Publications: Politics of hate crime


Heikkilä, N., 'Race in the cultural politics of the civil rights-era Ku Klux Klan' (2020), in A. Helo & M. Saikku (Eds.) An Unfamiliar America: Essays in American Studies (pp. 178-192), London & New York: Routledge
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Heitzer, E., Jander, M., Kahane, A. & Poutrus, P.G. (Eds.), 'After Auschwitz: The Difficult Legacies of the GDR' (2021), New York & Oxford: Bergahn Books
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Heldt, A., 'Reading Between the Lines and the Numbers: An Analysis of the First NetzDG Reports' (2019), Internet Policy Review, 8(2)
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Heller, A., Wicke, F.S., Kasinger, C., Beutel, M.E., Decker, O., Schuler, J. & Brähler, E., 'On the Association of Interpersonal Trust With Right-Wing Extremist and Authoritarian Attitudes' (2022), Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 10(2), pp. 460-474
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Henning, P., 'The Myth of the »Import«. Islamic Codes and European Ideology in Muslim Anti-Semitism | [Der Mythos vom »Import«. Islamische Codes und europäische Ideologie im muslimischen Antisemitismus]' (2022), Aschkenas, 32(2), pp. 303-331
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Hernando, J.A.A., Homont, L.P.P. & Fernández, C.H., 'Analysis of the Parliamentary Discourse of Vox during the XIV Legislature: Ccrispation, Polarization, and National-Populism | [Análisis del discurso parlamentario de VOX en la XIV Legislatura: crispación, polarización y nacionalpopulismo]' (2023), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, 29(1), pp. 1-14
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Herrera, D.M., 'Hate speech and religious tolerance in the Swiss participatory democracy' (2014), Revista de Derecho Politico, 90, pp.249-284
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Herzog, B. & Lance Porfillio, A., 'Talking with racists: insights from discourse and communication studies on the containment of far-right movements' (2022), Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(1), 384
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Herzog, H., Sharon, S. & Leykin, I., 'Racism and the politics of signification: Israeli public discourse on racism towards Palestinian citizens' (2008), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 31(6), pp.1091-1109
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Higuchi, N., 'Logics of Strategic Racism in the Anti-Hate Speech Law Era: Analyzing the Discourse Against Zainichi Koreans in Japanese Right-Wing TV Programs' (2023), Seoul Journal of Korean Studies, 36(2), pp. 443–464
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Hill, L., 'Parliamentary privilege and homosexual vilification' (2007), in Gelber, K. & Stone, A. (eds.) Hate Speech and Freedom of Speech in Australia. The Federation Press.

Hill Collins, P., 'The tie that binds: Race, gender and US violence' (1998), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 21(5), pp.917-938
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Hirschberger, B. & Voges, K. (Eds.), 'Religious freedom and populism: The appropriation of a human right and how to counter it' (2024), Bielefeld: transcript Verlag
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Hmimssa, A., 'Citizenship under Pressure: Mapping Debates over Religious Freedom in the Second Decade in Quebec' (2023), Journal of Canadian Studies, 57(1), pp. 114-135
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Hobbs, W., Lajevardi, N., Li, X. & Lucas, C., 'From Anti-Muslim to Anti-Jewish: Target Substitution on Fringe Social Media Platforms and the Persistence of Online and Offline Hate' (2023), Political Behavior [online]
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Hodge, E. & Hallgrimsdottir, H., 'Networks of Hate: The Alt-right, “Troll Culture”, and the Cultural Geography of Social Movement Spaces Online' (2019), Journal of Borderlands Studies
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Hodwitz, O. & Massingale, K., 'Rhetoric and hate crimes: Examining the public response to the Trump narrative' (2021), Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression [online]
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Hoerst, C. & Drury, J., 'Social norms misperception among voters in the 2020 US presidential election' (2021), Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy [online]
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Hopkins, P., Botterill, K., Sanghera, G. & Arshad, R., 'Faith, ethnicity, place: Young people’s everyday geopolitics in Scotland' (2015), Arts and Humanities Research Council
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Hossain, M.I., 'Resurgent totalitarianism, charismatic dictatorship, and the rise of socio-political extremism in the age of globalisation and multiculturalism: an escalating human rights crisis' (2023), International Journal of Human Rights [online]
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Hossain, M.I., 'Creation of ‘other’ in their own country, politicized identity-based division, and the rise of hostility toward ‘out-group’ in a multi-ethnic, poly-cultural world: a study on genocide prevention, human security, and peacebuilding' (2024), Social Identities [online]
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Hossain, N., Tran, M. & Kautz, H., 'A framework for political portmanteau decomposition' (2020), Proceedings of the 14th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, ICWSM 2020, pp. 944-948
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Howard, J.W., 'Terror, Hate and the Demands of Counter-Speech' (2019), British Journal of Political Science [online]
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Howard, E., 'Gratuitously offensive speech and the political debate' (2016), European Human Rights Law Review, 6, pp.636-644
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Hübscher, M. & Von Mering, S. (Eds.), 'Antisemitism on Social Media' (2022), London: Routledge
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Humbe, B.P., Chirongoma, S. & Sande, N., 'Hate Speech Within the Electoral Political Processes in Zimbabwe' (2023), in E. Mavengano & S. Chirongoma (Eds.) Electoral Politics in Zimbabwe, Volume I: The 2023 Election and Beyond (pp. 307–322), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Hutton, C., 'Speech or conduct?: Law, censorship, and taboo language' (2018), The Oxford Handbook of Taboo Words and Language, pp. 264-284
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Hwang, R.-Y., 'Don’t Count on Us Dying: Carceral Accuracy and Trans-of-Color Life Beyond Hate Crimes' (2022), QED, 9(3), pp. 77-108
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Iannelli, L. & Marino, G., 'Participation in Problematic News Cycles on Social Media and Instant Messaging Services during the Covid-19 Pandemic the Impact of News Use, Political Discussion, and Ideological Extremism' (2022), Comunicazione Politica, 23(3), pp. 381-402
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Iganski, P., '‘Antisemitism’ and anti-Jewish hatred: Conceptual, political and legal challenges' (2013), in Phillips, C. & Webster, C. (2013) New directions in race, ethnicity and crime. Routledge.

Ildefonso, T.M., 'SOGIE equality bill deliberations in the 18th Congress of the Philippines: a persisting battle against discrimination' (2024), South East Asia Research [online]
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Inwood, O. & Zappavigna, M., 'A Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach to Analyzing White Supremacist and Conspiratorial Discourse on YouTube' (2022), Communication Review, 25(3-4), pp. 204-234
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Ipar, E., Villarreal, P., Cuesta, M. & Wegelin, L., 'Dilemmas of the Digital Public Sphere: Hate Speech and Political-Ideological Articulations in Argentina | [DILEMAS DE LA ESFERA PÚBLICA DIGITAL: DISCURSOS DE ODIO Y ARTICULACIONES POLÍTICO-IDEOLÓGICAS EN ARGENTINA]' (2022), America Latina Hoy, 91, pp. 93-114
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Irenoa, K.O., 'Information Diffusion on Social Media During Elections in Nigeria: Extrapolating the Constructs of Dual Process Theory' (2021), Library Philosophy and Practice, 2021
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Islam, S.M., 'The changing faces of culture: Notes from a time of crisis' (2023), in R. Jahan & R. Sobhan (Eds.) Fifty Years of Bangladesh: Economy, Politics, Society and Culture (pp. 191–201), London: Routledge
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Itakura, G., 'Virtual terrorists, virtual anxiety: Affect and technology in Kamila Shamsie’s Home Fire' (2023), in C. Zamorano Llena, J. Stier & B. Gray (Eds.) Crisis and the Culture of Fear and Anxiety in Contemporary Europe (pp. 56–71), London: Routledge
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Iwabuchi, K., 'Globalization, Digitalization, and Renationalization: Some Reflections From Japanese Cases' (2019), Situations Cultural Studies in the Asian Context, 12(1), pp. 1-22
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Izquierdo, J.H., Sanz, I.R., Prieto, P.B. & Jiménez, V.M., 'The strategy of hate: Polarization and partisan confrontation on Twitter during the 2021 Madrid Assembly elections' (2022), Prisma Social, 39, pp. 183-212
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Jackson, L.D., 'Big lie, small world: What E. Lynn Harris wanted readers to understand about the struggle for African American, homosexual males seeking to attain the American Dream' (2012), Journal of Homosexuality, 59(8), pp.1095-1112
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Jackson, PI., 'Hate Crimes Nourish Domestic Terror in the United States and Europe' (2022), Democracy and Security [online]
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Jackson, S., 'What Is Anti-Government Extremism?' (2022), Perspectives on Terrorism, 16(6), pp. 9-18
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Jacob, C. & Kanth, M., '‘Kill Two Million of Them’: Institutionalised Hate Speech, Impunity and 21st Century Atrocities in India' (2023), Global Responsibility to Protect [online]
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Jacobs, J.B., 'Hate crime: Criminal law and identity politics: Author’s summary' (2002), Theoretical Criminology, 6(4), pp.481-484
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Jacobs, D. & Wood, K. , 'Interracial conflict and interracial homicide: Do political and economic rivalries explain White killings of Blacks or Black killings of Whites?' (1999), American Journal of Sociology, 105(1), pp.157-190
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Jacobs, J.B. & Henry, J.S., 'The social construction of a hate crime epidemic' (1996), Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 86(2), pp.366-391
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Jacobs, L. & van Spanje, J., 'Martyrs for Free Speech? Disentangling the Effects of Legal Prosecution of Anti-Immigration Politicians on Their Electoral Support' (2019), Political Behavior [online]
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Jacobs, L. & Van Spanje, J., 'A Time-Series Analysis of Contextual-Level Effects on Hate Crime in the Netherlands' (2021), Social Forces, 100(1), pp. 169-193
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Jacobs, L. & van Spanje, J., 'Prosecuted, yet popular? Hate speech prosecution of anti-immigration politicians in the news and electoral support' (2020), Comparative European Politics, 18(6), pp. 899-924
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Jamshed, M., 'Investigating Racial Dehumanization, Distortion of Perspectives, and Perpetuation of Trauma in Morrison’s The Bluest Eye' (2023), International Journal of Arabic-English Studies, 23(2), pp. 61–80
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Jardina, A. & Piston, S., 'Trickle-down racism: Trump’s effect on whites’ racist dehumanizing attitudes' (2023), Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 5, 100158
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