Publications: Cyber hate (online hate crime)


A, J., da Silva, F.L.V., Costa, W., Carvalho, R.B., Bender, A.T., Correa, U.B. & de Freitas, L.A., 'BERTimbau in Action: An Investigation of its Abilities in Sentiment Analysis, Aspect Extraction, Hate Speech Detection, and Irony Detection' (2023), Proceedings of the International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, FLAIRS, 36
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Aarthi, B. & Chelliah, B.J., 'Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model for plurilingual Language Opinion Classification in Social media' (2023), 2023 IEEE International Conference on Research Methodologies in Knowledge Management, Artificial Intelligence and Telecommunication Engineering, RMKMATE 2023
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Aarthi, B. & Chelliah, B.J., 'HATDO: hybrid Archimedes Tasmanian devil optimization CNN for classifying offensive comments and non-offensive comments' (2023), Neural Computing and Applications [online]
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Ababu, T.M. & Woldeyohannis, M.M., 'Afaan Oromo Hate Speech Detection and Classification on Social Media' (2022), 2022 Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2022, pp. 6612-6619
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Abbes, M., Kechaou, Z. & Alimi, A.M., 'Deep learning approach for Tunisian hate Speech detection on Facebook' (2023), Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 2023, pp. 739–744
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Abd Elminaam, D.S., Abdelaziz, A., Essam, G. & Mohamed, S.E., 'AraFake: A Deep Learning Approach for Arabic Fake News Detection' (2023), 3rd International Mobile, Intelligent, and Ubiquitous Computing Conference, MIUCC 2023, pp. 268–275
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Abdallah Tani, M.E.N. & Alrasheed, T.K.A., 'Violence in digital communication social media through the of installing technique' (2023), Measurement: Sensors, 25, 100646
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AbdelHamid, M., Jafar, A. & Rahal, Y., 'Levantine hate speech detection in Twitter' (2022), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12(1), 121
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Abderrouaf, C. & Oussalah, M., 'On Online Hate Speech Detection. Effects of Negated Data Construction' (2019), Proceedings - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2019, 9006336, pp. 5595-5602
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Abdou, A.L.N.N. & Tagne, E.F., 'A Sentiment Analysis Approach for Abusive Content Detection using Improved Dataset' (2021), Proceedings - 2021 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, CSCI 2021, pp. 1415-1420
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Abdul Aziz, N.A., Aizaini Maarof, M. & Zainal, A., 'Hate Speech and Offensive Language Detection: A New Feature Set with Filter-Embedded Combining Feature Selection' (2021), 2021 3rd International Cyber Resilience Conference, CRC 2021, 9392486
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Abdurrahman, M.H., Irawan, B. & Setianingsih, C., 'A Review of Light Gradient Boosting Machine Method for Hate Speech Classification on Twitter' (2020), ICECIE 2020 - 2020 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Control and Instrumentation Engineering, Proceedings, 9309565
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Abebaw, Z., Rauber, A. & Atnafu, S., 'Design and Implementation of a Multichannel Convolutional Neural Network for Hate Speech Detection in Social Networks' (2022), Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, 36(2), pp. 175-183
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Abebaw, Z., Rauber, A. & Atnafu, S., 'Multi-channel Convolutional Neural Network for Hate Speech Detection in Social Media' (2022), Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, 411 LNICST, pp. 603-618
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Abercrombie, G., Hovy, D. & Prabhakaran, V., 'Temporal and Second Language Influence on Intra-Annotator Agreement and Stability in Hate Speech Labelling' (2023), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 96–103
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Abhijith, A.B. & Prithvi, P., 'Automated Toxic Chat Synthesis, Reporting and Removing the Chat in Telegram Social Media Using Natural Language Processing Techniques' (2024), 2024 4th International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies, ICAECT 2024
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Abid, A.A., Shami, S. & Ashfaq, A., 'Facebook and hate speech: Analyzing relationship between consumers’ attributes and Islamic sectarian content on social media in Pakistan' (2021), Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 11(1)
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Abidin, Z., Adina, N., Arifudin, R., Purwinarko, A., Hamdani, H. & Wibisono, D.L., 'A deep learning approach for sentiment analysis of hate tweets' (2023), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2614, 040017
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Abondo Ndo, W.S., 'Digital Shifts and Ethno-Political Dynamics: Examining Event and Actor Designation in the Cameroon Boko Haram Terrorism Conflict through Print and Online Platforms' (2024), Journalism and Media, 5(1), pp. 359–381
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Abro, S., Shaikh, S., Ali, Z., Khan. S., Mujtaba, G. & Khand, Z.H., 'Automatic Hate Speech Detection Using Machine Learning: A Comparative Study' (2020), International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 11(8), pp. 484-491
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Achondo, L., 'Musical Messaging: The Social and Anti-Social Affordances of WhatsApp in the Football Culture of the Latin American Southern Cone' (2022), Twentieth-Century Music, 19(3), pp. 517-536
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Adesokan, A., Madria, S. & Nguyen, L., 'HatEmoTweet: low-level emotion classifications and spatiotemporal trends of hate and offensive COVID-19 tweets' (2023), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 13(1), 136
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Adewumi, T., Sabry, S.S., Abid, N., Liwicki, F. & Liwicki, M., 'T5 for Hate Speech, Augmented Data, and Ensemble' (2023), Sci, 5(4), 37
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Aditya, A., Vinod, R., Kumar, A., Bhowmik, I. & Swaminathan, J., 'Classifying Speech into Offensive and Hate Categories along with Targeted Communities using Machine Learning' (2022), 5th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies, ICICT 2022 – Proceedings, pp. 291-295
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Agarwal, N., Mead, E., Spann, B. & Donoven, K., 'Developing Approaches to Detect and Mitigate COVID-19 Misinfodemic in Social Networks for Proactive Policymaking' (2022), in R. Gill & R. Goolsby (Eds.) COVID-19 Disinformation: A Multi-National, Whole of Society Perspective (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications Series) (pp. 47-79), Cham: Springer
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Agarwal, P., Hawkins, O., Amaxopoulou, M., Dempsey, N., Sastry, N. & Wood, E., 'Hate Speech in Political Discourse: A Case Study of UK MPs on Twitter' (2021), HT 2021 - Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, pp. 155-164
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Agarwal, S. & Chowdary, C.R., 'Combating hate speech using an adaptive ensemble learning model with a case study on COVID-19' (2021), Expert Systems with Applications, 185, 115632
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Agarwal, S., Sonawane, A. & Chowdary, C.R., 'Accelerating automatic hate speech detection using parallelized ensemble learning models' (2023), Expert Systems with Applications, 230, 120564
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Agarwal, V., Joglekar, S., Young, A.P. & Sastry, N., 'GraphNLI: A Graph-based Natural Language Inference Model for Polarity Prediction in Online Debates' (2022), WWW 2022 - Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022, pp. 2729-2737
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Agarwal, V., Young, A.P., Joglekar, S. & Sastry, N., 'A Graph-Based Context-Aware Model to Understand Online Conversations' (2023), ACM Transactions on the Web, 18(1), 10
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Aggarwal, A., Sharma, V., Trivedi, A., Agrawal, C., Singh, D., Mishra, V. & Gritli, H., 'Two-Way Feature Extraction Using Sequential and Multimodal Approach for Hateful Meme Classification' (2021), Complexity, 2021, 5510253
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Aggarwal, P., Chawla, P., Das, M., Saha, P., Mathew, B., Zesch, T. & Mukherjee, A., 'HateProof: Are Hateful Meme Detection Systems Really Robust?' (2023), ACM Web Conference 2023 - Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2023, pp. 3734-3743
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Agrawal, T. & Chakravarthy, V.D., 'Cyberbullying Detection and Hate Speech Identification using Machine Learning Techniques' (2022), Proceedings - 2022 2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems, ICPS 2022, pp. 182-187
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Agudelo, F.I. & Olbrych, N., 'It’s Not How You Say It, It’s What You Say: Ambient Digital Racism and Racial Narratives on Twitter' (2022), Social Media and Society, 8(3)
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Aguerri, J.C. & Miró-Llinares, F., 'Offensive and hateful communication or programmed disinformation? An analysis of the characteristics and discourse of the #ExposeBillGates conspiracy event | ¿Comunicación ofensiva y de odio o desinformación programada? Un análisis de las características y discurso del evento conspiranoico #ExposeBillGates' (2023), Revista de Internet, Derecho y Politica, (37)
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Aguerri, J.C., Santisteban, M. & Miró-Llinares, F., 'The Enemy Hates Best? Toxicity in League of Legends and Its Content Moderation Implications' (2023), European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research [online]
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Aguilera-Carnerero, C. & Tegal, M., 'Multimodal Islamophobia: Gendered stereotypes in memes' (2023), Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research, 16(2), pp. 201–222
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Ahmad, A., Azzeh, M., Alnagi, E., Abu Al-Haija, Q., Halabi, D., Aref, A. & AbuHour, Y., 'Hate speech detection in the Arabic language: corpus design, construction, and evaluation' (2024), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 7, 1345445
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Ahmad, N., Lilienthal, G. & Asmad, A.B., 'The Impact of social media on UK Hate Crime: A Brief Study' (2023), IBIMA Business Review, 2023, 989773
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Ahmad, Z., Sujeeth, V.S. & Ekbal, A., 'Zero-Shot Hate to Non-Hate Text Conversion Using Lexical Constraints' (2022), IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems [online]
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Ahmanideen, G. & Iner, D., 'The interaction between online and offline Islamophobia and anti-mosque campaigns: The literature review with a case study from an anti-mosque social media page' (2023), Sociology Compass [online]
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Ahmed, I., Abbas, M., Hatem, R., Ihab, A. & Fahkr, M.W., 'Fine-Tuning Arabic Pre-Trained Transformer Models for Egyptian-Arabic Dialect Offensive Language and Hate Speech Detection and Classification' (2022), Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Language Engineering, ESOLEC 2022, pp. 170-174
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Ahmed, M.S., Maher, S.M. & Khudhur, M.E., 'Arabic cyberbullying detecting using ensemble deep learning technique' (2023), Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 32(2), pp. 1031–1041
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Ahmed, U. & Lin, J.C., 'Deep Explainable Hate Speech Active Learning on Social-Media Data' (2022), IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems [online]
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Ahmed, Z., Vidgen, B. & Hale, S.A., 'Tackling racial bias in automated online hate detection: Towards fair and accurate detection of hateful users with geometric deep learning' (2022), EPJ Data Science, 11(1), 8
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Ahn, S., Baik, J. & Krause, C.S., 'Splintering and centralizing platform governance: how Facebook adapted its content moderation practices to the political and legal contexts in the United States, Germany, and South Korea' (2022), Information Communication and Society [online]
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Akazawa, N., Tekiroğlu, S.S. & Guerini, M., 'Distilling Implied Bias from Hate Speech for Counter Narrative Selection' (2023), Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on CounterSpeech for Online Abuse, CS4OA 2023, 2023, pp. 29–43
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Åkerlund, M., 'Influence Without Metrics: Analyzing the Impact of Far-Right Users in an Online Discussion Forum' (2021), Social Media and Society, 7(2)
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Åkerlund, M., 'Politics of Deliberate Inaction: The disconnect between platform justifications and user imaginaries on content moderation in a ‘free speech’ online forum' (2023), New Media and Society [online]
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Akhilesh Naidu, T. & Kumar, S., 'Impact of Deep Learning Models on Hate Speech Detection' (2021), 2021 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies, ICCCNT 2021
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