Publications: Schools and hate crime


Petrosino, C., 'In the crosshairs of the White Nationalist Movement: Is Bridgewater State ready?' (2017), Bridgewater Review, 36(2), pp.4-8
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Pittinsky, T.L., 'Backtalk: Educate, don’t erase' (2022), Phi Delta Kappan, 104(2), pp. 66-67
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Pollock, M. & Yoshisato, M., '#USvsHate: the power and core tensions of using an ‘anti-hate’ onramp for K12 antiracism today' (2022), Race Ethnicity and Education [online]
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Pollock, M., Lopez, D.D.A., Yoshisato, M., Kendall. R., Reece, E. & Kennedy, B.C., 'Next steps toward an inclusive country? Inviting and amplifying youth voice in public anti-hate messaging' (2022), Journal for Multicultural Education [online]
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Poteat, V.P., 'When prejudice is popular: Implications for discriminatory behavior' (2015), Social Development, 24(2), pp.404-419
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Poteat, V.P., Slaatten, H. & Breivik, K., 'Factors associated with teachers discussing and intervening against homophobic language' (2019), Teaching and Teacher Education, 77, pp.31-42
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Prado Puglia, J. & Linhares Garcia, E., 'Heterosexism and transphobia present in the school' (2016), Journal of Education & Social Policy, 3(1), pp.97-105
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Priest, N., Perry, R., Ferdinand, A., Paradies, Y. & Kelaher, M., 'Experiences of racism, racial/ethnic attitudes, motivated fairness and mental health outcomes among primary and secondary school students' (2014), Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 43(10), pp.1672-1687
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Prutzman, P., 'Bias-related incidents, hate crimes, and conflict resolution' (1994), Education and Urban Society, 27(1), pp.71-81
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Reneau, C.-M. & Villarreal, M.A. (Eds.), 'Handbook of research on leading higher education transformation with social justice, equity, and inclusion' (2021), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Roberts, N., Donovan, C. & Durey, M., 'Students’ help-seeking for experiences of interpersonal violence: How can universities respond?' (2023), Criminology and Criminal Justice [online]
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Robinson, A.N., 'Color-evasive free speech ideology: A conceptual analysis of free speech as racial oppression in U.S. higher education' (2021), Critical Studies in Education [online]
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Sabater, M.M., García-Ruiz, C.R. & González-Monfort, N., 'Against Hate: Hate speeches on digital contexts and alternative counter narratives on Secondary Education students | [Contrariar el odio: Los relatos del odio en los medios digitales y la construcción de discursos alternativos en alumnado de Educación Secundaria]' (2021), Bellaterra Journal of Teaching and Learning Language and Literature, 14(2), e909
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Sabic-El-Rayess, A., Joshi, V. & Hruschka, T., 'Building resilience to hate in classrooms: Innovation in practice and pedagogy to prevent extremism and violence in U.S. schools' (2024), Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community [online]
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Saha, K., Chandrasekharan, E. & De Choudhury, M., 'Prevalence and Psychological Effects of Hateful Speech in Online College Communities' (2019), WebSci 2019 - Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Web Science, pp. 255-264
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Sánchez-Compaña, M.T., Sánchez-Cruzado, C. & García-Ruiz, C.R., 'An interdisciplinary scientific and mathematic education, addressing relevant social problems such as sexist hate speech' (2020), Information (Switzerland), 11(12), 543, pp. 1-16
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Santellano, K., Higuera, K. & Arriaga, F., 'Latina Educators in Sociology: Combating Trumpism with Critical Pedagogy' (2021), Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 7(1), pp. 134-140
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Savoia, E., Su, M., Harriman, N. & Testa, M.A., 'Evaluation of A School Campaign to Reduce Hatred' (2019), Journal for Deradicalization, (21), pp. 43-83
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Schrage, J.M. & Giacomini, N.G. (Eds.), 'Reframing Campus Conflict: Student Conduct Practice Through the Lens of Inclusive Excellence (2nd Edition)' (2023), New York: Routledge
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Sciurba, K., 'Depicting Hate: Picture Books and the Realities of White Supremacist Crime and Violence' (2020), Teachers College Record, 122(8), pp. 117-143
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Scottish Government, 'Respect for all: The national approach to anti-bullying for Scotland’s children and young people' (2017)
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Shearman, S.M., Morin, A. & Muldrow, A.F., 'Campus Integration and Campus Climate at a Predominantly White Institution in the South' (2022), Howard Journal of Communications [online]
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Shin, R., Lim, M. & Hsieh, K., 'Engaging Students with Art-Based S-R-C (Sense of Belonging, Resistance, and Coalition Building) Strategies for Anti-Racism' (2023), International Journal of Art and Design Education, 42(1), pp. 172-191
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Shively, M., McDevitt, J., Cronin, S. & Balboni, J., 'Understanding the prevalence and characteristics of bias crime in Massachusetts high schools, Final Report' (2001), (NCJ 200991), Office of Justice Programs
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Singh Gill, S. & Worley, C., 'ʼHow did it go?ʼ Negotiating race, racialisation and identity when teaching issues of race and equality in HE' (2010), Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences, 2(3)
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Siqueira, B.B., de Souza, G.C.A., Japur, C.C. & de Oliveira Penaforte, F.R., '“The Other Person Does Not Deserve to be Remembered for the Amount of Fat They Have in Their Bodies”: Representations of Weight Stigma by Overweight Nutrition Students' (2023), Trends in Psychology [online]
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Smith, C.R., 'Circumventing The “True Threat” And “Viewpoint” Protection Tests to Deal with Persistent Campus Hate Speech' (2020), First Amendment Studies [online]
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Soltis, B.M., '“We Stand in Solidarity With …”: An Analysis of University Public Responses to Anti-Asian Hate' (2024), Journal of Diversity in Higher Education [online]
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Stegmeir, M., 'Muslims on campus: College-bound students, schools contend with rising intolerance' (2017), Journal of College Admission, 237, p.34-39
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Stokes, S. & Davis, C.H.F., 'In Defense of Dignitary Safety: A Phenomenological Study of Student Resistance to Hate Speech on Campus' (2022), Peabody Journal of Education [online]
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Strohmeier, D. & Gradinger, P., 'Teachers’ knowledge and intervention strategies to handle hate-postings' (2021), European Journal of Developmental Psychology [online]
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Sutton, H., 'Campus survey reports disparity in student concerns, actual incidence of crime' (2017), Campus Security Report, 14(9), p.9
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Sutton, H., 'FBI releases report on increased hate crimes' (2016), Campus Security Report, 13(9), p.9
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Syeed, N., 'Decolonizing the Body, Pedagogies, and Anti-Asian Hate' (2023), Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 39(2), pp. 123–126
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Taibi, D., Börsting, J., Hoppe, U., Ognibene, D., Hernández-Leo, D., Eimler, S.C. & Kruschwitz, U., 'The Role of Educational Interventions in Facing Social Media Threats: Overarching Principles of the COURAGE Project' (2023), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1779 CCIS, pp. 315-329
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Tang, H.-Y., Snow, K. & Xiong, Y., 'A campus and community supports for Asian university students amid the COVID-19 pandemic' (2023), Journal of American College Health [online]
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Tashkandi, Y., Hirsch, J.S., Kraus, E., Schwartz, R. & Walsh, K., 'A Systematic Review of Campus Characteristics Associated With Sexual Violence and Other Forms of Victimization' (2022), Trauma, Violence, and Abuse [online]
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Teeger, C., 'Ruptures in the rainbow nation: How desegregated South African schools deal with interpersonal and structural racism' (2015), Sociology of Education, 88(3), pp.226-243
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Tichavakunda, A.A., 'Studying and challenging racism in higher education: Naming bad faith to understand the “logic” of racism' (2021), Education Sciences, 11(10), 602
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Tucker, J.S., Ewing, B.A., Espelage, D.L., Green, H.D., de la Haye, K. & Pollard, M.S., 'Longitudinal associations of homophobic name-calling victimization with psychological distress and alcohol use during adolescence' (2015), Journal of Adolescent Health
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van Geel, M., Vedder, P. & Tanilon, J., 'Are overweight and obese youths more often bullied by their peers? A meta-analysis on the correlation between weight status and bullying' (2014), International Journal of Obesity, 38(10), pp.1263-1267
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Vasconcelos, R.M., Araújo, E., Silva, M. & Campinho, L., 'Transnational Higher Education: Diversity as Challenge' (2023), Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE 2023
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Vega, V.E., Perry, T.B., Pryor, N. & Henderson-Green, S., 'When teachers write and heal together: Using critical race theory and historically responsive literacy in digital 3rd space' (2023), Writing and Pedagogy, 15(1-2), pp. 181–196
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Vernikoff, L., Morvay, J.K. & Kolman, J., 'Where Is Antisemitism in Teacher Preparation? An Exploration of the Perspectives and Practices of Equity-Oriented Teacher Educators' (2022), Equity and Excellence in Education [online]
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Wachs, S., Castellanos, M., Wettstein, A., Bilz, L. & Gámez-Guadix, M., 'Associations Between Classroom Climate, Empathy, Self-Efficacy, and Countering Hate Speech Among Adolescents: A Multilevel Mediation Analysis' (2022), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Wachs, S., Valido, A., Espelage, D.L., Castellanos, M., Wettstein, A. & Bilz, L., 'The relation of classroom climate to adolescents’ countering hate speech via social skills: A positive youth development perspective' (2023), Journal of Adolescence [online]
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Wachs, S., Wettstein, A., Bilz, L., Krause, N., Ballaschk, C., Kansok-Dusche, J. & Wright, M.F., 'Playing by the Rules? An Investigation of the Relationship Between Social Norms and Adolescents’ Hate Speech Perpetration in Schools' (2021), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Walsh, C. & Townsin, L., 'Border-crossing pedagogy to disrupt LGBTIQ+ bullying and violence in schools' (2018), English in Australia, 53(2), pp.18-27
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Ward, L.W.M., 'A Critical Race Theory Perspective on Assaultive Speech in U.S. Campus Communities' (2022), Equity and Excellence in Education [online]
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Wertans, E. & Chakraborti, N., 'To deny or dismantle? Responding to victims of targeted hostility in higher education' (2024), International Review of Victimology [online]
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