Publications: Right-wing extremism


Valencia-García, L.D. (Ed), 'Far-Right Revisionism and the End of History: Alt/Histories' (2020), New York: Routledge
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Van Schenck, R., 'Deplatforming “the people”: media populism, racial capitalism, and the regulation of online reactionary networks' (2023), Media, Culture and Society [online]
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Venäläinen, S., Virkki, T., 'Struggles for Moral Value and the Reproduction of Gendered and Racialised Hierarchies in Online Discussions of Violence' (2019), Sociological Review [online]
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Versteegen, P.L., 'We love, they hate: Emotions in affective polarization and how partisans may use them' (2024), Political Psychology [online]
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Vidgen, B., Yasseri, T. & Margetts, H., 'Islamophobes are not all the same! A study of far right actors on Twitter' (2021), Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism [online]
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Vidra, Z. & Félix, A., 'Measures against right-wing extremism in an illiberal populist country: The case of Hungary' (2023), Politics in Central Europe, 19(2), pp. 325–351
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Völker, T., 'How terrorist attacks distort public debates: a comparative study of right-wing and Islamist extremism' (2023), Journal of European Public Policy [online]
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Vysotsky, S., 'Uniting the right: Anti-immigration, organizing, and the legitimation of extreme racist organizations' (2014), Journal of Hate Studies, 12(1), pp. 129-151
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Walther, S. & McCoy, A., 'US Extremism on Telegram: Fueling Disinformation, Conspiracy Theories, and Accelerationism' (2021), Perspectives on Terrorism, 15(2), pp. 100-124
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Waltman, M., 'Qanon’s Ideology of Hate: As a Catalyst for Negative Transformation in Families and Close Relationships' (2023), in R.C. Diggs & T.J. Socha (Eds.) Family Communication and Cultural Transformation: (Re)Awakening Legacies of Equality, Social Justice, Freedom, and Hope (pp. 57-76), New York: Routledge
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Weatherby, G. A. & Scroggins, B., 'A content analysis of persuasion techniques used on white supremacist websites' (2005), Journal of Hate Studies, 4(1), pp. 9-31
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Weigel, M., 'Hating Theory: “Cultural Marxism,” “CRT,” and the Power of Media Affects' (2023), International Journal of Communication, 17, pp. 6504–6524
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Weimann, G. & Masri, N., 'Research Note: Spreading Hate on TikTok' (2020), Studies in Conflict and Terrorism [online]
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Welch, C., Senman, L., Loftin, R., Picciolini, C., Robinson, J., Westphal, A., Perry, B., Nguyen, J., Jachyra, P., Stevenson, S., Aggarwal, J., Wijekoon, S., Baron-Cohen, S. & Penner, M., 'Understanding the Use of the Term “Weaponized Autism” in An Alt-Right Social Media Platform' (2022), Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders [online]
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Wells, G., Romhanyi, A., Reitman, J.G., Gardner, R., Squire, K. & Steinkuehler, C., 'Right-Wing Extremism in Mainstream Games: A Review of the Literature' (2023), Games and Culture [online]
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Wilhelm, C. & Schulz-Tomančok, A., 'Predicting user engagement with anti-gender, homophobic and sexist social media posts–a choice-based conjoint study in Hungary and Germany' (2023), Information Communication and Society [online]
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Wilhelmsen, F., 'When the medium is not the message' (2022), Fascism [online]
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Wilhelmsen, F., 'Heroic Pasts and Anticipated Futures: A Comparative Analysis of the Conceptions of History of the Nordic Resistance Movement and Generation Identity' (2021), Politics, Religion and Ideology [online]
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Williamson, H., De Buck, A. & Pauwels, L.J.R., 'Perceived injustice, perceived group threat and self-reported right-wing violence: An integrated approach' (2021), Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 0129
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Witkowski, J., 'Changes of Offender Profiles Over Time – Right Wing Racist Violent Crime in North Rhine-Westphalia Between 2012 and 2016 | [Tatverdächtigenprofile im Wandel – Rechte, rassistische Gewaltkriminalität in Nordrhein-Westfalen zwischen 2012 und 2016]' (2022), Kriminologie, 4(2), pp. 149-178
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Wolfgang, J.D., 'When Fringe Hate Goes Mainstream: How White Nationalist Discourse Manifests in Online News Commenting' (2021), Journal of Communication Inquiry [online]
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Yashlavskii, A.E., 'Ultra-right terrorism in the West in the 21st century: Trends and features' (2020), World Economy and International Relations, 64(12), pp. 5-14
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Yilmaz, I., 'Far-right populists in power and transnational repression of dissidents' (2023), in S. Akbarzadeh (Ed.) Handbook of Middle East Politics (pp. 73–88), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
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Yoshida, Y., 'Not Leather Boots but Dress Shoes: White-Collar Masculinity and the Far-Right Movement' (2020), Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia, 19(2), pp. 104-124
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Yoshida, Y. & Demelius, Y., 'Seduction of far-right actions: A pathway to an authentic self?' (2024), Crime, Media, Culture [online]
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Zeller, M.C. & Vaughan, M., 'Proscribing Right-Wing Extremist Organizations in Europe: Variations, Trends, and Prospects' (2023), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Zheng, J. & Zompetti, J.P., '‘I’m not a virus’: Asian hate in Donald Trump’s rhetoric' (2023), Asian Journal of Communication, 33(5), pp. 470–503
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