Publications: Politics of hate crime


Liu, M., Anastasio, N., LeFreniere, H. & Perliger, A., 'Public Health Crisis and Hate Crimes: Deciphering the Proliferation of Anti-Asian Violence in the US before and during COVID-19' (2023), Perspectives on Terrorism, 17(2), pp. 30–59
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Logvinov, M., 'Rechtsextreme Gewalt: Erklärungsansätze – Befunde – Kritik' (2017), Wiesbaden: Springer VS
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López Romo, R. & Fernández Soldevilla, G., 'From ethnic exclusion to terrorism? The case of radical Basque nationalism' (2018), Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 24(3), pp. 443-459
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Losada-Díaz, J.-C., Zamora-Medina, R. & Martínez-Martínez, H., 'Hate speech on Instagram during 2019 General Election in Spain | [El discurso del odio en Instagram durante las Elecciones Generales 2019 en España]' (2021), Revista Mediterranea de Comunicacion, 12(2), pp. 195-208
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Lotter, M.-S., 'Should “vulnerable groups” be protected from criticism? On the Functions of Free Speech for Liberal Democracy and the Ideology of Vulnerability | [Sind „vulnerable Gruppen“vor Kritik zu schützen? Die Funktionen der Redefreiheit für die liberale Demokratie und die Ideologisierung der Vulnerabilität]' (2023), Zeitschrift fur Praktische Philosophie, 9(2), pp. 375-398
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Lovett, S., 'Disgust and the Limits of Reason: Countering the Fear of Contamination and Resistance to Education in a Post-modern Climate' (2023), in Z. Gross (Ed.) Reimagining the Landscape of Religious Education: Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 181–192), Cham: Springer
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Lowe, D., 'Far-Right Extremism: Is it Legitimate Freedom of Expression, Hate Crime, or Terrorism?' (2020), Terrorism and Political Violence, pp. 1-21
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Lowe, D., 'Terrorism, Law and Policy: A Comparative Study (Second Edition)' (2022), London: Routledge
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Lowe, D., 'Hate Crime in Northern Ireland: The Need for Legislation and a Bespoke Version of the Prevent Strategy' (2023), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Löwstedt, A. & Kapidžić, A., 'Communication in Dignity Since Early Antiquity: From Ptahhotep to Current Ethics and International Law' (2023), Journal of Intercultural Communication Research [online]
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Lulz, S. & Riegner, M., 'Freedom of expression and hate speech' (2021), in P. Dan & A.K. Thiruvengadam (Eds.) Democratic Constitutionalism in India and the European Union: Comparing the Law of Democracy in Continental Polities (pp. 191-222), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
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Lünenborg, M. & Röttger-Rössler, B. (Eds.), 'Affective Formation of Publics: Places, Networks, and Media' (2023), London: Routledge
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Luque, J.L.Z., Mangado, A.R. & Ruiz, C.R.G., 'Democratic Memory in times of populism. Historical thinking and emotions in teacher training | Memória democrática em tempos de populismo. Pensamento histórico e emoções na formação de professores' (2024), Acta Scientiarum - Education, 46(1), e68059
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Luttrell, R., Xiao, L. & Glass, J. (Eds.), 'Democracy in the Disinformation Age: Influence and Activism in American Politics' (2021), New York: Routledge
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Lyle, P.L., Esmail, A. & Eargle, L., 'Mass shooting and misogyny: Broken males are pulling the trigger' (2022), in Information Resources Management Association (Eds.) Research Anthology on Modern Violence and Its Impact on Society (pp. 970-995), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Ma-Kellams, C., Bishop, B., Zhang, M.F. & Villagrana, B., 'Using “Big Data” versus alternative measures of aggregate data to predict the U.S. 2016 Presidential Election' (2017), Psychological Reports [online]
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Macagno, F., 'Argumentation profiles and the manipulation of common ground. The arguments of populist leaders on Twitter' (2022), Journal of Pragmatics, 191, pp. 67-82
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Macedo, S., 'Lost in the marketplace of ideas: Towards a new constitution for free speech after Trump and Twitter?' (2022), Philosophy and Social Criticism, 48(4), pp. 496-514
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Macfarlane, E. (Ed.), 'Dilemmas of free expression' (2021), Toronto: University of Toronto Press
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MacGinty, R., 'Ethno-national conflict and hate crime' (2001), American Behavioral Scientist, 45(4), pp.639-653
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Maci, S.M., Demata, M., McGlashan, M. & Seargeant, P. (Eds.), 'The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation' (2023), London: Routledge
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Maeso, S.R., '‘Civilising’ the Roma? The depoliticisation of (anti-)racism within the politics of integration' (2015), Identities, 22(1), pp.53-70
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Magano, O. & D’Oliveira, T., 'Antigypsyism in Portugal: Expressions of Hate and Racism in Social Networks' (2023), Social Sciences, 12(9), 511
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Maguire, T., 'Curating hatred: The Joe McWilliams’s controversy at the Ulster Museum' (2016), Journal of Hate Studies, 13(1), pp. 61-83
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Maine, A., 'Perceptions of Violence and the Self-Regulation of Identity for LGBTQ People in the UK' (2022), Journal of Criminal Law, 86(2), pp. 60-74
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Makouar, N., Devine, L. & Parker, S., 'Legislating to Control Online Hate Speech: A Corpus-Assisted Semantic Analysis of French Parliamentary Debates' (2023), International Journal for the Semiotics of Law [online]
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Maksimova, E. & Stanojoska, A., 'The Impact of the EU Principle of Solidarity and the Rule of Law on Criminal Aspects of the Migrant Crisis in the Republic of North Macedonia' (2023), in T. Russo, A. Oriolo & G. Dalia (Eds.) European Union and Its Neighbours in a Globalized World (pp. 113–127), Cham: Springer
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Malcom, Z.T., Wenger, M.R. & Lantz, B., 'Politics or Prejudice? Separating the Influence of Political Affiliation and Prejudicial Attitudes in Determining Support for Hate Crime Law' (2022), Psychology, Public Policy, and Law [online]
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Mamlok, D., 'The Quest to Cultivate Tolerance Through Education' (2023), Studies in Philosophy and Education [online]
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Mandal, M. & Das, P. (Eds.), 'Holocaust vs. Popular Culture: Interrogating Incompatibility and Universalization' (2023), London: Routledge
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Mandal, P., Senapati, A. & Nag, A., 'Hate-Speech Detection in News Articles: In the Context of West Bengal Assembly Election 2021' (2022), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 888, pp. 247-256
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Mander, H., '‘India’s lynchings: Ordinary crimes, rough justice or command hate crimes?' (2019), in P.K. Malreddy, A.S. Purakayastha & B. Heidemann (Eds.) Violence in South Asia: Contemporary Perspectives (pp. 144-159), London & New York: Routledge
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Marcks, H. & Pawelz, J., 'From Myths of Victimhood to Fantasies of Violence: How Far-Right Narratives of Imperilment Work' (2020), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Mare, A. & Tsarwe, S., '“In their own words”: Journalistic mediation of electoral conflict in polarized Zimbabwe' (2021), in J. Maweu & A. Mare (Eds), Media, Conflict and Peacebuilding in Africa: Conceptual and Empirical Considerations (pp. 138-155), London: Routledge
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Martella, A. & Pavan, E., '“We hate her.. and you too”: Polarized intersectionality in Italy throughout changing political scenarios' (2023), New Media and Society [online]
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Martín Guardado, S., 'Disinformation, hate and polarization in the digital environment: segregation of the public sphere and effects on democracy | DESINFORMACIÓN, ODIO Y POLARIZACIÓN EN EL ENTORNO DIGITAL: SEGREGACIÓN DE LA ESFERA PÚBLICA Y EFECTOS SOBRE LA DEMOCRACIA' (2023), Revista de Estudios en Derecho a la Informacion, 2023(15), pp. 3–30
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Martin, D., 'The Left Behind: Precarity, Place and Racial Identity in the Contemporary ‘Serious Drama’' (2023), Journal of British Cinema and Television, 20(1), pp. 1-24
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Martínez, C.A., van Prooijen, J.-W. & Van Lange, P.A.M., 'The Hateful People: Populist Attitudes Predict Interpersonal and Intergroup Hate' (2022), Social Psychological and Personality Science [online]
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Martínez-Guzmán, A., 'Masculine subjectivities and necropolitics: Precarization and violence at the Mexican margins' (2022), in V. Walkerdine (Ed.) Neoliberalism and Subjectivity in Latin America (pp. 11-31), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Mascitti, M., 'Dogwhistles and Audience Design: A New Definition' (2023), Manuscrito, 46(3), e-2022-0071-R3
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Mason, G., 'Hate crime laws in Australia: Are they achieving their goals?' (2009), Criminal Law Journal, 33(6), 326-341

Mason, G., '‘I am tomorrow’: Violence against Indian students in Australia and political denial' (2012), Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 45(1), pp.4-25
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Mattsson, C., 'Lost in Translation–a Case Study of a Public Debate on Freedom of Expression and a Neo-Nazi Rally' (2019), Social Identities [online]
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Maurer, M., 'Conspirituality and meme culture: transgressive dynamics in right-wing esoteric social media discourse' (2024), Religion [online]
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Mayagoitia-Soria, A., González-Aguilar, J.M., Gómez-García, S. & Paz-Rebollo, M.A., '“Drop a Bomb on Them… and Problem Solved!” An Analysis of Poverty Discourse on TikTok' (2024), International Journal of Communication, 18, pp. 1135–1156
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McAdams, A.J. & Castrillon, A. (Eds.), 'Contemporary Far-Right Thinkers and the Future of Liberal Democracy' (2021), London: Routledge
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McCann, W.S &, Pimley, N., 'Eliminating Extremism: A Legal Analysis of Hate Crime and Terrorism Laws in the United States' (2019), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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McCarthy, K., 'Discussing Auschwitz, scholarly integrity and governmental revisionism: A case study in academic intimidation' (2016), Journal of Hate Studies, 13(1), pp. 85-113
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McGhee, D., 'Joined-up government, “community safety” and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender “active citizens”' (2003), Critical Social Policy, 23(3), pp.345-374
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McGhee, D., 'Intolerant Britain?: Hate, citizenship and difference' (2005), Maidenhad: Open University Press

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