Publications: Politics of hate crime


Schellenberg, B., 'Strategien gegen Rechtsextremismus und Vorurteilskriminalität – Für Pluralismus und liberale Demokratie in Deutschland' (2012), in M. Glaab & K.-R. Korte (Eds.), Angewandte Politikforschung (pp. 419-429). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
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Schenk, R., 'Hate, rage, and cultural war: The truth of America’s big lie' (2023), in I.S. Burnett (Ed.) Re-Visioning the American Psyche: Jungian, Archetypal, and Mythological Reflections (pp. 99–116), London: Routledge
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Schirch, L. (Ed.), 'Social Media Impacts on Conflict and Democracy: The Techtonic Shift' (2021), London: Routledge
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Schlag, G., 'European Union’s Regulating of Social Media: A Discourse Analysis of the Digital Services Act' (2023), Politics and Governance, 11(3), pp. 168–177
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Schlegel, L. & Kowert, R. (Eds.), 'Gaming and Extremism: The Radicalization of Digital Playgrounds' (2024), New York: Routledge
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Schotanus, M.S. (Ed.), 'Gender Violence, the Law, and Society: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from India, Japan and South Africa' (2022), Bingley: Emerald Publishing
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Schweppe, J., 'Defining characteristics and politicising victims: A legal perspective' (2012), Journal of Hate Studies, 10(1), pp.173-198
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Selvarajah, S., Kenar, N., Shaw, I.S. & Dhakal, P. (Eds.), 'Xenophobia in the Media: Critical Global Perspectives' (2024), London: Routledge
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Sembiring, W.M., Subhilhar, Kusmanto, H. & Ridho, H., 'The Politicization of Religion and Polarization of Hate in the 2018 North Sumatra Regional Head Election Indonesia' (2023), Pharos Journal of Theology, 104(3)
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Sepúlveda, J.G.E., 'Democracy and Online Media: A New Form of Hate Speech with Artificial Intelligence as a Backdrop | [Democracia y Medios de Comunicación en línea: Una nueva forma de discurso de odio con la Inteligencia Artificial como telón de fondo]' (2022), Revista de Filosofia (Venzuela), 39(100), pp. 63-77
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Serrano, A.R., Catalán, S.G. & Núñez, M.M., 'Audiovisual production by the contemporary European extreme right: Filmic inheritances and intertexts to spread the hate' (2021), Communication and Society, 34(2), pp. 231-246
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Setiabudi, R., Mani, L., Williem, D. & Situmorang, W., 'Anonymous and online hate speech when government raised subsidized fuel prices: an analysis on Instagram account of Indonesian stated own company' (2023), Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 101(24), pp. 8047–8054
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Shadrach, I. & Apuke, O.D., 'Investigating the Effectiveness of Social Media Usage for Political Dialogue in Nigeria' (2020), Library Philosophy and Practice, 2020, pp. 1-16
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Shayegh, J., Sumantry, D., Jagayat, A. & Choma, B., 'Canadian politicians’ rhetoric on Twitter/X: Analysing prejudice and inclusion towards Muslims using structural topic modelling and rhetorical analysis' (2023), British Journal of Social Psychology [online]
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Shibuichi, D., 'The struggle against hate groups in Japan: The invisible civil society, Leftist Elites and anti-racism groups' (2016), Social Science Japan Journal, 19(1), pp.71-83
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Shittu, A.I., 'Traditional Authority and Grassroots’ Peacebuilding Mechanisms in Lagos' (2023), in D. Ehrhardt, D.O. Alao & M.S. Umar (Eds.) Traditional Authority and Security in Contemporary Nigeria (1st edition) (pp. 209–232), London: Routledge
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Siapera, E. & Papadopoulou, L., 'The affective and political economy of hate journalism: Toxic masculinity, misogynism and homophobia in Greek extreme right-wing media | Η ΣΥΝΑΙΣΘΗΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΑΣ ΤΟΥ ΜΙΣΟΥΣ: ΤΟΞΙΚΗ ΑΡΡΕΝΩΠΟΤΗΤΑ, ΜΙΣΟΓΥΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΟΜΟΦΟΒΙΑ ΣΤΑ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ ΑΚΡΟΔΕΞΙΑ ΜΜΕ' (2023), Greek Review of Social Research, 161, pp. 73–93
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Siapera, E. & Papadopoulou, L., 'Hate as a ‘hook’: The political and affective economy of ‘hate journalism’' (2021), Journalism [online]
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Siegel, A.A., Nikitin, E., Barberá, P., Sterling, J., Pullen, B., Bonneau, R., Nagler, J. & Tucker, J.A., 'Trumping hate on Twitter? Online hate speech in the 2016 U.S. Election campaign and its aftermath' (2021), Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 16(1), pp. 71-104
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Simmons, H.M., 'Trans liberation under neoliberal governmentality: An argument against rights-based activism' (2023), Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 32(2), pp. 221–228
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Simpson, E., 'Spinning Hate: Mississippi’s Post-Brown PR Offensive and the Secret Campaign Against ‘Agitators,’ 1956-1960' (2024), American Journalism [online]
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Simpson, R. & Holdaway, L., 'Between rhetoric and reality: reclaiming the space for locally led peacebuilding that responds to conflict dynamics in violent and hateful extremism programming' (2023), Conflict, Security and Development, 23(5), pp. 385–400
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Sinnar, S., 'Hate Crimes, Terrorism, and the Framing of White Supremacist Violence' (2022), California Law Review, 110(2), pp. 489-565
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Sipka, A., Hannak, A. & Urman, A., 'Comparing the Language of QAnon-Related Content on Parler, Gab, and Twitter' (2022), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 411-421
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Sircar, O., 'Proto-Fascism and State Impunity in Majoritarian India: An Interview with Teesta Setalvad' (2020), Jindal Global Law Review (Special Issue) [online]
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Skrzypek, M., 'Between neo-militant and quasi-militant democracy: restrictions on freedoms of speech and the press in Austria, Finland, and Sweden 2008–2019' (2022), European Politics and Society [online]
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Sleptcov, N., 'Political homophobia as a State strategy in Russia' (2017), Journal of Global Initiatives: Policy, Pedagogy, Perspective, 12(1), pp.140-161
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Soboleva, E., Krivokhizh, S. & Mavliashina, K., 'Explaining Anti-Asian Xenophobia to Chinese Audience: Coverage of Hate Incidents During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the PRC Press' (2023), China Report [online]
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Solhjell, R. & Klatran, H.K., 'The Politics of Policing Hate: Boundary Work, Social Inequalities, and Legitimacy' (2023), Social and Legal Studies [online]
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Sosinski, M. & Sánchez García, F.J., '“Invasion effect” Populism and ideology in the Spanish political discourse on refugees. The Vox case | [“Efecto invasión” Populismo e ideología en el discurso político español sobre los refugiados. El caso de Vox]' (2022), Discurso y Sociedad, 16(1), pp. 149-172
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Šram, Z., 'The development of a 9-item scale to measure anti-immigrant attitude toward the Middle East refugees' (2020), Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 22(2), pp. 26-32
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Stern, C. & Ruisch, B.C., 'How Do Pandemic Policies and Communication Shape Intergroup Outcomes? Initial Findings From the COVID-19 Pandemic and Open Questions for Research and Policy' (2023), Perspectives on Psychological Science [online]
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Stern, F.L., 'A New Witch-Hunt: LGBTQIA+ State Persecution by Brazil’s Christian Far-Right' (2024), International Journal of Latin American Religions [online]
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Sterphone, J., '“Mut zu Deutschland!”: On the Populist Nationalism of the Alternative für Deutschland' (2018), in F. López-Alves & D.E. Johnson (Eds.). Populist Nationalism in Europe and the Americas (Chapter 6). New York, NY: Routledge
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Steuer, M., 'Cultural expertise, hate speech, and the far right: the Slovak Mazurek case' (2024), Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis [online]
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Stobbs, N., 'Australia' (2008), in Winterdyk, J. & Antonopoulos, G. (eds.) (2008) Racist Victimization: International Reflections and Perspectives. Ashgate.

Stockhammer, N. (Ed.), 'Routledge Handbook of Transnational Terrorism' (2023), London: Routledge
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Stone, A. & Schauer, F. (Eds.), 'The Oxford Handbook of Freedom of Speech' (2021), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Stroińska, M. & Cecchetto, V., 'Can There Be a ‘Safe Haven’ for Trauma Survivors in This Social Media Dominated World?' (2019), Trames, 23(2), pp. 223-238
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Subert, M., 'Motives and legacies behind 2008-2009 Hungarian Roma murders and apologies' (2019), Contemporary Justice Review: Issues in Criminal, Social, and Restorative Justice
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Sulzhytski, I., 'Opposition as “a Mould on the Fatherland”: Hate Speech and Grassroots Telegram Propaganda in Belarus' (2022), Journal of Belarusian Studies, 908(2), 12350018
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Sunday, A.B., 'Critical sociocognitive analysis of hate speech in the 2015 Nigerian presidential election campaign' (2021), Pragmatics and Society, 12(1), pp. 59-78
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Swank, E. & Fahs, B., 'Predicting electoral activism among gays and lesbians in the United States' (2013), Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43(7), pp.1382-1393
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Sweeney, M.M. & Perliger, A., 'Explaining the spontaneous nature of far-right violence in the United States' (2018), Perspectives on Terrorism, 12(6), pp. 52-71
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Swist, J., '‘Wolves of the Krypteia’: Lycanthropy and right-wing extremism in metal’s reception of ancient Greece and Rome' (2022), Metal Music Studies, 8(3), pp. 309-325
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Sy, A. & Lopresti, E., 'Between hate speech and fear: throwing evil across the border | [Entre los discursos de odio y el miedo: tirar el mal al otro lado de la frontera]' (2022), Ciencia & saude coletiva, 27(2), pp. 603-608
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Syahputra, I., 'Expressions of Hatred and the Formation of Spiral of Anxiety on Social Media in Indonesia' (2019), SEARCH (Malaysia), 11(1), pp. 95-112
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Tahir, I. & Ramadhan, M.G.F., 'Hate speech on social media: Indonesian netizens’ hate comments of presidential talk shows on YouTube' (2024), LLT Journal: Journal on Language and Language Teaching, 27(1), pp. 230–251
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Tahsini, I. & Duci, V., 'Women and Politics: Coverage of 2021 Parliamentary Election Campaign in the Albanian Online Media' (2022), Global Social Welfare [online]
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Taplin, P., Holland, C. & Billing, L., 'The sovereign citizen superconspiracy: Contemporary issues in native title anthropology' (2023), Australian Journal of Anthropology [online]
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