Publications: Impacts and consequences of hate crime


Noblitt, J.M., 'Living a life of love in the midst of trauma' (2016), in E. Ott Marshall (Ed.), Conflict transformation and religion: Essays on faith, power, and relationship (pp.67-79).
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Noelle, M., 'The ripple effect of the Matthew Shepard murder: Impact on the assumptive worlds of members of the targeted group' (2002), American Behavioral Scientist, 46(1), pp.27-50
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Nugent, S., Wilkie, M. & Iredale, R., 'Racist violence' (1989), Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology
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O'Brien, M., Dempsey, B. & Higgins, M., 'Experiences and outcomes of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller women in pregnancy: a scoping review protocol' (2022), BMJ open, 12(7), pp. e057788
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Ormiston, C.K., Strassle, P.D., Boyd, E. & Williams, F., 'Discrimination is associated with depression, anxiety, and loneliness symptoms among Asian and Pacific Islander adults during COVID-19 Pandemic' (2024), Scientific Reports, 14(1), 9417
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Ortiz, J.Á.R. & Guizado, J.V., 'Hate speech in secondary education: intellectual and emotional effects | [DISCURSO DE ODIO EN EDUCACIÓN SECUNDARIA: EFECTOS INTELECTUALES Y EMOCIONALES]' (2023), VISUAL Review. International Visual Culture Review / Revista Internacional de Cultura, 10(3)
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O’Nions, H., 'What lies beneath: Exploring links between asylum policy and hate crime in the UK' (2010), Liverpool Law Review, 31(3), pp.233-257
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Park, M., Woo, B., Jung, H.-M., Jeong, E., Choi, Y., Takeuchi, D. & Peregrina, H.N., 'COVID-19, Racial Discrimination and Civic Engagement Among Filipino American and Korean American Young Adults' (2024), Emerging Adulthood [online]
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Paterson, J., Walters, M., Brown, R. & Fearn, H., 'The Sussex Hate Crime Project' (2018), Final Report, University of Sussex
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Paterson, J.L., Walters, M.A. & Hall, L., 'Ingroup Empathy, Help, and Blame After Anti-LGBT+ Hate Crime' (2023), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Perry, B., 'Exploring the community impacts of hate crime' (2015), in N. Hall, A. Corb, P. Giannasi & J. G. D. Grieve (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook on Hate Crime (pp.44-58), Oxon, UK: Routledge

Perry, B. , 'Hate crime as a challenge for inclusion and diversity' (2018), Knowledge Creates Democracy - Open Access Series of the IDZ
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Perry, B. & Alvi, S., '‘We are all vulnerable’: The in terrorem effects of hate crimes' (2012), International Review of Victimology, 18(1), pp.57-71
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Petach, L. & Rumbaugh, D., 'Hate Crime and Human Capital' (2024), Review of Black Political Economy [online]
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Pezzella, F.S. & Fetzer, M.D., 'The likelihood of injury among bias crimes: An analysis of general and specific bias types' (2015), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online], pp. 1-27
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Pickles, J., 'Supporting LGBT+ People Experiencing Hate: Perspectives from LGBT+ Youth and Community Workers' (2021), Sociological Research Online [online]
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Piggott, L., 'Prosecuting disability hate crime: A disabling solution?' (2011), People, Place and Policy Online, 5(1), pp.25-34
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Plumm, K.M., Terrance, C.A., Henderson, V.R., & Ellingson, H., 'Victim blame in a hate crime motivated by sexual orientation' (2010), Journal of Homosexuality, 57(2), pp.267-286
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Pluta, A., Mazurek, J., Wojciechowski, J., Wolak, J., Soral, W. & Bilewicz, M., 'Exposure to hate speech deteriorates neurocognitive mechanisms of the ability to understand others’ pain' (2023), Scientific Reports, 13(1), 4127
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Ponce, N.A., Adia, A.C., Banawa, R.A., Tan, S. & Sabado-Liwag, M.D., 'Measuring Asian hate: Discordant reporting of race-based hate incidents and unfair treatment and association with measures of wellbeing' (2022), Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 958857
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Poynting, S., & Mason, V., 'The resistable rise of Islamophobia: Anti-Muslim racism in the UK and Australia before 11 September 2001' (2007), Journal of Sociology, 43(1), pp.61-86
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Prairie, K., Kivisto, A.J., Gray, S.L., Taylor, N. & Anderson, A.M., 'The Association Between Hate Crime Laws That Enumerate Sexual Orientation and Adolescent Suicide Attempts' (2022), Psychology, Public Policy, and Law [online]
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Puhl, R.M. & King, K.M., 'Weight discrimination and bullying' (2013), Best Practice and Research: Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 27(2), pp.117-127
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Puhl, R.M. & Latner, J.D., 'Stigma, obesity, and the health of the nation’s children' (2007), Psychological Bulletin, 133(4), pp.557-580
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Puhl, R.M., Moss-Racusin, C.A. & Schwartz, M.B., 'Internalization of weight bias: Implications for binge eating and emotional well-being' (2007), Obesity, 15(1), pp.19-23
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Quandt, T., Klapproth, J. & Frischlich, L., 'Dark social media participation and well-being' (2022), Current Opinion in Psychology, 45, 101284
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Rezvi, M.R. & Hossain, M.R., 'Exploring issues of online hate speech against minority religious groups in Bangladesh' (2023), Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication [online]
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Rippy, A.E. & Newman, E., 'Perceived religious discrimination and its relationship to anxiety and paranoia among Muslim Americans' (2006), Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 1(1), pp.5-20

Rose. S.M. & Mechanic, M.B., 'Psychological distress, crime features and help-seeking behaviors related to homophobic bias incidents' (2002), American Behavioral Scientist, 46(1), pp.14-26
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Rosenthal, P., 'The criminality of racial harassment' (1989), Canadian Human Rights Yearbook, pp.113-166
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Rouse, M., 'Combating hate without hate crimes: The hanging effigies of the 2008 presidential campaign' (2012), International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique, 25(2), pp.225-247
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Rucco, D., Anzani, A., Scandurra, C., Pennasilico, A. & Prunas, A., 'Structural Stigma and Bisexual + People: Effects of the Rejection of the Zan Bill in Italy on Minority Stress and Mental Health' (2022), Journal of Bisexuality [online]
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Russell, H.A., 'Is It Time to Say Goodbye to BMI? A Commentary' (2024), Family and Community Health, 47(1), pp. 16–19
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Ryan, E. & Leeson, T., 'Hate groups and hate crime' (2011), International Review of Law & Economics, 31(4), pp.256-262
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Sall, K.E., Miller, J.C., Jansen, E., Shonrock, A.T., Byrd, R. & C., 'Sexual Assault Among College Women: The Role of Survivor Acknowledgment, Rape Myth Acceptance, Weight Bias, and Body Appreciation' (2024), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Salmani, R., Mishra, G. & Singh, A.K., 'Acid Attacks in India and the Role of Stakeholders: A Journey From Victim to Survivor' (2023), Vision [online]
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Sangalang, C.C., '“I’m sick of being called a hero – I want to get paid like one”: Filipino American frontline workers’ health under conditions of COVID-19 and racial capitalism' (2022), Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 977955
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Scaramuzzino, G., 'Shrinking or expanding access to civic space? The consequences of hate speech, threats and harassment within Swedish civil society' (2023), Journal of Civil Society [online]
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Scheitle, C., Mabute-Louie, B., Ferguson, J., Hawkins, E. & Ecklund, E.H., 'Fear of Religious Hate Crime Victimization and the Residual Effects of Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia' (2023), Social Forces, 101(4), pp. 2059-2086
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Schoenebeck, S., Lampe, C. & Triệu, P., 'Online Harassment: Assessing Harms and Remedies' (2023), Social Media and Society, 9(1)
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Schweppe, J. & Walters, M.A. (Eds.), 'The globalization of hate: Internationalizing hate crime?' (2016), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Shanaah, S., Yogeeswaran, K., Greaves, L., Bulbulia, J.A., Osborne, D., Afzali, M.U. & Sibley, C.G., 'Hate Begets Warmth? The Impact of an Anti-Muslim Terrorist Attack on Public Attitudes toward Muslims' (2021), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Sharif, M.Z., Truong, M., Alam, O., Dunn K., Nelson J., Kavanagh A., Paradies, Y. & Priest, N., 'The association between experiences of religious discrimination, social-emotional and sleep outcomes among youth in Australia' (2021), SSM - Population Health, 15, 100883
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Sheehan, B.E., Maduro, R.S. & Derlega, V.J., 'Sexual/Gender Minority-Related Individual Differences Predict Likelihood of Social Action After a Hate Crime' (2020), Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity [online]
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Shi, L., Zhang, D., Martin, E., Chen, Z., Li, H., Han, X., Wen, M., Chen, L., Li, Y., Li, J., Chen, B, Ramos, A.K., King, K.M., Michaud, T. & Su, D., 'Racial Discrimination, Mental Health and Behavioral Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: a National Survey in the United States' (2022), Journal of General Internal Medicine [online]
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Shimkhada, R. & Ponce, N.A., 'Surveying Hate and Its Effects During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Asian Americans and Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders' (2022), American journal of public health, 112(10), pp. 1446-1453
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Shodiya-Zeumault, S., DeBlaere, C., Aiello, M., Said, I.A. & Davis, D.E., 'Responses to the Unite the Right Rally: Perceptions, Stress, and the Moderating Role of Interpersonal Proximity' (2021), Race and Social Problems, 13(4), pp. 320-329
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Sibrian, N., Alfaro, A. & Núñez, J.C., 'Validation of an instrument on exposure of migrant communities to hate speech in the Chilean media ecosystem: preliminary results | Validación de instrumento sobre exposición de comunidades migrantes a discursos de odio en el ecosistema mediático chileno: resultados preliminares' (2024), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, 2024(82)
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Sims, G.M., Kia-Keating, M., Sanchez, A., Beylin, N., Evans, M. & Tran, M., 'Anti-Asian American Discrimination and COVID-19: Living with Fear' (2022), International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 11(3), pp. 206-213
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Singh, A., Dandona, A. & Sharma, V., 'Societal Refutation and Hate Crimes: Thematic Analysis of Exoticization and Victimization Experiences Among Young Trans People in India' (2022), Youth Voice Journal, 12
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