Publications: Racist hate crime


Ononye, C.F. & Nwachukwu, N.J., 'Metalinguistic evaluators and pragmatic strategies in selected hate-inducing speeches in Nigeria' (2019), Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(1), pp. 48-57
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Ormiston, C.K., Strassle, P.D., Boyd, E. & Williams, F., 'Discrimination is associated with depression, anxiety, and loneliness symptoms among Asian and Pacific Islander adults during COVID-19 Pandemic' (2024), Scientific Reports, 14(1), 9417
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Ortega, A., Di Fruscia, E. & Louise, B., 'Trade Liberalization and Racial Animus' (2020), Contemporary Economic Policy [online]
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Ortiz, S.M., 'Call-In, Call-Out, Care, and Cool Rationality: How Young Adults Respond to Racism and Sexism Online' (2023), Social Problems, 70(3), pp. 665–681
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Ozduzen, O., Korkut, U. & Ozduzen, C., '‘Refugees Are Not Welcome’: Digital Racism, Online Place-Making and the Evolving Categorization of Syrians in Turkey' (2020), New Media and Society [online]
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O’Nions, H., 'What lies beneath: Exploring links between asylum policy and hate crime in the UK' (2010), Liverpool Law Review, 31(3), pp.233-257
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Page, S., '‘People Get Killed Cause of There [Their] Skin. It Cannot Be Stopped’: A Midlands Case Study Considering Experiences of Racism Amongst Pupils in UK Secondary Schools and the Community' (2020), British Journal of Community Justice, 16(1), pp. 64-81
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Paradies, Y., 'A systematic review of empirical research on self-reported racism and health' (2006), International Journal of Epidemiology, 35(4), pp.888-901
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Parfitt, T., 'Hybrid Hate: Jews, Blacks, and the Question of Race' (2020), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Paris, O., 'New racisms and new xenophobic rhetoric. How the philosophical-linguistic disciplines are dealing with the current forms of hate speech | [Nuovi razzismi e nuove retoriche xenofobe. Come le discipline filosofico-linguistiche stanno affrontando le attuali forme dell’odio discorsivo]' (2023), Studi Emigrazione, 60(229), pp. 105-127
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Park, S., 'Inventing aliens: Immigration control, ‘xenophobia’ and racism in Japan' (2017), Race & Class, 58(3), pp.64-80
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Park, M., Woo, B., Jung, H.-M., Jeong, E., Choi, Y., Takeuchi, D. & Peregrina, H.N., 'COVID-19, Racial Discrimination and Civic Engagement Among Filipino American and Korean American Young Adults' (2024), Emerging Adulthood [online]
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Parker, L. (Ed.), 'Education in the Age of Misinformation: Philosophical and Pedagogical Explorations' (2023), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Parks, G.S. & Jones, S. E., '“Nigger”: A critical race realist analysis of the N-word within hate crimes law' (2008), Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 98(4), pp.1305-1352
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Patel, T., 'Racism' (2014), in Atkinson, R. (Ed.) Shades of Deviance: A Primer on Crime, Deviance and Social Harm. Routledge.

Pearson, G., 'A Beautiful Law for the Beautiful Game? Revisiting the Football Offences Act 1991' (2021), Journal of Criminal Law, 85(5), pp. 362-374
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Peebles-Wilkins, W., 'Affirm diversity: “Mix it up”' (2006), Children & Schools, 28(1), 3

Peery, D., Richeson, J.A. & Murphy, M.C., 'Does cognitive depletion shape bias detection for minority group members?' (2015), Social Cognition, 33(3), pp.241-254
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Pena Munoz, J.J., '“There’s no racism in Canada, but…”. The Canadian experience and labor integration of the Mexican creative class in Toronto' (2016), Migraciones Internacionales, 8(3), pp.10-36

Perry, B., '‘There’s just places ya’ don’t wanna go’: The segregating impact of hate crime against Native Americans' (2009), Contemporary Justice Review, 12(4), pp.401-418
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Perry, D., 'Racially motivated offenders: The way forward' (2002), Probation Journal, 49(4), pp.305-309
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Perry, B., 'Defending the color line: Racially and ethnically motivated hate crime' (2002), American Behavioral Scientist, 46(1), pp.72-92
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Perry, B. & Blazak, R., 'Places for races: The white supremacist movement imagines U.S. geography' (2010), Journal of Hate Studies, 8(1), pp. 29-51
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Perry, B., Mirrlees, T. & Scrivens, R., 'The dangers of porous borders' (2019), Journal of Hate Studies, 14(1), pp. 53-75
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Petach, L. & Rumbaugh, D., 'Hate Crime and Human Capital' (2024), Review of Black Political Economy [online]
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Petoussi-Douli, V., 'Greece' (2008), in J. Winterdyk & G. Antonopoulos (Eds.), Racist victimization: International reflections and perspectives (pp.139-168). Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Peucker, M., Clark, T. & Claridge, H., 'Mapping the Journey of (non-) Reporting in Response to Racism: A Change-oriented Approach to Reporting Barriers, Motives and Support Needs' (2023), Journal of Intercultural Studies [online]
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Phillips, C., 'The re-emergence of the ‘Black Spectre’: Minority professional associations in the post-Macpherson era' (2007), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30(3), pp.375-396
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Piatkowska, S.J. & Hövermann, A., 'A culture of hostility and crime motivated by bias: A cross-national multilevel analysis of structural influences' (2018), International Criminal Justice Review [online], pp.1-27
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Piatkowska, S.J. & Lantz, B., 'Temporal Clustering of Hate Crimes in the Aftermath of the Brexit Vote and Terrorist Attacks: A Comparison of Scotland and England and Wales' (2021), British Journal of Criminology, 61(3), pp. 648-669
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Piatkowska, S.J. & Whittington, W., 'COVID-19 as a trigger for racially motivated and extremist violent crime: a temporal analysis of hate crimes in Slovakia amidst a global pandemic' (2023), Crime, Law and Social Change [online]
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Piatkowska, S.J., Messner, S.F. & Yang, T., 'Xenophobic and racially motivated crime in Belgium: Exploratory spatial data analysis and spatial regressions of structural covariates' (2018), Deviant Behavior [online], pp. 1-21
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Piatkowska, S.J., Messner, S.F., Hövermann, A., 'Black Out-Group Marriages and Hate Crime Rates: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of U.S. Metropolitan Areas' (2019), Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency [online]
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Piazza, J. & Van Doren, N., 'It’s About Hate: Approval of Donald Trump, Racism, Xenophobia and Support for Political Violence' (2022), American Politics Research [online]
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Plumm, K.M., Terrance, C.A. & Austin, A., 'Not all hate crimes are created equal: An examination of the roles of ambiguity and expectations in perceptions of hate crimes' (2014), Current Psychology, 33(3), pp.321-364
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Pollack, S., 'An imprisoning gaze: Practices of gendered, racialized and epistemic violence' (2013), International Review of Victimology, 19(1), pp.103-114
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Polli, C. & Sindoni, M.G., 'Multimodal computation or interpretation? Automatic vs. critical understanding of text-image relations in racist memes in English' (2024), Discourse, Context and Media, 57, 100755
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Pollock, M. & Yoshisato, M., '#USvsHate: the power and core tensions of using an ‘anti-hate’ onramp for K12 antiracism today' (2022), Race Ethnicity and Education [online]
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Ponce, N.A., Adia, A.C., Banawa, R.A., Tan, S. & Sabado-Liwag, M.D., 'Measuring Asian hate: Discordant reporting of race-based hate incidents and unfair treatment and association with measures of wellbeing' (2022), Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 958857
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Poojary, M., '“South Asians don’t count as Asian”: Using Reddit to Explore Discussions of Anti-Asian Racism within the South Asian Diaspora' (2024), Sociological Inquiry [online]
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Poulakidakos, S., Veneti, A. & Rovisco, M. (Eds.), 'Social Movements and Everyday Acts of Resistance: Solidarity in a Changing World' (2023), London: Routledge
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Powell, A. & Williams-Johnson, D., '“You dumb cracker b*tch”: The legitimizing of White supremacy during a Twitch ban of HasanAbi' (2023), New Media and Society [online]
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Powers, R.A., Bleeker, K. & Alcalde, C., 'Anti-Asian Hate Crime in U.S. National News: A Content Analysis of Coverage and Narratives from 2010–2021' (2022), Race and Justice [online]
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Poynting, S., '“Bin Laden in the suburbs”: Attacks on Arab and Muslim Australians before and after 11 September' (2002), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 14(1), pp.43-64
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Poynting, S., 'What caused the Cronulla Riot?' (2006), Race & Class, 48(1), pp.85-92
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Poynting, S., 'Appearance and ‘ethnic crime’' (2001), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 13(1), pp.110-113
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Poynting, S. & Mason, V., '“Tolerance, freedom, justice and peace?” Britain, Australia and anti-Muslim racism since 11 September 2001' (2006), Journal of Intercultural Studies, 27(4), pp.365-391
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Poynting, S. & Noble, G., 'Living with racism: The experience and reporting by Arab and Muslim Australians of discrimination, abuse and violence since 11 September 2001' (2004), Report to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC). Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney.
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Poynting, S., & Mason, V., 'The resistable rise of Islamophobia: Anti-Muslim racism in the UK and Australia before 11 September 2001' (2007), Journal of Sociology, 43(1), pp.61-86
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Poynting, S., & Perry, B., 'Climates of hate: Media and state inspired victimisation of Muslims in Canada and Australia since 9/11' (2007), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 19(2), pp.151-171
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