Publications: Causes of hate crime


Turpin-Petrosino, C., 'Hateful sirens… Who hears their song? An examination of student attitudes toward hate groups and affiliation potential' (2002), Journal of Social Issues, 58(2), pp.281-301
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Uviller, H.R., 'Making it worse: ‘Hate’ as an aggravating factor in criminal conduct' (2000), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 23(4), pp.761-767
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Valeri, R.M. & Borgeson, K. (Eds.), 'Hate crimes: Victims, motivations and typologies' (2018), Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press
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Venäläinen, S., Virkki, T., 'Struggles for Moral Value and the Reproduction of Gendered and Racialised Hierarchies in Online Discussions of Violence' (2019), Sociological Review [online]
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Vergani, M., Goodhardt, D., Link, R., Adamczyk A., Freilich, J.D. & Chermak, S., 'When and How Does Anti-Semitism Occur? the Different Trigger Mechanisms Associated with Different Types of Criminal and Non-Criminal Hate Incidents' (2021),
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von Schulthess, B., 'Violence in the streets: Anti-lesbian assault and harassment in San Francisco' (1992), Herek, G.M. & Berrill, K. (eds.), 'Hate Crimes: Confronting Violence Against Lesbians and Gay Men' (1992), USA: Sage Publications


Wachs, S., Wettstein, A., Bilz, L. & Gámez-Guadix, M., 'Adolescents’ motivations to perpetrate hate speech and links with social norms | [Motivos del discurso de odio en la adolescencia y su relación con las normas sociales]' (2022), Comunicar, 30(71), pp. 1-12
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Wagner, U., Tachtsoglou, S., Kotzur, P.F., Friehs, M.-T. & Kemmesies, U., 'Proportion of Foreigners Negatively Predicts the Prevalence of Xenophobic Hate Crimes Within German Districts' (2019), Social Psychology Quarterly [online]
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Walpurga Koll, M.K., 'Hate crime legislation versus the legacy of Lynch Law in the U.S.: The struggle against a biased popular justice' (2009), Legal Narratives, pp.77-100
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Walters, M.A. , 'A general theories of hate crime? Strain, doing difference and self control' (2011), Critical Criminology, 19(4), pp.313-330
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Walters, M.A. & Brown, R. with Wiedlitzka, S., 'Causes and motivations of hate crime' (2016), Equality and Human Rights Commission, Research report 102
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Walters, M.A. & Hoyle, C., 'Exploring the everyday world of hate victimization through community mediation' (2012), International Review of Victimology, 18(1), pp.7-24
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Walters, M.A. & Hoyle, C., 'Healing harms and engendering tolerance: The promise of restorative justice for hate crime' (2010), in Chakraborti, N. (ed.) (2010) Hate Crime: Concepts, policy, future directions, Devon: Willan Publishing

Walther, J.B., 'Social media and online hate' (2022), Current Opinion in Psychology, 45, 101298
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Wamser, R., Sager, J.C., Walker, H.E. & Richardson, J., 'An Investigation of the Associations Between Trauma Exposure, Racial Stereotypes, and Racist Beliefs' (2023), Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy [online]
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Wang, S., 'Hate Crime Analysis based on Artificial Intelligence Methods' (2021), E3S Web of Conferences, 251, 01062
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Wang, L., 'The transforming power of “hate”: Social cognition theory and the harms of bias-related crime' (1997), Southern California Law Review, 71, pp.47-135
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Ward, K. , 'The role of the Anglican and Catholic churches in Uganda in public discourse on homosexuality and ethics' (2015), Journal of Eastern African Studies, 9(1), pp.127-144
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Warren-Gordon, K. & Rhineberger, G., 'The “Trump effect” on hate crime reporting: Media coverage before and after the 2016 presidential election' (2021), Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice [online]
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Weber, I., Vandebosch, H., Poels, K. & Pabian, S., 'The ecology of online hate speech: Mapping expert perspectives on the drivers for online hate perpetration with the Delphi method' (2024), Aggressive Behavior, 50(2), e22136
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Williams, M.L., Sutherland, A., Roy-Chowdhury, V., Loke, T., Cullen, A., Sloan, L., Burnap, P. & Giannasi, P., 'The Effect of the Brexit Vote on the Variation in Race and Religious Hate Crimes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland' (2023), British Journal of Criminology, 63(4), pp. 1003–1023
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Williamson, H., De Buck, A. & Pauwels, L.J.R., 'Perceived injustice, perceived group threat and self-reported right-wing violence: An integrated approach' (2021), Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 0129
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Wilson, V., Parrott, D. & Peterson, J., 'Combined effects of masculine gender-role stress and sexual prejudice on anger and aggression toward gay men' (2011), Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41(5), pp.1237-1257
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Yahagi, K., 'The Effects of Hate Groups on Hate Crimes' (2019), Review of Law and Economics [online]
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Yoshida, Y., 'Not Leather Boots but Dress Shoes: White-Collar Masculinity and the Far-Right Movement' (2020), Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia, 19(2), pp. 104-124
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Zait, A., 'Approaching hate speech through behavioral education – suggested systemic perspective' (2022), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 1-5
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Zakrison, T.L., Milian Valdés, D. & Muntaner, C., 'Social Violence, Structural Violence, Hate, and the Trauma Surgeon' (2019), International Journal of Health Services [online]
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Zhang, J., 'A neurocomputational variable on welfare tradeoffs explains the function and form of cyberaggression' (2023), Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 17, 1034564
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