Open Challenges in Online Social Networks, OASIS 2023, Held in conjunction with the 34th ACM conference on Hypertext and Social Media, HT 2023, pp. 22–28
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Bertram, M., Schäfer, J. & Mandl, T., 'Comparative Survey of German Hate Speech Datasets: Background, Characteristics and Biases' (2023), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3630, pp. 207–221
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Bhandari, A., Shah, S.B., Thapa, S., Naseem, U. & Nasim, M., 'CrisisHateMM: Multimodal Analysis of Directed and Undirected Hate Speech in Text-Embedded Images from Russia-Ukraine Conflict' (2023), IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2023, pp. 1994–2003
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Bhardwaj, M., Sundriyal, M., Bedi, M., Akhtar, M.S. & Chakraborty, T., 'HostileNet: Multilabel Hostile Post Detection in Hindi' (2023), IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems [online]
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Bhaskara, S., Sneha, P., Seth, S., Mohanty, S. & Kanwal, P., 'Detection and Comparison of Abusive and Hate Speech in English and Hinglish with Emojis using Deep Learning and Non-Deep Learning Techniques' (2023), 2023 4th International Conference for Emerging Technology, INCET 2023
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Bhat, P., 'Platform Politics: The Emergence of Alternative Social Media in India' (2021), Asia Pacific Media Educator, 31(2), pp. 269-276
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Bhat, A., Adhikari, S., Jha, K. & Sadat, H.B., 'Deep Learning Based Hybrid Word Representation for Detection of Hate Speech' (2022), 2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering, ICACITE 2022, pp. 2128-2133
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Bhat, A., Vashisht, V., Sahni, V.R. & Meena, S., 'Hate Speech Detection using Multimodal Meme Analysis' (2023), Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence and Computing, ICAAIC 2023, pp. 1137–1142
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Bhat, P., 'Coping with Hate: Exploring Indian Journalists’ Responses to Online Harassment' (2023), Journalism Practice [online]
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Bhat, P. & Chadha, K., 'The Mob, the State and Harassment of Journalists via Twitter in India' (2022), Digital Journalism [online]
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Bhatia, B., Verma, A., Anjum & Katarya, R., 'Analysing Cyberbullying Using Natural Language Processing by Understanding Jargon in Social Media' (2022), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 840, pp. 397-406
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Bhatia, K.V. & Arora, P., 'Discursive Toolkits of Anti-Muslim Disinformation on Twitter' (2022), International Journal of Press/Politics [online]
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Bhatnagar, V., Kumar, P., Moghili, S. & Bhattacharyya, P., 'Divide and Conquer: An Ensemble Approach for Hostile Post Detection in Hindi' (2021), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1402 CCIS, pp. 244-255
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Bhatt, C., Saini, N., Chauhan, R. & Sahoo, A.K., 'Machine Learning Techniques for Hate Speech Detection on Social Media' (2023), Proceedings - 2023 3rd International Conference on Innovative Sustainable Computational Technologies, CISCT 2023
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Bhattacharjee, D., Paul, A. & Kumar, D., 'Sentiment Analysis for Hateful Content on Social Media' (2023), 2023 International Conference on Network, Multimedia and Information Technology, NMITCON 2023
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Bhaumik, A.B. & Das, M., 'Emotions & Threat Detection in Urdu Using Transformer Based Models' (2022), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3395, pp. 238-246
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Bhimani, D., Bheda, R., Dharamshi, F., Nikumbh, D. & Abhyankar, P., 'Identification of Hate Speech using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning' (2021), 2021 2nd Global Conference for Advancement in Technology, GCAT 2021
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Bianchi, F., Hills, S.A., Rossini, P., Hovy, D., Tromble, R. & Tintarev, N., '“It’s Not Just Hate”: A Multi-Dimensional Perspective on Detecting Harmful Speech Online' (2022), Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, EMNLP 2022, pp. 8093-8099
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Bick, E., 'An annotated social media corpus for German' (2020), LREC 2020 - 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Conference Proceedings, pp. 6127-6135
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Bick, E., 'A Framenet and Frame Annotator for German Social Media' (2022), 2022 Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2022, pp. 3942-3949
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Bigoulaeva, I., Hangya, V., Gurevych, I. & Fraser, A., 'Label modification and bootstrapping for zero-shot cross-lingual hate speech detection' (2023), Language Resources and Evaluation [online]
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Bijl, E. & van der Borgh, C., 'Securitization of Muslims in Myanmar’s Early Transition (2010–15)' (2021), Nationalism and Ethnic Politics [online]
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Bilal, M., Khan, A., Jan, S. & Musa, S., 'Context-Aware Deep Learning Model for Detection of Roman Urdu Hate Speech on Social Media Platform' (2022), IEEE Access [online]
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Bilal, M., Khan, A., Jan, S., Musa, S. & Ali, S., 'Roman Urdu Hate Speech Detection Using Transformer-Based Model for Cyber Security Applications' (2023), Sensors, 23(8), 3909
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Bilen, A., 'A Review: Detection of Discrimination and Hate Speech Shared on Social Media Platforms Using Artificial Intelligence Methods' (2024), in M. Kılıç, S. Bozkuş Kahyaoğlu (Eds) Algorithmic Discrimination and Ethical Perspective of Artificial Intelligence. Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application (Part F1585) (pp. 171–181), Singapore: Springer
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Bilewicz, M. & Soral, W., 'Hate Speech Epidemic. The Dynamic Effects of Derogatory Language on Intergroup Relations and Political Radicalization' (2020), Political Psychology [online]
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Bilewicz, M., Tempska, P., Leliwa, G., Dowgiałło, M., Tańska, M., Urbaniak, R. & Wroczyński, M., 'Artificial intelligence against hate: Intervention reducing verbal aggression in the social network environment' (2021), Aggressive Behavior [online]
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Billingham, P., '‘State Speech as a Response to Hate Speech: Assessing “Transformative Liberalism”’' (2019), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice [online]
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Billingham, P. & Bonotti, M., 'Introduction: Hate, Offence and Free Speech in a Changing World' (2019), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 22(3), pp. 531-537
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Bindra, M., Sharma, B. & Bansal, N., 'Detecting Hate Speech and Offensive Language Using Transformer Techniques' (2022), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 373, pp. 703-715
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Binny, M., 'Tracing the Contours of Hate Speech in India in the Pandemic Year: The Curious Case of Online Hate Speech against Muslims and Dalits During the Pandemic' (2022), Contemporary Voice of Dalit [online]
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Biondi, G., Franzoni, V., Mancinelli, A., Milani, A. & Niyogi, R., 'Hate Speech and Stereotypes with Artificial Neural Networks' (2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13379 LNCS, pp. 15-32
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Biradar, S., Saumya, S. & Chauhan, A., 'Fighting hate speech from bilingual Hinglish speaker’s perspective, a transformer- and translation-based approach' (2022), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12(1), 87
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Biradar, S., Saumya, S. & Chauhan, A., 'Faux Hate: unravelling the web of fake narratives in spreading hateful stories: a multi-label and multi-class dataset in cross-lingual Hindi-English code-mixed text' (2024), Language Resources and Evaluation [online]
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Biradar, S., Saumya, S. & Chauhan, A., 'Hate or Non-hate: Translation based hate speech identification in Code-Mixed Hinglish data set' (2021), Proceedings - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2021, pp. 2470-2475
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Bischoff, P., 'Inside a Facebook bot farm that pumps out 200k+ political posts per month' (2021), Comparitech Blog (10 May 2021)
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