Publications: Law and hate crime


Botha, J., '‘Swartman’: Racial Descriptor or Racial Slur? Rustenburg Platinum Mine v SAEWA obo Bester [2018]' (2020), Constitutional Court Review, 10(1), pp. 353-377
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Bourne, J., 'Does legislating against racial violence work? ' (2002), Race & Class, 44(2), pp.81-85
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Boyd, E.A., Berk, R.A. & Hamner, K.M., '‘Motivated by hatred or prejudice’: Categorization of hate-motivated crimes in two police divisions' (1996), Law and Society Review, 30(4), pp.819-850
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Boyle, K. & Berridge, S. (Eds.), 'The Routledge Companion to Gender, Media and Violence' (2023), London: Routledge
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Brax, D., 'Motives, reasons, and responsibility in hate/bias crime legislation' (2016), Criminal Justice Ethics [online], pp.1-19
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Brax, D. & Munthe, C., 'The philosophical aspects of hate crime and hate crime legislation: Introducing the special section on the philosophy of hate crime' (2015), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(10), pp.1687-1695
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Breen, D. & Nel, J.A., 'South Africa – A home for all? The need for hate crime legislation' (2011), South African Crime Quarterly, 38
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Brennan, F., 'Punishing Islamophobic hostility: Are any lessons to be learned from racially hostile crimes?' (2003), Journal of Civil Liberties, 8(1), pp.28-50
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Brennan, F., 'Racially motivated crime: The response of the criminal justice system' (1999), Criminal Law Review, Jan, pp.17-28
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Brennan, F., 'Legislating against internet race hate' (2009), Information & Communications Technology Law, 18(2), pp.123-153
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Brennan, F., ' Laws uncritical engagement' (2009), Information & Communications Technology Law, 18(2), pp.75-78
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Brightman, S., Lenning, E., Lurie, K.J. & DeJong, C., 'Anti-Transgender Ideology, Laws, and Homicide: An Analysis of the Trifecta of Violence' (2023), Homicide Studies [online]
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Broeren, Z.D. & Djupe, P.A., 'The ingroup love and outgroup hate of Christian Nationalism: experimental evidence about the implementation of the rule of law' (2023), Politics and Religion [online]
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Brogaard, B., 'Hatred: Understanding Our Most Dangerous Emotion' (2020), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Bronitt, S. & McSherry, B., 'Public order' (2010), in Principles of Criminal Law (3rd ed.). Thomson Reuters.
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Brooks, T.D., 'First Amendment-penalty enhancement for hate crimes: Content regulation, questionable state interests and non-traditional sentencing' (1994), Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 84(4), pp.703-742
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Brown, C., 'Legislating against hate crime in New Zealand: The need to recognise gender-based violence' (2004), Victoria University of Wellington Law Review, 35(3), pp.591-608
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Brown, A., 'The “who?” question in the hate speech debate: Part 1: Consistency, practical, and formal approaches' (2016), Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence, 29(2), pp. 275-320
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Brown, A., 'Hate speech law: A philosophical examination' (2015), New York: Routledge.
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Brown, A. & Sinclair, A., 'The Politics of Hate Speech Laws' (2019), London: Routledge
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Brudholm, T., 'Hate crimes and human rights violations' (2014), Journal of Applied Philosophy
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Brudholm, T. & Schepelern Johansen, B. (Eds.), 'Hate, politics, law: Critical perspectives on combating hate' (2018), New York, NY: Oxford University Press
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Bülbül, K., Islam, M.N., Khan, M.S. (Eds.), 'Rohingya Refugee Crisis in Myanmar: Ethnic Conflict and Resolution' (2022), Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan
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Bull Kovera, M., 'Implications of automatic and controlled processes in stereotyping for hate crime perpetration and litigation Margaret Bull Kovera' (2007), Social Consciousness in Legal Decision Making, pp.227-246
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Bunar, N., 'Hate crimes against immigrants in Sweden and community responses' (2007), American Behavioral Scientist, 51(2), pp.166-181
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Buoncompagni, G., 'The Perception of Anti-Semitic Hatred in the Italian Media and Justice System' (2023), Fieldwork in Religion, 18(2), pp. 184–199
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Burney, E., 'Using the law on racially aggravated offences' (2003), Criminal Law Review, Jan, pp.28-36

Burney, E. & Rose, G., 'Racist offences – how is the law working?: The implementation of the legislation on racially aggravated offences in the Crime and Disorder Act 1998' (2002), Home Office Research Study 244. London: Home Office
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Burt, C.H., Simons, R.L. & Gibbons, F.X., 'Racial discrimination, ethnic-racial socialization, and crime: A micro-sociological model of risk and resilience' (2012), American Sociological Review, 77(4), pp.648-677
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Butler, O. & Turenne, S., 'The regulation of hate speech online and its enforcement – a comparative outlook' (2022), Journal of Media Law [online]
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Cabeldue, M. K., Cramer, R. J., Kehn, A., Crosby, J. W. & Anastasi, J. S., 'Measuring attitudes about hate: Development of the hate crime beliefs scale' (2016), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, pp.1-30
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Cabellos Espiérrez, M.Á., 'Freedom of expression and legal limits: A new stage along the road towards establishing constitutionally consistent interpretative criteria | [Libertad de expresión y límites penales: Una nueva fase en el camino hacia la fijación de criterios interpretativos constitucionalmente coherentes]' (2020), Revista Catalana de Dret Public, 2020(61), pp. 30-49
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Caltekin, D.A., 'Reinforcing gender stereotypes through legal Defence: the application of unjust provocation Defence in hate-motivated killings of LGBTQI in Turkey' (2022), Crime, Law and Social Change [online]
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Camden Council, '“Camden: No place for hate”: An executive summary report on hate crime in Camden' (2015)
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Campbell, R., Smith, L., Leacy, B., Ryan, M. & Stoica, B., 'Not Collateral Damage: Trends in Violence and Hate Crimes Experienced by Sex Workers in the Republic of Ireland' (2020), Irish Journal of Sociology [online]
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Campo-Engelstein, L., 'Rape as a hate crime: An analysis of New York law' (2016), Hypatia, 31(1), pp.91-106
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Cancio Meliá, M., 'Spanish writing on the wall? Glorification of terrorism under Spanish law' (2022), in C. Walker, M. Llobet Anglí & M. Cancio Meliá (Eds.) Precursor Crimes of Terrorism: The Criminalisation of Terrorism Risk in Comparative Perspective (pp. 127-142), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
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Carlson, C.R., 'Hate Speech as a Structural Phenomenon' (2020), First Amendment Studies [online]
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Carlson, C.R., 'On Shaky Ground: Reconsidering the Justifications for First Amendment Protection of Hate Speech' (2023), Communication Law and Policy [online]
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Carlson, C.R. & Terry, C., 'The Devil’s in the Details: How Countries’ Defamation Laws Can (and Can’t) Combat Hate Speech' (2023), Journalism Practice [online]
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Carr, J., Haynes, A. & Schweppe, J., 'Hate crime: An overview of significance and relevance to Irish sociology' (2017), Irish Journal of Sociology, 25(1), pp.73-83
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Castillo, V.G.L., 'The European cyberspace control in face of hate speech: Legal measures to combat and prevent | [El control Europeo del ciberespacio ante el discurso de odio: Análisis de las medidas de lucha y prevención]' (2020), Araucaria, (45), pp. 291-310
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Çetınkaya, A., Dondurucu, Z.B. & Yetkın Cilizoğlu, G., 'Instances of Hate Speech Directed toward LGBTIQ+ People on Social Media Platforms in Turkey and Measures Taken against Discrimination' (2021), in N. Akıncılar Köseoğlu & D. Apak (Eds.) Challenging Discrimination in Different Areas: Turkey (pp. 45-80), Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa & Wien: Peter Lang
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Chakraborti, N., 'Re-thinking hate crime: Fresh challenges for policy and practice' (2015), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(10), pp.1738-1754
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Chakraborti, N., 'Hate crime: Concepts, policy and future directions' (2010), Devon: Willan Publishing

Chakraborti, N., & Garland, J., 'Hate crime: Impact, causes and responses' (2009), UK: SAGE Publications

Chalmers, J. & Leverick, F., 'A comparative analysis of hate crime legislation: A report to the Hate Crime Legislation Review' (2017), University of Glasgow
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Chapman, A., 'Sexuality and workplace oppression' (1995), Melbourne University Law Review, 20(2), pp.311-349
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Chapman, A., 'The messages of subordination contained in anti-discrimination statutes' (1997), in Mason, G. & Tomsen, S. (eds.) Homophobic Violence. Australia: Hawkins Press.

Chapman, A. & Kelly, K., 'Australian anti-vilification law: A discussion of the public/private divide and the work relations context' (2005), Sydney Law Review, 27(2), pp.203-236
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