Publications: Law and hate crime


(Marelize) Marais, M.E., 'Hate Speech in the Equality Act Following the Constitutional Court Judgment in Qwelane v SAH' (2023), Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 26, pp. 1–33
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Abbas, T. & Awan, I., 'Limits of UK Counterterrorism Policy and its implications for Islamophobia and Far Right extremism' (2015), International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 4(3), pp.16-29
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Abel, R.L., 'How Autocrats Abuse Power: Resistance to Trump and Trumpism' (2024), London: Routledge
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Adams, D.M., 'Punishing hate and achieving equality' (2005), Criminal Justice Ethics, 24(1), pp.19-30
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Adams, M.S. & Toth, R.C., 'The unanticipated consequences of hate crime legislation' (2006), Judicature, 90(3), pp.129-134
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Agbor, A., 'Language as a Tool of Divisive Politics: Perspectives on Foreign Nationals in South Africa' (2024), Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 27
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Ahmad, N., Lilienthal, G. & Asmad, A.B., 'The Impact of social media on UK Hate Crime: A Brief Study' (2023), IBIMA Business Review, 2023, 989773
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Ahn, S., Baik, J. & Krause, C.S., 'Splintering and centralizing platform governance: how Facebook adapted its content moderation practices to the political and legal contexts in the United States, Germany, and South Korea' (2022), Information Communication and Society [online]
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Akhtar, Z., 'Vigilantism, presumption of guilt and murder' (2018), Criminal Law & Justice Weekly, 182(7)

Akhtar, Z., 'Hate crimes and the law: Introducing caste hatred as a public order offence' (2021), New Journal of European Criminal Law, 12(2), pp. 166-183
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Akhtar, S., 'The mental pain of minorities' (2014), British Journal of Psychotherapy, 30(2), pp.136-153
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Akiviadou, N., 'Regulating hatred: Of devils and demons?' (2018), International Journal of Discrimination and the Law [online]
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Akrivopoulou, C.M., 'Dignity as the ultimate boundary to the freedom of speech: An account of Jeremy Waldron’s “harm in hate speech” argument' (2014), Human Rights and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, 4(99), pp.1805-1810
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Al-Hakim, M., 'Making a home for the homeless in hate crime legislation' (2015), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(10), pp.1755-1781
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Al-Hakim, M., 'Making room for hate crime legislation in liberal societies' (2010), Criminal Law and Philosophy, 4(3), pp.341-358
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Al-Hakim, M. & Dimock, S., 'Hate as an aggravating factor in sentencing' (2012), New Criminal Law Review, 15(4), pp.572-611
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Alapont, J.L., 'The exaltation of terrorism and the humiliation of its victims: limits and grounds of its punishment in a democratic State of law | [El enaltecimiento del terrorismo y la humillación de sus víctimas: límites y fundamentos de su punición en un Estado democrático de Derecho]' (2022), Revista Electronica de Ciencia Penal y Criminologia, 24, pp. 1-46
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Alcacer-Guirao, R. & Fouce, H., 'Toxic emotions in the new public sphere: Media controversies and hate discourse | [Emociones tóxicas en la nueva esfera pública: Controversias mediáticas y discurso del odio]' (2021), Revista Mediterranea de Comunicacion, 11(2), pp. 123-135
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Alkiviadou, N., 'Hate Crimes: The legality and Practicality of Punishing Bias—A Socio-Legal Appraisal' (2022), International Journal for the Semiotics of Law [online]
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Alkiviadou, N., 'Speech that Isn’t Mine: Obligations Under the European Court of Human Rights' (2023), International Journal for the Semiotics of Law [online]
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Alkiviadou, N. & Belavusau, U., 'Rien que des mots: Counteracting homophobic speech in European and U.S. law' (2021), International Journal of Discrimination and the Law [online]
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Alrwashdeh, B.H., Al-Nsour, H.A. & Al-Hayek, G.H., 'Human Rights with Focus on Gender, Race, and Religion: A Comparative Study Between Jordanian Legislation and International Human Rights Acts' (2024), Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 16(2), pp. 35–46
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Alsultany, E., 'How Hate Crime Laws Perpetuate Anti-Muslim Racism' (2021), Meridians, 20(2), pp. 414-442
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Altman, A., 'The democratic legitimacy of bias crime laws: Public reason and the political process' (2001), Law and Philosophy, 20(2), pp.141-173
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Ambikaipaker, M., 'Liberal exceptions: Violent racism and routine anti-racist failure in Britain' (2015), Ethnic and Racial Studies, pp.1-16
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Amnesty International UK, 'Tackling hate crime in the UK: A background briefing paper from Amnesty International UK' (2017), London: The Human Rights Action Centre
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Andresen, W.C., 'Research Note: Comparing the Gay and Trans Panic Defenses' (2021), Women and Criminal Justice [online]
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Aniyar, D.C. & Cajas, K., 'The need to identify labeling sexual violence in social networks within the SIJ and Ecuador: Hater attacks as a criminal type of Health Care | La necesidad de identificar la violencia sexual etiquetante en las redes socials dentro del SIJ y Ecuador: Los ataques hater como tipo penal' (2023), Encuentros (Maracaibo), 18, pp. 31–49
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Anti-Defamation League, 'Hate crime laws: A comprehensive guide' (1994), New York

Anti-Defamation League, 'Hate crime laws: Policies and procedures for law enforcement agencies' (1998), New York: Author

Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 'State hate crime statutory provisions' (2014)
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Antić, P., 'Sanctioning hate speech on the internet: In search of the best approach | SANKCIONISANJE GOVORA MRŽNJE NA INTERNETU: U POTRAZI ZA NAJBOLJIM PRISTUPOM' (2023), Pravni Zapisi, 14(1), pp. 74–100
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Antjoule, N., '3. Hate crime laws: A guide for LGBT people' (2016), National LGBT Hate Crime Partnership
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Araujo, L.H.D., 'Constitutional Law Around the Globe: Fundamental Rights, the Freedom of Speech and “Hate Speech” in Canada | Direito Constitutional ao redor do globo: Direitos Fundamentais, Liberdade de Expressão e “Discurso de Ódio” no Canadá' (2023), Revista de Investigacoes Constitucionais, 10(2), e243
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Ardill, A. & Wardle, B., 'Firebombs and Ferguson: A review of hate crime laws as applied to child sex offenders' (2009), Alternative Law Journal, 34(4), pp.257-259
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Arenal Lora, L., 'Limitations and scope of the responsibility of internet service provider companies. Meta and incitement to genocide of Rohingya case | Limitaciones y alcance de la responsabilidad de las empresas proveedoras de servicios en el discurso de odio online. El caso de Meta en la incitación al genocidio rohingya' (2023), Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, 15(2), pp. 141–166
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Arrocha, W., 'Arizona’s Senate Bill 1070: Targeting the other1 and generating discourses and practices of discrimination and hate' (2011), Journal of Hate Studies, 9(1), pp. 65-92
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Ashiru, A.M., 'Recognition of the rights of the sexual minorities in Nigeria: Interrogating the laws towards developing a paradigm shift' (2022), in A.E. Arimoro (Ed.) Global Perspectives on the LGBT Community and Non-Discrimination (pp. 184-209), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Ashley, F., 'Don’t be so hateful: The insufficiency of anti-discrimination and hate crime laws in improving trans well-being' (2018), University of Toronto Law Journal, 68(1), pp.1-36
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Ashworth, A., 'Hate crime' (2013), The Criminal Law Review, 9, pp.709-710
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Asogwa, N. & Ezeibe, C., 'The State, Hate Speech Regulation and Sustainable Democracy in Africa: A Study of Nigeria and Kenya' (2020), African Identities [online]
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Asquith, N., 'The harms of verbal and textual hatred' (2009), in Perry, B. (ed.), Hate crimes: The consequences of hate crime Volume 2. Praeger Publishers.

Assimakopoulos, S., 'Incitement to Discriminatory Hatred, Illocution and Perlocution' (2020), Pragmatics and Society, 11(2), pp. 177-195
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Atak, K., '‘Inappropriate but Not Crime?’ Policing Racial Hatred in Sweden' (2017), Nordic Journal of Criminology [online]
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Atreya, A., Menezes, R.G. & Nepal, S., 'The tragic consequence of false honour: Understanding the phenomenon of “honour-killings” and its legal implications in Nepal' (2023), Medico-Legal Journal [online]
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Axelson, R., 'State-sponsored hatred and persecution on the grounds of sexual orientation: The role of international criminal law' (2016), in J. Schweppe & M.A. Walters, The globalization of hate: Internationalizing hate crime? (pp.277-293), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Badar, M. & Florijančič, P., 'Assessing Incitement to Hatred as a Crime Against Humanity of Persecution' (2019), International Journal of Human Rights [online]
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Badar, M.E. & Florijančič, P., 'The Prosecutor v. Vojislav Šešelj: A Symptom of the Fragmented International Criminalisation of Hate and Fear Propaganda' (2020), International Criminal Law Review, 20(3), pp. 405-491
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Badar, M.E. & Florijančič, P., 'Killing in the Name of Islam? Assessing the Tunisian Approach to Criminalising Takfir and Incitement to Religious Hatred against International and Regional Human Rights Instruments' (2021), Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 39(4), pp. 481-507
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Baehr, A.R., 'A feminist liberal approach to hate crime legislation' (2003), Journal of Social Philosophy, 34(1), pp.134-152
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