Publications: Law and hate crime


Chin, G.J., 'Race and the disappointing right to counsel' (2013), Yale Law Journal, 122(8), pp.2236-2259
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Chin, J., 'Antimatters: The curious case of Confederate monuments' (2023), Boston University Law Review, 103(1), pp. 311–383
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Chorbs, C., 'The danger of federalizing hate crimes: Congressional misconceptions and the unintended consequences of the Hate Crimes Prevention Act' (2001), Virginia Law Review, 87(2), pp.319-379
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Chow, R., 'Inciting hatred or merely engaging in religious debate? The need for religious vilification laws' (2005), Alternative Law Journal, 30(3), pp.120-145
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Clark, M.H., 'The unnerved and unhoused: a rhetorical analysis of save Austin now’s campaign to disband unhoused individuals from Austin, Texas' (2023), Argumentation and Advocacy [online]
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Clevenger, S., Kelley, S., & Ratajczak, K. (Eds.), 'Queer Victimology: Understanding the Victim Experience (1st edition)' (2023), New York: Routledge
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Coche, E., 'Privatised Enforcement and the Right to Freedom of Expression in a World Confronted With Terrorism Propaganda Online' (2018), Internet Policy Review, 7(4)
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Coe, P., 'The Draft Online Safety Bill and the regulation of hate speech: have we opened Pandora’s box?' (2022), Journal of Media Law [online]
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Coester, M., 'Commentary: Right-wing extremism and bias crime in Germany' (2010), Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 8(1), pp.49-69
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Coester, M. & Rothenburg, J., 'Bias crimes in Court – the consideration of racist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic or other inhumane aims and motives according to Section 46 (2) sentence 2 of the German Criminal Code in determining punishment | Vorurteilskriminalität vor Gericht – die Berücksichtigung von rassistischen, fremdenfeindlichen, antisemitischen oder sonstigen menschenverachtenden Zielen und Beweggründen gem. § 46 Abs. 2 S. 2 StGB im Rahmen der Strafzumessung' (2023), Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform [online]
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Cogan, J.C. & Marcus-Newhall, A., 'Hate crimes: Research, policy and action. Introduction' (2002), American Behavioral Scientist, 46(1), pp.8-13
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Cohen-Almagor, R., 'Taking Profound Offence Seriously: Freedom of Speech v. Human Dignity' (2020), Journal of Hate Studies, 16(1), p. 1-11
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Cohen-Almagor, R., 'Google and Corporate Social Responsibility: YouTube in the Service of Terrorism' (2022), Perspectives on Terrorism, 16(5), pp. 46-61
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Coker, C.T., 'Hope-fulfilling or effectively chilling? Reconciling the Hate Crimes Prevention Act with the First Amendment' (2011), Vanderbilt Law Review, 64(1)
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College of Policing, 'Hate crime operational guide' (2014)
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Collier, L.M., 'College campus hate speech codes: A personal view from an absolute perspective' (1995), Howard Journal of Communications, 5(4), pp.263-278
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Collingwood, L., '‘Electronic communications media: how to regulate the hate!’' (2022), Information and Communications Technology Law [online]
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Colussi, J., García-Estévez, N. & Ballesteros-Aguayo, L., 'Polarization and hatred on TikTok against Spain’s Trans Law | Polarização e ódio no Tik Tok contra a Lei Trans da Espanha' (2024), Icono14, 22(1), e2088
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Concannon, L., 'Protecting difference: A discussion on transphobic and homophobic hate crime in the Irish context' (2021), Critical Social Policy [online]
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Copello, P.L., 'A Crime Looking for Justification: Humiliation or Discredit of Discriminated Groups | [UN DELITO EN BUSCA DE JUSTIFICACIÓN:LA HUMILLACIÓN O DESCRÉDITO DECOLECTIVOS DISCRIMINADOS]' (2021), Azafea, 23, pp. 83-106
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Cossman, B., 'Gender identity, gender pronouns, and freedom of expression: Bill C-16 and the traction of specious legal claims' (2018), University of Toronto Law Journal, 68(1), pp.37-79
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Courtois, S., 'Are Hate Speech Laws Useless? An Appraisal of Eric Heinze’s Arguments' (2021), Res Publica [online]
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Coussey, M., 'Legal responses to racially motivated hate crimes' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 48(1), pp.32-33
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Cowdery, N., 'Review of law of vilification: Criminal aspects' (2009), Hate Crime and Vilification Law Roundtable, Sydney Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law, University of Sydney, 28 August 2009.
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Cramer, R.J., Chandler, J.F. & Wakeman, E.E., 'Blame attribution as a moderator of perceptions of sexual orientation-based hate crimes' (2010), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 25(5), pp.848-862
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Cramer, R.J., Laxton, K.L., Chandler, J.F., Kehn, A., Bate, B.P. & Clark, J.W., 'Political identity, type of victim, and hate crime-related beliefs as predictors of views concerning hate crime penalty enhancement laws' (2017), Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy [online]
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Critchlow, G., 'Stopping Genocide Through International Agreement When the Security Council Fails to Act' (2007), Georgetown Journal of International Law, 40(2), pp. 311-344
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Cronin, S., McDevitt, J., Farrell, A., & Nolan, J.J., 'Bias-crime reporting: Organizational responses to ambiguity, uncertainty, and infrequency in eight police departments' (2007), American Behavioral Scientist, 51(2), pp.213-225,227-231
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Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), 'Hate crime report: 2014/2015 and 2015/16' (2016)
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Cunneen, C. & de Rome, L., 'The monitoring by police of racist violence in the community' (1995), in Egger, S.J. & Chappell, D. (eds.) Australian Violence: Contemporary Perspectives 2


da Silva, R., Ventura, J.P., de Carvalho, C.M. & Barbosa, M.R., '“From street soldiers to political soldiers”: assessing how extreme right violence has been criminalised in Portugal' (2022), Critical Studies on Terrorism [online]
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Dato, A.G., 'The European Union against regime propaganda | L’Unione europea contro la propaganda di regime' (2023), Ceridap, 2023(4), pp. 24–46
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De la Fuente, O.P., 'Free speech and performativity. Analysis on some judicial case on hate speech and/or symbolic speech. | [Libertad de expresión y performatividad. Análisis de algunos casos judiciales sobre lenguaje del odio y/o simbólico]' (2021), Cuadernos Electronicos de Filosofia del Derecho, (45), pp. 127-156
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de Mata, F.B., 'Probative peculiarities of hate speech on the Internet: identification of radical polarization indicators using algorithmic systems | Particularidades probatorias del discurso de odio en Internet: identificación de indicadores de polarización radical mediante sistemas algorítmicos' (2023), Revista de Internet, Derecho y Politica, 2023(39)
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Del Mar Moreno Mozos, M., 'Gender hate speech in the public discourse of religious leaders | El discurso de odio por razón de género en los pronunciamientos públicos de jerarcas religiosos' (2023), Revista de Derecho Politico, (118), pp. 229–260
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Demaske, C., 'Hate Speech in the United States and Abroad Finding Common Ground' (2022), in L. Corredoira, I.B. Mallén & R.C. Presuel (Eds.) The Handbook of Communication Rights, Law, and Ethics: Seeking Universality, Equality, Freedom and Dignity (pp. 205-216), Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley
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Demaske, C., 'Social Justice, Recognition Theory and the First Amendment: A New Approach to Hate Speech Restriction' (2019), Communication Law and Policy, 24(3), pp. 347-401
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Demaske, C., 'Trump’s hateful rhetoric and First Amendment failures: Re-envisioning incitement, true threats, and hate speech' (2022), Communication and Democracy, 56(2), pp. 91-116
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Dharmapala, D., Garoupa, N. & McAdams Richard, H., 'Belief in a just world, blaming the victim, and hate crime statutes' (2009), Review of Law & Economics, 5(1), pp.311-345
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Di Rosa, A., 'Performative Hate Speech Acts. Perlocutionary and Illocutionary Understandings in International Human Rights Law' (2019), Age of Human Rights Journal, 12, pp. 105-132
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Dias, T., 'Limits on Information Operations Under International Law' (2023), International Conference on Cyber Conflict, CYCON, 2023-May, pp. 345–363
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Díaz López, J.A., 'Terrorism as a hate crime?' (2022), in C. Walker, M. Llobet Anglí & M. Cancio Meliá (Eds.) Precursor Crimes of Terrorism: The Criminalisation of Terrorism Risk in Comparative Perspective (pp. 143-155), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
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Díez Bueso, L., 'Hate speech on social media: Freedom of expression at a crossroads | [Discurso del odio en las redes sociales: La libertad de expresión en la encrucijada]' (2020), Revista Catalana de Dret Public, 2020(61), pp. 50-64
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Dillof, A.M., 'Punishing bias: An examination of the theoretical foundations of bias crime statutes' (1997), Northwestern University Law Review, 91(3), pp.1015-1081
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Dillof, A. M. , 'Putting hate in its place: The codification of bias crime laws in a model penal code' (2000), Buffalo Criminal Law Review, 4(1), pp.341-397
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Dittman, R., 'Policing hate crime from victim to challenger: A transgendered perspective' (2003), Probation Journal, 50(3), pp.282-288
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Dixon, B. & Gadd, D., 'Getting the message? “New” Labour and the criminalization of ‘hate’' (2006), Criminology and Criminal Justice, 6(3), pp.309-328
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Dixon, B. & Gadd, D., 'Look before you leap: Hate crime legislation reconsidered' (2012), South African Crime Quarterly, Vol 40
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Dixon, L. & Ray, L., 'Current issues and developments in race hate crime' (2007), Probation Journal, 54(2), pp.109-124
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Douglas Elliott, R. & Bonauto, M., 'Sexual orientation and gender identity in North America' (2008), Journal of Homosexuality, 48(3-4), pp.91-106
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